
Larg Circulation of any all English Paper on Isthmus of Panama THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 Photographic and Telegraphic Receiver. Novel Invention PAGE THREE Let Justice be Done Though the Heavens Fall LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes lay down and fellow Kot it with have CRICKET GOODS Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, Want nee Claim made by Mr. Cyrus ladies a vote and the ableP. Unk, an American bodied men go sneaking off to Cuba. You know, really you Staying in Jamaica ought to keep an eye on things better than that, CONVERSATION HEARD Minor Official: ve been giving to German No Respousibility Accepted Africa Thiok of the curou best to get it and the Herculean For Accuracy of talk, In task of getting the South Afrivention not being Perfect. cans to look after it when had From a recent issue of the bodied men going to Cuba when Colonial Secretary: All the ableJamaica Gleaner we cull the they could have a Royal Commisfollowing: sion free of charge. m dashed if Forenote. Mr. Cyrus Unk, ll give them a Royal Commission: an American gentleman staying Minor Official: Well, of course, in this island, lays claim to a no you know best, but what with vel invention consisting of a pho the Peace Conference over and tographic and telephonic receiv. demobilized oficers and er, which reproduces scene and politicians hard up largo families. Lord sound from any part of the job of finding places, for the deavouring to hear what Mon. this office is not going to be ex.
sieur Clemenceau was saying to actly a joy, is it? While a Com.
President Wilson, the machine mission absorbs a lot of connected him with the Colonial Colonial Secretary: yes. Office. Below we print the re was forgetting that, but really sult for which he accepts no res these Jamaicans are the limitponsibility for accuracy as his leaving the island like that when invention is not yet quite per Lloyd George told me the other fect.
day that he had given them pre Photographic Result ference, or or something of the sort because the Tariff Reformers Private office of the Colonial made him, and that his own crowd Secretary Utmost possible hea were giving him the devil over it.
viness of official furniture and Well, give the th their Royal Com atmosphere. Huge Central desk mission with telephone. Large maps adorn the walls. The Colonial Minor Official: With a few in.
Secretary and a minor official vestigating committees adorn two armchairs. Bundles Colonial Secretary: Oh certain of statistics (very hazy, are piled ly. Let the committees be divided on the desk.
and multiplied as much as you like, we don want to be cramped Telephonic Result for room here, you know. But Colonial Secretary: Now then, they must understand that this let see what about Jamaica. leaving the island rubbish must (Noise of rustling paper. Well, be stopped what next?
what do they want now!
Minor Official: There have been Minor Official: m blessed if no hurrioanes this year and know. ll read what the Gov.
Colonial Secretary: Good, Reernor says.
mind mention that in my Colonial Secretary: Sounds well.
more reforms, suppose.
all: No earthquake Minor Official: Reforms? only shinemors.
should say so! They want a Ro Colonia Secretary: There they yal Commission, income tax, fem go, grumling again.
ale suffrage and Minor Official: The exports Colonial Secretary: Hold hard! have greatly increased Rs will be That reminds me of something, seen by schedule was dining with Blenkinsop Colonial Secretary: Oh, notor the other night; he bought out some old Jamaica rum for 25 al mind the schedules;any one would think that Colonial Secretary botile at a Red Cross sale. was a cross between the Enclopedrank at least ten pounds worth. lia Britannica and Burroughs and will you believe it, not adding machine, by the number glimmering of a head the next of schedules get. Make a note morning.
of this, don want schedules.
Minor Official: might say at once, Sir, that strongly advise posing they ask me what you do Minor Official: Yes, but sup.
a Royal Commission.
Colonial Secretary: Do you Colonial Secretary: Tell them think they deserve it! After all, its their business to find out.
they don bother us half as much Minor Official: But what do you as they might.
really want?
ja inor Official: wasn exact Colonial Secretary Wall, now, ly think of that.
here a good idea. Tell thum to Colonial Secretary: must sk the Royal Commission.
sider it. What else did you sa 11 bicial: That splendid, they wanted?
