
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 VEIL LIFTED FROM THE RECORD OF WAR AGONY IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE a Untold Sufferings of British Soldiers, Shot to Pieces, Buried Alive, Seared Inside and out by Poison Gas, Driven Insane by Shell Shock, Burned By Liquid Flames, and Drowned in the Bogs of Flanders Carefully Tested Properly Fitted Shur Shelley The Scadron Optical Co.
PANAMA CITY 23 Central Avenue NEW YORK COLON 44 Front Street United States Pharmacy as JUST ARRIVED! LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FRESH PATENT MEDICINES For use both internally and exterally By the of masonry SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, FOUR FOLD LIVER TONIC, Dr. SIMMONS SQUAW VINE COMPOUND, DARBY PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, FOUR FOLD LINIMENT, Dr. SIMMON VEGETABLE LIVER MEDICINE All these preparations have been used successfully by the people of the United States for more than 20 years.
For Sale at Pharmacy (Opposite Railroad Station) LOPEZ, Proprietor. On and after August 1st, this store will remove to 149 Central Avenue, opposite El Sol Silk Store.
by tons of 1915 with a this order is loose nce. rich rescue Sailings for Bocas At the Casuałtizs of British West Barriers tu the Negro Indies Rígiment Race.
According to a statement sppearing in the West India Commit (By KINNIMOUTH, Cristobal les Circular, the British West In dies Regiment, since its forma The Negro race has begun to tion in 1915, las sustained 876 place itself on record The ca anti These include: Killed lled race has long been held in a or died of woun inils 178: Wounded tain degree of contempt for not 697: and died of sickness 1, 001. having a history of its own of Honours and awards won by the of great achievements in the Regiment number 77 including realms of scienre, art, music, Distinguished Service Order literature, commerce, and inve Military Cry Military Cross tions. Proud and bitious sons and Bar Distinguished Con of the race attribute the founding duet Media Military Medal 37. of the ancient civilization of Mila Medal with Bar 1, Meril Egypt to black men but this at tous Medal 13, Roya most is a surmise of mythologi Humane Sicily Medal Medal cal origin, having no real basis in wild Homeurl.
fact, and lacking sufflcient data to prove its authenticity We adFOR SALE mit the possibility, however, and concur, to that extent, with the opinion of others.
One large Farm, well to outline briefly some of the bar.
It is the purpose of this article cultivated, and 4. Room riers to the progress of the race.
Cottage Houses, at Monte Poverty.
It is a singular weakness of a For particulars, Apply to good many people of poor cir. JONES, cumstances of life to think u.
favorably of those who ar. in Box 165. Paraiso, session of wealth inherited or or to otherwise. Wealth which is ea iiv GREAVES, New Providence, gotten as easily disappears; and for inherited wealth it is mere ly accidental, and although it is a thing greatly to be desired, yet Don Forget the truly atn bitious and exploi tive individual dos not usually THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE harp upon his misfortune in not.
BALL which will take place on possessing it, preferring to a.
quire own uly 15, 1919, at House No. 3, individual etter shrome roughest la.
24 Street, hor with the hands This unique Ball will be given sweaters shalt thou eat brwal brow, OL of by COOPER, President another of the was the order sent forth at the Courteous attention guaran origin of labor. But at time teed.
clean heart, and a right Guosts, are requested to come spirit, we are prone to dok way nd have a jolly time. Soja men alike; why ease and affluen not applicable to all Jazz band will be in Attend men should be enjoyed by the and privation, want, and mise inis be the lot of the many; and why Foot Its symptoms were exactly like to thrive and flourish at the ex, the classes should continue those of frost bite, a sense of burning pense of the toil and suffering of until all sense was deadened and the the masses.
blackened and rotted Battalions lost masses.
40 per cent of their men for time It is not to be expected thit from this couse and in the old Ypres answers to the foregoing salient have seen men of the 49th tions will be found in this article (Yorkshire) division crawling back from want to emphasize the fact that the trend or carried pick a back by this article is not a Bolshevistic their comrades, unable to walk a yard, propaganda; it is not setting and with both feet tied up in cotton for any grievance against any wool at field ambulance.
other race, or set of individuals There was no comfort for them in of any other race. This, to say their dugouts which were miserable holes the least, would be folly, since in the wet earth without any of the com poverty as such exists in rares fort or safety of those deep tunnelled other than the Negro race. But it dugouts which the Germans had built must be admitted that in the ecowere not only wet but alive with vermin poverty obtains as the rule while for themselves below the ridges. They nomic status of the Negro race and our officers and men from decent, a little wealth here and lives to the delicacies and refinement of industrial, and economic disadclean homes, some of them used all their undeniably the exception. It is bor emphatically true that financial civilized life, found themselves with lice and they hated this worse than of African descent, Poverty gel, vantages are peculiar to to peoples the danger of five point nines and erally has becoine a kind of racial trench mortars with the risk of being a buried alive their dugouts or killed stigma, and it in itself it does by a flying seythe of steel across their not constitute a crime, it has parapets. For the lice leave them alone by day or night and made petration bearing on the bar tion of many criminal acts.
