
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 PAGE THREE San Andres, Republic of Colombia.
Interesting News From the West Indies LA MASCOTA (Continued from page THE HOME OF The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes High and Low Cut in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet the Pocket of All est importance, which should be prominent in this discussion. In 1915, we had scarcely begun to feel the financial pressure brought on by the abnormal conditions, caused by the war. As a matter of fact, we are feeling it more in 1919 than we did in 1918, Haying a large family. can speak with some authority on this matter. It is costing me anything between, 30 and 40 more to live than in 1915. Know ing this, cannot understand how teachers with families cali possibly manage to get along on their small wages.
It must be remembered that when the Revision took place, the claim for an increase on the part of the Infant Teachers and the Teachers of the Ragged School was absolutely ignored If these statements are in accord ance with facts, and we believe that they are, they prove, beyond doubt, that the original intention to improve the financial position of all the teachers, has not been carried into effect.
Father Moss joined in the debate and called attention to the MULLER Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA to comport the WILKINSON protest of Catholic Managers NEED. WATCH We always have on hand a complete line of reliable low priced WATCHES and JEWELRY Give us a call before going elsewhere.
You are sure to be on time If your WATCH was repaired by US.
122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 С: The largest commercial corporations operating on the islands at present, apart fr in foreign business enterprises with thriving agencies on the islands, chiefly in San Andres. American houses are the San Andres Stock Coy. and a An example of true Republican new but thriving commercial corporation Democracy; Under The Colom called the San Andres Colombian Comblan Colors.
mercial Coporation and Drug Depot (By PILGRIM WILKINS. The former deals chiefly in the cocos nut business and large shipimportation of was treating the opinion of San An dres becoming in the very near future ship charter, while the latter has up to ment of commercial commodities by the nearest health and pleasure resort for now, done most of its business in real West Indian resident in Panama, when! estate and drug store supplies, havina curtailed my notes on the Archipelagoes couple of weeks ago Therefore been in a watching attitude waiting although am writing these notes from restation of hostilities to invest in ipimpressions made on my mind in ab ping activities with its own auxillary. steam service, which have definite of written data not to hand at pre knowledge, is on their acquisition agenda.
mener ol sent, feel that must revert back to By the use of fleets of va ious sizes the question of the need of internal de lani buid, of sail crafs, al mercantile, velopments moking for the ur en ure of pasergr, fishing and other Navigation convenience desired and expected pot ind be around the islands, to and from only of na ives, but visitors for the rear th: Colombian maine, Central American ODS named, or the lack of such comfortsh comforts ports, the isthmus and at intervals, to could render such trips very much less Atlantic Porte. And as have njoyable than if they were in existence said before it has been fully realized that And of course, when we are confronted with the fact that territory the property tation is an urgent necessity a quicker and safer me hond of transporof the greatest Norther. Republic of South America. sitonted in the centre Various Phases of life on the of Western hemisphere civilization lack Island such ordinary developments have promised to touch on with the demands of a progressive age and for common social and domestic various phases of life on the islands but comfort, we we are in duty bound to express regret that the pre eat state of my sight urselves as advoesting the urgent forbid risks in over taxing same for Achievement of these nieaessary under which reason, and not having data, takings.
have collected at hand, such a feature of this treatise this must of necessity be deIn this connection then, am reiterat ferred except so far as might state that ing that the two greatest needs which the customs of the people are about will make themselves quite apparent to identical with those of the middle Ed ven a casual observer visiting the Archi laboring classes of British West Indians pelngoes are good runds and quicker and who live a simple but frugal life and more comfortable means and methods of the bulk of the population are are very reketting around, about, to and from the ligious, comprising three or four differislands ent persuasions, the larger percentage It is quite true that more has been of whom are of the baptist faith, but done for the archipelagoes in the direction cannot be said to be manifestly antogonnamed during the last ten months or so istic the one toward the other. And it than for many decades of the past, but might be said for natives that they are those of us who have travelled on the notably clanish where the offensive Douth to and from the islands as well as against any institution or section of the in and about them, can better appreciate country is directed from outsiders. The and under tand the dire necessity of de latter have therefore to be careful and velopments consistent with present day live on the Qui Vive.
