
re wire.
period passed and cuser.
Panama. Par You Are: ents duty to מר The ists of in before THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 PAGE FIYE łabor. The ignorance of those An Address to the Returned ponitione know m, PATENT MEDIwhite men on the docks, and all Canal Zone Notes UNITED BROTHERHOOD CINES quoting his fundamental there will are opposed to the Soldiers of the Regiment organization of ver ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHYSICAL Important Happenings of Local Lodges is in propor ion to their greed LA BOCA CULTURE definition of the word Such electr plated Americans (By EDUARDO MORALES tonie; that which produces vim, vigor, opposed to our uniting hecade thes have not Uncle of Ethiopia: greet you welcome Negro Fellowmen: Heroic Sons Children Concert. spring to the walk, the quickening of the Resolution of Sympathy hood of Maintenance of Way Besplague Sams interest at heart.
and Railway Shop Laborers tender Their sole aim is to get a purse population of the Isthmus. am a crowded on Wednesday evening 16th semester went to the doing of one daily in the name of the entire Negro The Salvation Army Hall at LaBoca impule to get to work the adding of Empire, Canal Zone the bereaved family ite sincere condo July 17, 1919.
fully to overflowing by any and pleased to intorm you that the inst at 30 when a Children Concert diety, and in short a regular toned up lence and heartfelt sympathy in their. other life.
reception given you bere to day was held. The little ones entertained At a meeting of the Empire sad hour of bereavement, commenting is only partial in comparison to nicely, by songs and recitations ete. His address and demonstration not Star Lodge No. 2513, of the Un them to the providential care Bnt what care we! The bar the full hearted sentiment of the The programme was a vary lengthy one only received hearty applause but the ited Brotherhood of Maintenance keeping of the Father of all, and be further. obacter vest is near. The tears shall be Negroes on the Isthmus. You and one of the most interesting items was appreciation was shown in the fact that of Way Employees and Railway be e draped for of 30 days, ad thered from among the wheat left these shores, to fight for the serving or ice cream witte which the listeners caperly sought to have their Resolutiobowners, be following leaders as of copy this resolution be moet and burned y. You left everybody was satisfied Democracy. Dames enrolled in the Club that he was el the heat. The lord of the about to form to be called the Physical Gobere Hestehly please din lemn. the books of this lodge, a the these shores in order to make Whereas it has pleased Almighty the bereaved family, a copy rekorded on destroy the world a safe place to live in. vineyard will miserably opy mailed to La Boca Choral Union. Culture Club icked husband men and will But alas.
nite wisdom and goodness to remove each of the lacal papers, and copy Tit helped his vineyard unto to establish a White Democraont It is hoped that the Red Tankers will from us and the Brotherhood to His mailed to the Advance Guide our offi The La boca Choral Union appeared andmen who shall render LO the fruits in their season. make the cy You have only hulped to for the first time in the Club house on behalf in berleh calon decorail the modele brother Chaude Vincent and her head and ciadorean for publication.
of opportunity of becoming a healthy on Sunday July 13, 1919. 2) Whereas arrang, meats to provide sick and funeral benefits for member of guilty conscience needs no ac folks we world safe for white Tuesday 15th, The Choral Union is people in a healthy community. in. But fear not composed of a number of well modulated Start to pack, your beloved ones; the Negroes of the voices. several sacred pieces were very Birth Notice Whereas by his death the Brother this Brotherhood was not yet completed trunks ye guilty ones, and flee Isthmus are proud of you, be nicely rendered. It has certainly made hood has lost a faithful friend and by the System Division at the time of from the wrath that is come cause you have fulfilled the pro a good hit for the start.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bannister worker, knowing his energy, and loy. the death of Brother Claude Vincent, ally to his Race and his over willing and at Red Tank a baby girl weighing lbs. Dess to assist in any possible way ye vipers that bind heavy bur phecy which says, Ethiopia shall Mother and child doing well.
dens and grievous to be borne, stretch her hands with might anything that would help to bring Whereas, such sad events are likely and lay them on men should Have we not read on the pages Wedding Bells better results to his people, and while recur before such arrangements shall we deeply mouru his loss, we bów to have been made. Be it resolved ers, but will not so much as touch oft of the world news of your he One of the prettiedlittle weddings Look GAMBOA the Divine will of the All Wise.
