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PRICH Cts. Cr.
West Indian Lynched at Cuba WORKERS DEMAND 14 WEST INDIANS MOB ATTACKS JAIL AND SEIZE PRISONER way. and resident in hosen the negro another vessel coast streets aboy scouts began to a demand PEACE CELEBRATIONS RECEIVED SHILLINGS PER NIGHT Fittingly Observed by Brit By Hon. Murray at Ishers in Panama British Legation Tie Him to the Tail of a Horse and Women Carriers Join in and Claim West Indian Soldiers Given Big Proper Tribute Pald to the Reception Old Empire Drag to Death Increase Also.
Saturday 19th instant, being Last Saturday, being the day Havana, June 29. The Havana (her hand and was leading her News was received in Kingston cargoes to persuade the men to the day net apart by the British proclaimed by King George Post to day publishes the follow. not carrying ber, as some 80 yesterday of a strike of dock la work, nothing could move them of the conclusion of peace, the tioral Thanksgiving and Government for the celebration of England as an occasion of Nating: counts had it in a exaggerated Rejoic Joe Williams, a Jamaican neborers in Port Antonio on Tues. unless the demand for an all West Indians in Panama spareding on the Conclusion of Peace. gro, was yesterday lynched by a to: Before reaching the place a Britanie Majesty chance head out there too man detienen stoppe doing the one em diante de buy the candy the little xirl that port to some extent offer of Hon. Mur at Regla, he had cap fon and held her.
to them and this they willin de joy for the occasion.
From what could be gathered accepted. Thus it was not until As a part of the peace celebra. taſued at a reception held at the a little white girl seven years of the by special invitation entertured while attempting to kidnap poser, and the negro being was near and saw the laborers demand was consid. about 30 before they star. tions, all West Indian Soldiers Legation in this city; a number age. The negro was chased and stranger in those parts, the ered exceptionally high, and from ted to load the ship, and the first who had enlisted during the war of the most prominent West In overtaken and after a hearing in policeman placed him under ar.
the point of view of the Compa stem of fruit was put aboard, in any of the allied armies were dians, at teno clock in the morn the police station was locked up rest and took him to the station nies, unreasonable.
The troubles of the agent, how. Oval by a committee of West entertained at the Standard ing.
in the jail The laborers, it is said, de ever did not end here. The wo Indian gentlemen Among those present were the That was shortly after mid with whoe meantime the family whom the child was living cit put them on a par with the King men were on strike proposed intended to have this reception Nightengale, Drs. Lowe. dayan Half an hour afterwards a not return with the bread, and became anxions because she did. in time to night on ship from on port to men be successful. Therefore named the 19th instant as a day son, Messrs. A: Harris Wm. shots fired by the police and jail. Ately visions for the time they travelled at higher wages should that of the after hearing that the King had Johnson, Thomp. the jail simultaneously from front the policeman legirl. Immedi and rear and disregarding the off with the little another, without working.
when all seemed to look well and of witch to get through as best they coula carriers remained outside the subjects, the Committee decided Simons and George Boyke. seized the negro, and after beat there have been several of these The ships, however, were able the loading to start, the women the reception on the same and so far as could be ascertained premises, and when called upon day so as to add to the festivities sites touristig land were made til at home whatek was under hela intereses pueporte dhe recently and Fitting to the Grand Olding hlm severely, tied hlm to ank ingaton last night no serious to get to work, refused to delivers and make the day a memorable by the Hon. Mr. Murray, Rev. at a run and Icept running by it was only necessary to mentione of taland, delay would result there from.
them. They however stated no one in the history of West Indian Nightongate, Maria increase be DETAILED REPORT in the Republic of Dr. Lowe, Rev. Moze blows from the crowd that fol. the word brujo to cause excite definite amount in their demand.
lowed ment, Port Antonio, July A strike Their present rate of pay is 1s. 6a Over 160 soldiers and boy Dr. Thompson, Mr. When finally the exhausted The negro had been taken to scouts came over from Colon on Walrond, proprietor of the Work horse came to a stop and the ne the police station and had mada among stevedore laborers of the per 100 stems.
