
Octagon Soap de Box 74, Panama RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months 20 60c Cue Three We do not undertake to return 99 99 99 99 99. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 PAGE FOUR obdurate Pharoah over in Returned Soldier Lectures Egypt. No thanks, let us THE WORKMAN alone for the present and give School Childrën.
us a chance to try our own prowess. We may fail but un Sergeant Arthur Holder of the 10th Save your OCTAGON Wrappers til then we are content to do Company, Regiment, who latePublisbed on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters without the generous assist ly returned from the field of action in nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the Western Theatre, paid a visit to the 50 (pesos) Cash Prizes ance of a people who gave us school children of the Christian Mission All copy for publication must be gall for so many years and on Tuesday last, 29th instant, when be written on one side of paper only, and TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON TUESDAY, 30TH SEPT. 1919 now are offering us milk. We delivered to the children a soul inspiring must be accompanied by the name of have not the time to test the and instructive lecture. 40 Cs, the writer, not necessarily for publicaFirst largest quantity tion but as a mark of good faith. 20. 00 quality of the liquid, but we Mr. Holder, for some time previous to Second 10. 00 have a doubt. West Indians his enlistment, was employed a smistant rejected correspondence.
Third 00 here have the brains, the in teacher of the above mentioned school, Fourth 00 tention, the experience and and more than once while in active me The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Fifth everything to enable them to rice, have letters been received and read from the Western front, to his scholars, 00 talk for themselves and to urging them to attend diligently to their SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 Sixth 00 run their own business, and studies, to pay striet heed to the injuueSeventh 00 the only outside help needed tions of their principal, and to pray for Certain and Uncertain Sounds.
Eighth 00 is that which they are accus his preservation and re union with them Ninth tomed to from those friends home. The children were delighted to at some futute time when the boys come 00 of the race who know our see him, in answer to their prayers.
Not a single man, negro or white will assert with any Send your wrappers with your name and address plainly value and who are prepared In the course of his address, he said degree of courage that the colored race does not need written to the Workman Printery no later than Tuesday, to stand by us, at every turn that he went forth with two fold leadership. matter of as great importance as accumulaSeptember 30th, 1919, in the progress of the race. object; patriotism coupled with curiosity ting wealth is the question of captaincy of the race in Insist on your dealer for OCTAGON SOAP, it gives Anything genuinely negroid Carious to see the happenings of which its herculean struggle against the odds and ends of better results than other soaps and he had heard and read, patriotic that the will succeed in these days; social, economic and political experience. The stage of COST ONLY 20 CENTS ILVER EACH CAKE.
and the people are so deter flag of the Empire he loves so dear should not be brought to shame.
mobilization of negro force, faith and fortune is past, and LEE CHONG COMPANY mined to obtain, achieve and we are not now called upon to speculate as to whether our He also said that in going forth he acquire that they are making learned in the first place, the virtue of people can come together.
62 Central Avenue Panama the greatest sacrifices to this discipline. That as a soldier, the success The race is united; the people have svorn to stand WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS end of the cause he was defending depended together, win together, or perish together. The pussy, mainly on the discipline exercised by the footers and padded fisters are disappearing; the scabs and Blow Your Horn.
soldier slackers are marching into oblivion; the turn coats and It is fast becoming a gener diene.
In the second place, he learned obedouble faced are rapidly. becoming fewer and the negro Editorialettes. ers of water.
In the course of things, there al practice of many civilian arose moments when the command was race as one great solid mass has arisen to make its power When we hear such out and military chaffeurs to given to do ur die; in such cases he went felt among the other races of men; and without apology spoken talk from the lips of round corners and curves as furward obeying the order, even though or reserve we are determined to urge the true position and Jim Crowism God given heritage of racial independence, and economic West Indians who have an American who is by no well as back their machines someone had blundered, Here, he emobedience, that justice together with all the proper relations that unbiased never been to the States and means, a negro, we shudder without giving, notice with good soldiers could be made right in social recognition can establish.
are therefore ignorant as to at the barbarous proclivities their horns and bells. We their ranks by adhering to the orders of can we follow? It would be consummate assinism to talk of havebeen asking about it from who have the courage to stand attached to the cars for orna learned the lesson of patience. Patience But the great question of the hour is What Sound the meaning of Jim Crowism of some white people and ad would remind these stunt the teachers.
mire the franknass of others drivers that the horns are not He further said that 38 a soldier he the sound without considering the channel or source from all who have ever lived there.
