
TEDIT SO PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919 Why Are You so Stern Against The White Preachers. teis Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacif Steam Navigation Co.
Face; which THIS is a good DAY to try FINE TIME CIGARETTES AND ENJOY GOOD SMOKE THE LOW PRICE IS MISLEADING THE HIGH QUALITY IS PLEASING Ask for them Everywhere for: against him am see 15c. Gold REAL Per package The Different Garage.
there in you think Was the uuestion asked me by two of my friends; In answer to the above, would like every one to understand clearly, that am not against white preachers because of their color or their religion; but am steroly FRIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE against and every well thinking Negro should be against certain they the unthinking members of my SALVADOR do not only affect the members of the church, but wi leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, cause a disgrace to fall on the entire race that we are striving SATURDAY, 19th JULY, 1919, for so hard to place on the world platforin of merit and respecta Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, bility, socially and financially.
Acajutla San José de Guatemala and CHAMPERICO. take for an instance the Rev.
Father Cooper: a gentleman whom have always respected, and still hold the deepeat respect ORIANA au not because of his color or his reliwill leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon gica; God forbid but sternly against and every well SATURDAY, 26th JULY, 1919, for thinking Negro should be against Callao, Moliendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofogasta, Cuimba the picnic business, because it humiliates our decent women and VALPARAISO and girls and causes them to stoop far beyond their exbant tion by having to come in personal contact with those much below their dignity: It must also be S, ELLERDALE remembered, that had it not been a church. picnic, 10ths of the members would never have will leav, CRISTOBAL middle of August, for thought of attending same; but believing they are doing their bie HAVRE AND LONDON to pelease The Lord iter enter into the infernal ditch of shame and disgrace wholesale hands and heart. But permit me to poverty. That they should emFor Further Particularsstate right here that if the good brace poverty and glory in it, if Lord was dwelling among us, they wish to overcome it. and Apply to the Office of the Companies te sincerely believe He would use a pick handle instead of a cordio every well thinking Negro should be against it drive Father Codor CRISTOBAL Cooper out of his because such vileness as So you see plainiy, that am or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, what takes place on a picnic not against the individual beground, causes The Devil hinself cause of his color or religion, but PANAMA.
tashiver; and the Revere!
anile the Reverend gentle am sternly against ther actions and certain methods they teach been told over and over by mang man knows that too. have that is not to the social and grieved inembers, how he turned The Garage where every one is treated alike. fiinancial uplift of our race away a black woman from the Panama Baptist Bee Club MORALES One Price communion rails, simply because Open Forum Good Service Rally she knelt beside the white folks; and was scolded in the vestry Right Pricse (To be Continued (Continued from Page with you ought to to have known better eder Quite a large number of per of course, the poor old woman sons gathered in the Hall of the did not believe the Lord of Cerro Baptist Church Anniversary Brilliant Affair Tuesday July 15th on the occa sider her ways and be Organized.
Panama Baptist School room on of the Wise Man. Go to the aut, conOn the Church would have Now to was beaten and ashamed and had to mm sion of the rally which took place Thanking you for space reason and common sense; if the connection with the Bee retreat.
color line is drawn against you, The Annual Service of the Club, an auxillary organization Yours truly don Cerro Baptist Church was ob you should try of that Church HG. HEADLEY to worship your God in a place served on Sunday July 13th and The meeting was opened by wherein your soul could be at was a memorable occasion. The Mr. Brown who in a few Church was beautifully decorated brief remarks introduced to the Dear Love: am half red and halt peace, and where there is no color with green combined with a audience Mr. C, Reid who was blue over your singing of that Solo Mon question. You cannot concentrate your thoughts on God, and at the great profusion, and variety of to occupy the chair for the even day night it was over almost too early flowers. Several pots of flowers ing. The chairman made a very enjoyed it indeed. went so far Thurs. same elme on the color question. now take The wood old most artistically arranged and short and spícy opening addres, day evening and could get help to given by Mrs Cohall of Gambon and promised those in at drive my cattle over the inoor nine Pathor Burns as mynext exame tendance a programme that they home. Aint the same liar as used ple; of whom not one of us could At the 11 o clock service Rev and he delighted with. The to be? You will. am Sure say; Yes. say anything against him personjs. Moss Loveridge occupied the songs, solos and recitations were How are the boys? dont let them make ally. He looks after his sick rostrum his text was taken applauded time and gain; and love to you especially that coward you members, if they cannot pay Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road from King 17 16 after which special mention must be given know the sound of my pistol gave him their rent he helps them; he even the Lord Supper was adminis.
Miss Edwards, for the splen a shock once. So vanished from his goes a little further than that, he tereu to the members of the did say in which she enter sight altho he had Vidrio looking at all also helps those who are not LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Church, also Mrs.
