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SME VOL. No. 31.
Laughter in the Infernal Regions that ry.
to sof the partBROTHERHOOD PROJECTED AN ATTEMPT DOINGS OF THE SILVER EMPLOYEES WANT TO VILLIFY BROTHERHOOD PARADE ON LABOR DAY Emmissaries of Month All Local Lodges Going ALL BACK PAY Paper on Job Strong Member Suggests Careful Plan For some weeks past it has Just a few words about Gatun, And Refund of all Monies Collectbeen brought to our notice to let the people know that we ning of Arrangements that certain emmissaries of are on the map. Perseverance Lodge No. 251 is going strong, ed Overcharge on Rent the Despatch, a months old we now have 225 members, are paper published in this City about 65 per cent organizing and In Circular No. 666 11 which is be taken even that which he The attempts of the West In the public waiting for hours to have been circulating mali hope by next pay day to be 99 found in the Panama Canal Re hath. The fellow with the lat dian Reception Committee on see us go by. Then arrange cious and erroneous state per cens strong cord of Nov. 18, 1918, the maxi. pocketbook payeth last and he July 19th last, and of the Eman ments in the way of time, trans ments about the Workman Our regular meetings are 1st mun monthly salary of a teacher with no pocketbook payeth and cipation Celebration Committee portation, etc. should be so com public demonstration in the city a spectacular one. It should not culated on the came Zone, beginning at 30 at Col. 70. 00. It is further stipulated on July 25, 1916, the President on the ist instant, to put on a plete that the affair should be viz: that this paper is notar and 3rd Mondays each month, on the Silver roll is fixed at prayeth first.
of Panama should son to us in the serve as a les be a representative affair, just a and therefore on Williams Lodge Hall, and we in said Circular that a Teacher of the United States issued an representing preparations for few a school Executive Order allowing free this opportunity to state acting as a principal of a the carpenters, members of the brotherhood that we are prepared to give our with Ehree or more rooms will be quarters to officers and em great big monster parade of oudere a few thie lekko, anodeeralso that the Workman is not wholehearted support any paid 19. 00 in addition to regular ployees of the Panama Canal and the small few the shop workers posed to pull off Oil Labor Day: 80 on. No, every member allowed to be mailed through proposition that is reasonable Though should do his very best to be the Canal Zone Post Offices and just proposed by any of the sta per knows se Chief Time PR R:but His Excellency deSeptember 1st next other lodges of the of perstbont 70. 00 plus cided that the thousands of not attempting to criticise the present in order to show the equals 80. 00, so in accord sons on Two weeks ago we were and on the Isthmus or ance with the silver roll, many of work of the gentlemen who com public that we are here and mean creditably informed that aforementioned circu. whom were employed for over even in the United States if lar, be wrote pay receipts, for eleven years, were not included prised those committees (the business. Believe me, less than well known firm was about necessary.
380. 00 to be issued to principals in the word writer being aware of the tre 10 000 men would not mean a Employees of colored schools with three or used in the executive order, and as to send in an ad. to be pubmendous task connected with single thing to me.
We also extend a cordial wel. more rooms; but these principals therefore approached the Presi the successful issue andertak Have we not read of those Lon. lished in the Workman which come to our meetings of ang did not receive said pay receipts, dent and oblained a supplemenwith a business eye could bave which as many as 30. 000 took his desk, when manager on brother, or any other lodge who stating that he has no authority collect rent from silver em.
an agent may be visiting Gatun on our to pay 50. 00.
seen several defects in the car part? Of course we cant put out ployees.
rying out of their proposed pro many, but we can, at least, of the Despatch walked in meeting nights without reserva The matter was taken up with In connection with the suppleposed programmes, and it is for establish an Isthmian record soliciting ads. for his paper. tlon.
by their And the Executvie Office by the Di. mentary order, Fellow West In.
the Brotherhood tebe nicest proces day in the Canal Zone. No such intention of the firm to ad Lodges, a ver se perseverance No. that the principals were morm the statement of His Excellency will be legal holi.