Atlantic Fruit Company oceurred So as not to delay the ship any command of Lieutenant Salmon vited were unavoidably hindered the clothes having been torn from id Regla from the country. He the o clock train under the man Printery and a few others in gro was cut loose from the anihis statement, giving his name, here today immediately upon the longer and to get the fruit aboard tail, he was dead and naked saying that he had just arrived arrival of the steamship Tana in time for her to leave for the and were met at the Railroad from atttending, we mo. Just as soon as the his the station by members of the comof stevedores was mitte body by the rough, stony claimed that he only wanted to st a gang the had been moored alongside the the buy the child some candy as she Railway pier, preparatory to load e engaged to carry the fruit for mittee. From the searched to the men and lastly Sergeant. The people of Regla were mad had smiled at him and was feeland ing before leaving for the og stowing and up to a late hour the soldiers porte, the men pressed forward women carriers were still unde to the de Lesseps Park. Whilst Gaskins of the West Indian Condened to the violent action which ing lonesome. He was locked up.
the Park the clouds to tingent addressed the gathering they took Warcided as to whether they should at by the attempted kidfor an increase to return to work at the same rate blacken and soon after a heavy on behalf of the returned napping coming so close upon the and then the mob came. Several local papers have at down pour of rain intimated to troops. At the conclusion of the frightful crime of the negro of hours and 14 shether the ship the per night crowd that a wet day was in addresses cigare landem cigare Witches in Matanzas who, a few tempted to minimize the affair by irrespective of ettes, donated by the Acling days ago kidnapped a white saying that the horse that drew was under way or at an anchorage They expressed NOTES AND COMMENTS of the Wesleyan Churclar deliver. British Minister and Mr. Aaron baby girl. tore the heart out of the negro to bisdeath was a mare led the very table and learned ad of the Pan American Tobacco her living breast and made a ino the affair courred in the real of gelding or disappointment at rate of aay for work at night, soon as the rain permitted, the soldiers and members of No arrests bave been made for dential part of Regla, in the mid (BY OUR COLON SCRIBE which virtually amounted to procession headed for Central scout corps. Although the rain the lynching of this negro, the dle of the day, and those who knows labor, inasmuch as they were Avenue in the following order: made the ground very soft and population of Regla seemingly Jamaican negroes do not beleivo paid 10d for every bour The coaling of the cruiworked. This was their chief sers was done in record time, Mounted members of the Com muddy yet the proceedings were being unanimous in their appro that the man really bad criminai intentions against the child.
The grievance as in most cases they showing the efficiency of the mittee and Police cavalry wen: carried through successfully. As val of the swift justice dealt. NEWSPAPER VERSION.
is not a part of the celebration festivierime of rape get but very little pay for nigbt men on the job, states the Star next came the Boy Scouts, thep ties on the following day a crioket The Evening News. a news. harmless superstitions such as work since the vessels move be and Herald. Gee wbiz, those sented in a large auto wagon, team of Carrington and a comissue of July 1, says.
in Jamaica, and except for a few the members of the Red Cross match was played between. tween ports chiefly at nights brawny negroes must have by paper published in Havana, in its are possessed by all ignorant during which time the men re worked like Trojans. They then came the soldiers and lastly main Without work, and are not belong to Lodge No. 2508 which members of the Committee in bination team from all the other the Jamaican peoples paid for such time. demand Saturday afternoon there was free from voodoo abominations, two automobiles. The proces colonies managed by Dr. Lowe.
has a membership of 276.
lynching bee in Regla, in which the British Government has was for the purpose of evading sion came up Central ins the existing condition above few days ago one of Uncle and marched to the National The game ended in a draw very Williams was the victim. It was state of the public mind, because Jamaican negro named Joseph attended to that long ago. The may for the whole night whether charged black employee. be Legation, the French Legation, batted first and made 63 runs of the megearwas trying and that No doubt thorough investigation outlined and to receive a stated. The combined.
the ship was under way or in cause that black employee, would the American Legation and the which Mr. Brown of the Yorks seven year old port loading.
not use the word sir when Italian Legation. The National shire made 18.
