
Read in every West Indian home in the Republic and Canal Zone THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
And fuse to called colonists.
when no Thrice mother but a protests doings ington, DC Credit must Brother Severs.
WAS the meeting ing upon the bring us into worse ones te being under of the bighest praise battle.
the success to Since the new road has been cleanthe Isthmus are by their words ed up, they are many automobiles and British Consulate Notices and actions trying to make void jitaeys seen in Gambos, the eforts of their illustrious On Tuesday the 5th inst. the Chief of Police Mr. Johanes and Mr.
leader. The high Government Hindman District Attorney of the The British Consulate ofticial who asked a member of LA BOCA Canal Zone visited Gamboa Stockade, would be glad of any inforthe Brotherhood if he wanted the Govt. to harrass his people, It has become customary in La Boss mation regarding John Coband who told the brother that he at the close of the Zone schools for the GATUN, ham, a native of Barbados, was breeding discontent among annual vacation period, that competent teachers should open private schools who appears to have been at Semi Opening of New Club silver employees, is requested to ask himsell these qnestions: this custom is much appreciated by one time a coach driver in CoHouse.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Where would be, what posiparenta looked forward to expect on.
tion would be filling today, antly, in order that the children edu Saturday night last: before one of the Yours sincerely, had Patrick Henry through fear. ELLERDALE cation might be forwarded and also largest crowds of dancers and spectators, from the fact that three months vaestion the new and spacious club hall at this B. HUTCHEON.
not urged by ancestors to re in rather a lengthy period to contend district was the scene of thousands of to use stamped paper will leave CRISTOBAL middle of August, for when Henry was with idle children Another of these persons who had wended their way from schoole has been started recently by all directions to witness what may be The British Consulate would be Traitor he had fled, knowin HAVRE AND LONDON that the king jail was large Mr. Reynolds within the last two weeks called one of the best dances ever seen glad of any information regardat house 286 with quite number of on the Canal Zone given by the ladies ing William Goring, a native of enough to accomodate him, and children.
of the Union of the Brrbados, who came here in 1907, his army powerful enough to MANAVI would harrass the S. The last issue of the Workman Newsis said to have worked for the to day have a flag with thirteen will leave Cristobal, a will leave Balboa, Noon paper which came to La Bocs went off The enjoyable evening spen? by those Panama Railroad Company and po rapidly that many West Indians did fantastie lovers of dancing will go down his address was: Ancon stripes and forty eightstars?
was last heard of in 1913, when Only the guilty flee SUNDAY, 10th AUGUST, 1919, for save chance to secure a copy. We think in history u the best night ever spent man pursueth armed it is high time that our agent bere is at Gatun Colored town; Sam Gooding Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil 10 is he who hath his quarrel just.
crense his supply for the Workmaa band from Panama rendered the muce Many able statesmen in the Neds to be the by word in every weet which was the best ever heard on the country protested SALVADOR Indian home in this section. The res Canal Zone for many moons past, the ISTHMUS OF PANAMA against the policy of the home on for this is think is the variety of the Potted plants and various cut roses, beautiful with LODGE No. 2151 goverament, their West Indian news so well compact that treta the Ladies of the above named nothing Similar will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon, many it becomes enticing to read.
from hongt officials in one way or THURSDAY, 14th AUGUST, 1919, for union and from the gardens of Mr.
The regular bi monthly meet another protest against the Hanson, of the Municipal Engerning de ing of the Isthmus of Panama and policy of the Wage Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, GAMBOA partment at this district lent radiance Lodge was held at St. Anthony Board, but also to no avail. The Acajutla San José de Guatemala and CHAMPERICO.
and splendor to the new dancehall Hef on Monday nignt last, when battle will be decided in Wash Chagres No. 2511 is still going strong; the boys on the Chagres Bank The band which was composed of six twenty five new members were CHILE are now 98 per cent organized. We pieces must be given great applause, as only have one and may be two gradus nearly every item on the program was handled, one of which came from We now come to those of our obligated into the Brotherhood.
Various communications race who like bats, are bids ted seabs, in our midst, but as jitrace when the birds are on the winning will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon. neys are now stopping at our doors, encored by the audience.
In Brother side, but who are quick to become it won be hard to ship them out over be given our popular district chairman Severs latter much was learnt SATURDAY, 16th AUGUST, 1919, for night Labelled the sweepings of hu for the creditable manner in which the beasts when the beasts seem manity (care of) City Scavanger Callao, Moliendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofogasta, Coquimgood old to be getting the better of the tight. We, no less than the bo and is raid the Summin on the conting when we say you missed a delightful time fel! ow did not fail to to insert his Revolutionists, have our traitomonth, Our scouts their report an units putting it mild. The ladice received pet slogans, and usual encouragtine his letter was fortified City so we can spect many congratulations for the excellent way ing terms. In rous Benedict Arnolds. Some VALPARAISO prisoners, preparation to being made the performed their duties and the way one of a resuscitating nature and of our number, instead of for them at camp.
trance of the door.
pleased all who had torued out at stireau of rets justice of our cause, For Further Particulars The gravel plant expects to start aud our determination to win, again, the Among those present could be seen Mr.
