p. 8


UNION HALLU The Regular interesting and Liberty RESOLVED Panama Optical Co. Church Services.
of the prise Best for ba PAGE EIGHT YAMAMSON THB WORKKAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919, Canal Zone Notes Court Paradise No. 9292.
PACIFIC THEATRE (Continued from page 5)
Passes Resolution of PANAMA COLON of Sympathy.
girl. Mother and child is doing well, while Ameld is wearing a broad smile As a Popular meeting of the ato mo SATURDAY, JULY 26 and getting congratulations from bis friends and co workers of the Municipal Court held at their Court rooms on Sale Department at this district.
urday, July 19, 1919, the following RASO The Mortgages Wife Exciting Feature LUTION was adopted. 5 Reels Baptism of Twin Babes WHEREAS the Great High ALSO Luther Moore, employed at the gold Ranger and Creator of this Universe be SUNDAY, JULY 27 Y, at this town is the bappy His all wise rulings, bus ealled unto Him Continuation of the Wonderful father of twin babes, the babies were self our beloved citisen, Universal 20 Rool Feature friend and Mother Secret taken to Colon on Sunday last and brother Past Chief Ranger CLAUDE ceived the blessings of Holy Baption at VINCENT of Court Mipah, No. ONS the Christina Mission Church. After of the Ancient Order of Poroeters, and. ALSO The 2nd Episode of Eddl. Polo the Baptism of the babes sumptious featuring.
WHEREAS. time was given by the parents and God and Mario Walcamp. In EDDIE POLO and MARIE WALCAMP pareata.
Through his death, we have lost Liberty co worker, friend and benefactor, and The Unveiling of the three Chartere that a bright and illuminating park was the bigreat night ever witamod at been removed from the great light of Match between All Barba And. Good Show Each Show Night the Look out for the Programs Each Day this district on Monday night 17th inst, Porestry, be it hereby, Coming Week, including various Episodes Iill must be congratulated for the dos and All Comers(Ends of Eddie Polo in LIBERTY WATCH FOR PROGRAMS brilliant way in which he fulfilled his In a Draw seat as Chairman for the occasion.
That this Court tender the ismily of Auxillary Dance to Take Place No. 0196 O: our sincere condolence the deceased brother, and Court Misap ALL BARBADOS CARRIES OFF Well, Well, Well, what do you say, in their bereavement, and in this tot ALL PRIZES WITHIN SIGHT place of Layne playod excellently, with have you made preparation for any dance hour of tribulation, and may the great the resulta that when stumps were drawn out of this district, if so change your Redeemer give them strength to bear Joe Hill splendid Bowling be brought his bat out for a well played their grial and affliction be it further mind as the ladies Auxillary will be stag ing one of the biggest dance ever won Performance.
10. All Barbados up to call of time RESOLVED made 53 runs for wickets. John PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL on the Isthmus of Panama on Saturday bowled expellently and captured of night August 2nd. The district Wire to the family of the deceased brother, That a copy of this resolution be sent as announced in our last issue, all man is spearing no time in forcing the one to Court Mispah No. 9198, one copy matches in connection with the Gitten the six wickets at a cost of 18 runs, and St. Peter s, La Boca beautiful range of lights around the to the local prew one copy to the Wort Cup were postponed last Sunday in order at one time wemed likely winner of BYBS EXAMINED The services for the above Chureb spacious new Club, Hall. Tickets are now Indian of St George Grenada B, that the Benefit Match for the return Two prises had been by the Glassos Proscribed tomorrow will be as follows, on sale and can be had from any of the and one copy to be incorpo ed soldiers should be well represented.
Mattios and address 11 am following geatleben Neverson, or minutes of this Court and that a page in the Sunday School p. Thete bad been some rain the Saturday British Minister for the highest 2007 Laurie at this town.
up to a late hour, and the pitch, natus and the best bowling average of the day. Portoct FAR and NEAR VISION Admission gentle be left blank in our minute book Men Bible Class p.
men 1, 00 Evensong aud sermon 730 pm Cy.
Ladies free Sam reilly was not in the most perfect condi and both of Shem was carried off by In ONE single LENS, is but All Barbados; Joo Hill, bowling for all.