Lloy ule given Minor Official: Income taxomethioz to have had at the and fem Peace Conference.
Colonial Secretary: Income Colonial Secretary: Now. Inck Tax! What on earth are you here, we haven time for tern.
quite sure that isn a misprint? ciousness; we ve got quite four Minor Omicial: Quite. The more colonies to see to this after Governor insist upon paying in noon.
come tax himself.
Minor Official. reading) The Colonial Secretary: Well ol Railway greatly needs new rollcourse, in this office we are used ing stock.
to staggerers, but this fairly Colonial Secretary: expect takes the biscuit. governo itdues, with everyone using it insisting upon paying income to go to Cuba. Lut it ditak tax by the way, who is the down altogether and then they Governor?
can walk to Cuba.
Minor Official: (think his Minor Official: The lack of naine is er(rustiing of paper. which greatly retards transporOh yes Sir Leslie Probyn. sation of cane and bananas!
Colonial Secretary: Oh, see Colonial Secretary: Oh, see; yes, well certainly they can pay well that alters matters. must income tax make a note of it remember to tell the Food CompIt isn often can grant retroller. He always being quests; and when can, for heckled about the high price of heaven sake let see they are fruit.
not forgotten. What else?
Minor Official: There is much Minor Official: Female suf discussion in the Island about frage the deplorable confederation with Canada, the Colonial Secretary: Give the Islanders feel that the Colonial ladies the vote by all means; let Office, though not indiferent to them vote as much as they like their wants, has not the bond of we always hold the ace of spades sympathy thatso to speak, in their politics.
What were you saying about Scott! What will they ask for Colonial Secretary: Great something being deplorable?
Minor Official (reading des blessed Colonial Secretary to Do they expect the patch. The deplorable tendency kiss overyone of them nightly of able bodied men to emigrate and sing them to sleep? Do they to Cuba, leaving the island popu ever look at the map? We re by running a fith of the world from Colonial Secretary: Oh, yes, this office, and by the time the Old women and children isn Peace Cohference is over they that buman nature all over would have shovelled hall the Here are we giving them a earth on to us, Bonds of Sya Dear Brothers and Sisters of toil, in our triumphant march for justice and fair play, let us not THE HOME OF vers Allyne. the forget the Pioneers, Messrs. Se intropia pathfinders, the impatient soul who in their eagerness of spirit shouldered more than their shara and thus give us such an oppor.
tunity that will be helpful to our homes and dear ones, now its up dii des.
to you and to do the rest, don ih High and Low Cut think the other is going to do it for you, we need the unorganized men and hal in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet women to help, we wait you to assist we know you will, we the Pocket of All make em, talk about the Negro Organization on the Isthmus of Panama, if we get your support, please be advised that the United Brotherhood of Maintenance ol Way Employes and Railway Shop MULLER Laborers does not hinder any.
one from attending to their Re.
Sole Agent ligion that is, if one joins the Brotherhood. am quite sure the Brotherhood would be more 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA than pleased to amongst its meinbors men and women of religious type to Counsel others, and thereby respectfully every one who believe otherwise to erase it from their mind, and while the only kind of bond. cast your lot in with those that are Canadian wants is one he can get already organized. Wives, thisor.
for nothing and that pays ten of your husband and for the betganization is for the protection per cent interest. The tele: terment of your children, your phone rings) Do they ever think boy and giel will be better men Do you know that we keep the of the trouble have when they and women in days to come, and want officials: hall the world its up to you to see that your most completo Assortment of seems to be out of work at once children is protected or carod Minor Official There is for Colonial Secretary: Only the We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee other day read some where they puern some times ago that happened to run across a litevery Article we sell.
could nt even appoint their own police inspector without fighting send to encourage us, to win over it.