experience We in the district vision of result attention to can have a paid band and a thing as if your services can be vertise in the Workman this 2601 whole dary is to take care ed that 7500 is the maximum during ha investigation by The West bootto you back. Then would be better for us to be cone along Colon, Cristobal. Agent at once stated that the che il tas menemployed as showed to uteng, without one than to have to Gatun, Chagres District, Cat. Despatch was the Official Or SA etc. in fact this and to keep back part of the Here the Esthe US Sundry Charge of Cle ks, Storemen, cutive Order, like churity is Teamsters, Laborers made to cover a multitude of sins. Bill. His Excelleney said in Appropriation cringe and beg as they did ana tle Industry Paraiso; Empire, gan of the United Brothertben not only to have to wait the Culebra, Red Tank, La Boca. hood and was therefore read requested that a supl jurisdiction from Principal hard earned salary, plementary executive order be ranges band convenience but finally Come one and all, Panama will be Those who drew up the Circu issued authorizing the collection to have music ouly a part of the waiting to receive you with by every member of that or the per to the picke; Success moovit this time mana ganization whereas the Work No 1502, who takes care of all lar knew that 70. 00 plus 10. 00 of rent from silver employees on way. No, Sirs, that will never open arms: and alsn do. We cannot afford to keep die after.
man is not read by the mem Helpers, meetings and 4th Wed or should have known that the order was intended to restore bers of the Brotherhood, Be nesdays at Lodge Hall. limitations imposed by the Exe the conditions that had been lieving this malicious stateThe membership of this lodge colored schools. Why then cutive Order atfects principals of existing during the construction of New New Soap on the there toobe trave the manner to about bebe moegheited and above they word the Circular line Arrival did period.
thereupon ad; to 80 per cent organized. Eureka Lecal Market.
British Minister.
Because of this statement and the Despatch.
the impression 2510, take care of the Build ner that principals Similiar statements have ing and Metal Trades (al men month? The reader must answer Sremssional Record; we are of the receive 80. 00 others contained in the Conopinion that On Thursday. His Excellency, Elsewhere in this issue ap. been reaching this office from one or more their own tools, ita che question ist hingelt Mr. Andrew Percival Bennett. pears an advertisement announc time to time, but as a drown, abºut 60 per cent organized, Excellency meubesship is about 75, and We are not jurists, when asking for the supplemenC. the new British Minis ing the merit of Octagon Soap ing man catches at a feather meeting int ananard readized: nothing about the technicalities tres praderawas under the im.
ter to Panama arrived from En a new article in the Lanndry line, so is our contemporary mak days at Lodge Hall.
contracts, but as laymen, we pression that gland and immediately took which has taken the local mar are of the opinion that had the struction period silver charge of the British Legation ket by surprise. Wo somehow ing desperate efforts to save The officers of Perseverance principals of the colored sch ployees did not occupy free which was turned over to him by got the curiosity of trying a cake himself from sinking into ob are: Morris, Past President, been engaged and paid under the quarters; and becasse it is a fact Mr, Murray, Charge a Ai ot this new washing material, livion.
Crys Forsythe, President; Jno conditions aforementioned, by an Silver construction period ster and were pleasingly surprised to Neverson, Vice President; individual or private For the information of our Laurie, Chaplain; Alexander, said principals with the assist quarters free of charge at LA employees dia and the business or the Latinoamnd the soap of a hard substance advertisers especially we pub Conductor; Vanterpool, ance of the law courts would be other important sections, we are occupy corporation Culebra, and since the departure of the box. Sir Claude u sunt and lish below letters to this paper Journal Agent; Weise, able to collect those Fives that Mallet. Mr. Bennett history wool. This at once tollunt from Canal Zone officials Ward. n; Śmall, Sec Treas have been suspended and we forced to the conclusion that the was given in a past issue of the the soap contains me soos which are self explanatory. urer; Butcher, Inner Sentinel further believe that should the order was Workman when than potasium which render and Catlin, Outer Sentinel.
Balboa Heights, matter be properly brought misrepresentation which, through unintentional as successor to Sir Claude was nighly sanitary for all domesta Our motto is Agitate, Edu attention of the Washington auApril 28, 1919.
officially announced, and it will purposes. We therefore predict to the President thorities, authority would be given tion, not only hinders the restor cate, Organize.
be remembered that he has a big business for Octagon Soap Th Workman Printers, to us ready served his country in sev. through the agents Lee Chong Thanking you in advance for our BACK PAY, especially when during the construction period.
