p. 8


Liberty Silver Employees Want to be worstoppelsin placed before Editor of The Workman their handling is then Layne, the the PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1919.
Open Forum AN ATTEMPT TO VILLIFY PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL (Continued from Page Continu Ifron page 1)
PANAMA COLON European countries in the protection of life, health, and limb of the work.
Kindly acknowledge receipt on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd.
attached carbon, using the en How grest the progress has been in closed official envelope which 7th and 8tb Episodes of the famous EDDIE Continuation of the famous Europe is indicated by the tears of quires no postage.
POLO and MARIE WALCAMP, IN some of the great capitalists who have spent months aeross the waters every Respectfully Eddie Polo and Marie LIBERTY year, Once again let me entreat those MCLEAN of you who are not members of our Paymaster, Panama Canal.
unlon, do not allow another mouth to SUNDAY, JULY 27 Walcamp, in pass you outside, come on and win the light at any cost. Rejoice to know the battle is not lost, working and Balboa Heights, The most stupendous, most authentic and aghting till the battle won.
July 17, 1919 most thrilling war spectacle of the hour The fairest pearl are found in the The Workman Printery, deepest waters Crushing through to Berlin The brightset jewels in the darkest Box 74 mine And through the very blackest hoor Panama, de of midnight TUESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY Gentlemen: Continuatiod of the famous EDDIE POLO The star of hope doth ever shine enclose bere with youcher in Yorkshire Severely Defeats Red and MARIE WALCAMP, in The storm cloud almost hid hopes your favor. Audit No. 16559, in Tank view LIBERTY Watch for Programs You then may be those days of bir amount 40, for one years. ter failure subscription to the Workman But spurred you on to greater deeds newspaper, from May 1, 1919, to 200 Last Sunday the boys of Red Tank at last.
April 30, 1920.
journeyed over to Bishop Hollow to Kindly sign the non payment try conclusions with the Yorkshire certificate on the line indicated and the results was that they were so principal scorers were Pierre 29, Brown by cross and return voucher severely beaten that some of the men 20, Dasant 14. Quow 13 and Griffith 12.
the Washington to this office for completion and openly said when they are again to meet Bowling for La Bocn Kelly put down The Executive pofficers betrohe. Selling halt to warious local Bir take this opportunity of payment.
Yorkshire not even a gun can make them wiekets for runs. La Boer reat Detroit, Respectfully, vietor, they have tasted once, and plied with 31, not one of their bats Continued from page Michigan, Iwriters in West Indian are capable of that is enough for them.
se reaching double figures. Bowling for HA SMITH.
the matter. Invest papers. have always, and will was a foregone conclusion that Yorkshire Vincentians, Brown captured wickets toilet, bath, front and back 17, 000 strong.
room apartments farnished with 75, and let our voice be heard to feel a deep and un Audítor, Pa ama Canal that istakable interest in welfare Red Tank would show more class. Bas steps, paid a of from 75 ting first Yorkshire put up the respect Games for To morrow.
to 8:00, com rentan aberage Now, of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum which nature has caused me to 38 per month; but silver em Some of us we have not been in offering an advice to any people sble score of 149 for six wickets, and Balboa Heights, bea nember. make no apology There are two games scheduled for ployees occupying half as much paid in occordance with the on the Isthunns, even though Editor, The Workoan, June 11, 1919 declared their innings closed to morrow buildings. have Rritjah Guiana se alimentation abbia with no baths, no backsteps, and been overcharged on rent. We mayzbities binitawes than pain out Panama, All Standard Isthmian in many indignities which handed Pedro Miguel Humbles Park rental of from 00 to 00 per want the back pay, and a refund to xr Finzi: whose business Sir Britannic There is no doubt that the main in month.
of the overcharge. We believe the Washington authorities will ethically, should not have been The Workman is being terest will be centered in the All Jamai.
Let us not forget that the right the wrong when they the subject for a viscious news placed on the exchange list of paper attack Flushed with their recent victorier the create a ridered thate hos for internet ng elecom houses occupied by gold en know about them.
