
Canal Zone Notes Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
SC stead to the officers.
The enca oured preach the not then during his colleagues very sorry cated to have preacher; who who would sce of The days.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919 PAGE FIVE THE REV SURGEON Why Are You so Stern Against Installation Ceremonies (COLOURED. White Preachers?
LA BOCA Flower of the Isthmus Of Bocas Preaches at Wes There is a religious shack in Lodge.
Band Concerts.
leyan Church, Colon.
Guachapali some where in 24th street, that is conducted by at the Flower of the Isthmus pleasant function took place The Silver City of La Boca is looking (BY MEMBER)
white man, called v. Miller, Lodge room, Street, Colon, forward to a grand concert to be given by their band in the clubhouse on the FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE who calls his place of business a of on Monday night, July evening of the 14th. The Silver City We are proud to make mention Methodist Chapel. call it a 28, 1919, when the officers of the Band has also promised to give free conof the fact, that as a proof con place of business, because he flower of the Isthmus Lodge No.
certs in the Prado, commencing ELLERDALE cerning recent articles in connec ran a Movies show in it also. 1, of the Independent Order of tion with the preachers and the This kind gentleman gave per proper offices for the term end tomorrow afternoon. The inhabitants Mechanics were installed in their of this town have acquired the habit of will leave CRISTOBAL middle of August, for people. no be illustr appreciating their own, and will most could be had of the people de mission to the members to col ng December 31, 1919.
certainly avail themselves of the op HAVRE AND LONDON sire for coloured preachers in lect as much money as they can After the usual preliminary portunity of enjoying these Prado con of white ones, than on to help Brother Best to get Sunday July 20th, when the his family on the Isthin us. The his colleagues to surrender their formalities had been observed certs and support the the Illustrated Grand requested heat of their ability, MANAVI anniversary Foreign suissionary Work was held at people there and then went out seats to the Installing Master the Trinity Methodist Church collecting and succeeded in get and his stati Interesting Literary Meeting will leave Cristobal, a will leave Balboa, Noon ot Rev. Surgeon ting about three hundred and The following Brothers. comA very pleasant evening was spent in SUNDAY, 10th AUGUST, 1919, for being the speaker for the day, sixty dollars. 360. 00) good prised the Grand Lodge, the Literary Society of the La Boca when the Church at each service money for the coloured gentle. In. Master, Allman, Walter Club house on the evening of the 30th, Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil James, was full to the utmost. It The program was a very interesting one.
needless to state, that the well min family. When the white Grand Tyler, Allman, The first piece was a self composed poem money grabber heard of the known gentleman is coloured, amonint, he immediately com. Brim,. G, Grand ;F by Mr. Hunter entitled The SALVADOR. but to those who are not ac manded that said amount he Hart, Grand Secy.
Ships are passing through; he kreatly applauded for the splendid bit will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, over him; of course state, he is one whose gentleman munedhave thought that seche Samuda, 1, Grand Treas. poetry. pleasant surprise was also THURSDAY, 14th AUGUST, 1919, for. ship, sympathy and love for peor amount was too much for a col Grand In.
Grand Myers, Riven by Mr. Reynolds in his delivery of a most pathetic recitation which he ple in general is as prominent a Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, feature in his actions as his well were determined that as mau: Grand handled in such a masterly manner it AcaJutla San José de Guatemala and CHAMPERICO. known ability to teach and Grand Lodge was concluded by the President Mr.
Mr. Surgeon is the resident arount was collected for the colo marched in procession Jump to be one among the best ever minister of the Methodist Church oured preacher, they will not around the ball and were seated.
rendered in the society, recitation by CHILE in Almirante Bocas del Toro turn it over to the white man, The offiH. Bowen, After the customary examinaMrs. Smith and a paper on Freedom of then Every one who has had to do with them, saying! It will close the tion of the orticers elect, the In thought and speech, by Mr. Smith will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon. him, cannot but say he is a per church if you do not turn over stalling Master proceeded with were also very much applauded, Mr, fect gentleman. He has repeat the money.
the the installation Fontenelle read THURSDAY, 14th AUGUST, 1919, for paper relative edly emptied his purse in defra.
The following Brothers were to certain knowledge he had acquired Guayaquil, Payta. Eten, Pacasmayo, Salavergy, Callao, ing the expenses of people in Well, the threat did not seem then installed.
his stay in France This one of Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofogasta, Coquimbo and adverse circunstances and in to have any effect on the collec. George Bartley, Gerald a series which Mr. Fontenelle intends numerous other cases where his tors, because they stuck to their giving VALPARAISO at the society, it was indeed very charitable hand was needed. determination, and the result Gibson P: Mi Edward Prim, belpful. Last to be named but not the only hope his will was, that the Rev. Mr. Miller Best, Lesga Gyles, least were two songs very nicely render For Further Particularstake him as a pattern, and from closed the church.
locked the Benjiman Shaw, Treas. Arthur ed by Mrs. Weeks, she seemed to have him love and gentility. doors, can Pearless you gon tchate the peo pocket and oft he went. This Guard, Williams, Enaplain.
in. Tyler. John Hinds, In put forth an effort to avoid be! ng encored Apply to the Office of the Companies at on the second coorsion as she was at pie of Bucas del Toro would be pious ambassador of God, must The installation was then de first. Mrs, Weeks, was ve y much ap CRISTOBAL to lose Mr. Surgeon have thought the Negroes would clared complete by the Grand plauded for these songs. It is hoped if so appointed and not to advo. have that this spirit will be kept up among or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, have Pined for their God that he cate a change.
