
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands. of Education Wanted!
LABORERS of a. of the art or: lege of BOCAS del TORO and Sewing was made a pas the 50 was no Free Transportation realized inwo original which to open upe up new vice, which Canada Woo. Was tapping a fruit, it is felt that a new era has (pictured to himself a little half native of increasing wages 25 Jamaica dawned for the industry; many naked girl from the country side, all round. This increase how who had practically given up the being told hy the Grenada Board ever, would not save teachFuture of Jamaica banana cultivation will certainly that instead of ers from the present heavy re establish their farms.
learning to make drawers and cost of living. He knew that the This was another very busy petticoats, she was to have the cost of the cost of living was extremely high Advantages of Closer week for the banana planters, knowink all about now and instanced the case of Union With Canada.
priveplantagenets, and when she girl of 12 the for the Atlantic and United Fruit Companies bought two and had babies of her own, instead of cost o 12 years whose dress now 9s, at least. He was not The Jarraica Correspondent five days respectively kowing how to clothe the them, she ferring to the girl of of the London Times Trade would have the immense privi class, but one who had to be Supplement writing to that HIGHER FOR explaining to them the dinally dressed PRICES for the Farms and Railroads at without trimm He attributed the great paper ncently says:of He BANANAS.
was absurdity, said the Vicar, falling off in attendance Mr. Harry Crowe, a Canaat the ths, schools to poverty. It was carried to its extreme lengths, scho im dian, who has for the past three powerful combination is years been an ardent supporter about to enter the Jamaica bana it suffered its tirst revision, and therr selves, their wives and chil before the Code was printed possible for labourers to feed of a scheme for the linking up of na trade. The new concern com a part of its dren on less than 2s. 6d, or 2s. 91 the British West Indies with the prises capitalists who have been curriculum Then came the per day according to the present Dominion of Canada, has address interested in the trade for years, financial clauses, and, after a rate.
ed a meeting of members of the either with the United or Atlan condi UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Warm discussion Jamaica Imperial Association on tic Fruit Companies. Plans for tion was rejected by the Board. the children to school if they He was not in favour of forcing political union, Mr. Crowe said ready been made, and in conse: The amendment was not allowed, that, with all her vast resources, quence of the activity of some of gun. But, said the Vicar Gener. Good of forcing children who and so the long contest had be: were not decently clad and had be: empty stomachs. It Canada lacked one valuable asset, its agents the two other fruit al, he had been amazed at the were hungry to attend school.
and that was tropical territory. com companies have already advanced very outset to find that his objec. In She must import all her tropical the purchase price of bananas in tions had been already voiced, stituted a tıx of id on coal for England there was being in.
products, her consumption of the open market to 3s. a full by no less a person than the Inthe suffering. It was which had increased 100 per cent bunch during the past 10 years. It is only a guestion of time Apply to COOMBS spector of Schools. When the estimated that fully one million Since Canada produced what when the price will go to 4s, a their report there was a Minor that head. There were many Committee of Revision issued sued pounds would be realized under the West Indies imported, and bunch in the open market. In 137 Central Avenue 155 Street ity Report but in this case, the forms of taxation which he could the latter were able to produce fact some anticipate an advance Minority Report was issued and suggest for information here to PANAMA what Canada could not and must to 6s. If this COLON reapa so signed will reap a golden har, by the one man who was meet the suffering of the poor.
entitled to be heard, the one if the labourer natural one. But it should be vest. Foreseeing the end of whose opinion ought so have out. was not going to receive an eion in this colony union that would permanently events, one of the two weighed that of all the other amount on live he establish a free interchange of companies entered into contracts commerce for the investment of with banana growers to purchase out, we meet here and instead of of the Board, the found the pres members of the Committee put would go away from time to time energy and capital of the rich their fruit for the next five years a mere formal meeting to confirment Code undergoing its final re together and multiply ten times or to avoid that the State would appointments, and congratulate vision before going to press. At over the Inspector of Schools.
northern portions of British at a rate of about 1s. 6d: a bunch ourselves on progress, we are once he had found fault with it have to go in and compensate the labourer.