The Panama Canal Record; and boyol of Britannie journeyed over ceded fact, that Standards has one of ployees afforded better accomo that the United Brotherhood concede that some of your we should be pleased to receive ho Paraiso last Sunday to do battle with the strongest tegnes in the competition dation than those occupied by capable of intelligently and correspondents are blessed with your paper in exchange. If this of the Pedro Miguel Bets and they are doing all in their power silver employees. According to forcefully the boys placing our cause a higner degree of intelligenc is agreeable to you, please havo it was putting their strongest eleven in the thought that either one could win but eo morrow is real berpen Dames field ployees should have paid a ren justice. we entreat those who this in a way vindicate my right to Canal Library, Balboa Heights, of tal of of from 38 to 00, or an are not within the fold of the advise our people into the paths Canal Zone average of 69 per month, Brotherhood to sacrifice: 75 of calm, deliberate, an sane the same. Keen interest was manifested indicate.
Respectfully up to the bowling of the Inst ball. Bat Hector 1, John 2, Charles 3, since we occupied only half as and become a member, and no ways of reasoning. It is true SMITH Ling firet Pedro Miguel started very dis Mc. Carroll 4, Thomas 5, Julien much for space as gold em assist in securing a square deal that theme pen is mightier than Acting Executive Secretary wickets for the 6, Garvey 7, Thomas 6, Bur ployees. But since we paid for ourselves and our succes. the astrously, losing six And this statement small score of 22 runs. The seventh ton 9, Romaine 10, Agard it, and from 00 to 00 or an average sors.
is only admissible and true when wicket fell at 31, and the Dr. Gittens 12.
of 7, 50, it is quite evident that STOUTE used for a noble and and magnani skipper, joined Archer, and the soul of the overcharge on each apart Cristobal, mous purpose. Writings may be PERSONAL.
the day was made. Both playela good ment occupied by silver em pernicious, inflaminatory, seditiinnings and and tided Miguel over rough Match Postponed ployees is 81, or 178 of what ous or calumnious, and with them they carry the heavy penalty of popular medico of the Atlantic Dr. Clarence Edwards, a patle they were traveling. The Pedro Miguel inninge closed for a total of 89 We have been asked to state should have been paid paid per that owing to unavotdable Scire month in accordance with the Church Services. of the game.
runs, Archer bringing his bat out for City, who left the Isthmus over aforementioned circular.
cumstances the cricket match It may be used for the purpose a year ago for the purpose of well played 39. The Britannic boxe which was to have been played When we remember that the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL of demanding equal, political, and special studies started on their up hill game, confident between the returned soldiers gold employees with their heavy the United be industrial privileges; to say noth States has completed the course off and the Surrey to morrow salaries, free forniture, etc. Ing of private ssocial intercourse of the university on special style by them, but, alas they were sad has been postponed to Sunday were refunded in full the rent St. Alban s, Paraiso: as all men retain the rights of treatment of the diseases como ty disappointed, for the Blackman brotboot the 10th inst. Cricket fans and they paid, it seema reasonable 30 Holy Communion maintaining their own standard, mon to woinen, in the modern a bero, atsisted by Pinder, just tore a hole others will therefore be guided to us to expect a refund of the 11, m, Mattins and sermon as even among colored men there and up to date hospitals in Eu.
them; the only man among them accordingly loverchange we paid if the mat. p. Sunday School are social limitations and bar. rope and America. On June 25 1, 30 Evening prayer and address.
showing any class being Holder, who made 31 runs out of the 53, made by Rev. Nightengale Rector.
last. Dr. Edwards delivered a the club in in grand style. While it is true It is well for our peaple to re lecture before the Manhattan Medical member, that inflamatory and that all praise should be given to St. George s, Gatun Association New York.
Layne for the way be handled his men otho field, we think that Maxwell, 11am. Morning prayer and aditress seditious writings may nourish The subject was The more fre: p. Sunday School vegetative field in the quent communicable diseases the skipper, of Britannies cannot be too 30 Evening prayer and address. United States, but it may bring and recent investigations con At the end of Rev. A, Nightingale, Priest in about disaster and ruin to West cerning them.
surely censured. We make bold to say charge.
aborand on the Isthmus, We still tertained at a banquet by the lecture Dr.
that if Britannics had different handlings on the field, Pedro Miguel could not So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and have to depend largely on the have made more than 60 runs at the the surrounding districts, the St. Paul Mission, Chorrillo white race sympathies it our Association in honor of the the most and if the order of sending his batsbe ulam, Morning prayer and address cause is to achieve well merited casion Dr. Edwards will return to the men in bad been different, even then success. Abuse of those outside 3p. Sunday School ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Isthmus during this month, might have made up for the blunders 7, 30 Evening prayer and Sermon the Union will only engender pringing his newly married wife.
made on the field. In this game was Rev. a. Nightengale. Priest in bitterness and estrangement made manifest the old cricket action has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West charge.
from our highest ideals. Let us concerning Captains. captain to be a Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro avoid the commercial marketing good one, must have rescourcefulness, St. Peter s, La Boca of our petty and Arosemena. in the suc FITZ BROWN cess of other West Do judgement, good temper, pluck and nerve.
