
22 CENTRAL AVENUE Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies The officers of the abovenamed ed Lodge were installed on the 14th of July 1919, at their Lodge Room 21st Street, Central Avenue, Panama:V. Montieth, McCormack, A, Saunders, Secretary: Anderson, Treasurer: C, Headly, Conductor; Loague. Montieth, Tappin, KingBards) Barclay, Inrer Guard. Cuffy Outer Guard. Armstrong. Asst.
Secretary. Barrett, Mrs. Fletcher, Inotalling and Lecture Mistress.
THE PRUDENT HOSTESS always has on hand the materials for a quiokly gotten up luncheon. And the wiser she is the surer she is to come here for her canned goods, preserves, jams, jellies. For to buy here is to assure both quality and economy.
is a good DAY to try Wilson SOMOS FINE TIME Johnson Con. Collins CIGARETTES AND ENJOY REAL GOOD SMOKE THE LOW PRICE IS MISLEADING THE HIGH QUALITY IS PLEASING Ask for them Everywhere 15c. Gold Per package SOKKO suc pondent of the is no The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT Ladies, Listen!
Before getting your new Hat give a call at No. 22 Street, opposite the National Institute.
You will hear the rest when you come.
an ordeal The Garage where every one is treated alike.
One Price Good Service Right Pricse WM. LAWRENCE Tailor and Outfitter CHALMERS GARAGE Deaier in School Books, and Stationary.
He denies with a No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave.
Duke Address: Box 805, Ancon Z, FOR SALE or a The Calidonia Jewelry Store At a regular meeting of the Excelsior THIS GROCERY Lodge No O, of G, and of held in their Lodge Room, 24 Street Guachapali on the 16th inst. the installation of Officers took place. The cereGerman Plot to The Kaiser Inno memy woon performed by Brother P. and Trap Allied Army by Brother Muir as grand con cence.
ductor ductor The following constitute the Exposed administration: Brothers Davis, LAUGHS AT THE IDEA OF Riley, C; Strachan, TRIAL Brown Eves Scheidemann Said to Have Plan. H, Green Con; ned to Refuse to Sign, Let In a recent issue of the London Daily Con Tucknel Foch Reach Elba and Then Chronicle publicity is given to the fol. Muir and Billet and sup Give Battle lowing views of the Ex Kaiser about the porters to Brown and war, as expressed to the correspondent, Minto and L, supporters to the Berlin, June. The German Mr. Harold Begbie :V. Pembleton The governinent, headed by Phillip half yearly report was read and pre The ex Kaiser, he says, is entirely sented by the finance Committee Seheidemann, had planned to re.
The fuse to sign the peace treaty and impenitent. He is only convinced of Installing master in his address to permit the Allied troops to his innocence; he sees himself as one who said it is with much pleasure he had to march into Germany as far as strovo hærder than any man in the worla congratulate the members for the the Elbe, where it would be at to avert war. As for being put on his cessful term just ended, he was glad to tacked by strong German forces, trial, he laughs at such an idea. There know that the Lodge is still progressing is no power on earth that can try him though they have met with adversities Tageblatt declares in a disa If he thought he was to be arrainged yet they have been able meet their patch describing the details of a before an intern tional tribunal he would liabilities and still have surplus in secret plan to create a separate destroy himself not out of any fear of houd worthy of no e, they are Excelsior state in Northeastern Germany. the result of such a trial, but because he by name and excellent indeed. The The plan failed because of jeal would regard such insuffera meeting was brought to a close to the ousies and differences of opinion ble to his dienity entire satisfaction of all, feeling that an between the government and the He says says, am answerable for my enjoyable evening was pout.
army leaders, the correspondent conduct only to God, and God knows says.
how strove to my own peril and the report from Geneva said that peril of my throne to avert the calamity Boby, said the teacher sternly.
Herr Scheidemann had arrived of war. He does not often protest his do you know that you have broken in Switzerland after crossing the innocence. It is a more frequent occur the eight commandment by stealing frontier on foot.
rence on his part to express amazement Bobby, thought migh as well amo upples Well explained The latter proposal made by the at the opinions of those who rezard him break the eight and have the apple, conspirators planning to oppose as the guilty cause of war than to break the teath, and on y the Allies, it is said, was to ask He declares that he imperilled his covit il.
Poland to combine with Eastern throne by. withstanding his generals Germany in the formation of an when, alarmed by Russia action in the independent republic. The offer, days of the crisis, they pre sed upon him REMOVED it is declared, was rebuffed by the instant need of mobilisation.
the Poles. who asked why it had The Rev. Nightenkind of fierce ridicule gale, begs to state that he not been offered ten years ago) the charge that there was any war party has removed from 22 Street, Details of the plan, the corr the German Empire.
pondent says, show the intention He bitterly deplores the great to No. 14 Street, near Anwas to co operate with the Grand blunder of the sinking of the Lusitania con Post Office.
of Mecklenburg in the es. and the execution of Nurse Cavell, tablishment of either a republic although he disclaims responsibility for monarchy to to include East the latter outrage.
Prussia, West Prussia and Posen, Asked why he did nothing to enter Weight in Gold The plan, he says, was favored the Entente, he replies that he could by Adolph von Batooki, President not trust Russia The Entente seemned My dear Sir, you have some pills of East Prussia; Herr Schnack to him an organization of tremendous here by the name of De Witt, dem enburg, President of West Prus.
power aimed directly at the German worth dem weight in goldl shouted sia, and Herr von Buelow, Pres Empire and inspired by fear of German set de very tahl man as he came up to doors of City.
ident of Posen.
industry and envy of German prosperity.
