
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted!
LABORERS BOCAS del TORO men in Murray that he chines to robbed of sout none of as later Jamaica (Jamaican Railways land (althongh heavily shrapneltion, decided to hear the men hit by Allies weapons will bwho are in reality acting for all ready for demonstration or local demobilized troops attached Large Purchases of Rolling Peace celebration Day There is to the BW. Regiment, and a Meeting in Connection Stock to be Made.
said Sergeant Instructor Ham meeting has been fixed for Thurs.
son, the greatest satisfaction today next. Among the complaints with Central Factory know that the fellows who were in the petition for consideration There is a pressing need of using these guns have gon are the following, stated briefly new rolling stock for the Jamal.
West, as the fair and square Hold at the Request of Colonel ago pmposed to purchase railway car railways. It was some time shrapnel hits (a) Lack of local support cause by the Tommies ing in some cases invidious treat Harrison at Seaside or Frenchies, or, possibly ment.
material in Europe engines; rails, that were used in con for the Farms and Railroads at Doughboys plainly show. The guns are quite rusty at present (b. Lower scale of Seperaticn nexion with the war but it apbut will surely prove an inter allowances. recent issue of the Glearier pears that this proved impractiesting moment of the war of the (c) Extreme reluctance of Im.
states that on the request of cable.
Huns against civilization.
Derial authorities to grant Colonel Harrison of Prospect, At the present time trade in Regiment increased rates of pay Morant Bay, a number of gentle Jamaica is returning to normal, West Indian Aerial (d) The question of War Bonus: accorded troops.
this eastern section of and the shortage of rolling Portland met in the Seaside stock is hampering traffic. Not Service.
The petition also requests the schoolroom on Saturday the 21st long ago two capitalists who UNITED FRUIT COMPANY local authorities to make some instant to enroll their names as have invested largely in suvar statement with regard to local guarantors for sugar estates found it necessary to late copy of the Guardian gratuities, schemes for demobi.
canes in connection with the bring about 50.
freight cars from states that for some time before lized soldiers, an liability of de Eastern Saint Thomas central the United States, the close of the war the question mobilized men to further military factory which has now become have, by agreement which they at the Free Transportation lor of establishing West Indian service an established fact.
disposal of the Government on Aerial Service has been. under There was a very representa certain terms. The railway is, tive gathering consisting of corn however, still in need of locomo tives. chemes have been outlined from Tragic Occ irrence and freight cars. The Gov.
mander Harrison, who is Apply to COOMBS time to time in this connection.
on a visit to these parts; Messrs. ernment will approach the LeJudging from recent indications Jones, McKay, gislative Council for a vote to At the Garrison, on Thursday 137 Central Avenue 155 Street there is every possibility of the Powell, Brown. George Mc purchase at least four large loco service becoming in the near Peace Treaty on Saturday 28th, Dear afternoon last, the signing of the Kay, Nosworthy, Bowen, motives and probably 100 cars.
PANAMA COLON tuture, an accomplished fact.
Car Michael. Matthew Henry, ment to handle all the freight It is impossible for the depart.
Mr. Murray, the well known was celebrated by a salute of 101 and many others.
offering without extensive addi valuator, is in recetpt of a letter wuns fired by members of The Colonel called the meeting tions to the equipment. Idem. from his nephew, Capt. Charles company of the Barba los Volun.
real Captain teers under the command of to order, and after he had told proved unavailing Pickthorn, of the until the he had the trophies up ready Air Warehouse clerk announced the for action, and his practical des will shortly be co ning out to the nah, and evinced no little interest Air Force, who states the audience the purport of the Reece. fair gather Buff Bay, July To day it the ing of citizens was us on the Savanmeeting he invited those present to ask questions on whatever was announced that the price of astounding fact that the gunscription of the mechanism of West Indies with two flying mailin the function which signalised had bananas arrived on the previous the fiendish weapons made Chin matter seemed hazy to them.