forever discussing appeals on two points. It had excluded the productive soil of the British TRINIADD against the Code, and, after a the teaching of sewing, and its Archdeacon Walton replied to Returning to the subject of West Indies, web union that would bring about the establishment of certain waste of time, dismissing system of payment of teachers the criticisms of Rev. Huckerby the reduction of teachers pay, them, to add to the general sum seemed impossible and the Vicar General. He said he said that he did not want to the most modern stea inship ser. New Trinidad Rail of bitterness and mistrust which The exclusion of sewing from teachers did not connote an that in 1915 the sum paid the see the standard of efficiency would we have created the Code of Education, destined Lekce in reduced in England and more profitable markets.
ways would use her influence The Vicar General then asked in the main for poor county crease At the time the value of where teachers receive fix sala in the Mother Country in assistto be allowed to go back to the girls, gave it in his opinion, an money did not affect Grenada sories a certain standard of efni. as the beginning. When he arrived in air of unreality and unworka: people of the colony were now should have a fixed standard here, demanded.
We the mavi, ing to secure the maximum pre Extensive Development Greinada, and became a momber bleness, from the start. He feeling the effects in the abighs that the salaries of teachers West Indian tropical for ference then products particularly sugar. Her Proposed, voice would be heard more readiprices for necessaries, ly in Rev. Huckerby and Father Moss should be increased 25 so as to o the West Indian Islands alone Writing to the Times Trade Suphad not fully explained the true compensate them for the cost in would meet the deficit in Ja plement that highly interesting What Position Do You Want?
She position. Sometime in 1914, Mr, the necessaries of life, Lewis moved a motion for the motion was seconded by máica revenue caused by the English periodical. a corresponfree entry of Canadian manufacInternational Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
the paying of fixed monthly sal. Mr. Dɔnglan who was anxious In the Trinidad development tured and agricultural Branch Office, Ancon, aries to teachers. committee to see the teachers re! ieved. He which would greatly reduce the scheme it is provided to expend was afterwards appointed to go had even brought a motion with cost of living and increase pro not less than 2, 272, 283 to im Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, into the matter of the revision of him by whieh he sug trade, or profession, before which have marked the Britishwa na ushe would give prove the communications of the the Education Code.
They found alteration in the sun is shaking manufacturer in of resour.
they could not improve the edu it less hard for Teachers to attain me botua mataracturer of 33 ces The proposals include the ELECTRICAL ENGINEER market cational efficiency of the colony the prescribed standards of eftiSALESMANSHIP per cent. She cererence of oor taking over by the Government ADVERTISING MAN money.
In 1916 they give Jamai ca a provincial government, so of ciency. But he supported the 50 of the Tobago and coastal steamasked for more money, and did Archdeacon motion since it the Colony could direct and sustons should be purchased for for of not receive it. The Committee aimed at increasing the wages of control its local affairs. The ecoTelegraph SERVICE were told in more than one way the teachers, CARTOONIST nomic pressure which had sent 13, 000; road extentions, Mechanical Draftsmen that no further raat on primary The Governor too had brought Machine Designer so many West Indians to Central prehensive railway system, the education was forth coming. In America and Cuba for employ establishment of of motor lorry PLUMBER STEAM FITTER Patternmaker Heating and Ventilation High School Subjects that case they had to cut their a motion on the same. ment would not, he believed, sery services to augment the railway coat according to their cloth. suggested by Mr. Donelan. He ar exist after the consolidation of and steamer services, and im British America through a poli provment of telegraph and tele The principle which guided the gued that the cause of hardship BUSINESS (Complete)
tical and commercial phone communication.
Committee was the efficient and was the hardness of the times.
satisfactory work of the schools. He felt that Mr.
Huckerby would Canada was willing to consider improvements are also proposed As there was a willingness sub blonde baan increase in the list suggestions from the West Indies whenever the Secretary of State Poultry far to had with regard to confederation. Committee an opinion on gant the Committee made var.