Herr Wig, the national commis have ve just called to let you know have made mistakes, he will the wonders De Witt pills have sioner for Posen and the two say: might have done done for me and to thank you.
Prussian provinces, the corres better; but consider my difficulties. Inquiry soon disclosed this person pondent declares, was to head came to the throne too young. really to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails the movement and was to be in sveceeded my grandfather. The hun from St. Kitts, where he was born charge of the military forces, dred days of my fathers reign do not 1841, over 18 years ago For quito a which were to make an immediate count. succeeded my grandfather, aumbee of years he took up residence attack as soon as the peace trea and found myself surrounded and now his donis Road ty was signed statesmen. They were all old men The plan was disclosed, it is They regarded me as boy. They out that for many years up to the Our grateful informant further gave added, when various generals in treated me with the amused tolerance time of his cure, he suffered from terested had a conference with which old men in those days employed sundry ailments and severe pains over the government leaders at We dwards their youngsters, it was really his body. The terrific pains in the mer. General Goerner, at pre unsufferable.
urinary organs, at times unbearable.
Sediments in urine over an inch sent chief commander, it is de. determined to nesert my power, thick, but due to the magic cure of this clared, was the first to decide to determined to be tiender of young medicine, he was completely rid of his abandon the plan.
Germany, a true King of a great peop destined to be a mighty nation and th Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps Monster Dramatic Conrock of law, order, and culture iz id, but neglect to seize the golden (ert.
pportunity to be ured.
the centre of Europe. The opposition encountered made me head strong.
It is true to day as erer, Delay is wonderful euring power of this remedy The Negro Glee Company will pull can see now how bad it was for me dangerous. Those who doubt the became off at the Union Hall on Monday and in spite of my faults, did help Ger impatient, intemperate. But will pay the creadtul co it.
DeWitt Pills cie sold in tw Wednesday Aug. Ilth and 13th, a monster many to grow to great power; and kepalaich you are contine Streusel Imitations Dramatic Concert on which occasion to woce for. years; and if Russis cout. ong.
Mr. Pilgrim Wilkins will deliver his and tot betrayed the word there would soul stirring address entitled Ethiopia. puce now. Thive made mistaken, het 10:tle and City Pharmacy on each direction for the Ethiopinns or to ut no maniere innocent of this war THE CITY PHARMACY, Is it possible? Folks will remember Loan 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
that at the last entertainment off At the said Hall, there wasn standing Agents for Republic of Panama room. Come and see the news Shine Europe Most Corrupt and Canal Zone.
in action, Madame Worrel. Black Pattie!
of the Company will be there in her usual strain Don forget, the oldtimer Dr Radway will be there known for many years as the most The Prussian capital has been to entertain you with his old time gags, corrupt city in Europe, says the You ve heard about Comedian Brown but Daily Express, but few German news come and hear him. Folks will remem papers have spoken so frankly about ber that a show like this is worth while the censor ban was lifted. Here is it as the Cologne Volkszeitung sino you can laugh don its latest indictment: come. Remember P. Wilkins and EYES EXAMINED Dr. Thompson We should rejoi se to see a fire de will be be there.
scend from heaven and reduce to cinGlasses Prescribed Tickets can be had at the Ideal Book ders the horrible Babel of Berlin.
Store 8th and Cash Streets, Sar To hell with the Berliners, people Perfect FAR and NEAR VISION jeant Tailor 13th and Bolivar Streets, without soul and without heart, im Sinclair Jewelry Store, Front Street and placable foes of all Kulture. In th in ONE single LENS, is but Seymour 20th and Street.
great record book of humanity a mon one great feature of the strous debt of blood is inegibec against Berlin. He who has not ye. HIGH GRADE SERVICES ADVERTISE IN made himself acquainted with the re we are offering you.
voting sentiments which have pre vaised in the Prussian capital for cen The Workman taries wilfully blind.
Office 182 Bolivar Street. in Berlin is an immense moral sess. Front of Masonic Temple IT PAYS pool. We refuse to be any longer under its sway Building, Colon. Obarrio Building.
Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. CAMPBELL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
One large Farm, well cultivated, and 4. Room Cottage Houses at Monte, Lirio.
For Particulars Apply to, JONES, Box 165. Paraiso, or to GREAVES, New Providence. ALLMAN LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Between 10th and 11th Sts.
Bottle Alley. Colon, strong rock of 1 SLJEL MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Latest English and American Fashions.
Also Cleaning Pressing Your Patronage Solicited Prices Moderate Good Picture Izes at all first E. DeWitt a Co. Ltd. London on each increases one interest in MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY.
or back Africa.
pulled PHOTOGRAPHY NEED CALL IN AT THE WATCH Panama Optical Co. Scranton Photo Studio We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 WATCHES and JEWELRY hearing; but if Give us a call Before Go. ng Elsewhere. You are sure to be on Time if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US And you are sure to be interested in having your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor McKENZIE (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO Remember We Make Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry to Order Printing, Developing and Enlarging FULLER is the MAM You Want to Ser SPECIAL FEATURE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, P, Phone 939


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