
Deen carried not with strapped to of United States Pharmacy man.
terror leum avbe religiously THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 Barriers to the Progress allowed little scope for free. com.
of thought. Even at its new birth it has carried over from those who have been factors in its civilization, and to whose influence (By KINNIMOUTH. only it was subjected, a diversity of thought and opinion as to the.
things that were necessary, from (Continued from our last issue) those that were not necessary.
Untold Sufferings of British Soldiers, Shot to Pieces, GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE for its future development. MeauBuried Alive, Seared Inside and out by Poison Capital Versus Labor while it continued to be hedged in by intellectual limitations, and Gas, Driven Insane by Shell Shock, Burned Labor aud Capital form the two lettered with social and economic By Liquid Flames, and Drowned in leading factors in the material disabilities.
Bogs of Flanders Carefully Properly progress of the human race. They are the machinery through which The race has long been accus Shur. Continued fron last Issue)
Shellte Tested Fitted Earth vast resources are devel. tomed to placing much credulity oped. the main spring in the upon the wisdom of those who time piece of a a nation life. But though former malefactors: Another instalment of the horrors of war by the are not on good terms with would now pose as bene laetors each other, and the Tesponsibil berayo der should now benefit from in undertaking to shape famous War; Correspondent Phillip Gibbs, ſto the Montreal we ity for this must be placed on or the experience it has had that it Gazette is reprinted for the interest of our readers. pital. The relationship bet comme would be useless to depend any them days has become During the attack on Theipval, in the thoroughly, with superiority on our side more strainea, fora nbws we hear honger upon any other sources battles of the Somme, saw a tall and toward the end.
of strikes on the North and for its forther advancement but strapping Sergeant Major go raving mad In these four and a half years our losses to the PANAMA CITY by shell shock. He kept clawing at bis were nearly 700, 000 killed and over 2, 000, strikes on the South; labor agita itself. It has been NEW YORK COLON mouth and is body was shaken with 800 wounded. High figures, Crying out to tion in the East and labor agita. point where it must work out 23 Central Avenue 44 Front Street tion in the West, till it seems as its own cou vulsions, so that he had to be to a stretcher. Another soldier the pity of God and man for all this it the voice of the entire laboring fear and trembling. but with inflexible courage and grim deter ho sacrifice of splendid youth and witla near him a young and handsome boy, much suffering of spirit and body to each world is crying out for justice.
Witness the conditions under mination, And in order to do was shaking in kind of ague, staring individual before he lay quiet below a which the laborer in our midst this it must be indivisible in its wildly with a dreadful torrer ige huis bereits wooden cross or went home with exists today. Study the great aims and purposes, unifying in quite insane.
After almost every battle blighty wound, who can describe the ter by increased cost of living and see its efforts, and co ordinating in see its operations.
wo fought through four and a if wages are not in inverse ratio to it. The of Self consciousness Lack Olen wure was always a crowd of rows of the battlefields? cannot, though have gone through those fields on average laborer is Shell shock cases, and used to turn my of great battle and seen our guns blown days ever a poor man, and his lot at No race that has passed bead from the sight of these poor times is pitiable. But watch him through the crucible as much as boys, with their dazed and lolling eyes up into the air by high explosives with their teams kiHed beside them, and have JUST ARRIVED!
at his work. What meagre the Negro race, and still exists, and that clawing gesture at the mouth. walked through tracks strewe with our LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FRESH chances does his overseer have can be said to be made of infe Our asylumns are still full of them.
dead and German dead, beadless, with to reproach him as a shirker: rior staff. This realization should PATENT MEDICINES The man has a high sense of into every individual Negro to stand provide a Every year, every month almost inten arms and legs Alung far from their strong platform for sified their powers of destructions on bodies, with dreadful mangled faces or For use both internally and externally sponsibility and is putting ritnie toe on each side, or changed one form of slaugh with no faces.
practice. He bears the brunt of on and shake off the remnant of the day work with a light slavishness and servility, and ter for another. In the early days of have seen, not once but scores of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, FOUR FOLD LIVER heartedness that is remarkable. assert his manhood before the trench warfare the Germans mined under TONIC, Dr. SIMMONS SQUAW VINE COMPOUND, He our lines and our officers and then in the times the long trail of the walking was never afraid of the dyna. world. He must use it to force DARBY PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, FOUR FOLD mite and the rock; of the danger. his individuality on those who places like the Hohenzollern redoubt and wounded, staggering back under sheli Tricourt and (St. Eloi went about their fire with their arms about each other LINIMENT, Dr. SIMMON VEGETABLE ous heights and the dismal are most inclined to ignore it; depths; of the chilling rain and Hiller recognition than that which must utilize demand duties with the awful foonsciousness and neck, er hobbling along until they LIVER MEDICINE the scorching sun. He has the has prov: that at any moment the ground might dropped, to wait for the stretcher bear ers or to die, so patiently that they All these preparations have been used successfully by the beneath their feet and bits of their hardly groaned men with ghastix ed himself a a laborer af merely admits that God made worthy bodies be hurried sky high. So it hap wounds revealed nakedly, blind men people of the United States for more than 20 years. his hire. He has shown that he him, therefore let him pass for a by is deserving of more than For Sale at Pharmacy penny which his circumstances The heart of the race is pure.
ing we completely defeated the enemys sroping forward miserably with one hand tightly clutching a wounded comrade. Opposite Railroad Station)
forced him to agree upon. Yet The essential features of char underground work.
men so hideous in masks of clotted blood LOPEZ, Proprietor.