The following resolutions passare fearful less our exposure of Apply to the Office of the Companies at months, so we will be in position to Booz, Secretary of Clubhouses on ed at the Atlantle and Pacific are take care of a few more Broths. No the Isthmus of Panama and Mr. Lo Lodge No. 2505 on July 20th, wrong may scabs need apply.
disfavor with the Inighty CRISTOBAL Davis Secretary of the Gold Clubhouses 1019, were read and accepted.
These moral cowards perch on Our population is increasing grad. at this distrtct, who in witneesing the the fence, and the guise or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, RESOLUTION wally we can boast of some doz, merry dancers gave Gatun Residente babies under months with signs of and their visiting friends one of the conservative, of they Whereas, it has pleased Alimprovement PANAMA.
await the result of for the way in which every nighty God in his intinite goodShould Bro. Austin and bis buneb of 100 thing thing was conducted, those from ness and wisdom, to remove from we win, they attribute their assumed por cent painters, are just through ro the windy city are follows; the Isthmus of Panama Local No.
painting the District. The houses Morales and family, Miss servative policy which they sure look like thoy are ready for Alleyne, Euritha Williams, Daisy Hen death, our dearly beloved Bro.
Emily 2161, R. by claim cools the incandescent Christmas Carter, the organizer of the Unitardor of those whom they call Electrical Workers Hold riques, and several others too worthy to Claude Vincent, to realans of pered Brotherhood, entered and was We are badly handicapped in the mention radicals. Should we lose, they interduced to the House by the Pedro Miguel and then it needs 40 way of Dispensary. The nearest one petual happiness and are ready with their, told you Special Meeting Chairman Brother Carter recents ey for round trip and the porter would surely give the names of all death, our sister Local and tbd Gatun list is too long or olse our re Whereas, we feel that by his So, plied befittingly and proceeded 10 of one day pay Such Negroes are like a street with the buiness of the evening.
those who attended; but overy child Brotherhood in general bas suscar. One bas but to shift the On Thursday night the 31st ul. The first proposition taken up Noat this veok Broberena Wolcom which spodku wall for the colored peoSome 100 men are expected in house woman boy and man was in attendance tained the loss of one who has money. box, reverse the seats and timo Special Meeting of the was the election of Officers. but sea bata re advised is Hy waga plo of Gatun. active in aims and aspira conducting rod, and presto, the Colored Electrical Workers of ter the usual, formalities were Our acting Secretary Mr. Small tions of the race.
front becomes the back, and the the Canal Zone and Members of gone through the following bre.
and a back the front. Now east, now the United Brotherhood of Main theren were duly elected Offi Childrens Sunday School at devoted west, these immoral weather tenance of Way, Employees and cers of the new Lodge which is must be given credit along with his bosband and father.
Gamboa Social Club Hall staff of helpers for the way they 2000 BE IT RESOLVED: That At vanes, racial hermaphrodites, Kenimas sho Railway Shop Laborers was held named EXCELSIOR.
modated the large crowd. Dancing leutic and Pacific Local No. 2605, every wind of public at the West Indian Rea Scross Bros. Cook, Past President.
On the 3rd inst, Sunday School was came to a close at mid night when each S. tender. opinion kept in the Gambon Social Club Hall and veryone went way LOCAT tentions of the Pharisees and de bome Barnabas, President.
with full to his bereaved family in condo for the first since the opening of that eart after enjoying a pleasant ovenlng. lence and sympathy, in this their nounced their Be hour or commencing, the house of Burnett, Vice Prisidert club. It was started at 4p.
children were prosent and the school sad hour of bereavement, hoping Cause Paul did nypocrisy knees not keep in Hillier, Secy. Treas. was conducted by Messrs MoDonald, to its capacity that the All Wise God will grant Haynes Wellington. Asst. Johnson and williams, Subject: Bible Births)
charged with being pestilent an election of Officers Secretary.
teaching ote then a happy issue out of their Chas. Wilkinson, Chaplain.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund affliction, and fellow and mover of sedition, the enrollment of of are tak for their Judging from the effusions oflensble them to sem bers, to BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Cocking, JournalAgent ing the advantage of the priviligo Sobers on Monday 28th ulto twain Precisely at o clock Leslie James, Conductor.
given to then by the district quarter baby these babes saw the light of the That a copy of the Resolution be verbiage from the blatant, bleat Charter barcating was called to ing ones, we feel safe in con the Griffith, Warden master, granting them the 1st floor of world but would not remains they sent to the bereaved family, a house No. 31.
died the said day at Colon Hospital. copy to the Isthmus of Panama cluding that the same spirit is by by Brother Simpson, Inner Sentinel Hillier, acting They are asking the Secretary of Mother who doing well will soon be Lodge No. 2151, and a copy to here with us.
