
Octagon Soap de must be accompanied by the same of RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year 12. 40 Cy.
Six Months 20 Three 60c Ows 250 rejected correspondence Os God. Frenly she remen DEARS PUUR SUCET PAGE FOUR WE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 Editorialettes. White Culprits and THE WORKMAN Black Victims.
Race Riots on the Continent.
The following dispatch purporWe are hearing of raee riots ting to be from the Associated Published on Sakurdex by HN Rates for Advertisement on applies convenient eight sided cake in the British Isles and in Press, appeared on the front ALROND, at the office Coacal awon. Correspondence on all Batters nuo and come of Street, Pesma of public interest invited Washes well in hard and soft water America. What does it all page of the Star and Herald of the All copy for publication must be mean? The smell of hell which 23rd inst. Box 74, Panona Washington, July 22. Whitten on one side of paper only, and good SOAP for all uses the nations experienced in the great war has too soon been After another night of race riots, Washington is counting the larthe writer, got necessarily for publica Gives better results than any other lost to their nostrils and in gest casuality list since the solHon but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertako to return Weight Full ten ounces. stead of coming out a rege diers, sailors, and civilians be nerated people it would seem gan retaliating oa the negro pop as though the backward trend alation for the long list of day THE PRODUCT OF CENTURY EXPERIENCE to manifest confusion is in white women which alarmed the light holdaps and attacks on The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIOS evidence. Either the recorded city.
SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE conflicts are the outbursts of Oh, the cruelty of some inhu long pent up hate or the man white creatures! They ll deThe Problem of The Eight Hundred.
at 10c. Each result of a paradoxical re ac scend to the infernal regions in tion among the warriors and order to make the Negro re war workers who came to putation as Save the WRAPPERS and COMPETE for OUR black as his face.
gether against the enemy but Associated Press, has already The dispatch On Thursday last, the Royal Mail Steam Packet Comquoted, if from the pany Oriano brought an aggregation of over eight 50 (pesos) Cash Prizes stand divided against them given to millions of credulous hundred West Indian Soldiers back to Panama from the selves. It is somewhat easier readers the impression that Ne horrors and experience of war. These men had been reto understand the riots in groes precipitated the riots in cruited in Panama, Colon and Bocas del Toro, and now LEE CHONG COMPANY America than it is those in Washington; and that they raped that the struggle is all over they, like the rest of the he 62 Central Avenue Panama England. If the feeling of ra or attempted to rape white women in broad daylight.
roes from all countries, have returned to the old familiar cial antipathy has not been scenes of an adopted country. They played their part vaWHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS transported across the Atlan Our boys were in sunny Italy Why did not they attack the liantly in the tremendous holocaust; they fought unflinchtic, it beats us even to charming Italian women?
ingly in the dreadful cataclysm of war; their patriotism imagine its origin. In England the Canal Zone there are more and steadfastness remained unbroken amidst the awful the two races have always fra than 15. 000 Negroes and only a convulsions of disordered politics; they remained true as SIMONS ternized and become inter re few hundred white women. Sure steel before the belching canon and the glaring sabres of lated. Wehave no recorded in ly if the Negro bad such a a pre (SUOCESSOR TO SIMON HART)
the enemy; and now, are here to return to peaceful life.
stances of racial conflict inone pensity for raping white women, 22 CENTRAL AVENUE. These late arrivals had been preceded by a large way or another, in the mother he would do it here, for the com land, we Washington white women must returned here in fragare favourable. The mentary batches and who were feted in a body on Satue. deadquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies anything but the most cor: Se centre cele ingen Thanks day last. the day proclaimed by His Most Gracious dial relations among the En God, France knows that Wash Majesty, George as the occasion of National rejoicing glishman and the West Indian Negroes than any other city in ington contains more cultured THE PRUDENT HOSTESS at the conclusion of Peace. For several months they have colored man. The appearance the U, and when she been, and most of them are still, without employment. They always has on hand the materi of the these riots in England bers that our boys never molested have sought, but have not yet found it, and many of them als for a qulokly gotten up lun and America are like dark her beautiful women when walkare now grudging the foxes and birds of the air who have cheon And be wiser she is the clouds looming upon the hori ing through the boulevards of Paris, we ll denounce the disholes, and nests, but they themselves not even a chinese surer she is to come here for her zon. It seems ominous and patch as a canard designed by block on which to lay their head. Their position is by no the forecaste is gloomy, but those who invented JIMCROW canned goods, preserves, jams, means an enviable one and while they cannot be termed it is to be hoped that it will ISM and LYNCHING, to place jellies. For to buy here is to paupers because they are awaiting their gratuities, neverDEL grow no larger and that it the Negro at a disadvantage.
