p. 1


New Rate of For Colored Employees SOLDIERS RETURNING WEST INDIAN, BELOW IS FULL TEXT OF THE NEW RATING RECEPTION tions are or lower be TO CITIES OF PANAMA FOR ENTERTAINING AND COLON SOLDIERS Order Becomes Effective From From the Various Battle Fields Came Into Effect From the First Noon To day.
of of this Month Below is given the comple re The following is the progess of port of the conditions under 10 day Peace Celebration by which the American soldiers the West Indian Community: The foliowing is the full text ment or division, or discharged stationed on the Canal Zone are especially the reception planned allowed to return to the Cities of for the gallant soldier boys who of the New Rates for the Silvet on account of reduction of force and Coion. The condi have returned from the front; Employees of the Panama Canal or lack of work, may be reinstaclear and distinct and Headed by mounted police, as published in the Canal ted at his former rate of pay.
there should be no excuse ad mounted Committee men bearing Allied Record. the official organ of (c) An employee transferred from one class of work to anvanced, neither by the Mijitary Flags, the Panama Canal Govern other (artisan to clerk, etc. mas or civilian population for break Band of National Bomberos. ment: be paid at the monthly rate or ing any of the aequirements de. British Boy Scouts.
hourly Effective July 1, 1919. the that received at the time of transrate corresponding to manded I. Red Cross members in decorpay of employees on the silver The new order reads thus. sted cars, fer roll will be increased above rates erence or to the next higher or Soldiers.
Headquarters Panama Canal Depart.
in effect on June 30, 1919, as fol rate, regardless of the entrance ment. Anoon, July 16. Committee in decorated cars.
lows: salary of the position to which General Orders No. 21.
transferred. Provided, however General Orders, No. 26, Head a. Bugle Call by Boy Scouts Rates of 20 cents an hour or that when an employee is transquarters Panama Canal Department, 12 noon less, two cents an hour; except ferred from an hourly rate to a 1918, is hereby modified as follows: p.
Ässembly ing as indicated in the schedule monthly rate the new rate shall Officers, field clerks and enlisted of men at De Lesseps Park, that forms part of this circular. be based on the regular working men will le permitted to enter the Re Rates of 21 to 28 cents an hour hours of the gang.
public of Panama when provided with 30 Open air service address written passes inclusive, one cent an hour by EversDeLesseps Park, The following conditions Such passes may be issued by 2, 30 m. Procession to British Lega Rates from 40 a month or less, shall govern the reemployment Post Commanders for all under their tion by way of Central Ave, 12 St. and tive dollars a month.
of a former employee on the silcommands and by the Department Ad. Ave, , stopping at French, American and zutant for those serving at Depark Italia Logatione and Presidents Palace, elusive, two dollars fifty cente a ed for unsatisfactory service or Rates from 42. 50 to 57. 50 in. ver roll who has been discharg ment Headquarters.
Officers, field clerks and enlisted Central Ave. to Standard Oval.
returning by way of Cathedral Park up month.
misconduct, with no objection to mnen in whose good conduct entire Monthly rates for subsisted his reemployment, or has left contidence can be placed may be given Patriotic addresses by the employees are established at the service on his own accord. permanent passes good for any time following personages :when not on duty. Such passes will be President Porras, British Chg. Affaires sisted rates. Subsisted rates are satisfactory service or misconless than the monthly non. sub. a) If discharged for unon blue cards, will be numbered, ang French Chg. Affaires, American Che established to take care of em. duct, with no objection to his re. or other means or identifying the per. Affaires, Italian Minister, Commandant ployees who are required, for the employment, he may be reem sons to whom they are issued. Morris Salvation Army, ao and ex soldier good of the service, to take their ployed only at a lower rate of Temporary passes for other en. Sergt Gaskin.
meals on the work, and only these pay than that previously receivlisted men, for periods not in excess Serving of refreshment.
of twenty four hours, but generally be given may subsisted rate of ed. 30 Moving Picture show Paci.
not to extend beyond taps of the day fic Theatre. Free to all soldiers Effective July 1, employees with no objection to his reemploy.
pay (6) 11 he quits voluntarily, of issue, may be granted by Post commanders in their discretion. in uniform. Others 40c. silver.
on the silver roll (except patients ment, without having given five Such passes will be on white paper.
and special employees at Corozal day notice, he may be reem e Special passes for chauffeurs, messengers and other musent into WELL KNOWN Farm, and Palo Seco Leper Asy, ployed only at a lower rate of pay Panama or Colon on business mairect llum. shall be rated as hereinaf.
issued by whose control they are serving. Such passes ter shown. These ratings and than that previously received.