CIVIL ENGINEER The following resolution was the questions as to whether such us provisions.
nuoject in times like these. He carried: harbour improvements should Surveying and Mapping Phonograph That a committee be appointed take the form of an improved He was personally not in favor the Secretary of State and was had been in communication with of reducing the standard of el. recommending all round Leasibililder and report on the system or that deep Water quays and desirability of (a) Perhe be constructed.
ficiency proscribed under the creases to public servants up to a political and commercial union; The railway extentions recomnew Code. He suggested, in 300. The (b) a commercial union. c)
tablishment of reciprocal trading that every locopment on any are intended to ensure the es. mended are place of such a step, the alter intended hthousiainming salary be capable of 80. But for this he intended to be to of Canada and Jamaica The considerable scale shall be committee has started its work in resonable carting distance On the one quo, and would cates from the insist on the Cambridge ExIf the report is favorable a recom say, seven or eight miles. of a aminations for candidates. If in mendation will, it is said, be made railway. The cost of rail to the local Guvernment that he tensions is estimated man wawards the case of teachers they paid them well they had a right to a return for the the Canadian Government.
gotiations commenced with of 700, 000. Sir John Chancella Governor of Trinidad, is the money.
chairman of the committee, and Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York They could go to the Executive Council and lay Cartmen Strike for In it is felt that the expenditure of dations for increase, but it crease of Pay money on works of public utility would be a mistake to lessen should in years to come bring the terms of efficiency.
very handsome returns to this Capltal, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Gy.
Mr. Moore thought that Buff Bay, July Over a week West Indian colony.
while the teachers were asking ago all the cartmen of the local public works department struck (Continued on page 3)
Grenada RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 CY.
for a higher pay and work was suspended for fully a week. New Meeting of Board of Eduemployees have replaced the for Depository of the Panama Canal mer ones; and it is understood cation that the new men have got an increase of pay. Continued from our last. Banana Fetch Good Price The Vicar General then went THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Those who have bananas are ter actually before the Boardon to speak of the subject mat19 INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices reaping an encouraging harvest. the protest sent in by the CathThe price which felii to 12 10s. Olic managers.
The National City Bank of New York WATCHES and JEWELRY per hundred bunches was again raised to 15 during last week present that this was not a proHe reminded the members and has continued since. It is test which could be set aside, or AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUGive us a call Before Going Elsea lieved that the increase in ignored. It was the voice of the TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES where. You are sure to be on Time If Your WATCH was Repairad by us is chiefly due to the coming majority market of a new comin eve every sense of the pric ich made the first ship the the majority of managers, OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES Remember We Make Wedveek. There are ex unanimous voice of the teachers, majority he might ding Rings and Other issatisfaction the majority of people interesteri INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER ANNUM.
their would be in education, or capable of seeing Jewelry to Order Ithough they the the point at issue. It then, is new com he said, you ignore this maE. MORRICE, ROBERTSON, ed on to jority, and enforce Code upon Sub Manager FULLER is the Man You Want to See Acting Manager 122 CENTRAL AVENUE supply any. With the brease them, Iyou are bound to apain.
Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Po se price and the demand for the Month after month, be pointed Phone 939 Bridge without more vessel Window Trimmer Outdoor Sign Painter comHeetrie Wiring Reting Lighting Structural Draftsman Electrie Car Running Structural Engineer Heavy Electrie Traction Municipal Engineer Telegrapa work ARCHITECT MECHANICAL ENGINEER Bar Draftsman and Builder Building Foreman Concrete Builder Machine Shop Practice Bollermaker or Designer Plumbing Inspector Foundaker Work Foreman Plumber Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker CHENIST AUTOMOBILES STEAM ENGINEER Electrie Engineer Sapher and Typist Marine Engineer Hixher Accounting Refrigeration Engineer Certified Pub, Accountant Gas Engine Operator Commercial Law Good English TRAFFIC MANAGER lines as Harbour ILLUSTRATOR Designer Common School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Metal Minin Assayer Lumber Dealer NAVIGATION AGRIGULTURE Live Stock and Dairying Farming Army and Navy Service Positions Modern Languages by passes an the they not been considering the to NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS OCCUPATION have his quid pro of certifiINTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION demand a their recommenNEEDC WATCH o pany wh.
into the ment last progsions abou among many o supporters, for a saved bananas for th.
pany, they were not CA


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