
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 PAGE FIVE UNITED BROTHERHOOD Wrongs That Must Canal Zone Notes. CRICKET GOODS important Happenings of Local Lodges VICTORY LODGE, PA Big Doings in the Lock City, Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, Monday Night gathering of the Victory Lodge Three Charters Unveiled but it Il you 99 preached Empire 630 am 10 The When you you deposit seeing making a a deposit of.
and when 00 Sundays 18 Score of Live (Continued from Page 4)
preachers? How long are you goDo you know that we keep the LA BOCA ing to stoop in superstition? Do most complete Assortment of you sincerely believe you are pleasing your creature in going Impressive Confirmation RAISO.
about the streets begging for money to enrich the wbite preach Services We only carry SPALD NG GOODS and guarantea special Mass Meeting of Iners and impoverish yourselves Oue of the most impressive Confirmaeve: y Article we sell.
and members of your own race? tion Services ever held at St. Peter No. 2509 was pulled off on the Do you really believe the Creator Church, La Boca took place at 40 pm. Here are some of our Stockevening of the 16th instant.
of Heaven and Earth commanded Sunday last. The church was crowded By Popular Young Ladies.
you to do such things? don t; to the doors long before the service beGran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves The attendance (men only) was believe it is good to do do kun Twenty four candi candidates were duly a representation of one of the portant meeting, the begging, why not do it for confirmed. Before announcing his text largest that ever graced the spaBats Batting Gloves the Negro Preacher who will not Bishop Knight explained in a very plea cious hall.
Monday night was some turn you away from the commu. sant mens why he had not made his The Secretary Treasurer as night in Gatun. From all parts nion rails (riket Bales you are unable to regular visitation the past two years in and Score Books sisted by the Past President and of the town could be seen pay the 50 for your ticket as the Canal Zone. Erom the words Journal Agent, was kept busy streaming crowds wending their was the Parker Mother Garden Zacheus make haste and cone dow.
issuing Working Cards and way to the new Lodge Hall where er case. Who will not tell you for day mus. abide at thy huus Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you enrolling members.
the Brotherhood had prepared to to wait until White folks are the Bishop stirring serman come and look over our Sporting Department through with their cominunion At St. Barnabas Church The President, Vice and other hold a gala night.
Officers were kept equally busy, before you can partake of same; eighteen candidates received the laying THE MADURO COMPANY Besides the Gatunites. many but who will extend willingly the on of hands, on Tuesday night the 13th as lot by lot the candidates were persons came from Panama and Right hand of Fellowship and PHONE 24 conducted to the anterooms, and Colon including Organizer Carter 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
inst. The little edifice was packed to passed through the ordeals of from the former. place and OrBrotherly Love without causing its utmost capacity The Bishop kave Secret Mysteries. ou to stoop the audience a tremendous shaking up ganzer Stoute from the latter.
Did you ever stop to consider, from the words They took knowledge of Open all Day Saturday, until 30 There was no preaching for that when monies are collected to them that they had been with Jesus the harvest was ripe, the garners was tho unveiling of three char The occasion of the evening build a white church or to pur. Services at St. Peter church to mor.
sickle was in, and the ingather ters of the Brotherhood.
chase an organ or whatever it row will be as follows ing was an addition of 124 souls was performed in a most expediThis may be for said white church, Corporate Communion of OK that it belongs to Confer tious manner by three of Gatun ersand but men played for Excelsior but NATIONAL BAPTIST DAY to the rolls ence? handful of white mer!
SCHOOL Paraiso is now nearing its leading young ladies a follows.
Morning Prayer and address 11 am the lock City trunler brught hom goal. one hundred per cent. Sunday School 30 Charter of Perseverence No the Church Bandices the bicon will fried and tell to and on Monday night, ist in 2501, by Miss Smellie, are you Holy Baptsim m. social invitation is hereby stant, the banner of Victory aware of the fact that the white Anniversary Service of Kat Charter of Success No. 2502, Evensong and sermon Mrs. Hall, wife of Gerald Hall given to the general public by the shall again be unfurled man gets the interest without by Miss Osborne.
of his own? larger number of tha Girls Friendly em loyce at the Commi sary Dept at children of th. National Baptist Come across you missing few!
Why doesn he teach you to save Society will be initiated Sunday night, this town is out from Hospital where an Dav School at New Providence: Charter of Eureka No. 2510, your dimes yourselves At St. Barnabas their will be operation for throat troubles was per Colony, to an Oratorio You are out the ring! We ll treat formed two weeks ago they shall have come to dollars Holy Commuoion 10, 45 a.
