
Largest Circulation of any all English Paper on Isthmus of Panama PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 Octagon Soap 79 99 97 chaled oppressed for war Henry who ws: and a wilted, with Silver City Band to Entertain Unrest Among Silver THE WORKMAN On the 14th Aug. at the Employees The Siiver City Band will give Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaSave your OCTAGON Wrappers a Community Dance in the Halls WHO IS TO BLAME. ALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters of the La Boca on nue and corner of Street, Panama of public interest invited.
Thursday night, 14th August, Dead flies cause the ointment de 50 (pesos) Cash Prizes All copy for publication must be 1919, to which invitation cards of the apothecary to send forth Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON TUESDAY, 30TH SEPT. 1919 will be sent out to the various a stinking savour. In the preRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of friends and well wishers the cious ointment of the Brother One Year 82. 40 Ls. cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicacommunity, as well as the near hood are few flies that are dead tion but as a mark of good faith First largest quantity 20 20. 00 by settlements, to the interests of silver employ.
Six Months Three be we do not undertake to return Second 10. 00 The object of this Dance is to eas. These flies must be gotten rid of. In One 230 rejected correspondence.
Third In our endeavor to couraise funds for the purchase of 00 Fourth one more clarionette, one trum sign them to the garbage pile we The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS 00 pet cornet and one euphonium shall paint two pictures, the first Fifth of which though greater than 00 thereby augmenting and increasSATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 the seconi, contains neverthe.
Sixth ing the efficiency of the Band. 00 less, several points in common Seventh It is requested that all inter, with the second. 00 ested in the welfare of the Band About a century and a half ago The Strangulation of Privilege.
Eighth 00 signity by purchasing the modernen wien pored, or attempted to European Govern Ninth one ticket ad 00 mission will be by tickets only, in impose upon its subjects in a for In this era of practical life frankness has come to be esteemed as a matter too elevated to be supplanted or suSend your wrappers with your name and address pkainly organization.
The presentation people written to the Workman Printery no later than Tuesday, perseded by equivocation or quibbling whether raw or veSeptember 30th, 1919, under injustice for fifteen (15)
be found, and also the place. years.
Finally thy organized neered, and the sacredness of honest dealings has called a Insist on your dealer for OCTAGON SOAP, it gives blundering civilization to respect and sustain every atom better results than other soaps and The character of the institu to. ut down the tyranny. The mobilized of fairplay that is due to everybody, everywhere, every. COST ONLY 20 CENTS SILVER EACH CAKE.
tion, on account of the varytrick 8poke; Adams wiote: time. Serious questions cannot now be side tracked or drying religious creeds would ne Hancock supplied the money: washed by a may be yes or a may be no. men are not LEE CHONG COMPANY cessarily have to be latitudina Washington led the army; Wars satisfied with one sided explanations, nor are they prepar 62 Central Avenue rian and the general principles ren kept the fires of enthusiasm Panama burning ed to accept over strained interpretations which try to of its operation as free as the What was the result?
WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS turn fiction into fact or insincerity into confidence.
political franchise enjoyed by After the land was red, red with blood, the god of battles delivered Among the most commanding affairs that arrest the the people.
the oppressed from the hands of attention and seize the thought of the entire world is that the oppressors.
Now, was to blame for the of, Capital and Labor; possessing a pre occupancy of inter Editorialettes. England Colonial Sons can Saturday Half.
loss of so many lives and the which issues be visibly memorialized. The Holiday shedding of so much blood? The original status, so far as the consideration of practical livA West Indian distance and expense in seek There is the general belief mother country or her children ing is concerned. In other words, the problems of indusing University privileges in about that very soon the ville all will agree that the Patrick Henry or George Gren trialism are so great and so highly competitive with other Unlversity. Europe and America make it Saturday half holiday will be pres. com is to bladres opmatters that it is difficult, if not impossible, to introduce The feverish discussion in impossible for many brilliant, introduced on the Zone. We oppressed who dares resist the another question occupying the minds of men more signifi. the West Indies over the pro but poor young men to ad have been for several years oppression. Patrick Henry was cant than that of Work and Pay.
