
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 PAGE SEVEN to Agnes Armstrong, S to of Font Ants Kerr, Left, to of Pont.
Rebecca Lewis, LK. PP.
Daughter Rated THIS IN MEMORIAM DAY to to try good is a operly WILLIAMS In loving memory of our dear mother, Charlotte who departed this life on 24th June 1918, in Brooklyn New York May she rest in peace.
BALFOUR IVANHOE SYDNEY TABOIS ARTHUR JAMES Youngest son of the late William Power Tabois, at his resi dence Dean Pen Highgate, St. Mary, on the evening of the 23rd. Leaving a wife, mother five sisters, two brothers, and a large circle of other relatives mourn the irreparable loss. Not lost but gone before.
ROSE SAMUEL At his te.
sidence 39 Slipe Pen Road at 15 last night, Aged 83, leaving a wife, daughter (Mrs.
Maquez) and three grand chil dren to mourn their loss.
May he rest in peace centres.
educating FINE TIME The Workman FOR CIGARETTES AND ENJOY REAL GOOD SMOKE THE LOW PRICE IS MISLEADING THE HIGH QUALITY IS PLEASING Ask for them Everywhere 15c. Gold Per package sed Rubber Stamps Star of Hope Laxe No. 691 LOF. 3rd Meeting night It Sauny Ind and ith Since Calidonia Read Month Lal Proxee hah Secretary PO Box Aneon CZ The) Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT Court Lana No. NHIN AOF Land Hai Hirine street, San Miguel General meetings was made his Superior. No. of P: Court Broek Stamas.
month at pm Wednesdays Secretary No. NA OF Secretary Sydney Meclean The Garage where every one is treated alike.
One Price Good Servicel Right Pricse D of 94th Rireet unchali. Meet ing nights and and 4th Mondays in the month Secretary Andriana Armatrading HOX 204 Paradise No.
AOF Land Loyal Johnathan No. LO. AS 20 SE And Wednesday JP Grant Ils of Panama No. 975 30 SE en Ave. General meetings and and th Tuesday, Mr. Hover Seety Aneon No. 13: meeting nights GARAGE Pythian Pride No.
Barriers to tu: Negro Race comment part of itself. So osa long as society, bars the Negro, so lonz will the full and com.
Continued from Paye plete unfolding of his better sell be delayed When he is de such lan is on such terms prived of the franchise, he is would one u thin the reach of furnished grounds for th huint could also finance la wlexsness. When he is segre all agrical adventures, and he is forced to realize that provide agricultural instructors the ball of ignorance and savage to teach the people, and at the ry is placed on him, and the same time to act in a supervisory moral effect is detrimental. The capacity. The beneficial results fact that his wants and needs are into the people and their res estimated as relatively few or pective governments are at once non existent, is accountable for obvious.
An enlargement and the disparity between the value expansion of agricultaral schem of the service he renders and the over present ones would seem reciprocal value of compensation.
to be the only sure way to im When he is denied equal rights prove existing economic condi. and opportunities, he is made to tions in the colonies.
feel that civilization is mockery The agricultural possibilities being an art which he is sup the West Indi3, it rightly de sed to learn but never to prac would be sure to turn tise.
theading islands into import ant in lestrial and manufacturing The seal Democracy will be set on every legitimate deinand It has been observed also that made by the colored to an in the future. It will also be the pass.
in places (some of which are not word that must gain him admisfar from us where the peasantsion into the great councils where ry bave fairly large tracks of the civil and other rights of wan Lands at their disposal. a good kind are discussed, deal could be done by way of the people as to how to (To be Continued)
obtain the best results from the soil. These people are, however, left to themselves to follow their INSTALLATION CEREMONIES own crude methods of agricultu ral pursuit and, consequently, OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES do not get returns commensurate to the amount of labor bestowed, and the energy expended. TO LOYAL FELIX LODGE this point we see an appl tion On Saturday evening 12th inst.
of the words that emanated from at their lodge room in San Miguel, the wisest of men: Much food the installation of officers to serve is in the tillage of the poor, but the ensuing term July to De.
OXoxos there is that which is destroyed cember of the Loyal Felix Lodge from want of judgment. No. 26, took place. In Corporations control industry hearts, and other friends an or order to give their wives, sweetOur Friendly Societies Directory and governments should control Corporations in respect to labor. portunity of seeing them in their Just as they do in other respects hers decided, and had an open in Colon. RP General meeting Int. St.
lodge room, the officers and meinCourt Brock No. 675.
the state assumes and 10 each knowledges the ars Sydney Meclean.
hip, stallation. The fairer sex were Wednesdass sees. Samuel Crawford, guardianship care, and protection of its citi well represented. Bro. Nel.