which it issues forth. This sound must either be certain Here is the best explanation up before a crowd of negroes mentation like the cut outs under dificulties; patience under more or uncertain, and we must be in a position to differentiate from the lips of a white man and denounce the actions of but are to be nsed to warn trying circumstances; patience under the Southern rough necks of the public of their approach, battlefields of education, in the treacles shell fire. Here he explained that on the between the real and the false. It will either be a clear who has the interests of the whom they are ashamed, and and to protect old people and with the tiree He they would find in distinct unfaltering note or a shrill discordant noise falling Negro race at heart: whom they hesitate to own little children from being patience a virtue.
upon the ears with a grating effect. We have already ex That condition which as countrymen. Jim Crow crushed to death. We would He also said that in his experience lo perienced much of the fuzzy wuzzy gas that has done no places negroës at a discount ism may flourish in a soil in also say to these Jehu had learned to keep, silence. That more than give off a nausea which only made everybody and disadvantage, asking which it originated; but the that there is a law in Pana in times of approaching air raids by the look around to see where it was coming from.
them to live a little better than Good Lord help the guys who ma and one on the Zone enemy, and the order was given put out The kind of leadership which the masses have long the brutes in farms, huddling attempt to perpetuate it here! against this sort of dɔnt give under penalty of death. Here he showed to be. been waiting for is that which they have found in the them together in smothering It has already gone far enough, a sort of driving and the necesity of being silent when no ora United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees cars fit only for the lowest so far as we have suffered it, that the police force in dered by the teacher in order that proand Railway Shop Loborers, affiliated with the American beasts, keeping them off the but we say now: Thus far, either place is orked by per discipline might be established in the Federation of Labor. Other efforts of the past to organize side walks and out of the and right about face. Quick blind men and sore toes school.
the laboring people have failed because the leaders came stores and groceries, giving march!
who can catch them. Get Then he spoke on courage. He cited an from circles in the community where sympathy and fellow them hell if they look into a little sense it the upper instance when under heavy shell fire. feeling were not inherently possessed by the men them white man face, and lynch Give us a Breeze. story and act like human be motor lorrie came up the river with ammunition, etc. and to their surprise selves. They had the zeal and perhaps the knowledge, but ing them if they accidentally ings when going through the seen the figure of a woman who suppor not the natural qualification of oneness, in fact, with the look at a white woman, de We are hearing of a few streets and around the curves ingly had left her home, friends, all, and masses.
priving them of education and schemes, plans, and projects and corners with everybody ventured into the death in order The appeals of the local organizers of the United good sanitation, calling mar: purporting to come from par at your mercy. We are talk that she might do her bit.
Brotherhood have been heeded because they are men with ried negro women by their ties not Negroes. who are ing to you, chauffeurs, in Un horted the horted the girls to be brave spirits of the goods. They are full blooded negroes with a hun. Christian names, teaching interested in the affairs of the cle Sam uniform as well as not necesary to show dred per cent of pep; and an overflowing measure of white children that negroes colored people on the Isthmus, you, civilians, who ought to battlefields. etc. but by enlisting nobly intrepidity; they are employees of the Panama Canal and are overgown apes with their Help! After fifteen years of know better.
in some juvenile Red Cros. Organization, they feel the heat and depression of economic conditions; tails cut off, instilling fear in the rankest oppression these they could do their bit by helping to they are men of sober habits, unquestionable integrity, to the hearts of every ambi philanthropists. are com SELF EXPLANATCRY alleviate some of the suffering of our fellow creatures.
unostentacious, unassuming, level headed, unchangeable, tious negro with threats of ing to the front with propoand persistent; and they do no more talking than is neces lynching if he shows any signs sitions which differ, in The following letter ex Last, but not least, he reminded them sary for the object of their job, and. by the way. they of race pride and using them particular, from the release plains itself and therefore that they are soldiers on the battlefie din get on the job and keep at it.
as hewers of wood and draw them keep them policy of the needs no comment from us. of life, where their fortunes must be BALBOA HEIGHTS, wrought, and if the points and lessone They are not trumpets with uncertain sounds, but are he emphasized sized were observed they July 10, 1916.
really the true heralds of the day. In all this lies the grow up, theirs would be contingent of which the world would be proud. So explanation of the rushing success which has hitherto met and to find him to morrow pussy footing, back scratching To The Superintendent, Pacific Locks willing were the boys to enlist after his the movement of labor organization among colored em and boosting with his clever clapper that which he opOf The Superintendent, leetare that one of them in th crowd ployees on the Isthmus. It is peculiar, but glorious to note poses in the inmost recesses of his stagnant heart.
