
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 PAGE THREE. The Open Forum. LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes MULLER try to citizens can allowed 61 days say the does leave on the us.
CRICKET GOODS sure small per Americans Have. Preference Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas The following extract is taken the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents from the American Machinest dated Febuary 20, 1919. and is LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
supposed to be contributed to THE HOME OF that United States periodically by a well known official on the Canal Zone; under the Caption Our Our Dad and the La Boca resturant to put it on a par with that at the other end, Canal Zone Dry Docks and ReWild Boar We conscientiously wish Mr. Murrell pair Shops. The extract reads as follows: predecessor bon voyage to Belgium with the hope that he obtains a position in Practicallyall skilled mechanSir:his line. We also regret to say that alHigh and Low Cut ics in service on the Isthmus come from the United States, the The silver employee of the Ca though we could be arrested for what we law giving preference in employ.
nalare wondering if Messrs. Gom. think of him, we will miss him but are ment to United States citizens.
pers and Barker of the American wlad he is going.
in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Federation of Labor contemplate LEWIS First class men are allowed 91 interviewing THE WILD BOAR cents gold. and over, an hour, and Mr. Guilty with reference to the Pocket of All the work day being eight hours; overtime work is paid for at Dear Sir: Will you be good enough time meeting them kalf way when they make a demand through the as to spare me a space in your valuable and hall. The composition of the authersticated channels, for Mr. paper, to say a few words in behalf of from time to time, as it is to be Guilty children (silver em. the Ministers who are connected with ployees. The silver employees the Wesleyan Mission in this City, viz. expected for a foree so recruited of the Canal should be consider the Rev. Evers and the Rev. Parker.
and working in a tropical couned as as he Workmen who are Ameri Sole Agent but to have been reading in several issues represents them, are the of The Dispatch. various publicanot know least, this being a year with pay, il carried when they are full or empty. tlemen, and as I, being a member of said tions referring to those Honourable genroll; if the hond they are allowed carried on 37 CENTRAL AVENUE What an attentitive PANAMA Dad we have? Furthermore, he has stir Body, have to say something by way 51 days of similar leave. This leave may be allowed to accumured up wrath in the WILD BOAR We have only seen But before going further, will inform late for two years, beyond which our Dad once, and that was the the writer that am a Negro. and one additional leave not taken is for feited. American citizens are also night he visited the Board of Di who is proud of my race, and if there paid for seven holidays.
rectors Interesting News From the It might be imagined from the meeting at La Boca, is any shame in being called one, then when he gave us his views about glory in it and will not agree with the LOR West Indies high wages paid to mechanics the American Federation of a manner, in which those gentlemen Are the columns of that and from the amount of leave.
with not organize, but to have our paper. When read the first issue, wives utilize more economies where pay granted then that the etc. where it said Do you know that we keep the it said that Rev. Parker wrote DEMERARA cost of mechanic work in canal In that connection, our is a blessing, male that Poverty Care most complete Assortment of shops is high, but this is in part was rather considrate, but at no comment, but immediately got one of Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, the same time he had forgotten the church magazine, and found said (Continued from page 2)
compensated for by the low cost general overhead and the low that ought from ought remains statement statements written therein, and am wages of helpers and laborers, We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee nothing, and in the first place, if pertectly that no one, who was not of an agricultural exhibition and so that the actual cost as billed we have nothing to give our wiv. prejudice against the Minister, would every Article we sell.
conference to which the various compares favorably with that in es to economize on what can have taken it, in the sense that the West Indian Colonies will be ordinary industrial establishthey have as an initial start?
writer in The Dispatch have done. Here are some of our Stockasked to send exhihibits and re ments outside of the countries We sincerely request our done, and since the Rev Evers have presentatives.
most highly industrially organizI ed. Dad to have a serious talk with contradicted said statements, and acGran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves THE WILD BOAR asking it to knowledge that he had writien the subLaborers and helpers are al British Guiana Food Situa most exclusively West Indians, treat us as God people like the Ject, think that should be enough sulis Bats Batting Gloves other element We certainly faction.
whose wages range from 16 cents would not like the God of Heaven tion.
