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race, war between whites and TENANCE OF WAY EMPLOYEES Governor of Jamaica Pins Medal in Great Struggle of this AND RAILWAY SHOP in the death of five Negroes and to Young Officer LABORERS the wounding of four white men.
Soldiers, airplanes and Texas Panana Canal and Panama Cristobal Aug 4, 1919.
La Boca, Rangers have been ordered here Railroad System Division. Port Antonio, July 16. uni who was born here years ago.
THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN August 4, 1919. by Governor Hobby to quell fur.
August 3, 1919 que little function took place ther riots. The situation re.
in the Town here to day when cy read the official correspond At this juncture His ExcellenDear Sir; take this oppor The Editor The Workman mains quiet with the town and TO ALL LOCALS: Capt. Purchas, son of Inspector tunity to thank you in the county placed under artial law.
Sir: The General Chairman is in re. Purchas of the Portland Division coreferom the Secretary of Stato name of the United BrotherThreats of Negroes to masacre ceipt of the following cablegram of the Constabulary, was decora Centre Colonies to the Governor.
General of Canada hood at the Atlantic end for, The United Brotherhood of the white population, which from Organizer Severa and he in ted by His Excellency the Acting Military Crosses, one of which Kingston for the purpose last Purchas, as this officer had our organization through the way Shop Laborers has made nutober, was the principal rea municate same to you.
sont for martial law being de Send credentials to head evening. with the Military Cross. turned to Canada, and asking columns of your progressive the few months of its existence clared.
quarters from every lodge, At about 10 a. His Excellen the Governor General to present paper.
on the Isthmus hed them benerad) The trouble occurred when rush time is short will recy arrived at the Town Hall and same personally The official Although without an official opinion among the members twelve or fifteen white men were present all answer was presented with a Guard of correspondence from the Gov.
organ up to the present time, that our success has been dus to wayirid and fi red upon in the HOWARD SEVERS, Honour by the Police under In ernor General of Canada to His whole yet our progress has been hearted support you have given Negro section of Longview, Ascordingly the following cable: spector Purchas. After inspect. Excellency the Governor asking gone in marvellous, and this rapidl the Brotherhood in your columns. Jones, Negro school Bram has been forwarded to the ing the Guard, His Excellency him the latter to present the entered the ball accompanied by Cross personally as he had found advance is due largely to 00l Grand President.
Your editorials especially have teacher, accused of causing the Mr. French, E, Chair from the records that Capt. Pur.
yoursupport, editorially, and deen a stimulus to us, the organ publication of statements deroga Account Article twelve con man of the Parochial Board. As chas had returned to Port Antootherwise izers, and a source of encourage tory to a young woman of this stitution Panama System sociated with His Excellency on nio was also read.
moved Resolution Organix the platform were. Mr. French, As there remaineth yet mbut to the workingmen to join outy in a Negro newspaper pubor Severs represent at con. His Honour Mr. Bicknell, to read the following account in His Excellency then proceeded much more land to be possess in with their brethren in the Lished in Chicago.
veution Severs accept An. Mr. Ashbury (American the London Gazette of Ca ed, at the Atlantic end, noble cause.
Pitched Battle Fought.
Consul. Major Plant, Capt. Purchas services which won for entreat you to continue the We thank you, and although The whites returned the fire of You are, therefore requested to Mosley and Capt. Purchas. hru the decoration great work so well begun.
We have no official organ, we ask the Negroes, who were hidden in all in credentials received from There was also a large and re.
you continue as the mouth vantage points, and withdrew the Grand Lodge, naming Bro. Fr am etc. maxle against the when their sem unition was ex Sevar as your delegate to the presentative gathering among an deyotion to duty. He went hausted, four of their number convention and forward same to whom were several forward with the infantry and STOUTE Louis faithfully, having suffered wounds men in full uniform.
the Grand Secretary promptly, established visual communicaAny Local finding it necessary Mr. Ffrench in extending a tion and sent back valuable in Organizer No. 540 Three Negroes were reported to send resolutions to the Con most hearty welcome to His Ex formation. He carried out his NICHOLAS CARTER, shot to death. fresh outbreak vention, same should be forward. cellency reinarked that His Ex duties with great coolness and Atlantic End. Organizer No. 601, Pacific Ena. occurred when Slierift ed through the Secretary Treas. cellency had been to this parish efficiency.
