p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919. The Eagle Morgan Raiders shall Liberty Claude Willie De Sousa Charles The loved Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
field, be. 1.
Below is a Full Text of the WELL KNOWN ST INDIAN PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL New Rating Jamaica Humbles Continued from page Surrey PANAMA COLON (Continued from page 1)
Mizpah who bore the casket and most sensational game was played last Sunday between the Jamaica brothers of Fraternity and mm Sunday, July 20 Sunday, July 20 least one month in a grade before West Indian Red Cross members.
bers of kind red societies. The and the Surrey C, This game is the first that has been played on the IsthMONROE SALISBURY, IN he may be promoted, a detachment of the British Boy mian Park the new ground made by 11. Employments, changes in Scouts, and brethrea of the the Jamaica The sun shope maca ratings transfers, and termina United Brotherhood.
brightly with scaroely a cloud overhead, tions of of service, of American The procession was interminwhile a gentle breeze, all the the time Elmer Clifton wonderful Dramatic procitizens, or of aliens, who receive ably long and when the body was fanned the cheeks spectators and duction, Staged in the Rockies.
more than 75 a month or 40 committed to the earth near players. The ground, though new ALSOcents an hour, on the silver roll, ly one hall of those in the one, was well prepared and showed evibe reported in the same procession were more than a dence of pains and hard labour. The Beginning Tuesday, July 22 manner and The Continuation of the Universal on the same forms quarter of mile from the burial outfield was nearly up to the standard as in case of persons employed ground, level, of what one could desire, spacious, on As these em In religious connections and well kept; and so every one expected EDDIE POLO and MARIE WALCAMP Sensational Serial ployees are entitled to leave priv. ceased was a communicant mein very tall scoring from both sides, Surrey ileges, it is necesary that this in ber of the St. Paul Church, in the Wonderful Universal Serial did not all come on the field until p. formation be furnished in every and was connected to the various and it was remarked that being the case, and that every absence be parochial organizations, being Liberty premier club, a better example should be ported promptly on the pre member of the St. Vincent set by them The coin was not spun scribed form (454. Guild of Acolytes and the Bro until ten minutes after one, and another ExeoXOS soooooo s0 cc sexo toinutes were taken up in arrangetherhood of St. Andrew 12. In time books and on pay WA Twents, and setting the men padded up, roils the designations or rating the Workman good boy and used will be as shown in this condolence to the bereaved wife tenders Sincere Jamaica won the toss, and elorted to bat, on a wicket that seemed prove this is not true The following Willie Gaskin Back From Fronting at that time he said to his front of all subsistence ratings.
circular, including the and other members of the fanily.
wood as any on the Isthmus. Cain men have been selected to play Yesterday we were surprised brothers and friends, who went The following are resolutions captained Jamaics, and knowing the Ail Barbados All Comers by the dashing visit of Willie to see him off. Weep not, boys hour This is the entrance rate stitutions with which the deas.
23 Boy Nine cents an of sympathy from the various in reputation of the men he was about to Holder Capt. Cain Capt Gaskin who hit it here back un going to do my part and by of pay for all boys (including ed was connected: play o wonder that it was reit was no won Thomas Vice Capt. Dr. Gittens Vice from the front, Sergeant Gas God help will come back again.
marked how pale he seemed, This Blackman (Capt kin for that was his rank) ie.
water, shop arrived and messenger. Court Mizpah. OFFS paleness was was attributed by some to fear, Blackman. Hector lated No. 919 thrilling but after having won the toss, we could Archer Panama Repub. cof stories at the bat. Jamaica, where he spent a few Promotion to Boy B, at eleven a hillips Panama, July 17 1919 tle front where he had served. weeks recuperating his health. cents an hour may be made un.
not help but noticing how relieved he Layne. John was, we therefore make bold to say it Hill Willie volunteered for service Here he is, looking game, and the der the conditions in section 10.
