
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted!
LABORERS for the Farms and Railroads at BOCAS del TORO mere taken case ful sa ma und was sch ted be He is an TRINIDAD meaning of the mutiny He of in the British West Indies Regi have noticed for year, that they course, denied that there had ment, was so disgusted that he very rarely get thanks for do been any mutiny, and stated was determined to take the mating it. Two words only are re plainly what had taken place. ter up with tha General com quired in acknowledgerent and The Case of Major But this Major who had been manding in Jamaica, on his re Thank you can be crowed into honourably mentioned by Sir turn to that island. It is said Thanks but one or two they Edmund Allenby, and had so that he gave a copy of the letter are very rarely forthcomis, and distinguished himself as to merit he intended to write, to each of they are several men day, the was grossly insulted the Captains in the Regiment who will not give up their seats by General Barnard, told that be so that each in his respective on that account. For tw or Writing under the above was not fit to be a lance corporal island might work on the same three years have noticed sith head line The Port of Spain and his name was placed at the lines. As we said before, that regret this reluctance of the na: Gazette of the 29th ulto. report bottom of the list for demobiliza. The West Indian Committe will jority of Trinidad ladies to think tion. We also understand that also be asked to interest them the following, which we feel sure the unfortunate Sergeant, whose selves in the matter; so that not se it to her, and this is to sont man for giving us must cause the greatest indig only lcrime had been to do his only may Major Harragin and extent the cause of what is hap nation of every West Indian who duty and march the men back Captain Johnstone and their men pening on the curs now or is worth his salt, no matter and report the matter to his Ma come by their own; but some course, it is nie of a nan whatever part of the habitable jor (he could not have done more sort of punishment meted out to but the situatio is a gravated globe he may be: and was perfectly right in his those responsible. Certainly by this sheer fact that very way of acting) was sentenced to even if a portion only of the rately is the courtesy acknowled Since our paragraph of the do 18 months for not reporting above narrative be true, we have ged. friend of mine who is a 13th June, further details have the mutiny immediately The in General Carey Barnard and reliable observer has noticed it been gleaned with regard to this men, moreover, were called up. Lieutenant Colonel Willis two to, and he tells me that he was incident; and, as some of the and picked out at random, from Englishmen of a type (not en recently thanked by a lady for givneighbouring islands have se the ranks and sentenced to vary. tirely unknown in Trinidad ing up his seat to her for the cured a portion of the case, but ing terms of imprisonment, from peculiarls titted to estrange tirst time in three year and it yet do not seem to have been able months upwards, and all colonials and demolish, rather so surprised him that he nearly to get the true version, we think placed at the bottom of the list than help keep together, that fell off the foutboard of the car.
it but right to place now before for demobilization.
strncture which it has the public: so that the hands of Another disgraceful great men so many years to those who are interesting them which has been reported to us, is build (The British Empire selves in the matter may be that of Captain Robert Johnstone.
Grenada strengthened, and a full measure It appears that he had been in of justice obtained for those de East Africa with a portion of the Courtesy Acknowledged. From the West Indian serving men who have suffered and came over from from what we can only describe Egypt on a transport which car as the westindianaphobia of Gen ried over 2, 000 troops in all, eral Carey Barnard and Lieut mostly white troops. During the Comments by Carton the folUnder the Caption Candia Penny Postage Sys Pi Col. Willis. It appears that Ma entire voyage the had lowing appears in the Port ofjor Harragin was in command of been made to do nearly all the Gazette of the 29th ulto tem. the First Battalion of the British fatigue duty; and even to clean dis West Indies Regiment, in Pales. the decks occupied by the other There have been one or two tines; and when demobilization troops. Nothing was said during about the conduct of men who postage system between the tho letters to the newspapers lately 20th ultimo states that the Penny tor The Grenada West Indian of the tab was determined upon, he was the voyage, and, as in the case of refuse to give up their seats to Windward with Sthers, sent to the base at Major Harragin nothing more ladies on our cars which, at this United States would be put into of Islands and the rip Taranto place under the command of might have transpired had not a sason of the year especially, are effect in July.
There they were this General Carey Barnard, coine up to Johnstone when they something to say on this subject young nut of a British Captain often very crowded. Men have along with whom was Lieut Col had landed, and ordered him also. To give up your seat on the ing Willis. Carey Barnard hailed to send up a posse of his men to car to a lady is the right and from South Africa. He iud, at do fatigue duty. Johnstone properthing to do in case of need, Board of Education the outbreak of the Boer War, appears to have sent him to a and gentlemen still do it come over from India with But warmer place than Taranto, tell At a meeting of the Board of Lumsden Horse, but what ing him that he was only pre the his grade at the end of that war, pared to take orders from his we have been unable to ascer. Johnstone s) cominanding olti pre tain Anyway, he appears to cer. This matter was also im What Position Do You Want?
the have taken an intense dislike to mediately reported to Gener. pa the tic. luulau Regiments; and Barnard, and Johnstone punished International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
VI in this he seems to have been by being placed at the bottom of Branch Office, Ancon, sch ably seconded by Willis The the demobilization list, along wtih tho latter, we were informeu, had Hirragin.
Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position.
and been a schoolmaster in Jamaica, trade for profession, before which have marked before we Great War There is yet another instance Englisl. wan, and, when refused of the extent to which Barnard ELECTRICAL ENGINEER the Electric Wiring by Colonel Wilbur. who com. We suffering from westindianoStructural Draftsman ADVERTISING MAN manded the Third Jamaica Con phobia. It is stated that, on one Heavy Electrie Traction tingent, managed to get to Eng occasion, three British Tommies, ARCHITECT land, some how or other, evlisted whose ignorance evidently ex Telegratih Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Architecural Draftsman CARTOONIST and obtained a commission in a ceeded their discretion, entered Mechanical Draftsmen ILLUSTRATOR British Line Regiment (we be the camp of the West Indians PLUMBER STEAM FITTER lieve the Bedford) Nothing and, on seeing four Black Tomwh more Was heard of him, and we mies playing whist, exclaimed Plumbing Inspector the Foundry Work were unable to tind out it he hello! here are four black swine the tiring line in playing whist The four West ever saw AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS (Complete France: but his next appearance Indians were on their feet in a NAVIGATION STEAM ENGINEER was at Taranto as assistant to jiffy: but, Steam Electrie ineer two General Barnard in demobilizing Britishers, except a clond of was seen of the Live Stock and Daising har the troops. It appears that when CIVIL ENGINEER Major battalion dust from which, from time to Harragin that TRAFFIC MANAGER reached Taranto, they were al. u! me, fleeing heels protruded: Phonograph desi lotted to barracks (recently vaca Now, it is also an accepted tradistill NAME ted by some Maltes labour units) tion, in every Army, that solgive the state of which rivalled the diers of one regiment do not mythical Augean stables, which enter the cainp of another regithes old Hercules was called upon to ment, without an invitation, or clean up. posse thirty in all in company of one of the regi.
was detailed to clean the place; went to which the camp belongs and they protested that this was Yet, being work which should have been brought to the notice of General done by the Maltes; as they (the Carey. Barnard, an enquiry was s) were service battalions, ordered, and the West Indians who were quite recently out of the were punished for creating a firing line. They were marched disturbance.
back by the Sergeant in charge This sentence was passed we Head Office, National City)
la a man who held a very exempla understand in spite of the fact ty character in one of the police that a Sourt Martial, composed forces of the neighbouring of officers who had no connection slands, and the incident re with the British West Indian ported, immediately, to Major Regiments, had entirely exonerHarragin. The latter called the ated the privates. Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profit men together, spoke to them, and while sympathizing with The treatment meted out to them or what he considered a the West Indians was resented hardship, pointed out that they bave been an open secret, with very much, it appeared to RESOURCES OVER 100, 000.
were at war and orders had to all the men who came from be obeyed; but he would the Egypt, thout a camp of British Depository of the men, it appears, went back and troops there (said to number 3, 000 in all was actually being did the job; and there is every run on Bolshevik lines, the men reason to believe that nothing bad refused to move, had ap more would have been heard of pointed a committee on the Bol.
the matter, had it not been for Shevik principle. and so far out THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Lieut Colonel Willis, who came to know of it at the Officers of hand had they got that the Mess. Now, of all the places in whole lot had to be sent back to the world, the Oficers Mess is the patriot! West Indians, who The Mational City B: England and demobilised. Yet looked upon as one of the most had not refused. but simply sacred, and anything said there, protested to carry out orders, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTIO is never carried outside.
is a tradition of the Army, but which, on being reasoned with Williə thought it his duty to re were subjected to what they they promptly performed, port the conversation to the Geoeral. Now it must be remem considered the greatest in justice.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINCS AD bered that the latter had never These appear to be substanhad anything to do with coloured tially, the facts as revealed to us troops, knew nothing of their with regard to the two incidents MORRICE, temperament and far less of referred to; and it is said that Sub Manager West Indians, Harragin was Colonel Wood Hill, who has been sent for and asked to explain the spoken of so well by all ranks SALESMANSHIP RR. Constructing Bridge Engineer Structural Engineer Municipal Engineer stat me Electric Lighting Electrie Car Running Telegraph Engineer Window Trum Writer Outdoor Nin Painter CIVIL SERVICE Show NT Lada Contractor and Builder Building Foreman Concrete Builder Machine Designer Machine Bermakerner Patternmaker Toolmaker Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker Heating and Ventilation Poreman Plumber CHEMIST CNN High School Subjects Ten Cowininy Meta Minin Lumber Dealer DOS PS can that AGRICULTURE nothing morts our informant, Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Eorine Operator Bookkeeper Stenographer and Typist Hicherunt Certified Commercial Law Good English Poultry Farming Arms and Navy Service Positions Modern Languages one Surveying and Mapping ADDRESS OCCUPATION RESIDENCE vise INTERNATIONAL BAN 210, 01 OFFERS EXCEPTIONALI


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