That an aseestment of 25cts, them with a finger.
roic deeds and fame? Have we place in the Wesleyan Chapel at LaBe it therefore resolved that this be levied against each member to po Weep and howl for your not heard and read of your un Boca on Tuesday evening 20th inst at Empire Star Lodge now in session ex: the support of his widow and two miseries that shall come upon hinching valor and success as 13 power when Jobs Woodbioine and Little Children of Gamboa theo who bere modern and our deen an be it further resolved. That tend his bereaved family all fighters and of the honors you and Florreta Grubbs were toEntertained heartfelt sympathy in this their hour this arrangement, if adopted by this and your automobiles shall be a received on the battlefields of Ruther in Holy Wedlock by the Rev of trial and sorrow and pray that local, be established as promociones witness against you.
God in His merey will be the husband governing all future oecurence of a Ye have Europe and Africa, the land of Evers minister at that Church. The of the widow, the Father of the fathercondemned and killed the just our forefathers? We are proud Choir was in attendance and the Bride and he doth not resist you. Weep of you, because you have upheld was welcomed by a Wedding chabt from some 30 children were entertain. mourn. And be it further resolved funeral funds of this brotherhood be for Sunday evening July 20th, less, and the comforter of them that nature until such time as the sick no more my Lady. Be patient the hands of Ethiopia with clean the organist, ed at the Gamboa Social Club that a copy of this be sent to the mulate bretheren; do not strike again, liness, and have enabled her to Fifty three men were obligated as a Stablish your hearts, and raise her head to heaven with anniversary Room. The opening address was spident of our lato brother, copy on of Minute, and await the mighty working of pride. You have teen in the col Daughters of the King se. Petoro Chape delivered by our populark Com. Acopy to each of the local tapers of meeting, which came to a close at o Risks and 1131 missary Clerk Mr. Fran followed by a song rena 173 ported by the American Federa ben your face make you have church La boca on Sunday 20th innt. at dered tion of Labor.
washed in the blood of sam.
as Mr. McDonald Victory Lodge No 2509 Equal pay for work that is crifice. You have been baptized Daughters of the King is a religious dress hoy the Audience; Ad Empire Star Lodge No. 2513 order The regular meeting of the show its to children, necessity object is the spread of Christ of Education Then The Empire Star Lodge will named Local, held on the 216. instant, equal in quantity and quality with the baptism of pill enable us to have our own ba Veu decended onto Melt in order Kingdom St. Peters chapter has been pieces from Mr. Hussey Vic. hold a Meeting on Thusday as the scene of much interest and so daily newspaper in which we to to bury the old Negro, have to us a New pioneer of its kind on the Isthmus Trola, Recitation by master Lion August 7th for the purpose of tivity. Fourteen (14) new members now returned to us a propagan andre le liebe Bubble aina howering to one howlity isolation, ita et Williams, Song by Miss Reita obligations Candidates that were of the enemy, and show him Negro holding high the stand online constitution and of Prayer and Business went through por press correspondents may face of the entire world, demands and criticised by those ignorant of its Johnson, Recitation master pero mayis tartoons me that meet when her doors will be close to the one up in his true colors wherever ard of our racial purity in the service, have been often misconstruey Green, Recitation by master iett over from last Meoting it is obligated, sad the general Order of Townsend, Song master Charles urged that the Bretberen be This Lodge is fast approaching the day. members object. ing time.
of your your race.
private transaction of businese.
hood; twill do you good. If you your over all difficulties, however, the order short addresses by Messrs Regular Meetings for the want to thrive, sacrifice 75 Negro Fellowmen: We wel has surmounted for four years The Brown and Cohall, Solo by Mes month of August 7th and 13th will note that the remnant of non unionPersons desiring to enter this Local STOUTE come you with open hands and anniversary was well attended. sers Williams, Green and bear the dates in mind.
heart, because greater love hath service was conducted by the Rev. Eversley, Address by Mr.
the Paraiso District are hurrying Cristobal At a meeting held on the 16th unan than this, that he risked Mulare, chaplain of the order. Wood. My last year in the 80 members was enrolled, re come. It is therefore an urgent neccanity fore the day of applied formalitico in his very life for his race. You Canal Zone School, Sung by all. member the Slogan There re that you seperate yourselves promptly Installation of lon Lodge wife. children, brothers, sisters. Boes on Tuesday morning when a man with ice cream etc. served by land to be possessed.
have mother Much excitement was crused in La.
