
PAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 PAGE THRDE. The Open Forum. LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes High and Low Cut C. MULLER WAS com CRICKET GOODS observer ning pools, yacht cubs and the Union and fail lebat 99 suprestion for the wallare) of the Nogro Race: It is high time that the spirit of self interest and determination should arise within us as a race, we should not content ourselves to remain still Wedo not hd ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas and allow our enemies to draw line of the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents distinction for us, agas after ages, but we should at least start to take the necessary staps wereby we may LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
THE HOME OF feel proud and big enough to be in position to draw our lines, whenever. deem it necessary Pagams, July 18, 1919. disability will surely led to permanent We must be guided by this motto, self defensa is the first law of satur Editor Workman. Permit me to in disability if we do not echo loud calls for Is has struck me quite strange ste sit in your columns, brief obeervation the doctor, and if you think it is really how indifferently we have been toof my visit to a meeting of the se before you lay aside this paper, and wards our brothers in the who o is waging a daily war for com under the American Federa lest you forget, get hold of your pen or plete freedom of the race. We have tion of Labour boping thereby to re pencil and drop a line to Marshall, Secthe fearless, honourable, energetie, move any doubt that may exist in the retary of the Panama Canal Colored and determined Mareus Garvey as a leader of that noble cause, many of minds of some regarding the inability of Cripples Association, Corozal, us are well acquainted with his prosWest Indians to consolidate for their mu tell him you are interested in such a pect, which is one, more than neces move.
in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet tual interest sary for our welfare, bis policy as we On Tuesday 15th. inst. precisely at Very respectfully, have learnt is not one that connes to TVILLIAM KING; arrived at the Standard Oval, the Pocket of Al one particular country or state but one that means one and every Negro, President, Association.
where this meeting was scheduled to take Do matter where he or she lives.
place. As if celebrating some important One of my particular points of vig cennon, there was gathered a dense is The Black Star Line which be e owd of men among whom could be seen proposed putting through at all cost Bir. The Wage Board, Silver Employ.
rome of the fairer sex.
and the necessity for us to show our This was was quite representative gathees met the 21st instant, presumably to seal in such a greal move.
go over the unjustice which it measured ering, inasmuch as it For example most of us are aware prosed of people Sole Agent of all shades from every out to the Silver Employees of The of the difficulties meted out in the line Isle of the West Indies, Columbia, Pana Panama Canal. It is imperative to as of Transportation during the war and even at this present time: The ma, America and even sunny India; all sume that this Board is cognizant with high rale charged. The dimoulties of 37 CENTRAL AVENUE weemed unanimously determined on one the fact that the American Federation of Labor is sharpening its impliments PANAMA obtaining a ticket; The poliey of no kreat cause.
second class tickes on sale; Boat will The calm and exemplary behaviour, and will be on the job in the very near be erowded with tourist and many future.
purpose, the other red tape, does not such attitude the evident unapimity of It would appear that the people who on the part of our opposite brothers real and energy displayed and the business like manner with which affairs were conduct this Board are not aware of enough to warrant the getting of our the own; the refusal of white sailor to despatched, marked the characteristic fact that labor has to me the high cost work with negro sailor and the refusal of white ship offers to sign negro features of this huge assembly, which of living, and the high cost of living is WILKINSON sailors on their white ship as boeur should not fail to offer deep not going to meet it; they are as comred in England sometime sgo, are all pression on the mind of even the most versant with that as well as any one else, these facts not clear enough to prompt CONTRACTOR BUILDER indifferent and disinterested but are ignoring it, but in view of the us to work with all our might to belo in the construction of that Black Star (One, two, three to perhaps about a fact that they have remarked Let s, Do you know that we keep the down. they fail to see that thousand; on to the Organizers table most complete Assortment of First Class Workmanship Line in question? answer Yes, Yos, Yes.
hayo they pursued in marching order, some to the Negro is determined not to be kept Plans and Specifications Free tay up dues and others to enlist for the down and fooled arox more com o nome Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, It has come to such understanding first time but before 200 had enough that rotten stuf. What that the is about dissolving. square deal; we do not 15th Street West We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee House 90 and contains a fund of 82000, 00 sed ded to the fold which is just cause for we want is odd, suggest that we show our apwant swimating rejoicing among the members other luxuries which a every Article we sell. Box 411, Panama, preciation and co operation for this a certain element of The speeches delivered were all savour other good cause by donating such sum, under business principle, enjoying on this paradise fully ed of good flavour; Messrs Toppin, Innis, the Canal guaranteed, and headed by a committee. Here are some of our Stock Stoute, Carter and an Indian member of we want wages commensurate with the WHAT EVERY WOMAN (or as may decido to represent this whose name, only Singh quality and quantity of work we per form and unless the Wage Board elimin Granu Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves community in matters pertaining to OUGHT TO KNOW the welfare and interest of this part, can remember did justice to the cause.