The mosdam e antitled Rrd, Black and Green, you kindly now, and all the time by Miss Cave.
deposit it in your own name, and Young, Parris, and Lindsay on the night of the 31st July, You are due, and you ll laugh These damsels unveiled the Sunday School p thereby get the interest your wives of employees at this district report 1919, commencing at o clock, and sing. You ll pay the capstone charters and read them in clear and distinct voices, and were selves! Oh how selfish; how Evening prayer and address 30 pm feeing greatly improved since their re when he little her and hero One Hundred Per Cent!
turn from Ancon Hospital ines of leven vears old and under loudly applauded by the au.
Canging How long are you going to alGATUN. Vanterpool Cape of Gatun CCW distinguish themselves, in STAR LODGE, EMPIRE dience.
The hali was packed to overlow these fellers to suck the sick a: Anoon Hospital, all join in wists cred songs and colos, recita.
financial blood out of you? Is it The Empire Star Lodge No flowing and the order was ex ing his speedy recovery and a safe rent ns, dialogues, addresses and biblical and gramatical ques. 2513 of the LBMW. and ceptionally good throughout the to the Social and Financial Up Operators journeyed over to turn to his job.
tions and responses. Please do held its regular meeting presided whole program, Jift of Our People! If not, Colon on Sunday last, where they met Now that the White Operators of not fail to attend and spend your by Brother Stoute, President.
why continue to support such After the ceremony of unveilinstitutions? Is it not true, that excelsior Cocide the Hospital grounds Moving picteres in the Cold Club Houses ist of Angust Eve, in hearing our over 80 new candidates were en got up by said Excelsior in less can ask for a higher pay for their duties young and rising successors on a rolled in the Brotherhooad.
ing addresses were delivered by such such lead us to Poverty and ever than two hours.
performed why can the Colored Opera platforin.
Organizer Stoute from the Atlanlasting servitude. This team known by everyone astors ask the same?
Many important questions tic district and Organizer Carter If you are a member of any Brown men failed sometime past in PEACE THANKSGIVING were discussed.
Our working from the Pacitic side. The Rer.
these white churches and These White Operators are receiving at nights will be the 1st Thursday tanning out to cross but with the reSERVICE and 3rd Wednesday of each Carrington were present by spe Nightengale and br. 1s not pay for your communion doubtable Operators which made brast 00 per night running the movies Ticket, are you not turned away this whilst these poor Colored employees are montu.
cial invitation and om the com un union rails! Withings wore for them on Public Thanksgiving Service the audience. Beetween the adaddressed they baptize your children freit Orators went over with a combina only getting 100 per night this ALL CONCERNED.
etion that would defeat Grace and his sh me. Wake up Colored Operators got for Victory and Peace will be dresses musical numbers were are unable to pay? Will they all rounders. Batting you first on a bad your scretaries to look out for you.
held in the Wesleyan Church Pamarry free? Will they bury your wicket Operators place the magnificent Ating seety ESSnill of the Colo nama City tomorrow (Sunday Ernest Robertson, of Lodge helped the occasion.
Effective, July 15, 1919, Brother rendered by several ladies and gentlemen whose efforts greatly dead free! Don you have to Service is connection with the ve to pay class dues? Don clared their inning closed with Hl. Linton residents and patrons that the new Club British Celebration of to day. Fivate Secretary Treasurer in Special mention should be of 36 runs, Davis follo Davis followed Hall will soon be ready for pening all the address will be given by the the office of the Organizer, La made of the address delivered by 151 ins and if you stopgiving these of electric lights unnecessary monies, are you not in an Ranjitsinghi from England.
Excelsior then occupied the Murray Esq. The Order of Ser to collect all part payments, full Panamanian by birth who gave a rubbed of The Book of Life?
vice Il be rinted for the use of payınats, and quarterly dues of diery talk to the slackers. Mr. the white man church book wicket at 40 and with all their careful never to be remembered until playing could not reach the magnificent vidents around this vicinity tender their persill be the officiating Minis. ther can be found at the La Boca therhood circles in Colon and is Brothers of the various Ladges and re the Co Igregation The Rev. the Brotherhoudand suid Bro Morales is a live wire in Broscore of Operators as they col. condolence to the heroved family of the cents?
you turn up the dollars and Clubhouse.
sparing no effort to make his ses lap el for 91 runs.
late decessed Brother Claud Vincent who tr, Lyal Friendly Societies are NICHOLAS CARTER invited to send the banners of own countrymen see the useful How long are you going to im.
their Order.
poverish yourselves, and enrich Dr. Milbard and several crack bowlwas laid to rest on Sunday evening last Organizer, No 601 ness of the Union.