enlightenment and progress where the The Baptists is the heridity religion means are available as is the case with in the Archipelagoes. This fact might the productive territory under considera apuear incredible when we are confronted taon. It is therefore with the greatest with the other fact that these archipelaplenstre am priveleged to record faets roes are the belongings of a Latiu Ameriwhich have been realized recently through can country, But after tracing the governmental changes effecting in the earliest history of the islands and their beautiful Colombian isles such peace and settlement by Brifish Buccaneer traders, happiness consistent with the liberty and cotton farmers and Afrieans from Jajustice claimed from true Republican raics, and dealings with the American democracy.
market, the preponderance of the Towards the latter part of the past American Baptist Faith and English year then, those of us who tried to lend speaking population is understood.
our influence in one and other ways to(Te be Continued. ward urging improvements in San Andres, had the pleasure of witnessing the beginning of the realization of our hopes To Men of the Darker with the arrival and prompt activities of Sr. Serrano as the Islands chief Races cal changes made necessary local govern mental changes: Intendente Serrano had therefore to make way in (ALFRED PALMER. of the present Colombinu Administration The time has now arrived when we But it has happened that the change has of the Darker Races should stick done greater good for the islands, the gether, show to the world that we are present Governor having been a former coming. We must be United to the Intendente of the Archipelagoes who Our future lies in our own hands and its started the islands road making on his time for us to read the signs of the times earlier appointment in the most needed Study the so called League of Nations directions and in his present appointment and what do we see. union of the Las simply been given the opportunity to White Races. Read Senator Reid carry out matured plans for the island, pleru and think for yourself. Read the general improvements, being also in pos, general Order of that theatre Manager, session of the greatest engineering skill the three gentlemen who have had the on the stand taken by white Uuionists Remember Rev. Parker advice. Look honor to occupy the chair of greatest here against those of the Darker Rice.
honor in the islands administration ete. What does it all mean?
San Andres and sister islands will therefore now have all the ronds and other imNote that the White Race is united provements necessary, urging the building from top to bottom against anyone.
mobiles, Movies, the telephone, electric shall we do to cope with this Unity of light and the proper water service, Arnis. My advice is follow the white things neccessary towards making the worker and get united. Learn more of the country attractive and inviting to visits people of Africa, Japan, China, India, from outside, simultaneous with the es and the Darker Races of the North, tablishment of an auxillary steam service. Central and South America.
It should be stated in justice to those We are being driven to each others things which make for a proper and arms, so stick there. Boost their conunimpeded progress in public works that cerns.
Our aims and needs are the same as is common in most Latin Ameri only spoken of in a different tongue.
can countries where the different politi We are fighting against the same cal factions invariably operate in oppo. wrongs, beaded in the same direction, so dangerous get together and hasten our League.
tions to hinder the best results of the government undertakings so as to use any camouflage, We will print it in true color and won cast reflections on the good intended by the administration for the welfare of all Yours for The League of Darker. that the present intendente of the Races.
Northern Archipelagoes of the Colombian Republic seems to be a strong man, and one capable of pushing ahead Once More the Kaiser with its progressive plans in spite of possible secret agencies who might have axes to grind. The teacher was giving a geography The Island Produce, Com from London to Labrador and from lesson, and the class having travelled merce and Navigation, Thessaly to Timbuetoo, was thoroughly worn out, As have shown from time to time. And now, said the teacher, we that, although the island of Old dence and its largest cay Catalina are country governed by a kaiser. Tom.
come to Germany, that important only a little over 40 miles to the North my Jones, what is a kaiser?
the difference of Please yawned Tommy, a kaiser the islands produce in species or kind is is a stream of hot water springin up something quite phenominal: San Andres a. cocoa nut producing. country from shore to shore with little room for anything else, even grazing space for cattle ADVERTISE IN or raising of stock of any kind, whilst, ducing region; but admirably adapted for all sorts of provision growing, cattle, IT PAYS houses, poultry etc. raising.