JT Mulcare, Rector Gooding band will furnish the music tion.
one great feature of the By noon, however, on Sunday, it was Barbados, bowled overs, maidens Dance commences at Come and Resolution of Sympathy. HIGH GRADE SERVICE runs, and this proved to in good condition for play, and hunhave a good time at the Lock City be the St. Barnabas, Empire we are offering you.
dreds could be seen wending their way to be the very best for the day, the only At a regular meeting at Court Robert Gill, of house five met with a Holy communion at 10. 45 a. in.
the Standard Oval to watch the outcome we cous contender being John at one very painful accident on Sunday last Pacific No. 9751, held at their of the game. By the time that all are in the. he bad for but almost Office 282 Bolivar Street. In Meeting of the Daughters of the King when one of his feet got badly bruised. He Court room Grove Hall Laboca immediatelya beautiful at 30 was admitted to the Ancon Hospital on on Monday July 21st, 1919 Front of Masonic Temple put him out of the runhad gathered, and impatiently were callning. Brown 18 stood as top score Evening prayor and address 30 in: Monday last where he will rest for the following resolution was Building, Colon. Rev. Mulcare, Priest in charge.
ing for the match to begin, until near the close while all his friends wish him speedy adopted:of the game when The side representing All Barbados was recovery. Whereas, Almighty God in captained by Thomas, and the combin Beet topped and became the winter.
St. Alban s, Paraiso: ed islands were captained ly Cain. Por These two All Barbados men are both ALLMAN TheWorkman paper is becoming so his infinite and divine wisdon bad members of the other West Indian Islands, the folfhe Britannie and li a. Noring prayer and address popular around this vicinity that our severed from our Forestic Circle LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR. Sunday School lowing were represented. Jamnica, Trini both were presented with a beautiful 30 Evening, prayer and address. agent is now handling over one hundred Bro; Claude Vincent one of our Between 10th and 11th Sts. Rev. A, Nightengale Reckr.
dad, Grenada, St. Vincent and Antigua. Autograph Bat by Dr. Lowe on behalf copies. Why do nt the purchasers make esteemed Past Chiet Ran zers, few well.
one thing and subscribe, the cost is very of the Ancient Order of Foresters All Barbados captain won the toss and of the British Minister in we Bottle Alley. Colon, small; sixty sents gold per quarter, come lost in highest honor and usefulafter a consultation with his men he sent chosen words. The crowd St. George s, Gatun forward and let reading be your interest ness.
the All Comers to the wickets. Trinidad gave both men a big ovation. For AllWENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER 30 Holy Communion ing guide, good news from your homes Therefore it is resolved: and Grenada Dr. Gittens and Bertie Barbados, Layne made 16, Blackman 11 a. Morning prayer and sermon also of the wonderful doings of the Union Thomas were the defenders. whilst the and Best 20 not out. The game LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY 12. 30 Holy Baptism and various places on the Isthmus. Court Pacific No 9751, of the An That we the members of Blackman brothers started the attack. having ended in a draw, both sides are p. Sunday School 30 Evening prayer and address.
Holder is the popular Agent and reporter. cient Order of Foresters in It played without the services of Edmundea is desirous of having the game Also Cleaning Pressing might here be remarked that Barbados saying Time saved the other, and Latest English and American Fashions.
Rov. A, Nightingale, Priest in charge Last but not least among our report, session, now assembled, do here match IToider, who had to be at work all day, played over. Interest in such we must admit that we ve lost one of our ess earnest and heart and the combined islands also had an has gone to such a pitch this week that Your Patronage Solicited most popular young ladies in the person felt sympathy, to the family of abeen toe in John Charles. After about a certain gentleman bus come forward St. Paul Mission, Chorrillo of Miss Luna Meikle this young lady our departed Brother in their five minutes play, beayy rain came and offered purse of 100. 00 to be Prices Moderate 11 a. m, Morning prayer and adulress won the heart of everyone sometime ago, sad bereavement.
down, and it seemed sit the game was competed for by the two teams again, p. Sunday School singing the song (Till we meet again)
over for the doy; but when the rain winner take all.