The contributory causes aslife itself a foul and disgusting thing Larger vermin rats and mice invaded signed by those who are not over the trenches and romped and squealed in friendly to the race are sloth ful the dugouts, attacking food supplies and ness. indolence; improvidence.
careless of living men though they liked and a chronie inadaptability to and conditions.
dead men best, and outside in No Man circumstances Land or in the bogs of Hooge the worst These charges are, however, amhell of all where our men sat and lived ply refuted by the progress amid the corruption of human flesh made by the Negroes of th stgnawed dead bodies until their bones ern Hemisphere siace emanciwere bare and white tion The financial status of the NeAwful Effects of Shell Shock gro peoples is undoubtedly below British soldiers were great fighters, but par; their per capita wealth (takbad diggers, and the German trenches, ing wealth in its broadest sense. dugouts, and earthworks were always and their per capita income can better than ours, 80 that in the old sta be stated minus terms.
tionary warfare their losses in daily ca Take a a country like the United sualties were less than ours. Later when States of America, possessing su; we captured many of their trench ayssys perior and terns, our men made use of their deep offering facilities and dupouts and shell proof tunnels so that larger opportunities for ma material their physical condition of life improved, progress, to what extent is real but meanwhile ty of gunfire or both sides, and all the bat twelve millions of its Negro poputhere was greater intensi prosperity found among the tlefields were ravaged with harrassing lation? When compared to that fire, which by long distance guns vast population, the percentage twelve, fifteen, and even twenty miles of those who are really wealthy behind the lines so that men billeted in will be found to be amazingly little villages a load way from what they small. Now if that be so in Amthought was the danger zone were blownerica, how much worse it must to picces in farmhouses and cottages. be in other parts of this Hemis.
There was one house below Mont St. phere where Negroes are espeEloi, near the Vimy Ridge, which was cially concerned.
blown clean out by one shell, so that nothing but the outer walls remained, Narrow minded Legislation and not a trace was found of thisty six Governments must take a large Canadian soldiers who bed been quar. share of responsibility for the tered there. It was the constant shell non progressiveness of certain ing behind the lines, and in the lines portions of the human race. It which wore down the nerves and caused that new disease, unknown ever, that they have done absothe men must not be understood, howto mankind before, called shell shockthe most horrible malady in war.
Stran contrary, only that they could lutely nothing to bring about the gely enough, it affected the stolid, phley do infinitely more.
matie type of man more than the ner. West Indies, for example, Take the vous and highly strung, and it had noth. certain parts of this archipelago, IN ing to do with lack of cuurage, but was large tracks of government lands a physical disorder of the nervous sys are lying unused. The governtem caused by concusion.
ments, besides apportioning (Continued in our Next. Another instalment of the horrors of war by the famous War Correspondent Phillip Gibbs, to the Montreal Gazette is reprinted for the interest of our readers :It has not been hidden from the world Scarpe. This was the cause of much that the modern warfare has surpassed misery and enormous slaughter. The Gerin horror anything that has been record man had complete observation of the Brited in the black history of human strife. ish trenches and of the roads and tracks The vast casualty list published month whieh led to them. They stared straight after month and year after year darken down into villages held by British garri. ed human imagination by their statistics sons and into their villages six miles of sacrifice; and every name in those or more behind the lines. Suchez, Alclosely printed columns meant a cry of bain, St. Nazaire, Vlamertingbe, and agony in some little home where a father many more through which our troopa mother, or wife had tried to stifle the had to march on their way to the fear of the heart by faita in the luck of front or where they were billeted.
their men, at the front.
With immense superiority in gun power The tide of maimed and broken men, until the end of 1915, they turned, their of blind and crippled and sick, which arti iery on to these places with ruthlessflowed back into England and France ness and method, by day and night, after the first battles in 1914, and for They pounded the into fragments and four and a half years afterwards, was then into dust that of Souches town and overwhelming in its flood of tragedy, in sugar factory there is not even a rubbish great cities and in tiny hamlets, and it heap, and Albion, St Nazaire, could not was only the courage of race and blood be found except for the skeleton ribs of which refused to yield to despair because its church.
of this continual slaughter and torture of youth Beneath those ruins and in that dust lie the bones of British soldiers. Many So the soil of the world cries out of them were buried alive. That happen Never Again, and in this period of ed scores of time in Ypres where platoons rehaping the structure of civilization of men billeted in vaults below the cloth saya: For God sake let us devise some hall, the cathedral and houses were ennew philosophy which will cut out this tombed by masonry hurled down horror. Let us get at the root causes of war, by high explosive. remember in the so that we may kill them and let us establish safeguards against against any like this below a house in Ypres Spring 1915 that forty men were to let the old devils of international which intred in biondy conflict. above with German shell.