We of Colon would had locked up in the church, not. At the conclusion of the cere the members of the Literary class.
be glad a Mr. Surgeon knowing that Negroes of toPANAMA.
who would not be a boss, but a day are no longer iguorant. See. banquet room where a sumptous mony the brothers repaired to RED TANK not tell you, ing that after a month experi repast provided was partaken you are too mean with your ment, the scheme did not work, and the usual congratulations be be. Grand Ball sulting to the coloured members, ed business afresh. In face this town, the Post Offices on the Canal seen pulling down the old things around but who will help and encourage the above acts am against such enjoyable function to a close.
ace of changed, thus bringing a most mind the Grand Ball billed days, therefore readers nonote de la carte rare booked to take place Zone will done be opened tanke ovou the old Club Hill for the past week. them at all times. Dear friends are grosshandel meu pare in thingking and readers, not be against. and on Thursday night, the 14th August, by tice and don call for mail on Sun. That doing it old boy new wine into he critics all the time, but criti do their utmost best to open the Royal Doric Lodge the White Rose Dancing Club, new bottles, not old wine into new bot cat and out of place things need eyes of our unthinking people, MC. Hall will he suitable fitted up tles as our thirst will never be satis for the occasion. Dancing will commence criticism, as what has been go and show them that the methods Whu the latest dope we are bearing fied.
July 28, 1919.
ing on for the past seven years of this Methodist is degrading to at 30 sharp. Sojah band from Pana around Gatun that wa are the strongest We sincerely believe that the the Negro Race, and that said On Saturday evening, July 19, 1919, will supply the music and orgauization of the RS.
Go pel th: Roval Boric Lodge No. 7, Thomas, the promoter of the dance, ex Why yes that true, as Røv, Nightin Good God in dispensing His mer fortune seeker and Resolution of Sympathy cies, will be merciful unto us and vender should be driven away of was changed to the peete big time.
gale, was taken with surprise when he of P. said inauguration sergive us (before the year ends from among them.
Visited this district and saw the large atI shall now deal with the Sal.
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty hope that which we so urgently viss being conducted by Sir. Blades tendance whioh turned out at the unveil God in his infinite gondness and wis need a true hearted and coo vation Army which every stu.
GATUN, who is at present of Loyal ing of the three Charters. Why then dom, to remove from the Isthmus of verted preacher, dious and well thinking Negro assisted by the following breheren: Progress No. 18, 0. of let keep it up old timers we are the Panama, Local No. 2151, Ladies Auxiliary Dance Lambs children and others have to fol by death, our dearly beconsiders a disgrace to the Negro Sir Blackburn, Sir loved Bro. Claude Vincent, to realms Race.
To night low us. See Sefior Don.
Grovenor, Sir Inniss, Treas; of perpetual happiness, and whereas feel that by his death, our sister BRITISH CONSULATE The majority of our people Sir King, Sir Walrond, The Ladies Auxiliary Dance which certain Boss called his men one day Local and the Brotherhood in general NOTICE have been deceived by the sup Sir Howard, Tyler. Sir was the long talk around this town will and said to them if they don join the has sustained the loss of one who has posed good they do for the inore Daniels, Chaplain; Sir Scott, Insbe pulled off tonight (Saturday) rain or they will be no always made himself conspiciously unfortunate; a cloak that covered tructor.
no rain. good time is in store for all. longer in his service, whosoever can tell active in sims and aspirations of the race, and a devoted husband and Th: inauguration service was masterThe British Consulate the eyes of the unthinking when we we staging one of our. Be it resolved that Atlantic bigpet danses ever seen on the Isthmus let him come forward at once. Good news and Practice. Locul Mode2505 would be glad of any infor this clouk so that you may see was declared by ver wo of authority classes; but am now removing ly peformed and then the Loyal Dorio of Paunma it is simply telling you the or pode at all. conder to his berea. mation regarding John Cob clearly Salvationism as it really westei in Sir Blades by the Sub Grand plain the truth, as these young ladies, why, in this their sad hour of berea ve ham, a native of Barbados, is. Before go further. let me Lodge at Trinidad of the of filled with energy and enthusiasm are ment, hoping that the All Wise God who appears to have been at that General Booth died wil which he said May God keep and pros.
call your attention to the fact, a member of the No. 19, The District Quartermaster and his will grant them a happy issue out of nothing to le linge tendances which they noticia painters had a very busy time for the should not recomand be this one outcome one time a coach driver in Co lionairs, and did not leave as per till the end of time. The Then several pate. Remember Sam, Gooding e Band past week, varnishing and cleaning Bolved to the copy of this resolution lon.
much as a dollar for the Army of the bretheren gave a few short adfrom Pazama will be in attendance and chairs for the New Club Hall which will be sent to the bereaved family. a copy to the Isthmus of Panama Local No. Yours sincerely, but every cent to his family dresses with regards to the griefs for when we have Sam we know everyone be opened on Saturday (tonight. slo 2151, and a copy to each of the local HUTCHEON.