In connection to your suggestion tha Cricket Bales and Score Books.
an hour to a maximum of 28 to judge our dad for his un coloured Ministers should be sent to fil cents an hour, only gratefulness towards his child The local market in respect to above 20 cents an hour. These centage, however, r, receiving ren; he should assist us, but like the pulpits in our churches, fully agree the rest of them, says Father with thne, for years gone bye, when it Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you rice is still in an unhealthy con employees not being American has mother has, and blessed be was not safe for a white man to risk his come and look over our Sporting Department dition, merchants and producers citizens, are not entitled to leave 04 life in this city, it was a coloured man the child who fighus for his own.
having at present large stock with pay, but those on the month.
Our Dad has observed who came here, and gathered the West THE MADURO COMPANY for which there is practically nely roli are allowed pay on holitenaci on ty to be his brother Fraternally. tion of our churches in this Republio, Indians together, and laid she foundademand. The Government priclays. Overtime pay at time and 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 And in spite of the fact that he therefore it is only just that, they should per bag is 50, but in cases where sales are made a price fail hoars in any one day is allow one hall for all tiune in excess of tries to camaoflage us, giving us for the frits below the Government maximund those on the hourly roll.
to understand that his report to reap the frnits of labor, that these cities is obtained. Trinidad, one of ou the officials regarding his unfor are in a sanitary condition, but we must Open all Day Saturday, until 30 tunates would be a pleasant one, not treat onr present white Ministers so largest cud, had to tur: for in view of circular 666 12, we are roughly, for they have been with us the Government held up ship supplies a Notes Comments forced to deposit our doubts. He for some years, and have endeavour to is not such a good father as he do what gogd the, therefor would adments. As a result the marke vise that you leave that question to the and Barbados BY THE COLON SCRIBEI pretends to be.
officers and members of our churches to has been closed. The French is We are going to respect him settle.
lands bave been taking small sup What fools poor as a father, inasmuch as his beha.
plies, but their consumption is tais bo. fa few white foremen viour to us is like a drug store Sp sincerely hope that the writer intinitesimal as compared with are still trying to stop the proknive. We know the 5th com. through The Dispatch, will take the the surplus available from this gress of the Brotherhood. Have mandment and will strietly ad advise of a woman, and cease to write colony. The new crop is in sich The new crop is in sight these not read of King Canute?
here to it.
about these Honorable Gentlemen.
SANTA ANA PLAZA and harvesting on the East Coast BUG and the districts near to George wratha for hem knoweth that he is come Very Truly Yours town is to begin early in Sir. The Silver employees of the PaMRS. MARY HOLDIP.
It is anticipated that hath but a short time. Giving nama Canal, who eat approximately three a very large yield will be obtain men days off, and handing ed. In the the Essequebo district the them clearances with objection meager meals a day at the La Boca resturant, have been immensely pleased wul be Dear Sir, beg permission in the to re employment seems to be a much later but here that the crop foremen nowadays. Too late, we favorite pastime to note the change the Inspector of Ho columns of your paper to say a few tels and Resturants has brought about words in answer to a few inquiries in will, come up to quantity of fruitful years, speculation is rife are on uur way to Washington, in the above named resturant. The sil. regards union: to The workers are not concerned in as to what will be done with the ver employees will be also pleased surplus of one year running into The carpenters who were disnote the sity prep faticns, together the first place with striking: The wor.
kers resort to a strike only when a the other. If the rumour that In charged because they protested with a renovation of the stuu Tertulant peaceful understanding in regards to dia has prohibited the exporta against the injustice meted out for which Mr. Murrell is going to De difference concerning the fixing on the conditions of wages and labor has tion of rice proves correct then to a fellow workman by his foresolely responsible.
become hopeless on account of the obsome hope can be entertained for man, were sent to work yester Mr. Murrell is a man who understands stimacy of the emu.
the conversion into cash of the day by the same man who had how to run an enting house, and can cer The earth with all its wealth belongs crop.
o mankind, the results and traphs tainly deliver the goods; he having ha SPECIAL SERVICE ordered that they be discharged.
with objection The Price of Flour.