Meredith undertook to question urer of this System Division in before in trying times the last His Excellency remarked that Marlon Bush as to the whereduplicate copies Notes Comments Special Meeting abouts of Davis a Negro occasion being after the disastrous this was rather calm and cool school teacher and one of the Fraternally hurricane of 1917, and due to his language for such services but GEO. HENLIN principals in the rioting. Bush, sympathy and Court Codville, August 7, 1919.
and kind (feelings to those who have been to the war Davis father in law, tired on the Secretary Treasurer: the people who had suffered he will fully anderstand what that By the Colon Scribe.
GREETINGS: officer and fled.
He was shot to able to render valuable help means.
death by a possé.
the following cablegram from the dire distress. He camo here in Purchas military career was his Organizer Carter also received to the parish in those days of The following sketch of Capt. goodly number of colored My Lords. carpenters are attending the free You are herety summoned to Five of the principal Negro Grand President:time of need and to day he was Excellency next step.
August 7th, classes in Arithmetic and Geom. attend a special meeting of the residences were then burned by hete on an occasion very was He was born in this town.
Mr. NICHOLAS CARTER etry at the Negro Hall. Practical Court on Wednesday evening, the whites. Local officials who He uant to the Parish of Portiand enlisted in the Canadian studies of the use of Steel 13th instant, at 7:30 said were unable to cope with the Balboa Heights, a rather unique occasion.
He field artillery in January, 1916, Sqnare is an essential feature of meeting will be held at the office situation, called upon the Govern Severs will represent Canal was here to decorate one of the shortly after the war the instruction of Lord Louis Coward, Chancel or for aid.
Zone at Convention in Sep. sons of Portland, a thing dear to menced. He was commissioned The officers of the various lor of the Exchequer of the Court Firearms Surrendered.
our hearts and for which we may in February 1915 as a Lieutenant tember Locals are sparing no pains in of Codville.
Brig. Gen. McDill was BARKER be justly proud. He therefore became a Captain in 1917 (and making the members efticient, The object of the meeting will dispatched from Dallas to take Grand President bespoke a hearty cheer for His earned the Military Cross on thy.
which ad ve to discuss ways and means of charge of 300 troops patrolling Excellency, received April 1917 Recovered and went The Brotherhond expects a rendering a Royal Reception to the town and county. An order Mass Meeting Big Success.
unanimous response.
back to the front and acted as divisional tronch mortar officer square deal, and intends to give a Mayor, Loru Lawrence to surrender firearms brought His Excellency then rose to ia 1917 and was previously 1018. He was houd is not here to uphold loaf of the Intellig. dets, who ous kinds to the courthouse.
noua re deal to all The Brother Cranes and rura a horne, more than 1, 000 weapons of vari per My sheets around the street, speak, und stated that it was a wounted on the ankle in 1918 ers and left our Court is go allen there was a very large meeting matter of great pride and plea after which he was unable to re. member of Local No 2507 bit on the gory battlefields et The action was taken at the re under the auspices of the Bro sure to him that he had come turn to the front.
was severely reprimanded by his France, for King and Country guest of Mayor Bodenheim of therhood at the St. Anthony Hall here quite thioroccasione per una continuing his Excellency said.
quite sure that we would It is the greatest pleasure and Morales from Colon was to Capt. Parchas, but there were the honour to present this cross feel amewa detrimental to the interests of nipotent to return to our Court to control the situation.
the Brotherhood. The offending safe and sov. nd.
present and gave a very interest three persons, other than him. And to decorate Captain Purchas brother was informed that the Hoping to have your hearty ing talk on matters in connection ve with it. sentative from the Bakers had the pleasure of presenting Asso make wrongs right, nor to en beg to subscribe myself, Citair courage insolence.