District Corresponding Secretary Thomas zens, it should enact laws to pre son, Grand Master of the Isth. The Secretary George Headresi Aneon Pro vent capital from bleeding lab mian To every task per AS DESTrict Grand Lodge No. Allesne. Ancon CZ Court John Walince No. MAOF Royal Victoria laxte No. 231. Odd Fellow or white.
and presided. After HNL 10 and Solon. Alternate Friday General meetins Frank Maclean. The Canal Press MU street formed the wage should be com the opening ceremony, the Ward Saturda secretar Alexander Sanchez. Ancon mensurate.
his opening speech in a Court Mixpah. No. MAOF. 4th vention 4th Friday nights of each attended the control of public the address of welcome, which our Mindre det er in Samaritana The economic succes that has wrly manner Bro. Stephens where General Contest Bolle sonder begrens, het to give utilities by governments in war he did in his usual fluent and is startede Secretary one Rose Bud of the Isthmus Lodge. BIOG ra. Saturdays time, proves the neccessity for flowery style. The officers form some such control during peace ing the Grand Lodge were Bros. Hooneri sa diguel. Sceperul Ameeting mo Aneon.
times; for the conditions under. Nelson, MH. Rallen Tuesday and en Satria Secretary Ceno Ave. General meeting Sector Panama Friday which millions famish in normal Buchner, Mackay, Heart Pneinte. No mao timoves als times should be no less deserv. Lindsay. Trea venue la boca. General meetines Int ing of and 3rd Saturday those which arrive in time of Grant, Connell, Pres. Calidonia Rekular convention and anaith Saturdas Victor Hasan serious attention thar Lyman Douglas Think of a father who exercises no care or protection Garrick, Tyler. Ismay, In. and and storedne anconer of itecords Me Secretars Yearwool. Ancon SealG. GreenP.
over his children until some Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. Grand Panama Star Lodge The the Lodge who Halina San Marco Lancampments. In an united order of a Fellowse regular meetiny dreadful malady, which could were omcers o Loyal citle LOOMU Groves Hall be prevented, overtakes them serve the ensu term are: Bros. Hylton, lakben. Haurement les ordered Thur Household of Ruth No. G 0.
The full measure the GS. Hylton, ;J Vernon, days. Hunter, Secretars. La Boca Convening nixhts Monday ench month Negro success lies in the pro Secy. Stewart Asst. Seey: Prisere the sentrums Acente Generai nama Laval Pride of the Isthmus Lodge. Worthy Recorder EM Martyn Box 198 Pa motion of his moral and intellec. Campbell. Tre prea; Gray, De tual welfare. Laws must be Stephens, Chaplain, Howell, Aneon Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employ.
enacted Robo providing for a inore.
liberal education for the Negro tham. In.
Loyal Progress No. KIU. Calidonia. sions first and third Mondays each month at se Host, General meetings Tiesdays and Sater Anthony Hall. Caledonia Road.
days. Flades Secretary, Box Aneon.
pro and Edwards At Star of Chorillo. No. 685. ELUP present too many limitations and Loyal Ionica 14. street, After the ceremony Bro. Buch oder and General meetings we under are placed upon his education, Piacen both in theory and in practice. Iner was Carton Misanthropies are loud in their helpful addree and Kave a very Monday JF Hallen Buckner.
specially directdenunciation of all legislation in ed to the 1st and Per Secretary Brown. Ancon Box favor of the intellectual advance of the 1061.
the ladies, were St. Michell Lodge No. Loyalcohrathanee. General meetings ot Samaritan Hall, San Miguel: General that he is moe useful as loud in their praise of the solemne Frida ma ma Wednesday, Grunt prendre respond Hox tate Ancon Meetings ist. 3rd WednesdaysDavid ment of the Negro. They claim sen. SW and meinbers Central Avenue hewer of wood and drawer of and impressive manner in water. and that to educate and the ceremouy Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No. St. Marks Lodge No 21. Galilean Pisher was performed 20 street. Centrul Avenue General men meeting nights lat, 3rd and 4th Mondays retine him only serves to spoil Refreshments were served meetin sen ist Tuesday and and Phursduv disse Hainan Ponticuelo e Secretary Evans: Box 712 Ancon.
him and make him untit for the throughout. After the s Willam, Secretary, Ancon Court Brock St.
purpose for which he wis origi. winding up address and the sing. Colon. General meetings ist and Srd Britains Pride Lodge No. 2343. Order of ginally intended.
ing of the Doxology, the meeting Wednesday Seety, Samuel Crawford, William Benskin Secretary: Box Druids Avenue It is the sacred duty of every came to a close all feeling bappy Court Land. No. Fox, Land Hall Anoon Geueral government to provide ample that they were there to enjoy it. And sa Thursdays Sects. Georke Allesne, meeting mixhta do Mondas end and on Thurs: educational facilities for those who come under its care and Post Omee protection. Education makes Rose of the Isthnus Lodge 3rd good and useful citizens, and Meeting nights At the ordinary meeting of the Rose Morning mouth. Blakes Hall San Miguel Clarke good and useful citizens are the of the Isthmus Lodge I, O, of starladatelst. Gune hapi General Secretary Ancon Rotonice best assets of the state.
Panama Star Lodge No. en and of held at their lodge room 24 cent Box 396 Raibow Heights campments 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month The Bars of Society Street Guachapali on Monday the 14th of Court Minerva No. Samaritans Court land Hall San Miguel Hanna Every act of discrimination cers to serve the present term from July July at p. for the installation of offi Hall San Miguel General Meetings in and are Scribe. Box 7e Accon Post Omice.