posed War Memorial in the vance their education. advocating this invocation in opposed to tyranny, regardless of The Isthmus of Panama is probably one of the most form of a University for all If such a University. estah the Isthmian life. The mono its sources George Grenville noisyplaces in this connection, and not only in the Zone the West Indies is as yet the lished in either of the islands tonous routine of Canal work tain sources was quite in order that where the greatest activity centres, but in the cities of most absorbing among all the along broad lines brecomes a draws powerfully on the vi Soms Henry compatrio Parrama, Colon, and the outlying provinces of this pro proposals put forth. Univer reality, these islands will, with tality of the workers. The na thought as Greenville did, and gressive Republic. Labor, having become organized, among sity established in one of the the present Codriagton Col tural desire for recreation and called Henry a traitor because he the colored workers, has won admiration and congratula leading islands and offering le e in Barbados, increase the amusement sends parties into was man enough to say that a tion from the far sveing President Porras down to the equal opportunities and facili educational advantage of their the jungles or fishing smacks, Welcome to the second picture.
thing most obscure bench warmer around the plazas of this city. ties to all West Indians alike inhabitants. Nothing but sheer and innumerable throngs to about a decade The President, as a gentleman who has travelled, and is the most rational conception controversial opposition can the cricket ovals and base ball great and powerful nation invited whose ideas are as broad and deep as his education, knows through which the glorious stand in the way of its ma parks on Sunday pleasure West Indians to assist in conthe benefits of organized labor and dignified industry to an bravery and noble sacrifice of terialization. The money can quest of itself enough to cause structing the Panama Canal. The extent that puts him in sympathetic touch with the efforts a sober community to desire tion, and many of our brothers West of the colored constituency of Panama population. and the conduct of the men at all times has been as a day not crowded with nenes withered, and In addition to this, every white man on the Zone orderly as at a prayer meeting.
red, and fell within sary amusemen in a week after reaching the feverwhether he be a real American or a Meriken by personal Now comes the rumor that the Brotherhood is no Saturday holiday the laden jungles. Some were smashor private adoption, has extended the hand of sympathy longer permitted to use the club houses for their meetings. bounds of controversas all others were blowe toe onwhile and expressed satisfaction at the organization of colored Can this be true? We are hoping it is not really the case, games and amusement being dyna atoms by dynamite.
labor. There are several foremen who would not consider but if it prove to be a fact what impression does it give pursued on Saturday the Sun stuck t, our guns and made habit the application of a new employee except he is a member the sixteen thousand silver employees of the Panama day would be restored to its able the Isthmian jungle of Death.
of the United Brotherhood, and this fact proves that the Canal and Panama Railroad?
and on what ground or religious observance and phy lives to enable a powerful Armada customary status as a day of While heroically sacrificing our opposition to negro labor organization is more undefined grounds have the objections been based?
than it was first thought to be. Some men are opposed to to forty(44)
thousands of dollars If it be said that the meetings of the Brotherhood sical rest.
the negroes becoming members of the bring together too large crowds at the clubhouses it can be When men work six days a between the Pacitic and the Atand not because negroes should not organize, but replied that a gathering of labor men from the Canal week and spree on the only lantic, we were treated as though because this grand institution being affiliated with the Zone residents could never be as large as a mixed multi spare day remaining they get weakey animals adittle deplore.
colored people than that which they now enjoy or rather the cities of Panama and Colon along with the home folks the only difference being that man. We cha fed under the humi.
the Zone, at the regular picnics and vaudeville shows on which although it is iron, will part of which a the pump will last longer for fifteen years, during the latter Usually, the opponents to the organization of negro where order could no more be guaranteed than at a circus. itself one day wear out.
a Wage Board, unlabor on the line just mentioned are the natural product If it is claimed that the brotherhood is not a social nor inkind and unsympathetic, was apof blind eyed, sour faced and black hearted prejudice tellectual institution, it might well be asked if the under pointed to fix our wages without our being represented on this They feel that the protection and proper treatment of lying principles of good society and sound intellectuality West Indian Board. Finally we organized to colored labor would reduce their own unworthy privilege are not safeguarded by regulated industry which has cor Committee.
obtain good treatment.
of fat pocket books and unproportioned salaries; they infer its object the destruction of industrial slavery?
Like Patrick Henry, we waited Already the activities of the for some of the erstwhile leaders that more money to negroes means less money to whites; If it be explained that there are no available nights recently formed West Indian of the race to lead the silver enand they see that the banishment of cheap negro labor that can be spared to the Brotherhood can it not be asked Committee are attracting the ployees in opposition to the doings would effect the disappearance of that racial inferiority what makes the availabe nights for concerts and vaude attention of all cool headed of the waye Board. But these which now makes it possible for them to prosper on the ville shows, and also what invisible thing is done on nights and sensible people of Pana home with cold feet. Relying leaders hesitated and skulked blood and sinews of their dark skinned brethren. when the all room of the Club houses is out of requisi ma. But some empty headed on the justice of our cause, and We are not certain that the Department of Play tion? The United Brotherhood does not only possess econo cox combs who can even dis not on grounds and Club houses is among the outspoken or under mic value; it is based on a moral issue and because it tinguish between a grass hop. declared war against the Wage our ability to ai wa breath antagonists to the United Brotherhood operations stands for the re adjustment of labor conditions among per and a rat bat have begun with the hope our drawing this concomitant evils here among colored people, but there seems to be a general the disatisfied classes of the people it stands to reason that to sow seeds of opposition on Mukewarm headers to them rumor prevailing throughout the Zone that the Club houses every sensible man will appreciate and aid in every possi the prolific soil of incorrigible but they responded not to the have been closed to the use of the Brotherhood. While we ble way any movement in this direction.
