
And is therefore an Advertising medium that must give big results THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919 PAGE SEVEN. The Open Forum :Weight in Gold A SQUARE DEAL IS WHAT YOU GET, WHEN YOU BUY FINE TIME CIGARETTES They are as good as the best And COST considerably LESS know you you are agree what the Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at 150 Gold PER PACKAGE Ministers.
Panama Hats a The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT CLEANED, and BLOCKED and TRIMMED to Order ALSO MILLINERY DRESSMAKING HOUSE No. 965, La Boca Canal Zone merely me to the idea of the This ex races.
streaks The Garage where every one is treated alike.
still One Price Good Service Right Pricse WM. LAWRENCE Tailor and Outritter CHALMERS GARAGE Deaier in School Books, and Stainary.
the. My dear Sir, you have some pills here by the name of De Witt, dem Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this column as worth dem weight in gold! shouted out a very tall man as he came up to the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents the doors of the City Fharmacy. ve just called to let you know LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
the wonders De Witt Dills have done for me and thank you.
Inquiry soon disclosed this person REPLY bacco tin beggars be suppressed to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails Irmediately because they are 1841. over years ago. For quite a from St. Kitts, where he was born To Mrs. Mary Holdip only stumbling blocks in the road numbee of years he took up residence of Determination wherein we are in Panama and now lives on the Cali Colon Rep. de Panama How travelling to the city of Our donia Road.
Future Success Our grateful informant further gave out that for many years up to the August 6th. 1919 Your truly for Negro progress time of his cure, he suffered from Most honoured lady and fellow EDUARDO MORALES.
sundry ailments and severe pains over his body. The terrifie pains in the member of my race, it is with the urinary organs, at times unbearable, greatest pleasure and racial pride Sediments in urine over an inch am answering your most senti Unity, thick, but due to the magie care of this mental defence iu beftalf of the medicine, he was completely rid of his Honourable gentlemen the Revs, Health Department men are organiz: Sir. The negroes are uniting. The troubles.
Evers and Parker, Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps am glad to ing satisfactorily. Yet there are a did, but neglect to seize the golden a Vigro, and one few scabs, who do not seem to believe opportunity to be cured who is proud of my race and. and there is any happiness in UNITY.
It is true to day as ever. Delay is fully Coloured Minis Those who know better, must do dangerous Those who doubt the ters should be sent to till the pul setter Now is not the time when we wonderful curing power of this remedy pits in ourchurches, That is just should kemomafarand This is a member will pay the dreadful cost.
organization, else but wyros of the Isthmus NEGROES, those that are not with class brug Stores Some tellimitations De Witt Pills sold in two are demanding for in years us are against us.
We want puil which you are cautioned to refuse gone by, when it was not safe for tokether as one race The world is DeWitt Co. Ltd. London on each a white nan torsk his life in this now too civilized that we should bow bottle and City Pharmacy on each direction me down to wood and stone. Let us show sheet.
country, it was a coloured man ourselves as men and women of the who came here and gathered the rising generation THE CITY PHARMACY, Let us study the West Indians together, and laid futuro, For our own good let us ket to 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
the foundation o our churches in work and densomething Let me seeth! Agents for Republic of Panama this Republic; therefore, it is only Are we contented to be slaves? Are out Nazareth: and Canal Zone.
just, that they should reap the we contented to remain where we are fruits of labor, now that these ci Are we contented to be treated worst ties than the lower animals?
are in a sanitary condition.
Wilson Assailed These being unmistakably your God has wisely made us as children own words, fail to understand to grow gradually when we are quite how you or any other could claim incapable to work for our selves but The Republic, our esteemed Claim can receive a certain amount of od it to be prejudice against the ucation, to benefit ourselves. for the contemporary published by the By stating, since duties of life, when we are men and Chinese Nationalist League, the Rev. Evers has contradicted women.
quotes the Tokio Yamato a Jap said statements, and and that he The night is far spent, the day is at anese paper thus. Addressing had written the subject, You think handlot us therefore cast of the a series of bitter questions to.
that that should be enough satis work of digtness and put on the ar. Mr. Wilson, the Tumato says in faction.
Stop and think, time for inusite part Mr. Wi. your people This presumption on your part, time for pleasure Ariso ste to say that the prohibition of immi.
simply goes to show that you are the light is come. Awake those that gration of Oriental laborers is o an economic question, still filled with large sleepth: arise from the dead.
yellow not due that must be immedi Let us valne our time, of Let us value our iabor, inequality removed, if you desire to Let us value ourselves cuse, however, is a great false olup with the 1919 Negroes. Let us value our lives hvod. How is it that your people God hetp those who help themselves practice lynching against consider his statements as What do you expect with the slack. the Negroes whom Lincoln libe.
enough satisfaction You also ersy rated? Your people bate, islight, said, for they have been with us for some year s, and have endear Look where the millions stop Faney and ill treat them. Is this not a clear evidence of the fact that oured to do what good they can You ll find the crowd at the base lads you and your people act against Would you not be kind enough to nghi There plenty of room at the top. SMITH the great principles of the equal enlighten us as to the good the ity of inankind endeavour to do? Do they coloured Ministers a square deal, equal rights? Do they en Sir. In the scathing letter of Mr NOTICE deavour to do good by teaching Morales a whip of many cords which tne Negroes the only way to appeared in your issue of Saturday last, overcome poverty, is te embrace see the sentiments of every self respect To the Lodges of the It, to glory in it? While they are ing coloured man and woman on the of located in the cities of Panama and la Boca that is accumulating riches for them. Isthmus.
selves? Do you believe the white Now it is not only true, about the Committee Management of Am working direct under the Subrace obtained wealth, thous:inds money raising systems of some of these of merchant ships, factories and Churches in question, and that in nearly erica, all Past Officers are requeslarge business houses by embrac ali West Indian congregations, the pres ted to attend a meeting at the ing and glorying in poverty? Are tice of segrogation has been introduced 2166 o. of E 21st St.