pounds per hundred payables or the bootable estaven from Eag before the Commandant Lieut. fort nelle purpose of test colis panx the finale to the recent German land, and that said the After the asking of questions 4s. per bunch. This price was prizes, for want of entry had Bowen, and others present, various West Indwn Islands. Howe War Colonal de Boissiere, Major de air communication betwoen the attempten world. ed pwination and establishin and the expression of opinion by paid by both the Atlantic and been duly bonded in His Mas showed that he was as muca au Capt. Murray Pickthorn is being enslavementThe Messrs. Jones, Mclay Powell United Fruit Companies who jesty Bonding Warehouse, next courant with the German tye ol. however, soinewhat of Rue its enthusiasm. though and Geddes, it was found out that bought here today. The hearts door! It was only too true, for machine gans as he is with that out by the firm of all the gentlemen present were of all were made glad.
tha Co. aeroplane manufacturers in its inpressive signi icance, by a Whilst Sarwere willing to guarantee lands. who who had given up after a minute look over the British. He pointed out the the United Kingdom, who will be ragic occurence: in favour of the scheme, and crates were found. superiorities of the of partially so the bana They were at once despatched then handling, run he was the larg ist shareholders in the geant Wickham, a most enthu.
cultivated with coconuts could cessive disasters and inconsis. and Sergeant Instactor Hanson, Vicker Maxim guns. The two ployed with the Usines. Made officers. was engaged in ramming to Constabulary with the. was em och is the proposed company. Tuis officer, astic Volunteer and one of the most efficient non commissioned not be guaranteed, and as most tent prices are deciding that hf LIV. was sent for. In a jiny guns are now being cleaned up loine Sugar Co, Ltd. when war agun, after having swabbed the of be parts have all their lands under worth one while to restart this broke out. He resigned his post bore, the charge exploded pre. cultivation in coconuts, guaran industry. Both Companies that tion and went to fight and has maturely, permanently damaging urred in the Royal Air Force to be amputated at the wrist, and his tees of larger areas could not be bought to day received a fair ght hand, which had obtained supply. The grades and quality What Position Do You Want?
ever since.
Other Meetings Held, were satisfactory and there was removing the thumb and second practically no rejection.
tinger of the left: James Goring, Similar meetings were held at International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Barbados another Volunteer, whose right Belle Castle and Manchioneal At Branch Office, Ancon, thumb was resting on the ext Montego Bay, July great the last mentioned place the deal of interest is being centred haust valve, bad that member meeting was more largely attendPlease explain how can quality for a larger salary in the position, Returned Soldiers split and badly lacerated. It ed than at any of the other send on the fruit trade with 20 per trade, or protessſon, before which have marked concluded that the chamber of tres. The hope of getting a Rail hundred bunches being obtained Forward Petition the gun had not been ELECTRICAL ENOINEER Donstructing way líne connecting Manchioneal and the likelihood of the price be SALESUARSHIP cleaned that a live ember in Beatre Wiring to Bowden spurred the small pro ing maintained for some good Meetrie Lighting ADVERTISINO NAD the channel was responsible for prietor to animation and nearly time yet, less is Request Interview with has ponere explosion.
Wick 100 acres were obtained at this ion has been expressed here that emigration, just now. The opinABCHITECT CIVIL SERVICE Committee.
a territic shock.
meeting Architeoural Draftsman MEGHANICAL ENGINEER with the existing prospects, the First aid was rendered him by CARTOONIST ILLUSTRATOR Speeches urging the people to prosperity prior to the hurricane Concrete Bullder recent issue of the Weekly members of the Service Contina guarantee their lands were given of 1912 will soon be in sight.
Common School Subjects Herald to hand states that:. On the General Hospital where a mi to gen tand he was later removed PLUMBER STEAD FITTER by Commander Harrison Mr.
a the arrival of the second batch of Indications already point to Jones, and Mr. J, Brown the returned men taking advan.
bonor operation was performed. He Barbadian returned soldiers who is at present detained in one of the Metal Mining of the Manchioneal Government tage of the goverment loan Sheet Metal Worker CHEMIST were attached to the first and Pay Wards of that Institution at school. Up to the present the through the St.
James Co operaDUBIUS (Completo)
LAVIGATION second Battalions of the the minimum of 700 acres to be guar tive Bank for Agricultural pur.