The services for the above Chureh tomorrow will be as follows, not allow, for the purpose of our THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Holy Communion 30 a. personal aggrandizement Laundry received up to Thursday Pickwicks Defeats British Matins and sermon: 11 of others. Hostility between the 28 Novembar Street, San Miguel the Sunday School 3p.
races commercially and other wise in Papana, is undesirable; Evening prayer and sermon 30 m and must result in very serious House 20.
Rev. Muloare, Rector Nurrah! for Pickwicks. They have consequences. If individuals or once more demonstrated that they are APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES corporations commit an injus.
St. Barnabas, Empire not the weakest olub in the competition.
tice, agree, that extreme and Silver City Band Givas Concert Last Sunday they met the British OR CALL UP PHONE 871 Morning prayer and address 11 a. harsh measures be adopted to Sunday School pm Guiana on the Standard Oval and defeated them by a score of 16 Evening prayer and address 30 secure redress and fair treatinent; but a wholesale attack on On La Boca Prado, Sunday runs. Owing to other games being on any part of the community iand these two teams not having as many unjust, unieasonatle, foolish and Weather promitting the cellow.
supporters as the other clubs, the atten.
malicious ing programine will be rendered dance was was rather small. Piokwicks won Keep within the bounds of the py the Silver city Bam on the the toss and decided to bat, and when laws in the country of your adop La Boca Prado: Sunday aftertheir innings to a close they had tion, and no harm will coine 1000 August 3, 1919, com nencsoored 68 runs. Brathwaite 21, you. No government however ing at o clock.
Roberts 13 and Codrington 10 trong and w. rfal, will come MARCU Commonwealth principal scores. Lewis, bowling for (BRANDON BANK)
o our rescue if foolishiyo otherwise, 12 OVERTURE we discard the captured wickets for 25 runs, Friendship 13 IN TERMEAO Fascination started on their innings after the supreme najesty the law MARCH All men may aspire to be leaders The Washington nsual roones, and it seemed an easy walk Post but not all men are endowed over for them, is at the fall of the third with the tact and intelligence to dows SELECTION Martha wicket, the tine registered 40 runs. Dick (POUNDED 1868)
Mo in ight in Smith, the skipper, at this juncture took sufficient to the wise. Let usMARCH be leaders. word in time is NADE the ball from Jubilee at the Pavilion end and in four overs brought the game to Our large Resources and well known act wisely and intelligently. Let Bassology close for 52, capturing five wichets for as demand all we can, but with DANIEL MORRIS runs. The only batsman on the G.
conservative Management afford unreason and justice. There is at Bandmaster side who tried to play Smith was questioned security for every dollar present a general upheaval and Husbands the skipper, and he made the spirit of unrest; but let us re3 runs that were made off Smith. Hinds deposited with this bank.
member, whom the WDDDING BELLS maade 25 for G, out of the 52 and was mad.
destroy they first mal will to the only bateman to reach double will advise that it some of our figures young aspirants for notoriety Sandford Hutchinson can not dip their pens in honey Vincentians Whip La Boca.
General Banking or sugared water, then they Business Transacted ought to break the nibs and pretty wedding ceremony was perAll the visiting clubs seem to have throw them away. will not formed in the Baptist Ghurch at Cristo been in for a thrasing last Sunday, while ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON for the present purpose use bal by Rev. Witt. on Wednesday, all of the home teams came off victoJuly 30th, when Mr. Robert Moodie plainer language.
President, Vice President.
rio La Brea came over to Bishop Sandford and Miss Marcha Hutchinson, am ete.
Hollow and were very badly beaten by both of Jamaica, were united in boly the Vineentian Boys. Batting first, WYNTER, Mellock, large gathering witnessed the Vincentians made 101 runs for wickets ceramony and the organist played approand declared their inning closed. The Panama July 21, 1919, priate selections, abroust Notice to the Public malou Yndians. Our ruin Can be had on Saturday.


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