by so doing we will not only respond cannot help thinking, that any nonates the prejudiced feelings existwithin it, to a worthy cause but will give an Union men who were present at this because of color, we regret to say Bats Batting Gloves the story is membership and open evidence of our determination meeting eligible for Buying wisely to the furfiamento unite and achieve something better.
going to be a sad one sive to tell to cast in his lot with the progressive Cricket Bales and Score Books.
tal principle of Economy. Let me do your shopping and you wont go any way, would not appear For an instance, when a gold employI can assure you that that dollar band within reasonable time, should be will soon realise the immense as worth anything individally when relegated to the scrap heap and tagged ee wauts an increase in his pay, he Living yet dead. The information was walks up to his boss, site on his deak, Puy us a visit, we are pleased to have you saving that can be made on claimed, let us therefore employ same given that the Commander for the Wait asks him for a chew, and tells him say, Dress Material of Silk, Cotton on the same principle of uplifting the come and look over our Sporting Department and see army was captured, his posi how about me from 175 to 200 per and Woolen fabrics of the very face as stated and hope that it wont be long before we could say, well done tion being worse than that of the Kaiser, inonth, as the case may be. Hear the latest Styles. am an expe my dollar has worth me a million, THE MADURO COMPANY his whole army put to the flight and boss reply, sure thing, we can send it rienced shopper and know how that those who continue their allegiance thru. and you may rest assured that 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
Let us not blame the geographical and where to buy.
PHONE 24 position of our homes as being resto this army will not have to wait long within a few days he is entered on the The Novelty Lousine Silk ponsible for our difference in comink to rue it.
rolls for the amount be requested. The together but let us join in one body Our Indian friend, who by the way in Silver employee (Qunshie. has to write is a beauty and clear all obstacles in our way to Open all Day Saturday, until 30 formed that he learnt English from approximately or 10 letters for an inP.
MRS. ANN THOMAS, Thanking you Mr. Editor, Teae er Stoute, who began his tuition at crease of one and two cents, and never Dressmaker.
La Boca years ago sad has made such gets it. In many cases his letters are HENRY 17th Street Central, rapid progress as to be able to address scrapped, an audience in English, closed his illas House No. 11 Pauana.
trious speech by reminding all; God. It is logical to assume that the officials in Washington are not pregnacious with Empire, helps those who help themselves.
the existing conditions down here. It July 9, 1919.
Lessons Given Thanking you for space, seen as though the Executive Depart.
Dear Sir: Permit me space in your ment down here has thoroughly imbued JOHN FINZI paper for the following: the above named officials with the posiCity Pharmacy tive fact that the Negroes of the Panama on the Clarinet, the leading conversation on organization. KnowBand Instrument. Band oring more or less that a majority of Canal are being paid an Orchestra furnished for all gardeners have been suffering from Sir Kindly have the following insert in order to allow adequate wage them to exist. Of attacks by sats commonly callo come kinds of engagements.
they undercourse, it is imperative that ed in your widely circulated paper arounds after having suffered myself In the interest of the colored cripples stand this, in view of the appropriations (ADJOINING AL PLACE) NEILSON and tried in every way to stop, offset, on the Isthmus of Panama take they have given to operate and maintain Clarinetist Republican Band and destroy such ants; was struck by the liberty of making the following sug the Canal, but as little as they knew Anoon Phone 1053 the practical way they attack and do gestions in reference to partial disability prior to the Inspectors visit to the Ioth16 St. West, House 27, Panana.
business and permanent disability. Partial disa mus, the major part of it has been exbility leads to permanent disability in pended on the other element and the First, as a boy, was struck withe those bouse anta in going up or down, most cases through lack of care and Negro still remains to go half starved on Interesting Nows From sach one stopped for a second or less attention either from the party or parties account of the Wage Board and Mr.