ignorance. Such men descend call. Indeed they are ready to have not seen any official statement of this rumor the talk The permission sought by the colored employees to use to the mean attitude of discus cry out, Traitor because the color of truth to what is said, and if it is really so, we are troduce extraneous activities into that institution. The of the Committee. They inject because the people are advised to among the members of the Brotherhood seems to lend the the club house for their meetings is not an attempt to in sing unfavorably the personal wrong doings of a few high off, cials are and of the opinion that the department has adopted a rather people have asked for the gift of a natural privilege which among the uneducated masses rise up as one man, join the near sighted policy in the matter.
is unquestionably consistent with the purpose for which the feeling of disregard for Brotherhood, and shake off the It is understood that the colored clubhouses are opera the club houses have been erected. It would not be an easy their leaders; they criticize the yoke of bondage, ecɔnomic and ted for the benefit of the colored employees, affording the matter to prove the presence of any unworthy or inap members and their policies; otherwise.
matters affecting the interests of said colored employees. There is no danger of crowding as there would be at a and they denounce the whole who points out the errors ot the facilities of places of amusement and meeting centres for propriate action at the meetings of the Brotherhood. they condemn the institution wwwho is to blame for the un.
rest among The whole arrangement is regarded as one of particular jazz dance or a show of vaudeville comedians; certainly business as the outcome of Wage Board, or the Boerd which privilege to the people, and the large profits at which these there would not be the ghost of a chance for immorality or grafting scheme. But if these columits the wrongs, and obsticlubhouses function indicates the unstinted patronage ac impropriety; the meetings are not attended by a selfish quasi gentlemen would take nately refuses to right those corded by an appreciative silver force. The men and their crowd of heterogeneous units of the sexes, but by respect trouble to find where the Bri Wrongs? Is it the fault of families have from the inauguration of the Club houses able and serious men coming together in the interests of tish Legation is and enquire Ozarish actions of a foreman, or one who given general support to every activity introduced by the themselves and their families, and incidentally, of the about the standing and activi the foreman who gives a worker officials. They have kept the enthusiasm alive, and they state.
ties of the West Indian Com tive days off because the worker have shown an extraordinary disposition to co operate with every movement in connection with their working.
To prohibit the meetings of the various lodges of the mittee they would embrace fused to cont nually say Yes Brotherhood at the club houses looks very much like the virtue of Golden silence.
ir, ud No Sir when speaking Having been informed that the moral, social and in strangling the very privileges which the officials announced tul? We are opposed to in.
tellectual conditions of the people have been the primary were the grounds for their inauguration among colored justice regardless of its source.
considerations thatbrought these club houses innto exis employees. People can neither be dignifiedly social nor NOTICE!
The Isthmian Grenvilles who think that injustice from certain tence, the silver employees spared no money in enjoying morally dignified when they are half paid, half fed and workman began to notity quested to leave the affairs of the The Management of the privileges thus afforded; and when the United Brother half clad. The race cannot progress, nor can there be Secretaries of the various Brotherhood severely hood commenced operations the members. in towns where any moral uplift where an iniquitous industrialism kereps Friendly Societies and Secret Organize and educate. our there are no other meeting places) appealed to the club them down; and if there is a movement anywhere among Orders, whose Lodges appear in slogan. We want men who are not houses secretaries for permission to use the buildings for negroes te promote their welfare and improve the condi our Friendly Societies Directory afraid to look the devil in the their meetings. request more natural can hardly be tions under which they live the authorities of the club column ton communicate with face and call him a loira conceived and nothingbut a favorable reply was anticipa houses ought to support and help such movement with changes of now Secretaria for ing his best in the interest of lehe office President Wilson is doted. Some meetings have been held in these club houses, their generous approval.
the ensuing term.
bor, a few of his subordinates on But dauntless we on its voyage circumstances alone.


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