
Important for our Advertisers and others intending to Advertise. PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Wanted. Hit England Next LABORERS Town and BOCAS del TORO The ру.
And he will Negrues. a people to shake men us Beek to cultivate mark the Notice to the Public Jamaica authorities have admitted liabil ity, but so far they have not set Dry Crusade News Items.
tled any of the bigger claims, and it is expected if some settle. From The Crisis. Railway Strikers inents are not made between now and the next week a few Local Option Bill Planned Get Work. actions will be launched in the The Pennsylvania Railroad is employe Supreme Court as Start of Fight ing Negroes in all branches of the ComBog Walk, July 16. It is unpany work, most of them in fields derstood that a goodly number of ST. VINCENT AFTER VISITING ENGLISH where Negroes have not been employet the men who up to within a few REFORMER WOULD USE AME before The Company anticipates mo trouble with this new class of workers weeks ago were employed as laTraces RICAN METHOD TO END and says they worth their pay, borers on the railway track be for the Farms and Railroads at and Ewar. West Indian UniTRAFFIC tween Spanish very large factory in the middlewest ton, and who it will be remember e little versity ed, sent up a request some LONDON, England, July 17. has replaced all its employees even ince Now for the battle to make Eng. Manager is reported to have said. The mechanics with colored women time ago asking for an.
in their wages, and who land dry failing to receive consideration at the hands As United West Indian Canon Masterman, president change surpasses my most sanguine exof the authorities declared them War Memorial.
of the United Kingdom Alliance, pectations in other worl: we are receiv selves off until the necessary has returned to Great Britain ing a full day work for a full day.
consideration was given then UNITED FRUIT COMPANY from America fairly saturated Commenting editorials on the have now obtained employment with ways and means of fighting Corporation in Industy Asocion an extensive plantation not Memorial the St. Vincent Sentry not question of a suitable Peace John Barleycorn and other into ation has been found ninong the Negro one hundred miles from xicants residents of Holly LIt owns 1, 500 Spanish Town. The work that these men of the 11th ultimo just to hand Free Transportation The first thing he did upon his acres of land, a cotton gin and a store arrival home was to announce are gone to do there is similar to says The Strand Theatre, Broad Street, that which they used to be telegram received from that he will begin the great cam. Richmond, has been purchased for engaged in a short while before Grenada on the oth instant an It is also further understood that nounces that the Crenada Peace islands as barren of arink as and owner of The Planet and other paign immediately to make the 113, 000 cash by John Mitchell, Editor other men are likely to follow Memorial Committee met on the Apply to COOMBS the United States.
shortly, provided, of course, no 7th and decided to postpone fur use modern United States meth137 Central Avenue colored nurse has been engaged by notice is taken of their request ther consideration of the ques 155 Street ods to accomplish his ends.
the Health Department of Charlotte, NC.
by Scare to British Rum OD Silwe.
railway until discussion takes place with PANAMA COLON America action, Master At the Fifteenth Convention of the lo From what is learnt also, the regard to the scheme of Mr.
man said, has thrown a scare ternational Brotherhood of Stationary wages that are being paid to the Lobb, the Administrator of St.
into the British liquor interests, Fireman and Oilers recently held in men are fully fifty per cent in ex. Vincent, along the lines of. but he fears prohibition in Eng Washington. C, there were 30 Negro cess of what they used to earn West Indian University as a land is not an immediate possibi delegates out of 400 delegates. Mr working on the Government rail. united West Indian War Memo ANTIGUA road. It was with a great deal of rial.
and any Island in the West Inche alliance, for the time being, was elected 7th Vice President. Thornton, Negro of Norfolk, VA.
dies. has been prohibited by an will focus its attention on secur: reluctance that the men severed We are very glad to find that Order in Counci inade at Antigua In a recent six and a half mile Road their connection with the rail the sister isla iu vf Grenada is on June 20, 1919 ing local option in England. Race in York, thor. Christopher way, many of whom were for a taking such interest in the Uugs Prohibited from Landing Sinilar action is being taker: drys to get their toehold on John runners in the 1st 16.
cai option enabled the American Club, a Vogro Orkanization finished with number of years in the service, scheme for a West Indian Uniand thus gained a good deal of versity and it is sincerely hoped in Antigua, in the other Presidences of the Leeward Islands.
Baylercora, Masterman believes.
practical experience in the branch there will be no abatement of the The University Commision on the One result of prohibition in of work they had been engaged enthusiasm it has a wakened, un in.
America has been to enable the ern Race Questions, white Organiza til the great object in view is REMOVED Through the courtesy of the att to shake off the many tion at its 9th Annual Meeting after tained. The fact that this idea British Consulate office we The Rev. Sighien superstitions regarding alcoholic praising Negro soldiers, mukes this apcollege Let An Ice Co. for Sav the colonies concerned is imia: che ignited Kingdomar, per te teme has removed from 22 Street, for gospel here. Many working tas coisinage doing the site is hosted in tale dogte througenting oim gale, begs to state that he beverages perstatter anis apass superstitions still more tolerant spirit, be France, more generou sympathy and a la Mar United States. Canada, British to No. 14 Street, near An men in Britain genuinely believe wider degree of co operation beadvanced as a plea for united Guiana, the Isthmus of Panama, con Post Office.
that beer is necessary as an arti. tween both elements of both Rares tu etiort towards its fruition Each cle of diet for men doing hard emphasize the lost, rather thus the The Present High Price of the colony is determined that som physical labor. While still worst features of inter Racial rel. tions Commodity Forces Townspeo permanent memorial should be regarded as havi od to secure greater publicity of those who e ple to Take Action establish DO the important Ical properties.
views are based on reason rather than part natives took in the war and prejudice.