The kids were then entertained maineth yet very much more and come out from among heartle No. 22 o.
slackers. for sweethearts and friends so that named Alfred Foot was seen exhibiting Miss Green, after which they you may prove to the world you sigas of insanity he is said to be a lined up and marched home, con: a slacker in Empire, or we shall be also reap.
Let it not be said that there is Whatsoever a man soweth that shall are men; men worthy of recog. Jamaican of respectable connections. Iducted by Miss The above named Lodge held their nition. That aim you have estabGreen, with show him the road that leads to He was employed at the Balboa Res. every one feeling satisfied at the Pontoon Bridge (as there GRANT installation of omloers tor the term lished; that proof you have writ taurant as a waiter and took up resi having spent a happy evening.
July December 1919 at the Morning Journal Agata Star Lodge room, 24th, St. Ghachapa ten on the mind of every living dence with some friends in Ls Boca ars but few Trains here now li on Friday night July 11th inst. individual; that recognition yoa He complained of depressed feellings and delay might prove fatal. ons new member was duly initiated the battlefields, and by every to Tuesday morning when he attempted Before the Installation took place have gained by your leaders on and was restless and troubled previous GATUN And though, Empire Star DRAWING THE LINE into the mysteries of the Noble Order, Negro on the face of the globe, tossing himself from the balcony and Lodge, tho isolated in the jungles of the West bank, art not Sir: Please give space and after suitable instructions were who intend to stand by you made it extremely difficult to capture Jelivered to the newly made Brother through life and death.
Wedding Bels the least among the Lodges of your valuable paper for the fold the Bro. Samuel Hudson turned the Brotherhood, for by your lowing article: the to pital quiet and pretty little wedding took Membership it shall soon be seen is being treated Bro. Barnes, me proceeding rata sa We hope dear friends, that the him. He was taken to the Ancona Hotel ame spirit place on Sunday last at the Christian that you are really 100.
Eleven organized colored enMaster of ceremonies, the Grand Mas. success with which you left the Mimion Church Colon, when Henry Sar. Members of all Lodges you can houses held a meeting for the ployees of one of the Zone Clabwer appointed thanked the for Isthmus, still burns within your RED TANK geant. Employee at the Gold use this Song the attained portion.
of this town was given into marriage to of drawing a line against The folļowing comprized the Grand liberal heart for the mutual women efit and future uplift of your race.
Standing by a purpose true, Miss Dolcina Nurse, both Barbadians.
the unorganized men who cal Lodge: vix. Bros. Barnes In Wohner The Red Tank folks attending the Wilkins officiating Minister Heeding God command; the United Brotherhood an Or stalling Master, Osborne We hope that the lessons Honour them the faithful few, P, AE Buchner, WG Scipline you have learned, and the moving picture show at the Club House the rol ma vow on both parties in a most That joining Severs Band.
on Monday night the 14th instant were interesting way ganization of wordly pleasure, Boyce, w, TMakay, Miss Blanch Salter must say men of kind are still Liodsay, Day, Clarke, and the Tyler theolation of defensive imple tested to a very forceful and instructive acted as chief Bride Maid, while George Chorus: Dare to be United, Never stand alone in darkness and are very danger Bro, Goo. Lateau, of Loyat use during your military life, lecture and demonstration on the impor. Griffith acted as Bestman, After the Dare to have a purpose firm ous to work with, and do hope are tant subject PHYSICAL CULTURE ceremony the boppy couple took the p.
abide with Nelson.
you forever; and may the time is near at hand when we Dare to make it known.
Many giants great and tall, The Officers installed to serve the that some day (in the near fu the care and development of the human mo, train to Gatun their place Krediden de will have no other, but the or.
ensuing term are: Bros. Henriques. ture hope) you may lead us on body by Mr. Terence De Bourg of Red where a delightful time was spent. Stalking through this land ganized man to work side by cu Forde, Matthias, p. the battlefields for the restora Tank Birth Headlong to the earth will fall, side with, and shall join heart and Morrison, Lobban. Sec. re tion of Our Fatherland, the e3When met by Severs Band.