And be it further resolved: 1, 30 Evening prayer and Sermon accompanied by Miss Smellie on the ceasod, Teacher Thomas and Cain wer This purse, we have been told, is alKev. Nighbongale. Priest in piano and Aird as barotone; Mise be sent to the bereaved family, That a copy of this resolution charge.
seen going on the ground, and after ready handed over to a responsible party, Meikle is now residing at Colon.
that they be inscribed upon the little consultation they announced that and he has called on Dr. Carrington, the FOR SALE the game would continue after half an manager of the All Barbados XI to play Quite a rush was made at the Post Iminutes of the Court and also WEST INDIAN LYNCHED Office on Wednesday 23rd Inst, when be published in the local praung hour. Both were heavily applauded this match on Sunday and Monday 31st the New Orleans mail which came on and that the Court suspend bus many thousands who had come to see August and 1st Sept. coming. We hope melhor patient were plad that they were not edit the time on a map bediening to show cultivated, and 4. Room was dragged to jail. In less than strike at New York mail in delayed and and each One large Farm, well Continued from paae the Transport Kilpatrick lightened the ness and remain in silence ture hearts of our residents. Through the three minutes.
to be disappointed, bags were requisi. side may have an opportunity tioned, and the water was mopped off their strength, as the Barbadians are Cottage Houses at Monte, half an hour a crowd of three several other important things of good the ground, saw dust applied and every saying with Holder or Teacher Thomas Lirio.
thousand persons gathered, material, especially that ot the Commis. Sergeant Willie Jeffers of to handle them, they can whip any comthing was soon ready again.
For Particulars Apply to, stormed the jail, dragged out aaries. Let us trust and hope things will Montserrat in Transit for On the resumption of play Dr. Gittens bination on the Isthmus. JONES, the half dead man, placed a rope be better by this and Monday as the was clean bowled by Blackman for around his neck. one end of His Home.
eyes of the long lookers are filled with and was followed by Burns Antigua. O, Box 165.
The Games for To morrow Paralso, which was tied to the tail of a water He too soon put his foot before a straight or tohorse. The animal was then flog Pickwick British Guiana at Empire.
It was indeed a very pleasura.
one from Blackman and was sent back ged into a gallop and when it Vincentian La Boca at Bishop J. GREAVES, to the pavillion. Brown of St. Vincent stöpped, fairly, tired out, the un Installation of Court John ble surprise to the many friends New Providence fortunate Jamaican was dead took his place only to see Thomas, who Hollow. Y, a All 13157 and acquaintances of Sergeant Wallace No. 9111 Miguel at had been playing very carefully, run out Willie Jeffers to pay them a real and his body naked.
Yorkabire Red Tank st Bishop A.
surprise visit. Sergeant Jeffers Phillips of Trinidad joined Brown, The Government doctor quesNOTICE!
accompanied the Colon Boy and at once they showed they had come Hollow, tioned the child, who said noth Scouts over from Colon, and took to stay. Teacher Thomas went on in UN JARTA WON WOT On Saturday July 19th. 1919 an active part in the British place of Blackman and Holder in The Management of the ing was wrong with her. Workman begs to notify the Installation of the Officers of Peace Day Celebration. Being place of Blackman, Soon he changed Court John Wallace No, 9111 quite a young man of twenty five Dr. CONNELL Secretaries of the various Holder for Blackman skain, and Friendly Societies and Secret The holephone ring and the New to serve for the ensuing years, he volunteered for service he of himself orme off, as he had been term July to December took in the great conflict in his native SURGEON DENTIST bowling only maidens, the batsmen Orders, whose Lodges appear in polish maid answered it, ur friendly Societies Directory Hello came from the receiver.