hai of civilization have been re employment several years experience in this line. Al through the course of thousands Evidently the Negroes were not he wants is a good cook, and the bali nce years and with the assistance of a The tendency is for the price in the wrong. Always be on the should rest with him. He takes the nations. The organized workers will DAY AND NIGHT of flour to continue to rise, as the right side my brothers; never sme material as any other man and ciples, and that they will estabisha come to carry into reality these prin.
latest quotations from the agents court a quarrel.
produces better results with it than any state of affairs under which every one in America and Canada indicate lavatory is needed in the colof the Belgium stewards, who apparently will enjoy the fruits of their labour: that there has been a rise of be ored men toilet at the railroad know no other dish than Stoo. never in the world will there be har.
tween 50 and 60 cents per bag station in Colon. We want to mony between labor and capital.
if the sale price of four rises to wash and be clean.
Mr. Murrell was assigned the duties of struggle is going on in the naGovernment maximum, it is Steward under date of the 20th utim, tions of the civilized world between laundress was among those and prior to his assignment, 11:45 would the oppressors and the oppresses of will led that the demand for rice catch a very kngthy line to be served, all countries, a struggle between pibe accelerated, for after all who joined the Brotherhood this tal and labour which must grow in inand a couple days after he was ti e e the ansity trom year to year, and work rice at 50 per bag is cheaper week. Watch the belated men writer et al were profoundly pleased to disas. ous results to the toiling mil.
than flour at 16. 50 and the form rush in now.
er gives a better yield for the Twenty three (23) wage worksee when 11:30 there was not a singles of all nations it not combined.
for mutual protectionfand benifit.
ers of Colon, who are pot silver man to be served, neither was tier high word spoken from the PLLS wit!
But it is only through organization Not only is there instability labor union, and have applied to employees, have formed a federal that labor can protect and benifit itreference to the meals served.
with regard to flour, but such the American Federation of Laself. If workmen are not loyal 10 each IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. necessaries as salted meat are bor for affiliation.
Heretofore controversies with the serv other in the hour of trial, nothing in going up by leaps and bounds acers and patrons were national; in most this world can bring them together If it should once be generally believed cording to latest figures and the esses the servers were the aggressors, and that some of their comrades were One of the questions in an examinalocal BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store merchants are at present tion on the subject of stock rearing our then Steward, who had a tendency screctly working for the basses, there disposing of their stocks at was: Name four different kind of not to interfere with the English langu would remain no bond of union in the in Calidonia.
cheaper prices than they can re sheep An aspiring youth gave this Age too much, could not be approached labor movement.
Let it be clearly understood that no place them.
BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist.
for adjustment, account of his inability to Black sheep, White sheep. Mary matter what part of the world you are little lamb, and the Hydralie ram.
construe what could be said to him.
you will be compeiled to be organized. BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: With reference to the third paragraph Mr. Samuel Gompers who used to of this article, in my opinion, the rush say on all occasions that the Ameri. BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs Lessons Given was greater; being an issuing day for movement of the world, was astonish WILKINSON can Federation was leading the labor Commissary books when pratically every upon spending a few months abroad in and Patent Medicines, CONTRACTOR BUILDER on the Clarinet, the leading employee of the Balboa Shops felt to buy 1809 to see the immense improvment Band Instrument. Band or himself a chaw. when our friend could in the condition of the people that had be seen walking around the tables with a scoured since his previous visit. Upon THE PANAMA DRUG STORE his return he warned the working First Class Workmanship Orchestra furnished for all ean attached to him.
classes of America that they were Plans and Specifications Free kinds of engagements.
We promise Mr Murrelt our corpora loosing ground. We in the United MULLER BUILDING NEILSON tion, both to himself and the Panama has two deca131 behind many of the States he said no dently are not less Next to the Calidonia Police Station.
15th Street West House 90 Clarinetist Republican Band Canal. We should also promise him our (Continued on pa. es. noon o. Box 411, Panama, 16 St. West, House 27, Panama Anticipation regarding the modelling of Phone 1063 buth in this island Palmer Restaurant due to the Army and Navy Headquarters WHY?

    Workers MovementWorking Class

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