Capital constantly says to him, acter are welded into its nature.
Then the Flammenwerfer, or flame that dared not look at them after the Friend, do thee no wrong. It is made up of patriotic and thrower made its appearance and our first glance. On and after August 1st, this store will remove to Didst thou not agree with me for loyal citizens, true and faithful King Royal Rifle in the Ypres salient The flanders battlefields were worst at 149 Central Avenue, opposite El Sol Silk Store.
penny? Take that thine is and friends, conscientious and dutiwere the first to see this new form of all becau e of the intensity of fire there go thy way.
The means that As they stood to in the trenches remember reading an article have been employed for its subthey were aware of some liquid falling and because of the state of the soil in five months of heavy rain so that each in which the great Pope Leo Xul version have become factors in lightly upon them, and it smelt of petro shell hole merging into another pit ten was quoted as follows: Rights purging and purifying it. It has few minutes later they saw or twelve feet deep was filled to the brim must be German soldiers advancing upon them and made great bogs in whiebe dead met hate with love; scorn, with respected with canisters strapped on their shoulders bodies toated. Our men could scarcely Sailings for Bocas wherever they are found. Let it worship: contempt, with respect and hoer pipes from which jets of flame met through that ground tea miles deep be granted that, as a rule, work and injustice, with the true spirit men and hould make of forbearance. The race retains employers should make gushed out twenty yards ahead. Some Passchendaele by duck board tracks, free agreements, and in parti. its traditional characteristics of of the King Royal Riffe caught fire and foot and hali wide and greasy with were charred to cinders. Others beat alime, and taped out by German Launch ALBA wages. Nevertheless, there is Nature, and Nature God.
out the flames out of their clothes, cry, hellfire. They went into action at dictate of nature more imperious The physical stamina of the ing and cursing, and others in spite of night up those narrow ways of death and Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro and ancient than any bargain be race has also stood the test. It their burns, fired through these tongues the they slipped off the duok boards they tween man and man, that the re is true that it has not altogether of flame, and Germans carrying canisters fel to the armpits, and their cries to escaped were burned to death in their own fire. Teden Every Tuesday.
came wailing down the support the wage earner in rea. wrought by civilization, but it roand What Poison Gas Really Meant Woe betide a wounded man who fell like frugal contort. And tains virility enough to identify that, if there were no comrade bandy Taking Freight Passengers says Labor is watch itself with those sturdy aborigin Then came the develish use of poison to haul him out he sank deep into those ed over by pitiless laws. The inal tribes who seem to have kas, first used by the Germans in the bogs of Glencorse Wood and Invernere For Further Particulars Apply to absolute balance of Give and been especiaily equipped by Na second battle of the Ypres, in April of Copee and drowned.
Take, the doctrine that every: tare ture to be dwellers on the rugged 1915, when our men did not understand The Slimy Bogs of Flanders thing has its price, and if that Continent of Africa, and to be its meaning and retreated before that vaprice is not paid, not that thing competitors for existence with por of death through a wild stampede of After a battle in those swamps there but something else is obtained, the fierce denizens of its vast for: civilians in Ypres until many fe l, chok were many wounded men lying there, 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON and it is impossible to get any osts and jungles ing and gasping their lives out in the ind one of them told me how he re thing without its price. There covered consciousness at dawn and fields around.
The dawn of the intellectual is a third silent possibilities of the race has been One despatch rider, carrying urgenthought himself quite alone and was bargains. The nature and soul heralded by the most brilliant orders. rode forward through the tide of very much afraid because of that loneli of things takes on itself the guar intellects found in any race.
ness, until he heard the voices of woundretreat until he from his motor eyeleed wailing about him, and as the light anty of the fulfilment of every With a few prominentexceptions, which dashed sixty yards ahead until it contract, 80 honest service however, they did not seem to of dawn paled over those gray fields of crashed into a ruined wall. That was slime he saw blood stained figures raising in the Spring of 1915, and until the end themselves out of the pi like dead an ungrateful master, serve him public opinion favorably towards the war the Germans and ourselves FOUNDED IN 1881 Put God in your the growing needs of their pedebt Every stroke shall be reple, or to seek every opportunity developed and intensified this most web risen from their graves.
dreaded means of destruction.