Chairman, who Edward Betto, Outer Sen clubs houses and bureaus for his at home, whilst Edmund is receiving each of the Local newspapers for in a brief but in im For the benefit of the few con pressive address told the memtinel.
help in supplying them with a bil hearty congratulations from his co work publication.
sumate sycophants who fawn here that now was their liard table moving pictures and other After the election of Officers, amusements, either once or twice sers of the Municipal Department.
night and day instead of earning chance to be organized and be there being no further business week as soon as they eso come on RESOLUTION bread by the sweat of their como recognized; or else they the meeting was brought to a some agreement.
Born to Mr. and Mrs Anderson, Whereas our sister Local buncing baby boy on Monday 28tn ulto, faces, the following from the lips would be the only ones left be. close.
We hope that the secretary of clubs mother and babe are getting along and No. 2151, has had the sad misof the loyal Neglo. Frederick hind in the great race. At this the Isthmus of Panama Lodge (Cotinued on page 8)
may grant us some help as he is one Earnest is wearing broad smiles and roDuugins is quoted with the hope stage of the meeting, Brother who likes to help in these elubs.
that they may charge de Louc ceiving congratulations from his fortune of losing one of its mem bers workers of the District Quarterme Vincent, who was laid to rest on and beloved brothers, Claude camouflage of neutrality of con the he is employed.
July 18th, 1919, before a range Speaking before the Philozements to provide for sick and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parris, tuneral benefits had matured, tian Society, on The claims of the Negro, Douglas said, baby girl on Thursday 3let ulto, leaving behind him a young wife mother and baby girl are doing Ane and two small children, and This is the moral battlefield to whilst Charles is shaking hands around which their country and their Whereas, we realize that being and receiving congratulations from his compelled to labour for the small now call them. In the Electric power is eye friends and Co workers of the Municipal salaries doled out to us, rather of both, the neutral scholar is al Department at this town, Here, a man musi always ready at than any fault of our own, it is be hot, or be accounted cold, o Little Miss Henry, God child of not possible for us to make ample perchance, something Worst the pressure of a our popular Clerk of the Municipal Eng, provision for our widows and than hot or cold. The lukewarn Department at this towe, who was sent helpless children, When we are button or the and the cowardly will be re to Aneon Hospital a few weeks ago is called over the other side of the jected by earnest men on either now recovering in fine order, all join in great beyond and ΤΙ.
turn of a switch. wishing tne little one a healthful stay side of the controversy.
Whereas, we as co workers with her God Parents cunning man wl. o avoids il, realise further that it is our duty gain the favor of both parties, Electric motors to alleviate, as far as lie in our will be rewarded with scorn; ah Payne Johnson power the financial distress of the timid who sbriuks from will take care of the widow, and children, of a for fear of offering fither pa A pretty wedding took place in the deceased Bro. and that their will be despised There is no your power reBaptist Church on 14th Street on the burdens are us much ours as neutral ground. He that is not 26th ulto. when Mr. William Arnold theirs; for us is against us.
quirements with Payne of Barbados and Miss Arabella BE IT RESOLVED. That Matilda Johnson of Jamaica, were united For the Benefit of the Wage in holy wedlock. The ed each member of this Lodge, The ceremony Board, we again quoted Douglas: performed by the Rev. Witt. Mise Atlantic and Pacific No. 2008, The faith of a wicked man and of a wicked nation (the Wage economy. It is Eva Gay of Colon acted as cheif brides contribute 25 and the Board too) is the same.
The meid and Mr. Downes of Gatun amount collected and forwarded sword of offended justice easy and inex best man. As the bridal party entering to the widow of the deceased as a donation from this Local No.
and saving the church, the organ pleaded falls as certainly upon the nation 2505, that a copy of this resolu.
forth fitting selections.
fall upon as tion be forwarded to the sthmus the Wage Board too. God has of Panama Local No. 2161, and.
no children whose rights may be To All Secretaries in City COD LET US QUOTE YOU FIGURES to the Widow safely trampled Limit whe sparrow may not fall to the ground without the notice of his Dear Sirs, and Bros. On Juneech The benevolence of the Atlantie Phone 602 Phone 150 eye, and men are more than when having a rush Mas meeting in St. and Pacific Local No. 2506 (our he Anthony Hall my Pocket Knife. Sister Local) has had very greti sparrows. We need not undertike to make the application.
used among most of the then Secretaries tying effects upon the members We speak unto Wise men. Again and by a mistake was taken away by of the Clerks Local No. 2151; and SANTA ANA PLAZA BOLIVAR STREET We ask. Who is to blame?
the wrong man. Anyone finding same brings to our thoughts the right Panama. Colon.
in his pocket Please return to ot sharing each other burden. STOUTE, Skeete Secty. of 2514, GEO. ROTHERY, Cristobal And oblige yours with thanks, Journal Agent Veer with Street Long 30 hefore the The with the Jews of his day deserves Bourpose of this meetingsers canta pues packed to 64 to order of trying to deceive us will POWER ON TAP God now ghoble man him thfiti salita the maximum of flaming falopon the man and pensive to use electric drive in your Shop or Factory.
Copy apon. The deceased Brothedow of the de Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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