At a meeting of Court Mizpah it was not fear but anxiety. The first Best.
in Panama and left here with the same old good natured friendly 14. Boy Eleven cents an No. 9198, Ancient Order of For.
all of the game was bowler at 19 second contingent for Jamaica chap that all knew him to be hour This may be used as the esters, Friendly Society. PinaA. Connell Thomas en route to Europe When leav. when he left.
entrance rate only in cases where ma, Republic of Panana helton and in all my long cricket career H. Edgehill Barnett luly prior authority has been obtained the evening of Weinesd have never seen slower scoring Williams Sargeant from the Governor office, and 16, 1919, in their court room the bowlers kept an excellent length, al. Alleyne Brown for well developed boys 16 years ed in the demise of their well be following Resolntion was adopt though we we think the batsmen were overs. Alleyne of La Boca. Samuels.
of age or over, cautious, and afraid to take any risks.
brother CLAUDE VINCENT The 13. Laborer Nineteen Past Chief Ranger and Secretar tins registered ten runs after thirtyThe Gittens League has postponed three minutes play during which time cents an hourThis is the Ty three wickets had been lost, all clean the playing of all games for Sunday the Standard rate for common labor, WHEREAS it has pleas.
all clean 20th in order to make the match a suc.
bon led by Beckels. Twenty runs were cess. His Excelleney the British Ministhe other rates being for special ed Almighty God in His intinite registered after exactly fifty six minutes ter autes ter has kindly donated some prizes to be classes or special work, wisdom to remove from our play during which time one more wicket offered to the Cricketers wbo do best 16. Laborer Twenty midst to His eternal reward, our had been lost. Cain proved himself the with bat and ball in the tented field cents an hour. This rate may be well beloved brother, CLAUDE saviour of Jamaica, for not only did he we used only where the work is VINCENT, Past Chief Ranger dhe We hope the public will bear in mind play a fine masterly game, but in the the cause for which the game is played, of especially ditficult, extra hazard. the Order and Secretary o this he also did best, The best part and so turn out, not only to see their FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE ous, or particularly disagreeable, Court, whose death occurred on nership was made by Cain aud Sargeant favourites put up a good score, but also such as work that requires the July 11, 1919, and and helped Jamaica out of the very diffimen to be in mud continuously. Con ERE.
by his death the cult position they seemed to be in to help swell the funds, as it is for a most worthy cause lost one of. Eventually the entire side was all out for SALVADOR etc. Prior authority must be ob devoted members, whose place 37 tons, but with the ground playing so tained in each case where it is it will be difficult to fill, and while well and such a strong batting teams to Harding Admits Silver will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, considered necessary to use this we deeply mourn the loss of this Surrey, od went a begging three to rate, and a slatement must be dear Brother, we know that God Surrey Jamaica was at the bat SATURDAY, 19th JULY, 1919, for furnished showing the nature of doeth all things well, henc we tw and a half hours, their innings (Continued from page Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, the work to be performed and know and it is hereby resol His divine will: closing at 49 For Jamaica three the approximate length of time men reached double figures, Cain 22.
Acajutla San José de Guatemala and CHAMPERICO. that this class of work will be re ved that this Court Mizpah Morais 13 and Sargeant 12 quired. This will also be the en No. 9198, Ancient Order of For.
Air an interval of 15 minutes Jamai.
trance rate for European labor ester3, Friendly Society, in ses sion now assembled. extend to na toul the field closely followed by Burke and Moore of Surrey. The game ORIANA 17 Laborer Twenty two felt sympathy in this hour of sor.
his bereaved family, our heirt opened disastrously for Surrey as they cents an hour Only European lost wickets for the small score of will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon. inborers are included in this class row and pray that God in An unfortunate occurrence took It is desired that West Indian them in their sad affliction and mercy will cheer and and confort place immediately after this. De SATURDAY, 26th JULY, 1919, for laborers be employed whenever for the repose of his soul, and Sousa and Harding were the wick Callao, Moliendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofogasta, Coquimbo and wherever practicable. Be it further rasolved that we rts; Harding cut a ball hard, and it travelled towards the boundary; Hall, and VALPARAISO 18 Helper Twenty cents; hereby ex and Twenty two cents an sincere appreciation and gratiexpress our deep and the umpire thought it a boundary and hour These ratings inay be ap tude for the services he faith signadled. The ball. however did not reach houndary, and the batsmen being plied only to those performing fully and ably rendered, the duties of helper to shop or stopped by the umpire, ceased running Be it further resolved that walking back to their and places, other mechanics, such as ma the Dispensation and S. ELLERDALE all Officers Sousa stumps were put down, chinists, car repairers, carpen stations be draped in mourning and eventually the uniortunate batsman was ters, plumbers, for 90 days from date, that this will leave CRISTOBAL middle of August, for given out by the very same umpire who 19. Artisan Employees per resolution be spread on the face had flagged aged them down. This caused forming the duties of shop, build of our minutes, a copy forwarded HAVRE AND LONDON delay in the game; but, after a few mining construction, and other to the widow of the deceased utes dispute the game was continued by mechanics and artisans shall be Brother and a copy to each of Surrey under protest. All Surrey was given this rating. It covers such the local newspapers.