who are affected or from the party od most best to obviate the Negroes from Guilty. Mr. Guilty has tried his utBut these for greeting or vice West Indies come arounds have caused me to feel parties from whom desired care and treatment are expected. It should be the uniting, saying it would not throw any pretty small by their thorough organizaduty of those who are responsible for the light on the prevailing bardships we are GRENADA ion, preparing to destroy an ant hill. care and treatment of a rame across an extra large ant with an partially dis undergoing. Why is he so interested in perform his work huus work hu us at this age? We know he does not extra large head who enquired of my Continued from Paye seemed ratber manely, having in their thoughts such like our color and it SPECIAL SERVICE for justice as represented by Mr. and showed him the proofs of my grievntention and reason, when told him words as, Is it impossible for me to get strange that he and others like himself partially disabled, and if sucb misfortune (stereotype) become so interested in us Huckerby and Father Moss noe, he quietly said, sympathise with as to be informing the Negro man not to was suggested to the Board by you, but what can do to help. told should stray uny way, how would as DAY like to be treated by those who would be organize. When the Metal Trades peoAND NIGHT the Archdeacon to offer charity. him that could not help, but was nou responsible for my care and traetment? ple were organizing we had not a word Dr. Bishop felt that the point going to blow his hill, he said, what The duty of the partially disabled is to to say. They have some nerve, believe speak for he is the sufferer, and should me.
should question of penalties against thers come and follow in our trail. his calls at times the not heeded by the It is emphatically requested that the which complaint had been made, said, know that. The ant, said you remember how you dug and tunnelled for his care and treamen Wage Board and Mr. Guilty be respectones responsible for In reply to a question as to will last year and destroyed our home he should make an attempt to touch the fully referred to what Mr. Hoover mys: whether both the Archdeacon you killed the young ones, destroyed ende of their coats where, as the good. If we are to have ascending prices, we motion and the Vicar General exgs and spoiled our food? Well, you Book says he may get some blessing. must have ascending wages. It is true but as this form of blessing in these times that only one class of the Panama protest could be considered to made us wise, and all our Fraternal gether, the Governor replied that Bodies said we must organize and we did, carries no guarantee he may subetitute Canal employees received, and continues that was impossible. Do to others as you would them do to to receive a wage to meet ascending and all over the Isthmus now we are IN you if you were in their plocess: Therear prices; in fact they were given more. This The Vicar General then pressed organized, now even the young ants are 100 partially disabled colored erip is evidenced by the numerous automobiles for an independent Committee to ready to join our organization before ples on the Isthmus, all of whom partici and other motor eycles they own, and the consider the question of the revi they even know how to cut a leaf or pated in the construction of the Canal, Negro man, who has rendered equivalent sion of the system of penalties.
IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. the world greatest engineering accom Iservices to the Isthmian Canal CommisMr. Franeo said that he then asked him as regard the Fraplishment. would not attempt to say it is sion and the Panama Canal, has not thought the Committee could ternal Organization, and he said yes we through lack of co operation, although it seen his way clear to date to be the BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store also go into the question of the have all known Orders, the principal ones may be so, but rather think it is through owner of a bicycle. In this connection.
25 increase being Masons, Mechanics, Foresters and want of proper initiation that respon he does not care much about the bicycle, in Calidonia.
sible for the sheence of a suitable cripples what he wants is a wage to allow him to The motion of Archdeacon association, an association to compose of live in reasonable descency, also to BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist. Walton was put to the vote and That poor ant said we are energetie, cripples alone, and one which could achieve three square mesls a day.
BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: failed to obtoin a majority: Fath strong, industrious and we are deterer mined to exist, you people seize the handle effectively, the needs of the criprequest was approved Well, let us watch and listen the reple man. There are respectable and in sults of the meeting the Board conducted the Governor appointed the fruits, we seize the leaves. We have a BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs telligent cripples on the Isthmus suitable the above mentioned date. We know following gentlemen to form a right to existence and we will no longer to constitute such a body. Fellow erip this Board is going to go in session about and Patent Medicines.
Committee to go into the ques. tolerate maltreatment, so we are Organtion of the standards required of appeal to you, let us be united eight times, as the last they conducted ples also, let have our own crganisation, for took them a very lengthy period to deteachers and the necessity for an You may kill me for this but millions we only of truth know our individual cide on a one cent increase. However, increase of salaries: Archdeacon will follow. We are Free Masoos 50 THE PANAMA DRUG needs. All our transactions will be hu jet us watch and pray.
STORE Walton. Very Revd. Father others will step in the place of the fallen Moss, Hon. Copland and ones, mane. Actual experience teaches that no NEGRO.
MULLER BUILDING Messrs. Fleming, F, other man really knows the needs of the Renwick and Marryshow, After being spoken to so frankly and cripple but himself; therefore let get toNext to the Calidonia Police Station.
gether and be able to make proper con Sir: Kindly allow me space in your with the Hon. Patterson, must say truthfully, recalled the wonde triyances for ourselves. Our partial valuable paper to make the following Attorney General as Chairman (Continued on page 71 Palmer Restaurant SANTA ANA PLAZA Army and Navy Headquarters abled person to WHY?
Moss and then


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