After relating his past years experience hand to say, to hades with the elected) Campbeller Troebbe inner tablishing of Our Racial Integri sa staunch Physical Culturist hoc cher, on Sunday last a buncing baby Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold But Hold the Lodges Charter high, unorganized enemies, and those. Ingram. Press for Vio try grand Guard; Stephenson Chaplain; and Me ty, and of an everlasting Negro lined the differences between nature Obstacles we ll now dety, too, who are still saying ll wait Farlane, asst. Seety.
tonie (exercise) and the chemical com Continued on Paye And staad as SEVERS BAND. and see shall get the same yer.
The ceremonies re obligations of But let us who is of the Bro.
the different offices were impressively therhood be sober, putting on the valuable space.
Thanking you in advance for extended to the Officers installed SISKESKSSSSSSSSSSSS the brest plate of faith and couAt such functions it is a rule that rage, and the helmet of persey. am respectfully, Bros. from Sister Lodges visit each erance and determination.
JAS, TROTMAN, other and it would be noted that the Ionie was on time, That we may be able to quench Ancon C: 28 Due to refreshments and rest from the fiery darts of the Wage Boar Labor, the Brethren todos! repaired the Robbersary, and their high Fidelity Lodge to the Banquet Hall to partake of the cost of living.
xood things which were provided for IS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL the occasion, it was not yet quite hall On Tuesday evening July 1st the ind an hour after the seats were occupied, ISTHMUS OF PANAMA stallation of the Officers of the Fidelity came the sound of the Foresters horn, heralding the death of the beloved LODGE No. 2151 Lodge No. 10107 o. of Bro. Claude Vincent, who received promoted by Bro. Benj. Green of the the master blow death from this The countless conveniences of ELECTRICITY Eureką Lodge No. 9879, Colon, took earth plane to take his rest in the On Monday night last the place at their Lodge room, Foresters Great Beyond, from where none e er return. Sadness then prevailed, and are now widely apprecated by the general public. Clerk Local held its first inde Hall 24th St. Guachapali. Bros.
the banquet finished hurriedly to make pendent meeting at the St. An Wilson Dist. of the Panama Di.
room for the entrance of Foresters thony Hall, when all were ex trict o. of performed Travellers, stop ere you go by, and No matter how small and inexpensive your home cluded except those holding said ceremony assisted by Garriak meditate upon the principles of the deceased Claude Vincent and conworking cards under charter of Loyal Primrose and Barnabas template as we are now, so once was No. 2151. There were quite s. The following form the new is, you can give yourself all the comforts of the most he, and remember where he now is, fair number of members out, administrations:there shall we be sooner or later. Are we prepared and in conclusion the costly residences at surprisingly small cost.
among Whom were two Lady. Bro. Reginald Mitchell, members of the Ionie Lodge No. 22. sister George Chevers, V, Lambridge, whose presence I, tender our sincerest symVincent Cargill, pathy to his widow children and reElectric light is inexpensive, safe and beautiful.
seemed to have had great effect Sames Niles, latives in the hour of their bereavement.
upon the Lewis Aikens, Electric household appliances cost little to run and unusual, perfect order Isaiah Hamilton, Various matters were discussed; mu Alex Sanches, saves hours of time and labor.
committees were appointed. Walter Barnabas, Panama Hats for the carrying out of different William Padmore, Adv.
missions. On behalf of the Wife and family of the late Mr. Claude Claudius Laing, Warden: Vincent, the following resoluCLEANED, and BLOCKED INSIST THAT YOUR HOME BE WIRED TO DAY Joseph Millington, LG tions were passed :N. Murray, Sup. to the and TRIMMED to Order (1) Whereas it has pleased Almighty Timothy Guy, Sup. to the God in His infinite wisdom to remove Clifford Rollins, Sup, to the ALSO Call 705 Call 150 from our midst our dearly beloved bro John Ward, Sup to the ther and co worker Claude Vincent on MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.
July with inst; and: Wereas by his The Workman death, which we deeply deplore we realize that we have lost a devoted FOR HOUSE No. 965, La Boca Panama.
husband, father and brother; Be it te solved: That the Isthmus of Panams Canal Zone Lodge No. 2151 of the United Brother in purpose ister placed you have been taught to WIRED HOME entire gatheprefailed as and James Chaplin.
SSISCONO Rubber Stamps


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