After some of them clung to each THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA paid. The longer the payment to voice the sentiments of the other, or held hands like children, and is witholden, the better for you; race in the things that affected CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
The enemy was develishly ingenious met them and saw how they were for compound interest on coin its progress.
in his methods and varieties of gas pois shaken by the cold in their bones, and Just in Stock a large Assortment of pound interest is the rate and At this period of the evolution oping. He made it heavy so that it fil: how the gray slime of the Flanders usage of this exchequer. of the race, any advocacy of its tered down into our cellars in Arras and mud was clotted on them, engrained in Brook Powdered Barley Armentieres, where our men lay sleeping the skin of their faces and hands, and Backwardness in Respect to and outspoken The Blydens, claims must be strong, fearless in its poison. He made SMALL AND LARGE TINS Complete Solidarity for the it invisible and vdorless so that where plastering the clothes to their bodies, a no Douglasses, and Washingtons of they Common Good to day must rise up, lay aside the gas masks were invented our men did not dug up again.
that seemed to have been buried and BROOK GROAT know when to wear them. He made a It used to be, and in some modesty innate in the race, and For five months in 1917 our British Specially recommended for children and persons make themselves martyrs, quarters it still is, a common need be, in order that the feet of gas which caused us to vornit, and when soldiers endured those things, and our we took off our gas masks sent over anConvalessing.
thing for Negroes to speak of black men may be planted fired other gas which killed.
losses reached fantastie heights. It themselves, or to be spoken of, as amounted in the case of some divisions And then he invented mustard gns, to all but annhilation. The two Irish MANUEL ESPINOSA incapable of unity and co ordi on the soil of Liberty.
Central Avenue, 33 nated action. This eprouch, selfthe worst of all, which deposited divisione 2, 000 men och before Opposite La Merced Church Panama.
cast or otherwise, is not altoge Well known Canal brownish powder and burned through attacking a line of German pill boxes ther without grounds for justif Employee Wri es men clothes and raised enormous (or concrete block in August of cation. Right here in our midst ters and blinded them. With this was 1917. They were shelled for hones as the numerous attempts zo form News has been received from sent over in shells, he strafed our bat they stood to in their treaches before unions having as their aims im Elliot, former resident of the teries and put many of them out of ac the battle and then when they went JUST OPENED tion, and caused thousands of casualties into action cach division lost 000 more.
provement in economic condi Canal Zone who was an employee among our infantry, month after month. to one case their loss was 62 per cent, tions, social uplift and consolida; of the is now attendtion, and mutual benefits of ing a Dental College in Chicago It was a dreadful sight to go through of their total strength. In the other it field hospitals were hundreds of these was 64 per cent.
mental expansion, have nearly. that he is progressturned out to be only 11 gas cases where lying panthing for breath, 122 Central Ave. Panama nized effort at ing rapidly in his studies During all the years of war, until the Hle mismanage also had the privilege of being with their lungs turned to water, with their (near late Continental Bank)
ment, with its accompanying one of the Delegates from Chica bodies burned, and with bandaged eyes. last phase, they were dreadful episodes evils of dissension, opposition, On one day BROWNE McALMON, Prop in one section of the line like that when whole bodies of men, and disruption leading to tinal go to the great international Student a conference which was there were 1, 500 of these cases, and round Ypres, in Deiville Woodane High disorganization. Whether the fails held at Lake Geneva, Wis. trom every day for many months there were and Thiepval, were slashed to death by Wood, on the Somme, at Gommercourt ure of these short lived org a. June 13th to 24th, 1919, under the large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS hundreds. It was but poor comfort to the ganizations to achieve their Auspices of the A, the our men in agony that our gas was even German gunfire. They were fine men, are the most part from English boys. PATENT MEDICINES aims and objects is due to o poor object of these conferences is to more deadly counties and Scotish farmsteads and TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS leadership or other causes of a stimulate the friendly relationSlaughter on Battlefields Worst cities, and Irish villages, and had many local nature, we are not prepared ship between foreign students of All friends among them and love them all.
to say; but that it is not due to and American students.
the irremediable causes often Yet, after all, these devices were but mess after one of these battles and to go to a battalion the trimmings and decorations of that kind few familar faces, but new faces of to assigned by the enemies of the Prescriptions carefully compounded race, we are certain Dr. JOHNSON dead which is war. The slaughter in the BROWNE DAVIDSON battlefields by artillery heavy and light other boys who had come out to fill up From the very beginning, the SURGEON DENTIST the gaps, knowing that in a little while Druggist Druggit by machine guns and of remeke emostana beir turn would come.
race at large has been held with Phone 1003 Phone 939 was business the 0, Addresi in such bounds as would foster ourselves, and both sides did their job (Continued on pa je 7)
inability on its part for indepenAncon, 852 up to sonable Emerson, CARLOS HENRIQUEZ a party to all our Central Drug Store the more.
of lone blishouses)
The Chemical Hall orgathat it was hard to


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