STEAN ENGINEER Bookkeeper the expense of the Government Regiment in Egypt, a representa, who will un loubtedly, perform AORICULTURE anteed is well nigh reached.
suite Added to this, labourers tive of the Comunittee, formed their, plain duty twards him.
have received an advance of Gas kariue Operator for the purpose, handed to the Goring was attended to at the Good Roglish Service Po wages, and shipping at this port Secretary of the Returned Bold. Drill Hall by Surgeon Major Canada and the is steadily on the increase.
TRAFFIC MALADER iers Committee a petition setting John Hutson, Hopes are also entertained of an out various grievances, and makWest Indies other fruit company coming into ing request for an interview.
the field which is bound to Demerara The Committee at its meeting, the banana trade a stimilus.
after considering the petiThe discussion in Jamaica of This week the small settlers the projected political and com were elated at the advanced Refused to Kiss the mercial union with Canada has prices and between the two compractically ceased.
panies purchasing here fully Bible.
In the sister Colonies nothing the growers. In all probability 48, 000 went into the pockets of Pona definite has been done with re: one of the companies will Said He Was Not a Christian.
gard to cemmercial union with bana buy the Dominion. It is virtually which will undoubtedly put an bananas again later in the week, When called upon a couple of sions have been useful, nothing fair consignment of rum and. weeks ago in the Georgetown Magistrate Court to kiss the Biwill Head Office, National City 3ank Building, New York be done in the way of linkble, prior to giving evidence in a ing up these Colonies politically sugar is leaving this port this case which he brought against with Canada. All that is pract week.
another man, Joseph Babb, of cable is the formation of closer Trinidad trade relations.
Kitty Village refused to do so, Capltal, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 3, 000, 00. 1) Cy. claring he he was not a christian It is interesting to note the at. From Port of Spain Gazette. and did not believe in God and titude of the Canadian Govern the Holy Bible RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 CY.
Honor Justice Douglas was non plussed in the House of Commons aan op The German Machine and declared that he had never tawa one member askad if the had a similar incident in any Government was giving any at Guns Here.
Depository of the Panama Canal Court over which he had presiotention at the present time to ed. He was at a loss how to the suggested conclusion of a swear the witness under the che commercial union between Can AMAZING STORY OF THEIR cumstances. His Honor, WAS ada and the West Indies, as adARRIVAL.
vocated by the Canadian. West tish forın of taking the oath, to 18 INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF Indian zue. The reply was:which the complaina it willingly Government has not been great surprise if not shock subscribed.
The National City Bank of New York the West Indies people with a when they discovered that there Agricultural Exhibiview to forming a commercial were two German machine guns union, and it is nnt deemed expe in the colony since some two or AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUtion and Conference.
dient to give offici recognition three months past, and nobody TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES to any movement in that direc was the wiser! It appears that The Royal Agricultural and tion by the Canadian West Indian the War Office informed the Commercia! Society of Britisha League, Times Trade Supple. tured enemy guns were to local government that two OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES capGuiana have ander consideration ment)
be The holding, in August of 1920, sent out by the Savan as INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER ANNUM. Continued on page 3)
souvenir gift to Trinidad.
Dr. JOHNSON arrive on fast Sunday, and as no Well the guns were expected to MORRICE, ROBERTSON, The Workman SURGEON DENTIST such cargo was listed on the Sub Manager Acting Manager.
FOR Phone 1003 Address manifest, especially the invoice was already to band many were Ancon, 862 the speculations. Searches And pien properly Bridge Engineer Strulur tha being talked of Municipal gineer Window Timmer Sign Painter Outdoors Writer Contractor and Builder Bullding Foreman Fleotrie Car Ranning Heavy Hlectrio Traction Telegraph Engineer Telegraph Work Nechaniosl Drattamen Machine Designer Machines er or Designer Shop Praotlee Patternmaker Toolmaker Poundry Work Blacksmith AUTOMOBILES Heating and Venulation Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber!
Designer High School Subjects Tescher Coal Mining Ayer Lumber Dealer Steam Kleurlo Engineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying and Mapping Stenographer aad Typist Hixher Accounung Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Live Stock and Dairying Poultry Parting Army and AVOS Modern Languages by Phonograph NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION give RESIDENCE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Hi League. of. Rubber Stamp


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