place at their Court Room Fores. home (Montserrat) in taking no risks, refusing to be tempted Can be found at 175 column to communicate with Hollon answered the girl, hushe ters Hall 24 St. Guachipali. The whence he was sent to France to do by bim. He now put on Joe Hill in in place of himself and Geo, William he office making the necessary with the pride of a new language. installation ceremony was as his bit for King and Country: He in place of Blackman. The stand of Opposite Station the ensuing term. who is this? again came the usual ably performed in Ancient has seen service on all the fronts changes of new Secretaries for voice. dont know who it is. sala Ritualistic custom by Bro. Jonas in France, also in Palestine, of the day who made by Brown and Conthe girl, cant see you. M, Wilson assisted Italy, and Africa, and is indeed rad Phillips indeed; these two batsmen by Bros. Alex. Sanchez, Chas. rich in experience, suffering can truly say, they saved the combined Forde, John Humphrey, some of the real horrors of war.
team from defeat. Their partnership Samuel Applewhite, Fletch. This gallant and courageous yielded 31 runs out of the 63 made by the er, and Thos. Prendhomme young fellow is returning to his side. After they were dismissed Cain and s. After the ceremony the Offi native home, having arrived at Sargeant who followed were quickly sent cers and members along with the Colon on Thursday, July 18, and back to the pavillion both being clean visiting Brethren from the several is expected to leuve on the bowled by Joe Hill who was in fine form Sister Courts on the Isthmus and French Line Steamer on Tuesday with the ball. Hector was the only the West Indies repaired to the July 22. He was tho guest of other batsman who made any stay at tessil alono 292(BRANDON BANK)
Banquet Hall which was taste Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Nor the wickets. Of the 63 runs made fully decorated for the occasion ris Dyer of La Boca, Fred and Brown made 18 Phillips 13 and where ample justice was done to Norris did not fail to give their Barnett 11. No other batsman reached the good things provided. The old schoolmate and very dear double figures.
health of King George of En friend a warm time, and regretThe heavy rain that fell at the openPANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON gland coupled with the Allies, ted he had to leave so quickly.
ing of the game caused a delay of not the Executive Council, the visit. Sergeant Jeffers speaks in the less than an entire bour, and the bow SA Our large Resources and well known that Die le ing Brothers the past and pre highest terms of respect for the ling of Al Barbados was so good that sent Administration and the French Nation, and their square scoring was a very slow affair. It was conservative Management afford unPress, were all proposed and deal to every man irrespective of ar drunken with musical honours. nationality, creed, or color. He questioned security for every dollara dos XI went to the wink to the wiøketa, Teacher Thomas opened his innings with two of The following forms the present is indeed surprised at the won Administration derful construction of the Pana, This rough bats Layne and Black 20 eros deposited with this bank. nl mat)
Bros. Lyndon Clarke, ma Canal, and particularly at the man, and his judgennent was good for John Taylor C, R; Alex. organization of the Colored Toil.
both batsmen had a preferential tariff on Sanches, Secretaay. Sam, Apple ers of the Canal and Railroad.
the bowling of Cain and Bertie Thomines mi batensisd ot otwa 818 2oy Olo oli white, õub, Secretary. John He says to go to it boys, and who opened the attack; the result we Joh.
ent. ur314 toyo Humphrey, Treasurer. Bil stand by it too, for it was the that 20 runs went up before the fall of Transacted linghurst, Evan Good. Unity of the Allies that wou the the first wicket ons wicket that was deSNV5M man, James Dottin, great war, and it will be the Jessit Silat wo decidedly bowler B. Ernest Caesar, J, same kind of Unity that will double change Ww how made in the ISAAC BRANDONAT TONATHANIEL BRANDONO UV. BRANDON SS Wilson, Keeper, Vice President and Treasurer.
attack, John relieving Cain and Brown bring about our desired wish for da warenser: a better living, and a reasonable Pop, said the youthful seeker of going on in place of Thomas. In wage.
We take through this knowledge, Why do words, bara medium to wish Sergeant Jeffers John first bver be kot Blackman prons brin pisiqolsero a gorilnitet. lading to roots lit suppose my son. said It is bivibri Salt ibo weary parents, So the language a very safe voyage, and a very clean Bowled, Best who had gone in can grow.
successful and useful life. sh TATJAUSMIGA JOT bussian 10 bisa di board zuleart: 1991 theo als Central Avenue PANAMA BANKING COMPANY HQAIDOT SERVICE sto gueserande de se conser ngono la General Banking Business


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