Star of the Lodge No.
they endeavovring to do good, bs at the Communion Table, but wheiro Central Avenue on Sunday Aug seeing our children starving and and in rags? As shoe shines and water we have been insulted from the pulpit ust 10th, inst. fat 30 for boys? Are they endeavouring to Our decent women have been told Officers of the Past Noble Faththe purpose of installation of do good, when they encourage that they don bathe their skins, and er Conclave for the ensuing Negroes to attend the Devilish picnics instead of teaching them that they are not as clean the preach term, and to arrange other mat Morality? Is that Christianity? bawled at from the sacred eminence by the Order on the Republic.
nityer cook, as well as we have been ters pertaining for the good of Did you ever stop to consider, that Prenics is the open road to the prophets of Baal.
the prophet of God, with the ferocity of degrada, uest ucun, prostitution? Do they endeavour to do No more insults for mine! have been Horrors of The Great War good when they send our girls vondering why the best class of colored and women into Rum Shops, Rec Vest Indians don go to church. The Light Districts and similar places loctors don go, nor caeu a miles; the (Continued from Page with envellopes and tobacco tins lawyers don nor those hor do the they would ask. Is this slaughter dobegging to satisfy their craving merchants and other leading families.
creed by the Goda?
the Negro praons go because the Lord as a shield: Why don it is their job, and they have some jol. the name don want to die want to those Honourable gentlemen too, to convinco self respecting people Vhy should be sacriticed to please lor the politicine al tie world those establish church schools, and thelr own race that they are not preach damn fool who are th cause of all their teachers out of the church ing a God similar to the One proclaimed this. pple at ho ne dont underwe have to suffer, stand wh. the Negroes) funds as is done by by the white preachers.
the ceod old Father don car Those furiated ola good Burns complacent the education of Negro child children? ba Whabowe al popored ministere cu o sinal. have about seven Negro preachers now subs would soul smashed to old bald haus in James street It is the Negroes money, in our pulpits, then and only then wil pulp and die to the last man without a not use it on them? The editices the higher class of West Ludis olorec question, They think it natural and constructed are built with Negro money. remember, when Mr. people go to churen. Facts are facts, nice. Dulce et decoruinest and maid the rest of it. It makes one pretty Hendricks was begging money to waat my ma white better sometimes when one goes home preachers to Negree. have been told on leave to see everything going on build the Christ Church School, byt those who lived there, that they don in the same old way with people who gave 10. 00. When the Honou have them in the States; we don want make fat profits out of the war and able gentleman Mr. Parker want them here either, so, good bye.
don care a jot if we have our legs ed money to purchase a new or.
a and arms blown off. Thts bitterness Fellow Negroes. sabe?
bred of dispair, and largely unjust, gan; took my brass band there Yours with Thanks, but human and natural and inevitable twice in order to make his busicrept into the brains of many young ness a success; on each occasion, FRED DIXON. officers and found expression now and he made over 300. gold, and up Colon, July 20: 1919.
again in tragic poems published in present, said organ has the English Review and other places. Continued on Puge Alled with this spirit of revolt against put in its appearance.
Again, war and war makers, and all the phil.
when he wanted move money to osophy of modern life wat had led build a new church, was there to this war. Nevortheless the young oficers, like Tommy Atkins, did not with my orchesta which was an DEATH PENALTY let go of the job, the Ugly Job they other great success. On each oc.
hated, and went on fighting and died casion furnished IS RESTORED in large numbers until the end oame the strains Thererore consiin victory No bitterness quite overcame their boy ishness. Between batder you very impertinent, in ad Hanging Again Made Legal by tles they played ping pong in their vising me to leave the matter to Missouri Legislature.
billets or some tin kettle piano in the the officers and meinbers to set back parlour of a way side inn. They tle because have more right might lose their nerve but never their than any of you so called officers Jefferson City, Mo. July 17. which made them the Knighthood of inanners and that code of chivalry and members to talk.
The Missouri Senate passed a our race.
In conclusion, be it clearly ur bill restoring capital punishment derstood, that we the New Ne in the State, The vote on the groes (13, 000 strong. are demand had passed the House and now ing Negro preachers for Negro goes to Governor Gardner for his congregation; that church picnins SURGEON DENTIST be abolished immediately; that signature.
Phone 1003 Address the twelve tribes stunt be elimi It is provided that the execunated, and the envellope and to tions shall be by hanging, ncon, 862 No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave. Address: Box 805, Ancon Z, The Calidonia Jewelry Store FOR SALE Obarrio Building.
Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. O, CAMPBELL AND JEWELLER.
Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
One large Farm, well cultivated, and 4. Room Cottage Houses at Monte, Lirio.
For Particulars Apply to, JONES, Box 165. Paraiso, or to GREAVES, New Providence. ALLMAN LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Between 10th and 11th Sts.
Bottle Alley. Colon, MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Latest English and American Fashions.
Also Cleaning Pressing Your Patronage Solicited Prices Moderate WATCHMAKER bumpay Thes for Good Picture we don increases one interest in MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY.
PHOTOGRAPHY NEED WATCH has not CALL IN AT THE to the Scranton Photo Studio We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 melodius WATCHES and JEWELRY Give us a call Before Going Elsewhere. You bre sure to be on Time if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US And you are sure to be interested in having your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor MCKENZIE (LATE OF TH, MARINE STUDIO Remember We Make Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry to Order bill was 18 to The measure Dr. JOHNSON Printing, Developing and Enlarging FULLER is the MAN You Want to Sea SPECIAL FEATURE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939


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