Plans Local Writing to the Gleaner, the Sav what each memorial should be It is further unani An attempt will be made in um la Mar correspondent says: mous opinion that such memorial the rear future to get a local op The Edith Cavel Friendly should be educational in in charac tion law thru Parliament, tho There is a limit to everything, Sop Society with the there is little hope for success and as there was no knowing how ter. and, in keeping wit ideals of freedom, enlightenment So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and with the present House of Oom new friendly Society, the soon the price of ice might reachine the surrounding districts, the Edith Cavell Friendly Society of opportunites for sixpence per lb. a day or two ago and equality of Britain contains a large num. has been started lately, and it a few of the long suffering public, for peoples, It strikes us there. ESPERANZA LAUNDRY ber of moderate drinkers who things continue as they have be.
associated with some business fore as a happy proposal that a men here, met and discussed West Indian University lanched must be reckoned with. Here, gun, It may soon be the most submitted by has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West some means of co too, brewers are mainly English successful of its kind on the is atit on the prihould be the West the purpose of keeping down the Indian War Memorial. The West operation for Mr.
Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro men with the highest connecthmus. West Indians and es: tions. In the United States the pecially Barbadians know the the commodity, and en price of prio and Arosemena. The Indian of Grenada besides probrewers were chiefly Germans full value of these organizations.
The idea of starting a factory to ducing our leading article makes Laundry received up to Thursday who were easily disposed of dur. the vast amoue the vast amount of good they make ice for the benefit of the the following remarks on the.
have accomplished in their homes Mastermal stated that he easi. This society is chiefly for the consumers, was proposed proposed and im subject:mediately caught on. Every lover of an inCan be had on Saturday.
ly recognized a difference be alleviation of distress among its twenty minutes the full amount proved West Indies agrees that tween American and British sa members, it will aid the sick and of capital necessary to purchase we require some institution Office open every day from 30 a. to p.
loon is a place to drink. In Bribery your dead, so laat if any tain it is a social center.
of its members have sickness or the machinery, start and maintain which will help to raise our staSUNDAYS UNTIL NOON death, they have only to call up a factory, was oversubscribed, tus, and remove the defects in APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES the Seety. The Lodge room is and other would be subscribers the system prevailing in these ADVELTISE IN had to be refused.
in the school room room of Mr.
PA parts. And it is not not surprising OR CALL UP PHONE 781 The factory will be established that the subject of educational The Workman Thomas 201h Street, Guachupali. and all are investigate an old sugar estate here where improvement should attract the there IT PAYS Full particulars can be had by an abundant and never attention of so ardent an advofailing supply of water. The mo cate of the subjcct as Mr. Popham applying to. of its Founders of of St.
tive power will be water, so that Lobb, Administrstor of Noville, the cost of maintenance will be so Vincent. the On Jordon, Clarke, Gibson, he has be made will be within the reach will lead small that the price of the ice to put forward a a plan which, and Alleyne. The next if meeting of the above will be on will lead to unlola good Indians. Thinking men Wednesday, Aug. 6th at p.
of all. The Cochenintend to for give the parts are called upon to profiteering will be allowed. interest themselves in in the subIt will be more than two ject and we do hope that the local The Son of Ham months, it is hoped, that we shall legislature will see fit to give its Head Office, National ty Bank Building, New York remain in our present plight, for support to Mr. Lobb scheme.
Thou Son of AS!
at the end of of that time it is hoped The West need a West In Take tay hand the mouth che co operative ice will be in dian Ulodies as a War Mem Thou wow cans, wiat prix and the thirsty orial, Thy time has our usw.
public saved from the profiteer for lo dud no time is better suited for launching a programe for its Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits. Over 9, 900, 000. 00 Cy.
The dawning of hediy than now that Is glally peepinfor: price now being paid for ice, the peace has been signed. The sub RESOURCES Long wast thou. idea of a new company would ject will, we hope, be soon placed Rise see what worth never have been thought of, but before the various legislatures Thy burden hast thoa bine, now that the idea is to bear fruit and a conference held on it at an Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama Long, patient ani sinere: it is said the promoters will ada early date.
to the ice factory a factory Sam a Great Pioneer?
making aerated waters, and also Depository of the Panama Canal Behold, see thy Sun, maintain a refrigerating chamber, He rising in the Beast, Thy Day has now begun where beef, mutton, ipork, and Bise, Rise, say, and feast!
poultry can be kept and sent to THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION town every morning with the ice.
Feast on the golden rays The public will hail this item of IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF Of this, this rey Nat Sun: This is thy day of dus news with great joy and satisfac The National City Bank of New York Thy journey now begun.
EYES EXAMINED Nature Herself is glad To see thy openinday. Glasses Prescribed AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUNothing around loks sad, The Recent RailTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES The very flours are gay.
Perfect FAR and NEAR VISION Tthee, the Land and Main way Collision in ONE single LENS, is but OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES Congratulations bring; Iny time has come to reign We understand that correspon one great feature of the For joy, then, let us sin dence has been proceeding be. HIGH GRADE SERVICE INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM Let praise the God of Grace tween solicitois representing parties who were injured in the we are offering you.
Who made us all the same MORRICE, of equal rank and race. Railway collision in Kingston a ROBERTSON, an. that our common name.
few weeks ago, and the Acting Office 182 Bolivar Street. In Sub Manager Acting Manager.
Director of Raila ay. As far as Front of Masonic Temple Of dust we all were made In Gods owu Image fair: can be ascertained the Railway Building, Colon. We like the flowers do fade And like a garment wear.
ing the was 000. Within on an old whole INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION people Dot a OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
For what bas tho to moura o Panama Optical Co.


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