Centra venue, Panama, space in behalf of the Brother it is pointed out that the makers but also gives the better paid eral capacities.
Co. Colon and Panama Gentlemen hood, remain, Mr. Bennett comes to Panama of the wage schedule have admitem closed ind copies of Local JAMES VANDERPOOL, ted making a mistake, inasmuch employees superior furnished with good experience and it is An Omission Purchase Authority u. 543, Covas Circular No.
12 which is quarters free of charge, while certain that the good state of af.
found in the Canal Record of the poorer paid employees are fairs as left by his predecesso and Mr. Murray, who acted ag apology for an omission ws!
We wish to express our greatering one year subscription to Success Lodge No. 2502, scored sedes Circular 666 11, fixes the July 26th, 1919; and which super compelled to pay for interior, interim will make bis stay and securred in our re, mert let weet Please see that this publication a point on Wednesday last, 30th maximum for teachers at 70. 00, we work nere very pleasant indeed. of the Reception glven at the is addressed as follows: The Workman wishes Mr. Ben British Legation on the 19th ulto. Record Bureau, Executive Ofice, July, when on the complaint of and gives all principals 85. 00 in tess our ignorance with regard the interpretation of the execu.
nett a hearty welcome to thes In this report the names of the Balbox Heights, Canal Zone, Brother McConney, that he was addition to regular salary.
Remember, Teachers, the Unitiva order allowing free rent shores, and as the organ of Br unjustly given five days off for KIEMAR, Collowing gentlemen were left tish West Indian interests, Record Bureau.
the alledged throwing of a switch ted Brotherhood is big enough to to employees, but we believe handle this matter. Cast in you that some rellet will be granted particolar, and the grand Oldt: Messrs Finzi, FairweaBalboa Heients, on a contractor panel, although lot with the pioneers and secure if the matter is properly placed Empire, in general. desires a July 11, 1919. there was no evidence to prove a square deal for yourself and before the Washington authori.
happy and successful adminis ther, Robertson, Will that Bro. McConney had thrown your successors.
tration for the new incumbent at liams, Jemmott, and Head ly. These gentlemen with those The Workman Print ry the switch, a grievance comWe shall now consider the cash the British Legation: whose names appeared in the Box 74, We now approach the question we have paid: on Feb. 24 1915, mittee was duly elected to take last report were all present at Panama.
matter up with the oficial that of RENT: Durinx the construc His Excellency issued Circular the reception.
laid him off, and after a thorough tion period, both gold and silver No. 627 which states. 1) The Gentlemen: West Indian Committee investigation of the matter Bro. employees oocupied free Herewith Check No. 22453 on McConney was reinstated at ers from La Boca to Cristobal charge for rent is based upon the value of to Meet.
United once without loss of time; we In the year 1914, the constrution the valuation of NOTICE OF REMOVAL.
for silver employees the is Members of the West Indian States, Washington, in your fa congratulate the grievance com minated by an order of the based upon the vor for 40, in payment of mittee for their prompt actions and location Committee are reminded of the and rent Voucher No. 19299, for one year a achieveal these refiere the baccent collected from us; while the con cemeral role adopted is to find of the apartments. 2) The Attorney Carrington meeting of that body to take subscription to Brothers who place on Monday night the ath has removed his law offices newspaper, due from May 1st, stituted the grievance committee, struction period for gold employ talned for the foor space conInst. Several matters of inter: from 125 Central Avenue to 1919, to April 30, 1920, per your viz Brothers Farley, T, Baird ees extended to Jan. 16, 1915, tained in each apartmont. In will and Weekes.
thus fulfilling the scripture, To accordance with this circular, him that hath shall be given; but gold employoes occupying four all members are asked to be pre number 14. Street, one bill of June 11th, block from Ancon Post Office. Cortinued on Puge HEADLEY.
Sent, from him him that hath not shall Continued on Paye 8!
a manwhich know eman during said 1a and 1:1 Coventri appointment conwas size quarters


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