Yours sincerely, Opens New Branch ent and spoke uncouraging y resthe King what personally ned the cross on him and con ciation of Pana na was also press theme souhe The first was his love wanted podarilo sabenestepped Majesty The members of Local ex wall have presented the. him DRAYTON, pressing the of his organi 2500 bas srarted a voluntary Home Secretary. Court unul mation to becomiradi iliated Printed Capt, Parchas remained in lence sto sa. His Excelleney thou subscription to assist a sick bruElsewhere in this issue ap the United Brotherhood. tedAnd in Pugland longer than pears an advertisment of the is understood that arrangement:lf Devonshire, lid. The second was the for three cheers for the ther, and also to belp union men who soubly supported and is the efore empow. Esperanza Laundrý notifying are under way for bringing about of Canada, were beartily. River Governors DIN newly decorated officer which th) unionists in their fight for real to practice Beauty Culture the pablic that a branch of that same.
justice which has caused some fun its various branches.
Mr. French here rose to re.
concern has been opened the presentation if Capt. Parchas them to be out of work impuIt will be noted that Miss Bai in that district. This Chorillo to facilitate the people had not left Canada, when the turn thanks to His Excellency Women ranc Elect of. Cross was received there. The hava witnessed today a very im.
and said; Fellow Parishoners, we ley is a Graduate of the Institute of the Kashmir Chemical Co, the Depreciated by our West will, it is felt, surebe ficers.
third was His Excellency Sir Leslie Probyo, Governor of this portant and unique function in meeting of the United Bro Island, who happened to be ab! this town. do not think it out Succesful Student town ship to We extend our congratulations (which will later be named Wue the bulk of the say that we have much to Miss Iris Bailey of Colon, who Queen. and while, from the tion and who cuorlo popula. therhood of Maintenance of Ways sent from Jamaica at the present of place on behalf of the who more or less are Comployees and Railroad Shop Latimet.
pleasure in seeing His Excellency to in receipt of her Diploma from broadness of the Center Collegesoe their clothes laundered outside when there was an very large it was a great pride and pleasure carry out companhanking wise busy toilers who mist lave bocers was held last Wednesday evening at the St. Anthony Hall Continuing His Excellency said, the Acting Governor come to ID. through their Isthmian Re the study of Beauty Culture, it The convenience handed out in gathering of both sexes. The for all of us to be here for the ot His Majesty the King. we the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, bas ehosen the best College for presentative, Layne. is considered that she will be getting one garments cleaned Meeting was specting officers those who could not go to the ing Port Antonio where he would called for matter of this occasion, because thank His Excellency for selectgreatly aided by the use of these lanan three days is another the purpose of Lodge which war should do their duty by hon come and carry out his gallant Some months ago Miss Bailey preparations of super. excellence, the residents of the distappeal to for the Women enrolled as a student of that In in giving entire satisfaction in assuring 15 bit forgetful during reaches triple figures comprising sure to Port Antonio to witness Sung which brought to an end an district.
has been named Advance stitute, taking up the profession, her treatment is it to know that its membership of this Lodge now must be peculiarly a great plea: ouring those who did go.
The National Anthem was next Culture. From the receipt of her midleidis Beukes now posseses a dig. the earlier got down to vited Peolestion of which she give out his laundry there will business, studying morning ought well to be proud and has be no disappointment if he gets were will o the women branch.
in the town to It so happened that he was born noon fand night, depriving her won a distinction among the them to the branch on Thursday self of all social pleasures. The girls of this country and of the in having same returned to him New Charters Arrives.
in Port Antonio and fate had Notice to Correspondents.
brought back his parents to re clean, gratifying result is that her er West Indies. We wish her every on Saturday afternoon Clifford Bynoe, Harris, amination papers stood the test, success in her professional career spiek and span.
The new Charter for Ancon side here at this opportnne time. Bowen, and Negro Surely the Lidge No, 2516 was received on It must be a source of pleasure Momber your letters will ap making her a Beauty Culturist, and hope to soon see her in prac movers in this necessary move Saturday last, and a special meet for his parents to witness the pear in our next issue it not pub fraduatieg with the title of Mtice.
ment deserves big support. Continued on Puge decoration af one of their sons lished elsewhere before.
Tul and eyeservants. ca remonti Esperanza La dry really moved for up in arily new inno Kashmir Toilet The It function to be a own to which he Fendt lectures, she


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