Very happily. It is as follows:. Here are some of our Stock Minor Official: There is a THINK Gran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves Colonial Secretary: Nomen If you think you are beaten you are tion of Bonds of Sympathy then If you think you dare not, you don What the matter?
if you like to win, but think you can t, Bats Batting Gloves It almost a cinch you won Minor Official: There a depu if you think you ll lost, you re lost: tation downstairs from South For out in the world we find Cricket Bales and Score Books.
Africa: they want to see you sucres Dans with a slow will about their proposal of becoining it think you re outolassad. you It all in the state of mind.
Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you a Republiccome and look over our Sporting Department Colonial Secretary: What the You got to think high to rise; At this point Mr. Cyrus Un You ve got to be sure of yourselt be.
foce reports that his invention broke You can ever win a prize.
THE MADURO COMPANY down, but he hopes to have a bitties don always go.
PHONE 24 strong fixed receiver in a few to the stronger or faster mon; But sooner or latet then. who wins days.
Istenan who thinks he can Well that just the way the Open all Day Saturday, until 30 United Brotherhood of Mainten Quinland Finishes ance of Way feels we know it is Medical Course.
going to be a hard job but we think we can win. Come across you doubtful fellows ask your(Communicated. selves the question, is it square to take away my brother birthThe many friends of Wm. Quinland right? or is it right to assist him will be pleased to know that he has now and let him keep his birth right.
completed his Medical course at Meharry Never say you won succeed Medical College, an achievement made unless you try. That the aim of SANTA ANA PLAZA possible only by constant application and the other race and it must be dint of perseverance OU s, also He was born on the Island of Antigua, Respectfully. ADJOINING AL PLACE) and started out in life as a TROTMAN, public school teacher in the Island of St.
Lucia, having passed first on con, the list of those who took the examinaR. WILKINSON After teaching for two and one half years he decided he would visit the CONTRACTOR BUILDER Panama Canal, which was then in construction; an enterprise which offered unlimited opportunities to men of all First Class Workmanship races.
Plans and Specifications Free There he procured a position in the Government service as Laboratory AsHouse 90 sistant in the Ancon Hospital, whore he 15th Street West SPECIAL SERVICE saw the first mysteries of the healing Box 411, Panama, art. After serving in this capacity for three and one half years he resigned for DAY AND NIGHT similar position in Candelaria Hospital, Brazil, s, where he served for more Lessons Given than four years, during which time he lid practically all the work in the Bac teriological Laboratory on the Clarinet, the leading Band Instrument. Band or About this time he decided he would Orchestra furnished for all study medicine, whereupon be entered kinds of engagements.
Howard University, Washington, and was enrolled in the College of Arts NEILSON and Science, which course he completed at Oskaloosa College, Towa, and was Clarinetist Republican Band awarded the degree of Bachelor of Ancon Phone 1058 16 St. West, House 27, Panama In the fall of 1915 he entered Meharry Medical College and soon distinguished himself among the leaders of his class; WHAT EVERY WOMAN IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. his ability as a student was realized; be OUGHT TO KNOW gained the friendship of all and became better known to his classmates as Little BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store Willie.
Buying wisely to the fundamenin Calidonia.
He finished first in honors in the class tal principle of Economy. Let of 19 with an average of 97 for the Senior me do your shopping and you BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist. year and was awarded the first prize in will soon realise the immense Obstetrics on graduation by Dr. G; saving that can be made on BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: Bandy, professor of that branch. Dress Material of Silk, Cotton and Woolen fabrics of the very BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs To what higher sim can man attain.
latest Styles. am an expeand Patent Medicines.
Than conquests over human pain?
rienced shopper and know how and where to buy.
Dr. CONNELL The Novelty Lousine Silk THE PANAMA DRUG STORE SURGEON DENTIST is a beauty MULLER BUILDING MRS. ANN R, THOMAS, Can be found at 175 Dressmakary Next to the Calidonia Police Station Central Avenue Street Control Palmer Restaurant tion.
Army and Navy Headquarters Terve WHY?


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