Che se cunning white preachers?
Notice to Members of Local 2514. grum refreshments were served At the conclusion of the pro Ar you satistied to see your own children in while those of rags.
1B 20 Xos X90 Officers and inembers of the and everybody left the hall feel your dependants are clad in tine above named Local are requested in satisfied that a fine and en.
nen? Are you satisfied to see to bear in mind that their regular joyable evening was spent, as shoe shines and meeting nights in St. Antony Nearly a hundred new memwinter boys, while these of your Hall, in Caledonia are on the 2nd bers were enrolled before the dependents are at school and coland 4th Wednesday, Be prompt at Secretaries left for thoir homes lege? Remember dear friends, 30 on the 23rd or mail your wat Charity begins at home; quarterly dues to There were over 1000 persons In face of the above facts given, JOE. SKEETE present at this function. herein move and ask you to secSecty Treas ond, and unanimously carry, Balboa 663 that each and every Negro stop Local Lodge No. 2151. United Chat ve and RS. will con immediately from going to pic nics instituted by white men: Appointment of Grievance Com. vene at St. Anthony Hall on Monday, 21st inst, at 30 stop going around with tobacco mittae.
All members are requested to tints and envelopes begging for money: that all white preachA Special Meeting of Panama attend er be released and be replaced Canal Lodge 2149 is billed to take Visitors and well wishers are place to night at Boca. Mem requested not to by coloured ones; don allow him bers from various shops, laborers members of 2151 will be admit Oine as only to have a six room house and two helpers and others are requested ted.
servants, while you have to live to attend for making the appoint in but one room; and last but not least, stop from going to his ment of grievance committees for shops and other departments.
Members of the United church, until a Negro Preacher takes his place.
Brotherhood at Colon Special Meeting.
Take Mathematics STAR OF CHORILLO Organizer Carter is makink arLODGE rangements to hold a special The members of Lodge No.
The Elecmeeting for the Spanish and 2507 of the and French speaking people who it is meet twice every week to study Install; New Office Bearers tric Iron is used to understood are willing to join in Arithmetic and elementary Geoday in thousards of with the Bro metry. Organizer Stoute On Tuesday, the 8th inst. a Morales of Allan Star instructor. Tuiton is free to ali tbe special meeting was held by the homes. Have you bought one Lodge No. 2500, Colon, will be members of the Brotherhood, Star of Chorrillo Lodge No. 635, yourself?
the Principal speaker in Spanish, That right boys, keep abreast at their Lodge French and English. Look out for of the times. Be prepared for Hall, 2nd St. San Miguel, when Hand Biils announcing this im any contingency that may arise.
the following officers were installed for the ensuing term.
Brother McKenzie. Death of Mrs. Rose Agatha The British Consulate Brother Lovill, Brother Megovern, Brother Ellick would be glad of any inforStewart, Sec: Brother Hum.
It is with feelings of deep re. mation regarding John Cobphres, Sec; Lowe. Treasgret that we publish the death of ham, a native of Barbados, urer, Brother Bain, the young wife of Mr. Esau Ivan who appears to have been at Brother Lowrence, Call and ask about these Ellick, warehouse clerk of the one time a coach driver in Co.
Brother Paul, Warden: Brother Balboa Commissary.
Loveless Chaplin: Brother De Liberal Terms.
11 months ago, and in her and Brother Hunt.
19th she was the very Yours sincerely, s. The ceremony was fittingly picture of health, until quite re. Hutcheon.
performed by Brother Auscently when a sudden change in tin, Brother Hurley, tervened, and this once, robust Brother McClean, Grand cheerful looking lady became seMarshall; assisted by Brother Phone 602 Phone 150 riously ill and lingered on until ADVERTISE IN Hinkson. G, and Brother morning July 14th, Rouse, D she breathed last.
After the ceremonies the Broth ers retired to the banqueting Santa Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon. came from Concord Village, Grehall where sumptuous repass nada, BW. Grenada papers please copy. IT PAYS was enjoyed, Jour sons Are You Giving Your Wife Square Deal. EGE Acoso escoces SOS CIKKE No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
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changing Irons. It stays kot as lorg as wanted. The handle is No time lost in waiting for Irons to heat, and no steps lost in ELECTRIC FLATIRON is Married lon.
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when Mrs. Ellick (Rose McEwen) The Workman


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