Their sent mood of civilized mankind, and fire groans were heard by their think it is out of and comrades who made frantic efforts to that general emotion of revolt against the sacrifice and agonics of rescue them, but during this work of its manhood that a new philosophy of the enemy fire was intended life, based upon new international rele around the living tomb of foriy men las Many dead and dying That happened tions, may be evolved.
not only in Ypres but in Albert and Arrus Will the Horrors be Forgotten? and many other towns under German The danger is that in a generation, or gunfire into which we went with the nag an lowe, the memory of what this war meant ging little devil of thought that in human suffering may fade out, leaving ceeding death might happen to us.
moment death or horrible agonies pre only the remembrance of heroism touched by romance The danger is, even now Our Men Whistled at Death that when people talk about horrors of war, that they do not really understand Yet our men went into these places and the depths of abomination through which lived in them, laughing and whistling our men passed 80 bravely, so patiently, taking risk, day after day, and hiding to silently that cold touch of fear which was some where in the heart of the bravest of them wan For the fighting men did not tell what Our troops and our transport went up was happening to them. In their letters the tracks which the Germans had regishome they wrote of the brighter side of tered with their guns. It was just luck things for the sake of those who were always, whether they passed between the anxious and afraid, and when they came bursts of shellfire at Suicide Corner, home on leave. in answer to questions and Shrapnel Corner, and Hellfire about their sufferings they said: want Cross Roads, and out of Ypres along to forget all that. Let go and the Mein Road, see a show which will make us laugh.
Often luck was against them and Thank God for laughter.
saw the unlucky ones blown to bits, As a war correspondent in the field I, headless, or with smashed faces, or mere too, had to tone down the black side of fragments of human flesh lying among war. Apart altogether from censorship it dead and mangled horses, where a gun was my duty to keep up the heart of the team had tried to dash past Arras people and not to add to their torture of station, or a transport column had anxiety for those they loved by harrow come through Albert with its Filling ing descriptions of carnage and misery Virgin. Yet no man never shirked go su if And there were things the enemy wanted ing up those roads of Illfame, and to know which was not going to tell transport column destroyed him the exact effect of his poison gas, followed past the dead bodies the sum total of his slaughter in part of their comrades, past the dead horses cular places. The success of his fame andgthe broken wagons so that the men machines and other devilish devices. So, in the line should not lack for food or in spite of the tragic spirit which often amunition. And this happened not brooded in my for one week or one month or one year, the front and my descriptions of battle but for four years until the cemeteries field scenes which were grim enough, behind our lines grew like forests of God knows in their realism, did not white crossee.
give the full picture of our men agony. Behind the front lines where the com The need of secrecy is now passed. It munication trenches began; no body of is due to our men that the world should men moved in daylight without being now knew how much they suffered with strafed by the enemy guns directed such stoical courage. The misery and telephones connected with the battles, by watchful observers on the ridges with the beastliness and the terror of it all lele by should be stripped of all their romantic so that all movement was camouflage so that the truth should forward in the trenches batbe etched deeply in the pages of history talions lived horribly in foul and perilous conditions.
After the Retreat from Mons The Germans on the high ground The worst suffering of the British made their drainage flow into the Army began after the retreat from Mong British trenches and the heavy rains of of the old contemptibles. the gallant Flanders flowed down naturally into little regular army in 1914, and when the flats so that many of our trenches there began that long period of station were waterlogged. Even in August pry warfare in intrenched positions which have waded waist deep in water through neither side could break through.
trenchas where English soldiers were holding the front line. The Germans by good generalship and That Grand Fleet of ours don superior numbers had establ shed them seem to be very active, said one of selves on high ground almost everywhere them getting a joke out of his misery on the whole line of their front. Through It a pity it don steam down these Belgium and France the blinking trenches and do a bit of fighthideous position in the ye ing.
in sucerlike hollow rimThat was in Summer. In Winter med around by the German on the when the water was ice cold it may be ridges of Pilkem, Westhoek, Wytschnete, imagined what our men endured. They and Messines. When later in the Spring were always wet. They slept in wet of 1915 they took over a longer line to clothes, sat in wet dugouts, stood in wet liberate the 10 French army for the de boots and the cold slime of mud in fence of Verdun they were again in low Flanders encased them and put its clamlying ground around Lens and Arras, my touch about their very souls. In the with the enemy above them on the Vimy first two Winters of the war they were Ridge, Monchy Hill; and the banks of. stricken with a disease called Trench Launch ALBA Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro Every Tuesday.
Taking Freight Passengers For Further Particulars Apply to CARLOS HENRIQUEZ 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON there Dunia cross they had a direct.
Central Drug Store one FOUNDED IN 1881 were ess, another my dispatches from THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
Just in Stock a large Assortment of Brook Powdered Barley SMALL AND LARGE TINS BROOK GROAT Specially recommended for children and persons Convalessing.
only in minaco greater MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama.
Further reached JUST OPENED The Chemical Hall 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
BROWNE McALMON, Prop RE in a of salient, lying in a large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS Prescriptions carefully compounded BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Druggit Phone 939 Continued on page


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