Mendez and tined the friends with her ren the time members, but with all this goodWell all my time is gone now so ness, he is found wanting, beI Richards were welcomes into dition the recitation, When we WATCH REPAIRING must Say Au revoir Now low many cause he also runs the picnic Church Fellowship. At the Rev. Gentleman again The solos, The Nightengale sives and boys names can you make out business that pushes vue deeper WE KNOW HOW, TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. addressed the children on the and What wilt thou have me to of my note Just try and dont stick at in hell than in heaven, He dislittle Foxes which will linger in do? by Mrs. Dume and every little thing graces our race just the same, our memory for many a day.
Yours afftly Miss Cummings respectively, It was at his picnic where the Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. At 30 we had the opportunity was greeted with warm applause vagabond claimed he danced with of having the privelege to hear boy the audience. The songs Just the girl afore mentioned Shall O, CAMPBELL the Rev Pinnock. His in: we sell our Birtbright for a pot for to day and Happy is be Sir, bey to render my sincere wish of porridge. Oh no, never, nev.
is In Jehovah also WATCHMAKER spiring Sermon and instructive AND JEWELLER, counsel have spurred us on with brought prolonged cheers from all the officers and members, of the Phone 1053 United Brotherhood of Maintenance, ofer; this picnic business must be the friends in the gathering Cars Stop at the Door.
cut out immediately.
vim ne feien and vigour, and make The colors of the various con Laborets.
Way Employees, and Railway Shop The Rev. Mr. Parker is a little successfully cope with any diffitestants were as follows. Red, culties that may arise. On TuesMiss Chenist, White, Miss I beg to express ny greatest interest, better in this respect, because he Logan; Blue Miss Bunn: and and do sincerely hope we will stick to does not believe in the picnic day night the people gathered gether, Red. white and blue, Miss business; he simply believes in from all parts of the vicinity to Peece. The Blues won the con Birds of one feather flock together. an outing, but am against hear the Rev Walker his Supt.
unchristian actions, test; and the leader of that class Let us then be up and doing, as Southern Baptist Board, who in the Mother was presented with a beautiful Be calm, cool and collective Gardener, Miss Alberga an inspiring address pointed out In God we trust. Without Him we can cases, and every well thinking boquet by the chairman. Mrs. Carter) and Mrs. Caton the duties of every individual in carrying on the work of the After a very enjoyable even do nothing g entertainment the meeting Drive the nail aright boys, Negro should be against such ac.
increases one interest in Church and the result our came to a close at 10 m. with Hit it on the head; gregations receive through united efforts. The Rally of the twelve the singing of God Save the strike with all your might boys, The Rev. Mr. De Wit like Mr.
tribes was led by Deacon JohnWhile the iron is red.
Parker does not believe in the PHOTOGRAPHY son after which choir renpicnic business, he also believes dered several special selections.
WM. LAWRENCE were you ve work to do boys, in an outing without Mr.
The amount collected was 70 Do it with a Raton Band; that is very nice We also beg to thank They who reached the top boys, CALL IN AT THE of of him, because believe our those who contributed to our Tailor and Outfitter First must climb the hill.
people should have some kind of cause.
Standing at the foot boys: recreation of that sort; it is very good. But like Father Cooper Gazing at the sky, KIDealer in School Books, and Mr. Parker, he runs a VEIL LIFTED FROM THE How can you get up boys and Stationary.
If you never try?
bank, and gives the interest to the (Pa and I am further tola 68 Central Avenue. Phone 1050 Yours, he has a twelve (Continued from page 6)
tribes system SMITH who is to see which of No. 11 Street, Panama the tribes can beg for the most And you are sure to be interested in having But they came and did not try to chains from Central Ave.
money. Now, it this twelve your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor shun their fate. They walked among Ladies, Listen!
tribe system is true, am the dead and knew the horrors of war, against it, and every well think MCKENZIE Address: but they put on a mask of cheerfulness Before getting your new because it will cause our young ing Negro shouid be against it, and hid any fear they might have in (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO Box 805, Ancon Z, Hat give a call at No: 22 girls and women to be insulted their hearts. God knows we are all afraid and they were gallant to the end ADVERTISE IN Street, opposite the and God knows what else.
hating this war as the hell it was but am not against the Rev. Mr. Printing, Developing and Enlarging National Institute.
golng through with it, and drinking to The Workman Evers individually, but am the very dregs its cup of agony, for the You will hear the rest whn against his teachings; such as SPECIAL FEATURE name and honor of the British race and IT PAYS The West Indians should not for their own pride of manhood whicks you come.
feel themselves embarrassed by would allow no surrender, The Calidonia Jewelry Store District.
get there.
whose can such Good Picture con tions, King, Scranton Photo Studio haruns a dime Lord, object


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