WEST INDIAN rates of pay have been prepared (c) If he quits voluntarily.
will be good only for the time and places with a view of limiting the mini with no objection to his reem which the es thereof. if such men are of the LAID TO RESL BURIED mum and maximum rates of pay ployment, after having given five that may be given without obtain day notice, he may be reem.
and hold blue cards, special passes WITH POPULAR HONOR ing prior authority: to eliminat ployed at the rate previously reneed not be issued them.
ing, so far as posible, all unneces ceived, or at the entrance salary Special passes may be given to Was an Active Figure in Reli sary ratings, and to establishing of any other position for which parties of men going into districts outside the cities for hunting or regious and Social Circles.
uniform rates of pay for work of he is qualified, even though such creation a similar nature in the various entrance rate be higher than his Faragraph 58, General Orders. No. 1, these headquarters, departments and divisions. as amended in Changes, No. G Last Sunday, the whole West An employee rating shall No. 1, June 18, 1919, Indian Community was thrown in all cases correspond with his An employee on the silver will be observed in such cases. into grief and mourning at the duties. Where is considersd roll who has been discharged for All enlisted men on pass will death and burial of Claude Vin desirable to pay a higher or lower unsatisfactory service or miswill wear. cent. Grenadian, by birth, and a rate or to use a different rating reemployment, may not be reemobjection As the laws and deerees of the mus of Panama.
long time resident on the Isth. than shown, each case should Republic of Panama prohibit furnishThe deceased, who for some thority secured to use the higher division entering the objections.
be taken up separately and a. ployed unless objection is re: ing intoxicating liquor to sol.
moved by the department or diers in uniform, no passes will autho time bad been suffering from a or rize the men holding them to enter painful malady, and which could rating The ratings and rates of by the Governor, and he will places maintained for the sale of in only have be cured by surgical pay hereinafter shown will be conditions quoted in paragraph only under the toxicating liquors as a beverage.
decide to submit to not This prohibition does not include the restaurants. clubs and like places where until Friday evening last Le requested unless this is absohe advice of his inedical adviser sufficient to meet ordinary rescindi Viser quirements and no change should An employee leaving the business nor places where the sale of when it was too late. He was lutely necessary in order to make service or transferring from one drinks is confined to so called soft rushed off to the Ancon Hospital the employee pay commen sur department, division or gang to drinks or such as by the regulations shortly after six o clock and was ate with the work done, or to another, will be furnished with dirileren of the Republic of Panama immediately placed on the opera make the rating correspond Service Slip are declared to be non intoxicating: tion table, but after the operation with the duties performed. Silver Enproperly filled out.
the districts in Panama and Colon he never spoke again.
Unless covered by para9. The monthly silver rates of where houses of prostitution are sup remains of the deceased graph or otherwise specified, pay are intended for those em.
posed be segregated any houssot prostitution out side such dis were kept in the Ancon morgue the maximun salary paid an employees whose hours of work are until Sunday when the funeral ployee on entering the service more or less, irregular; or whose in order that took place. The body was removed shall be the lowest rate of it would be difficult to check self respecting and well behaved Hot to Court Mizpah from which place given in the table of authorized up on an hourly basis. The rate liberty as possible and expecicons and more the same in the much the funeral procession started. ratings, and a new employment rate of pay per month shall not en ons the meant to whom the one to Venerable Archdeacones Carson shall not be made at a higher rate exceed the pay which would are wll do anything of pay as hours bring discredit upon themselves, their at St Paul Church, Panama The the maximum entrance ars worked at the hourly rate of pay uniform and their countries to in. full vested choir and the acolytes for the class of: established for the same class of sure this commanding officers are occupied the choir stalls. The Roll keepers must see that new work. Wherever practicable, an give personal attention netton on the go wrong pas de procession was undoubtedly the employees are fuot started at rate should be applied in rate.
may be recessary to make certain that seen or teard of in any part of ority is issued by the Governor. men will not leave their posts on pass this Republlc.
10. Unless Spesi however: unless neatly and appropriately and where promotion rates are dressed, The funeral procession was (a) An employee may be provided, an employee may be The Military Police are authoriz made up of the choir and acolytes regularly transferred from one promoted on the first of the ed to require any enlisted man to show of St. Paul church, in full vest department division, or gang to month following one month sathis pass whenever in doubt as to his ments preceded by the crucifer another without reduction in pay. isfactory service. Promotion may limits of the Canal Zone. They are also au carrying the cross, the Arch. An employee, absent be made only to the next grade.
thorized to take up the pass of any deacon, the of Court with the prior consent of com and an employee must serve at Continued on page 8)
Continued on page petent authority in his depart. Continued on page 8)
old rate.
or lower reemployed aid, did The triets.
pay time work performed


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