assure both quality and economy.
theless their inability to obtain employment and their imwill prove to be of no great We on the Canal Zone get out DEAL pecuniosity at the present time make a condition that ALL CAN BE HAD AT portent.
in a different form. We, men, are underpaid, so our women are causes us to think a little. Now are added the eight hunforced to work in the laundry, dred who arrived yesterday. Their return creates a problem THIS GROCERY What Coming off? laboratory, and packing house of the greatest magnitude. After their noisy and lusty This kind of work deranges their Commencing last Sunday, delicate organs, but they can reception shall have ceased their minds will naturally be the shuttle train running be afford to engage the services of a occupied with thoughts of the future. They will all be in immediate possession of the gratuity which will probably The bank is the safest place for these men put their tender Panama rande Las Casa e brancanaThe trouble becomes At range from 300 to 500 and over; but with the profligacy cash. If they keep it in their rooms or on their persons cadas was shortened to the which usually afflicts the average soldier man this may there can be no doubt that they will be robbed, and soms Panama Culebra train. Beberoically with starvatioa for mode25. 00 enough ho melt like butter under the Isthmian sun of blazing dissipa take the liberty and exercise (the duty of telling them sides curtailing the distance per month to enable tion, and when its all gone there will come another crisis now that their first consideration should be that of a safe the Railroad Company have them to consult a doctor. The making the situation far more complicated than it is at the place for their monies. They would be well instructed if also reduced the number of doctor does his best, but he can present time.
they were advised to become members of The United trains on that run so that the perform miracles, and mid day and afternoon trips sives are unfitted for motherNaturally enough, all eyes will turn to the British Brotherhood of Maintenance of Ways Employees and have been discontinued. This apod, and our children, if a Legation for help and advice. This office will be invaded Railway Shop Laborers. This organization has already has created a great inconve lity. Those of virility and vita.
voking the aid of s. Charge affairs in a matter and its influence and power have risen beyond dispute. Empire who now have to packing house, are consigned to who escape and that will be as serious as it will be regrettable; but it can The members of this Union feel secure under its banner walk long distances to take steak geryant girls cod Gisband not be expected that the Legation could handle a condi and have commenced to enjoy the benefits that accrue for breakfast, but give tion which would be equal to making bricks without clay. from united effort. They have declared a boy cott on all the train, and in the present Everybody is willing to admit that the outlook is grave, slackers and non unionists, and war against scabs and rainy season it doesn take herrings. Quite an easy way to but the solution of the problem is that which concerns the strike breakers. They are making it impossible for any it works on these people. It has think so?
much to imagine the hardships exterminate a people. Dont you more thoughtful West Indians here.
other to get work but men holding the card of the Union; been learnt, that in addition Can anything be done to obviate the unpleasant ex and it is therefore advisable that these men, if they are to this inconvenience on the ment comes the intimidation On the top of this cruel treat periences which lurk covertly in the labyrinth of irregu to secure themselves, against such difficulties, should join West bank of the Canal, the from the boss who makes the farities administrative and otherwise? Is it possible to in the Union without delay.
troduce conditions that will prevent these men from blowIt is understood that the United Fruit Company in ing now nearly two thousand) otherwise. Il a fellow dares residents of Paraiso (I umber does the chewing (tobacco and Ing out their monies and becoming financial wrecks? Bocas intend opening up new farms and plantations, and are to lose their Post Office protest against injustice meted Might we expect to see a favorable distribution of these will be in a position to employ, at once, about three hundred andRailway Station at the end out to him or his fellow work men in Panama, Colon and Bocas, by which the congestion men, and it is felt that those men who were recruited of this month. The difficult man, he is given a clearance may be lightened up? Will the men create for themselves from Bocas will return there immediately, and, in a way: ies this will cause can be anti rate or pay to be reduced, it con which, does not a condition that will increase their chances of obtaining close the door against others from outside; yet, if the cipated through a knowledge tains objection to his being reemployment or in the face of impending distress, will find it possible to place some of the outside men, of the long distance between employed; but the boss seldom they go home?
this company ought to give satisfactory guarantees and Paraiso and Pedro Miguel, the states why he objects to the vic.