out eventually by Jamaica. thanks to employees as the bowling of Cain for the meagre For Further ParticularsBlacksmith, Boilermaker, Cablesplicer, Calker Carpenter, 22 runs. Surrey protested the Car repairer, Cement finisher, the League meeting Sacred Confirmafion came, but Apply to the Office of the Companies at Coppersmith, Drill runner, Ironheld on Thursday iast, the Committee worker, Lineman, On Tuesday night the St.
awarded the game to Jamaica. For Jamai.
CRISTOBAL ca, Cain bowled excellently and captured Манип, Molder, Painter, Pipetit Barnabas Church was a scene of five wickets for runs and Lindo four or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, ter, Planing mill hand. Plumber, a sacred Contirmation. When None of the Surrey bạts reached Pressinan, Printing plant em 18 Candidates were brought to double figures, their champion Holder PANAMA, ployee, Riveter Sailmaker, Up the sacred Altar to be confirmed holsterer, Wireman by Bishop Knight, with the being run out through a bad call.
20. Artisan Twenty two ing of hymn No, 516 and reading Britannics and Yorkshire Draw cents an hour This is the stand of the Holy Bible.
ard rate of pay and maximum On the same day, on Yorkshire entrance rate for artisans.
ground in Bishop Hollow, Britannics 21. Artisan Twenty four put up a score of 143 for wickets cents an hour This rate may be SOLDIERS RETURNING against Yorkshire, to which Yorkshire granted only after an artisan has Continued from Paye replied with 111 for wiekets.
demonstrated that the quality Britannics played a fine game, thanks and quantity of his work is such to the splendid batting of Best and as would, in the opinion of the man who misconducts himself and to Holford. Yorkshire bad Britannics foreman in charge, entitle him to order him back to his station or arrest (BRANDON BANK)
down for 38, when Holford joined a higher, rate than that for Arti birea depending upon the nature of his Best, and defied the bowlers to break All passes so taken up will san be transmitted by the Military Police through their defence. Best gave a 22.
Artisan Twenty seven to the Post Commander who issued most brilliant exhibition of his hitting cents an hour This rate may be them with a statement of the circumpowers, as in his score of 66 not out, he (POUNDED 1868)
PANAMA COLON granted only after an artisan has stances and names of witnesses. Prime Post Commander will then take the made sixes. Holford made 47 not out.
demonstrated that the quality necessary diciplinary measures, and The only one of Yorkshire bowlers to and quantity of his work is such in addition will deprive the offender of capture any wickets, was King, Jwho Our large Resources and well known as would in the opinion of the the privilege of pass for at least captured the wickets that fell on Briforeman in charge, entitle him to three months and until he has denon strated by continued good con luet conservative Management afford untannies side for 58 runs. For Yorkshire a higher rate than that for Arti that he is worthy of renewed confidence Edgehillmade 45 not out and All entsted men found in the Re.
questioned security for every dollar Britannics are saying that Carter 22 23. All rates over 75 are public of Panama without a written Yorkshire did not play the game gentle special, and positions carrying pass will be arrested by the Millary deposited with this bank.
manly or the results would have been these rates may be filled only af Police and sent as soon as practicable different We hope the Committee will ter obtaining consent of the Gov. to their statlons, with data for charges do something to stop this unfair cover ernor, This order will take effect at 12 ing up by teams. To help get funds noon, Saturday, July 19, 1919.
to entertain the boys returning By command of Major General from the front, it has been arranged to General Banking Business Transacted REMOVAL NOTICE KENNEDY: play a Victory Match to morrow on the ya Allman, Tailor, begs to COLLIN BALL, Standard Oval between a team comISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON notify his customers and the Lieut. Col. General Saff, posed of All Barbados on one side and President.
Vice President.
Treasurer. general public that he will be Chief of Staff All Comers on the next. This should removing his place of business Official.
prove to be a very interesting game, as from Bolivar Street to more HUGH JOHNSTON, Barbados is prepared to show she can spacious and commodious prembeat any combination on the Isthmus ises at 132 Bottle Alley, on or Major Dept. and the other Islands are determined to about the 21st inst.
Act. Departmeut Adjuntant, ers.
and score of at Machinist, for PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY San coloured


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