Polici which had been before the Board The protest read as follows: CONTRACTOR BUILDER Protest of the Catholic Managers First Class Workmanship We, the Catholic Priests of Plans and Specifications Free Grenada, as Managers of more than half the Schools of the Island, protest most strongly 15th Street West House 90 against Section 16, Schedule Box 411, Panama, of the Code, because it constitutes an intolerable burden for our teachers, and in many cases WHAT EVERY WOMAN is a cause of positive injustice OUGHT TO KNOW We do not approve of a rule, which makes the Teachers salaries subject to conditions over Buying wisely to the fundamen. which they have no control, and tal principle of Economy. Let inflicts financial penalties, when me do your shopping and you there has been no fault on the will soon realise the immense part of the Teacher. In our saving that can be made, on opinion, no Teacher should suffer Dress Material of Silk, Cotton a reduction of salary, who satisand Woolen fabrics of the very ties three out of the four condi latest Styles. am an expe tions.
rienced shopper and know how and where to buy.
Moreover, we call attention to the status of our Assistant TeachThe Novelty Lousine Silk ers, who suffer under the same is a beauty law. We consider that there MRS. ANN THOMAS, according to their certificate, and should be some increase of salary, Dressmaker. the the grade of the school in which 17th Street Central, they teach. This would induce House No. 11 Pauama.
them to remain in the service, and would give them a motiver for working to raise the grade of Ladies, Listen!
their school, or keep it at a high level.
Before getting your new Lastly, we suggest that the Hat give a callĝat No. 22 section of the Code which deals with the grants for long service. Street, opposite the shouid be recast; as it stands.
National Institute.
it constitutes another injustice You will hear the rest when The Vicar General who spoke in support of the protest began you come.
by pointing out that his statement as to the number of schools penalised by the present Code was taken from the official Gov Lessons Given ernmhnt repor more than 30 schools out of a total of about 50.
He agreed heart and soul with on the Clarinet, the leading all that Mr. Huckerby had so Band Instrument. Band or forcibly put before the Board.
Orchestra furnished for all More anon)
kinds of engagements. NEILSON Clarinetist Republican Band Dr. CONNELL Ancon Phone 1053 16 St. West, House 27, Panama SURGEON DENTIST Can be found at 175 Central Avenue Opposite Station Tailor and Outfitter Smoke way for the appointee SIMONS to(SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS TART)
22 CENTRAL AVENUE Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies БРОСА TEASTI for commer Teas, Coffee and Spices large y determine the standing of a grocery store We are proud to say that we supply many homes with teas, coffees and spices of the highest grade though not of the highest cost, TEA COFFE CON ALL CAN BE HAD AT THIS GROCERY WM. LAWRENCE site directions and factions to Use WHY?
PANAMA DRUG STORE THE Dealer in School Books, Dr. JOHNSON and Stationary.
SURGEON DENTIST Phone 1003 Address No. 11 Street, Panama Ancon, 852 chains from Central Ave.
IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. Four Houses For Sale ProviBECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store in Calidonia.
BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Drụggist.
BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs and Patent Medicines.
East of San Andres, Address: Box 805, Ancon Z, AT NEW PROVIDENCE MONTE LIRIO.
Panama Hats One measuring 25x44 Rooms 38x34 24x17 CLEANED, and BLOCKED.
and TRIMMED to Order No Reasonable Offer Refused.
ALSOApply to, MR. CLARKE. Comissario) New MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Providene MR. JOHN BURNETTS, Now ProviHOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, dence.
MR. WILSON, 23rd Street, Canal Zone Building 65, Chorrillo.
old Providence is a non cocoa aut pro: The Workman THE PANAMA DRUG STORE MULLER BUILDING Next to the Calidonia Police Station.


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