cried out: Mr. Principal, is he going to how insularity and provincialism, petty prejudice and the course, his axe is to be ground and that, at any cost, thereGentlemen: drill us now. shade (not color) questions have disappeared amidst the fore, if honorable and gentlemanly methods fail, the mean in transmitting to you, general outburst of racial pride and enthusiasm. We are and unthinkable thing must eventuate. No doubt, there and through you, to the men in de personal scholars fele profoundly a tinted with The principal, tie rest of united now as negroes, with the definite purpose of get are some mean negroes here in this country. The labor on the Locks, tho following letter op om his talk, and wish Sergeant Holderita ting ours. we are together now as West Indians protest organizers call them scabs and slackers; we call them racial mendation addressed to the Engineer happy future, and the realization of an of Maintenance by the Governor under his hones ing against the unkind and unnatural treatment meted traitors and economic anarchists.
out by people whose positition and intelligence demand The nonde script wind jammers plank themselves this date.
better actions; we are at one as Britishers calling upon on the platform of altruism and play on the sentimentaler in. Chief of the Pacific Fleet, boweets Rytur sed. Idiers have received from the Commons rest Indian Committee those of other nations to respect our rights as a free and feature of the masses, or they work in covert, propagating orally and in writing cipresions bap well connected people; we are talking in unison for our in opposition through the media of loquacious women and preciation of the highly satisfactory dep herent claims which must come sooner or later.
lugubrious satellites.
vices rendered by the Canal in passing Last Wednesday, at the StandIn this position we want no auto advertisers who will We turn from these objects of disgrace and summon his ships through and in attending to all ard Oval at half past six in the vening, the West Indian Comattempt exploitation and show an exceptional interest in to our view the authorized instititutions in our midst their requiremente Please convey this information to the lowing members. Dr. Lowe, mittee represented by the folus; we will not tolerate the noisy and fussy self constitu What are they? The Friendly Societies, The West Indian ted leaders of the cheap newsprint variety type; we will Red Cross Society, The Democratic Club, The Labor Unions vise them of my personal gratification Vice President, men of the Looks Organization, and ad President, Dr.
Carrington not accept back handed philanthropists who are really of the E, and and last, but by no at this successful test of their efficiency. Hon. Secretary, Messrs more serious about what they can get than what they will means The West Indian Committee which has been officialThe expeditious manner in which these arnis, Robertson give; we refuse to recognize the titular zealots who de ly recommended and recognized as the mouthpiece of mis vessels were handled through the Locks, others met and talked with a and pend on sopp box oratory and published effusions rather cellaneous West Indian thought and interest.
demonstrates the proficiency which has than on personal ability and able personality, and we de Down with the double dealers! Away with the crooks! been attained by each individual in the number of the returned West preciate the circumstances of unbleached imposture from Scat, ye disguised fiends and enemies of the race! Your duties assigned them; and it is reporting lines and the intentions and Locks in their respective Indian our own people which threatens the most calamitous hands are the hands of Jacob, but the voice is that of Esau. pleasure to forward the Governor nap: plans of the men for the future, issue that could ever be portrayed on the screens of our We have stood too long and allowed the aimless peri probation, and to add to it my own.
The discussion imaginations.
patetics to shoot off their views at high ngon without chalthe men were pleased to note Respectfully, the unselfish interest of repreWe know of the presence of the untuned and untun lenge or arrest, but we can do so no longer. The colored MORROW sentative Vest Indians. It is able instruments whose sounds are uncertain and conse people will not suffer, any more, the full mouthed spongeEngr. of Maintenance.
believed that much good will requently dangerous. In the same compass and on the same sandwiches handed out from aspiring ignoramuses whose sult from this timely conference, NOTICE!
note they give out now one tone and later another; their place is in the gallery, but who prefer to parade in specsounds veer with the wind; they are like ranting charlatans tacular advertisement. We don wish any more of the The Management of the and whimsical chameleons; or like the perplexing mirage crass idiocy of pointless ascerbations no more than we Secretaries of the varlous Grand Rally on behalf of the Grand Rally Workman begs to notify The public is reminded of the one thing and proves to be another. Such men bah. make would be globe trotters who think that a trip in a sloop Orders, whose Lodges appear in of Besednich Blake us tired by their political gymnastics and their inexhaus around the corner, or an incessant bombardment of empty ur Friendly Societies Directory place in the odd Fehochowatekee tible versatility.
words in the park or any other public place is sufficient to Column to communicate with Street Central Avenue, on ThurIt is inexpressibly marvellous to hear a man condemn, entitle them to the serious consideration of a dignified bhandhice malding the necessary sday night the face on ou gastehavi of new Secretaries for friendly Societis denounce and criticize a periodical or an institution to day, place in an investigating and open eyed community.
tho ensuing torm.
are cordially invited, the jaws Here he axto culthat it was chivalry, their no Atlantie Locks Ham Walrond, Р was lively and


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