We take time by the forelock and throw out a few assurances in the matters of pay, house rent, commissary nearest town. Are the people die bein tim being re employed by Uuopportune hints which, we believe, will prove of value to prices and, last but not least, humane treatment. Their past to get no mails? The necessithe men in question particularly and to the community as policy of glutting the market for their own purposes ty of a dispensary at Paraiso tic City soubens biopic of mistakable a whole. It is well known that the police authorities on will not work now that Union and higher pay are the key has for a long time been felt and citea Cothar tiles particulate kable It was the spirit the Zone and in Panama do not hesitate to enforce the note everywhere. The outrages must stop and if the com and the people have asked for go of its own accord or be des law of these places as to loitering and vagrancy. respec pany will not promise indemnities they, at least, should be the establishment of one, troyed otherwise, said Matthew tively. There is no lavish manifestation of conscientious willing to offer every facility that will protect and secure without avail. Imagine a poor Wol in the July issue of the scruples by some policemen (especially when they have the the safety and interests of the men.
sick woman having to walk and grouch or a morbid liver) in determining etc. between all We are sure that the British Legation is ready to help, nearly two miles for a dose of we silver employees say, Amen tramp, properly so called, and an honest man walking about with sober advice, every man who might be willing to re Epsom Salts, and to take an. in search of work. Both are charged alike for loitering of ceive and act upon it. There are, of course a few mal con other jaunt if she needs a dose cruel to nicety Two or three of vagrancy as the case may be, and then on being sentenced tents, whe posing as racial leaders. indulge in unmerited of quinine also. Think of a them have promised to get a to jail are sent to build roads on the Zone or in Panama censure of the office and claim that they can do more than man meeting a fierce accident charter for the dock labourers Our returned boys could not easily escape this dilemma on capable officials; but it does not require a microscope to and having to journey that now that an application for a their failure to obtain work either in Panama or on the reveal the coat of hypocricy worn by such well wishers. ong distance before any charter for these workers has Zone, therefore they should be warned and advised as to who have no other idea, but to grind their own axe, and medical aid can be obtained. ſed Brotherhood. These imposapplied. the Unitthe spending of their money and against sirens, parasites swindle the nńsuspecting. If these men need any advice o, God, thou who gavest ne tors tried to use an influential Neand denizens of the underworld who will swarm like locusts beyond that given at the Legation let them go to The goes hearts, didst thou not gro, but failed to get him deflect upon the open handed ex soldier who may feel like hav West Indian Committee in Panama. an institution in eve white gods also? the longeboremen from the ranks ing a good time to day if it even means a rotten time to tended to include representatives from every West Indian of the Brotherhood. Oh, the morrow. We say to these men that they should avoid aly island and confer with the members on the situation subtlety of the albinos!
BRITISH CONSULATE unnecessary spending remembering that they are unemt as it exists. This Committee has become the official Such persons are not genuinea ployed and may not readily succeed in finding work. mouthpiece of British West Indians here, and if any NOTICE Americans, for the true son of the Great Western Republic is They must beware of the so called friends who will ext knockers will dispute this fact let them put the matter to press joy at seeing them again, with a squint eye in the the test and it will very soon appear how completely they The British Consulate become uniunists glad to have the West Indiang Jould be glad pocket book; they ought to look out for the village lay will be disillusioned.
any infor knows that Uncle will get presos with We desire to see the mildest circumstances develop mation regarding John Cob better service from us; he loves aunrestrained activity, court their attention pretending to out of the return of our boys here, and we believe that the sam, a native of Barbados, his country, and would rather see be interested in them. If they start drinking in the bar timely warning of the press will go farther than the buz ho appears to have been at ing adequate wages to West in.
it is known that they will get boozed and then robbed, zing of sirens and parasites who with staring eyes and ohe time a coach driver in Co dians, rather than pay a nickel or otherwise black minded villains may iniate distur. sharpened appetites are waiting to pounce upon the men loh.
to the United Fruit Co. or to the bances with the express object of victimizing the ex when they receive their money, like an eagle waits to Yours sincerely, Pacific Mail Steamship Co. for damages which may result from soldier.
pounce upon its prey. Verbum Sat Sapienti. Hutcheon. using inefficiency and underpaid deprived of been go because he Sam the


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