Anoon Canal Zone Saturdays Loyal lix Ladie. No. 26 MF. meeting every Sa urday night Mount Carmel against the Negro is based upon presumed racial inferiority was as usual bly performed by Brother day and 3rd Saturday, Sects. Rouget.
Star of The whole structure of discrimi Jonas Wilson, Past Supreme Balboa Doreas Lodge No. 19 LOS meeting every Wednesday night. Mount Car SB nation is raised upon this exterior Councillor of the Order assisted Court Pacific, No. A. Groves Hall mel Lodge Hall. San Miguel. Benn Seribe as the foundation. The alleged Brother Brown, Past Chief Ist Ave. La Boca General meetings ist and ani Saturday St. Jude Lodge No. 39 of of inferiority of his mental status sr knight. Prother Stanford Eves, Post Grade Borbedremettonie niets anden met Roxa Ancon Post once.
Lily of Paraiso Laxdge No. 6714. Nos Calidonia: Acting Secretary Ben meets every Thursday, at Inn Gate House is another pretext, but it does Chief and Sir Knight and Sister Eltia in Thursdays each.
Secretary not form the principal objection Grayman and who acted Bowen. Box 701. Adeon Cunul zone National Progress Lodge No: 40 of so far as society is concerned. Grand Conductor and Conduetress. Bogen verschiedenes San Swed. Royal Primrose Lodge meet evers 1st ard and th Tuesdays. and of Samaritan Grave Hall LABOR Discrimination would only After the usual ceremony was carried Clarke Secretary have been a senseless exhibition through in the ancient custom, the visit Guiding Star Lodgo. No. 92. Druids Hall and oth Saturday nood Maintenance of Way Railroad Empire Star Lodge No. 9513 United Brother of arrogance and pride and ing Brothers and Sisters repaired to the sector. Esther Meteher. Ancon o. shop Laborets meeting nicht an every and would have deserved to be treat bankqueting room where justice was done Box Wednesday 12th of each month, ed as such, had it not had a to the good things provided for tne pridays, Druids Hall, so St. Central Avenue Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd and 4th Headley Secretary damaging effect on the race in version Ionie Lodge No. J. o. 24th Seety. William Bensken. Aneon. Box meeting and many phases of its growth and Rising Star Juvenile Lodge. No. 9341: And Friday. A: Lobban permanent Secretary existence.
The following form the Administration sach month. Seeretary Headley Post Omee Box 56 Aneon For instance, when Sister it is introduced into the worship Jestina Simpson, Daughter. Ellen Francis, of Font, of God, it aims directly at des Adriana Armatrading, troying the very foundation on NOTICE!
NOTICE of Record which are hased the Negro Rebecca Willinms, of TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE spiritual and religious beliefs Finance, The Management of the The West Indian Pacific Band especially when he has been Ann Darien, K. of Trust. Workman begs to notify begs to notify the publie that taught that God made of one Maryann Linday, D, of Secretaries of the various the y have changed their name flesh all men for to dwell on the face of the earth. Above all it Lesson.
is the father of mob law and Alberths Thomas, of Conduc Friendly Societies and Secret and address to tress Orders, whose Lodges appear in THE PANAMA CAPITAL violence.
BRASS BAND. Beatrice Lindsey, of Keys. our Friendly Societies Directory Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, If the Negro condition is to Theresa George, P, of column to communicate with improve at all, society must let House 25.
down the bars which it has Julia Davis, to the office making the necessary Sec. Whittaker, placed against bim, and concede Daughter.
correction of any errors appear Band Instructor Sealy, to hiin his rightful place as a. Abigail Strachen, ng in their Lodge Notice.
Calidonia House 80 war. Hox Tue Jarvis, Serib. Ancan, nicht ind und Ath Tuesday. Secretary. M. Wlkinson Box 411 Panama of Wm. Lawrence. Secretary The Panama Canal Loda No. 1110 United ees and Railway shop Laborers Revular ces Jewelry Store nore. DJFrench askede ana Secretary POR meeting nights and Tuesday and 3rd Thun day each month. Secretary Samaris An con Port ce.
Perseverance Lodge. No. Druids Lent.
Ist and ard and stund No. 2, Calidonia Road Hall SC Future Hope No. 2104. S. street, General meer Rules No. 41.
ent Rings a Specialty.
APBELL Gorgona Star Lodge No. Anoon day each month, Druids Grove, oth Street, Court John Wallace No. A.
24th St. Guachali General meetin Istana Avenue o Fonseca Seribe Box 41.
Ancon Seety Alexander Sanchez Saturd2 4th Tuesdays each Court MixpuhNo.
ings ist and 3rd wednesdays Sects. Claud Vin ND JEWELLER.
Cars Stop at the Door.
Vernon December. The installation ceremony Hall San Miguel General meetings uc Tues Secret Hall San Miguel A Good Picture and increases one interest in Sr 78 PHOTOGRAPHY as Anderson Secretary. Box 614 Balboa ind CALL IN AT THE Scranton Photo Studio Street, Guschapeliabeetings every 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 And you are sure to be interested in having your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor MCKENZIE (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
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