white girl, af ter the negro had been arrested arrested will be be made by the authorities, speaking to him. We were under Anthem of each Failing toi come to and faster the impression that Americans was played whilst the troops The Barbadians replied with large mob of citizens broke into ever this enrcumstances are, the able terms with Mr. Fisher, did and placed in the calaboose a but it is be regretted that, what stood at attention opposite the 52 runs for wickets with Joe the jail, or video. not a diff proper course, agent of the Atlantic Fruit Compeople did law pany, the men left at about noon carpenter was fired because residences of the respective Min. Hill and Eastace Best defying ACCOUNT BY JAMAICAN ship a single stem of fruit. There are not to This carpenterar was turned by way of Central Avenue were given by the Hon. tied the rope around his neck without having but aboard the he refused to deprive a laborer isterse After leaving the Ameri: all efforts of the combined eleven cult thing to do and took the neenre to separate them. Two prizes gro out, bound his hand and feet, Jamaican residing at Havao nas lying on the pier to be loaded laden with concrete. No unionist position grounds where refresh: for the cricketer who made the rope to the horse tail and stam itor of the Gleaner that the Jamaand the ship was scheduled to will knowingly wrong a brother. ments were served. The com highest score and the bowler peded the horse.
Oval. sail for the outports in the after ican was murdered for no crime Because some carpenters ac mittee more who received the 900 wanater of mbunicate de companied so tellow berkenan to soldiers and had prepared for average. Both prizes wenting stud as far as that went, but lans, who was bebployed bin Robowling It whatsoever. He states tha wil.
day to the men, but this they refused to appeal against unjust decision of them but being unable to get Mr. Carrington team. Joe Hill there was no moving picture gla, was in the habit on his way whart premises awaiting more mon; claiming that they quit the attend. At the Standard grounds bowling average, having obtained was there a cow boy or a bea uti making presents of sweets to the accept, and remained outside the aforeman, the Supt fired all the away from work they could not received the prize for the best camera there to take the film, nor from work in the afternoons, of favorable offers to be made to job. What would these foremen the members of the West Indian wickets at cost of four arung ful heroine there to throw a lariat little child. On the 28th ultimo, them.
do if all carpenters were to quit Red Cross kindly served the re and the batting prize went to and rescue the victim. After run, he had no sweets or small change The whole afternoon slipped by noon when they showed signs or Best who made the highest score ning several blocks the mad and when the child, was casual, of 20 runs not out. Mr. Victor stampede of the horse was stop called to him for the sweets, he side and the fruit Sying on the coaled the cruisers in re himself to the full and when the challengedhet very nderiousletion of the ethics of Wynching, if for 10 cents worth of mangoose Those coaling plant men who exhaustion. Everybody enjoyed John of the combined eleven ped and the negro was dead.
told her to follow him to a fruit whartare not by The whole affair was a viola stand. She did so, and he called with the head office in Kingston. the white foreman to laugh. One pressed himself as having re time it seemed as though he there are any ethics in this me Immediately a policeman came Mr. Fisher met the men near the was given days off for laugh ceived a full share of the things would obtain it; but Best shat thod of wreaking punishment on up, asked him what he was warf premises at about o clock ing.
that were prepared.
in the evening and offered to pay tered his hopes by pulling one of a supposed offender. There is at the fruit stand with the child bis balls to the boundary for considerable doubt as to whether and before a be made each working day of 10 REMOVED Speeches were delivered by Mr. Brown of the Yorkshire the Jamaican had any evil inten: quickly breaking both act started the Jamaican. a, to P. and the Hon. Murray, Charge bowled exceedingly well, keeping tion even. Stories told by the policeman made a great noise, 1s. 20. per hour at night. Deci: The Rev. Nighten Affaires at the British Lega a length that was very annoying child before older persons got a sion among them here dividied, some inclining to necept the gale, begs to state that he French Charge Afaires and sea the bass among the most orders story in her mouth. were that she policeman declared that the man tion, HonM to batsmen. whole the chance and offer and others refusing it point has removed from 22 Street, the Hon. Mr. ogut, American played on the Standard Oval was on her way to a bodega to was trying to tiksid uap the child blank. This meeting occupied over an hour and despite the fato No. 14 street, near An ris of the Salvation Army also s. given by the umpires not spoke to her and offered to buy blocks away and the injured man Charge Affaires, Adjutant Mor. and it is remarkable that of three buy some bread and the negro the police station was only two forts of the agent and his super con Post Office.
delivered a very stirring address a protesting voice was heard.
her some candy. He took hold of (Continued on Puje receiving card at the present time they exceto committed managed by De han negro is ime. Their. which was best could 18 for ea clubbing hours 67


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