These people, go howling and setting their old Dispensation, as they will be ea yod, so bring your sal, pal Acting Secretary Small could be newspapers for publicntion.
barking at the corner of the claimed all they know about the Order don forget it will be the opening of an streets, singing all kinds of was given to tnem under said Dispensaup to date Club Hall and an accomodatdance songs they know the public tion. but for the elevation of Mechanism ing time for all.
by using Christ name; it has mingled gries with joy.
the poor unthinking peo ple falls to the bait. As soon as for this term: who are as follows:Next was the installation of officers Miss Iris Small, well known dress. mk residing at 13th St. Broadway, Colon the crowd becomes thick, the the week end guest of Mr. Samuel Brnauctioneer begins his biddings: Sir Gibson of Royal Doric, coy and family. Miss Small was accomwe want 20. 00 to night and we Sir Brewster, Royal Dorie, panied on Sunday last on the arrival of must get it; Well, there woes Sir King, of Loyal Progress, the 20 train from Colon, by Mr. Mil. 00 Hallelujah; We want 15. 00 Sir Blackburn, of Loyal Proton Porte, emplo, pe at the Post Office, IS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL more, etc. etc. The people are greas, Treas. Sir Manning of Cristobal. Reports from her states Gamade to believe that all this Royal Dorie. Sir Walrond tun is a healthy town.
money goes to help the poor: but Blades, of Loyal Progress, Tyler. Si.
but of Loyal Progress, Sir such is far from being true.
Edward Boyce, of house 57, an em The countless conveniencs of ELECTRICITY They open a place of business, Scott, Loyal Shamrok, Prelater.
ployee of the Gold Hotel for a number of and you at a minimum rate, Sir. Daniels, Loyal Shamrock, G; years gone bye was transfered to Cristoare now widely apprecia ed by the general public. say ten or tiiteen per cent benefit. Asst. Secy.
bal on Monday, 27th ulo. Edward is Very rare, they may give away And the following bretheren were well known and will retain warment an old pants or shirt to some one, installed.
in the hearts of all his old im fiews No matter how small and inexpensive your home but the facts remain just the Bro. Weeks Bro. Callenwho will miss him around Gatun.
same, that when they receive dar M. Bro. Fenty, Bro.
is, you can give yourself all the comforts of the most 100. 00, they may give away but Bowen. Bro. Evans, The bachelors 10. 00 thus leaving 90. 00 to the Bro. Niles, Bro. Cararoo quarters, known as House 5, had an enjoyable time on Sun costly residences at surprisingly small cost.
business place, the coloured of.
day la t, when several of the bachelors cers do not get equal rights; And Clarke Aust Secy. Bro. Roeco Chiapboys and their friends, spent a plessani.
evening, the items of music from the they are the ones who do the work lain.
Electric light is inexpensive, safe and beautiful.
Our race is too poor to be such And after the completion of the se organ, gramaphones and singing from their sweet voices enlightened house 57. Electric household appliances cost little to run and philantrophists, we need more vice, said was declared by our Worthy Credit must be given the following genmoney than any other peopie on Tyler in amplo form, and the tlemen: Messrs. J, Lord, Huigh, and saves hours of time and labor.
e globe; the money we are giv gave a short address and heartily inC. Robinson, for the brilliant way they ing to Belgium, Austria. Hun vited the bretheren to the banqueting played and accomadated their well known gary and Germany our antagon table. Brother Scott of Loyal Shamrock friends.
ists, we should save it to keep was appointed as toastmaster; and an our children out of rags; to keep enjoyable time was spent.
INSIST THAT YOUR HOME BE WIRED TO DAY Several of the boys from the front and shoe shines; to send them to from lines who landed on the Isthmus a week school that they may learn someago are spending time with their famithing for the future benefit of Dr. CONNELL lies at this district, they report that what Call 705 Call 150 the ruce.
they experienced their great grandfathers SURGEON DENTIST In face of these facts, am and grandmothers never asw. All the boys look in fine condition and are ceragainst their methods, and every tainly enjoying a happy time among well thinking Negro should be Can be found at 175 their friends and fami ies.
against them MORALES Central Avenue The following notice has just reached (To be Continued. Opposite Station like; and WIRED HOME sel Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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