p. 8


Largest Circulated All Englise Paper on the Isthmus of Panama.
Stopped by Rain.
or Dr.
Gittens the bal Judge news The sudden de ter ma a.
bowl PS SOO She lain departments against coloured them out of will on.
the he their jobs then CRICKET.
Notice JUDGE JOHN HANAN PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL All Jamaica Standard Game PANAMA COLON The undersigned begs to state Left New York last Tuesday on that he is not in the employ of any Panama Government Corporation SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th.
Company other than that of the Among the passengers who sail.
Lust Sunday, at the Isthmian Park, United Fruit Company for whom ed from New York on Tuesday rain put an end to a very exciting and AMERICAN VAUDEVILLE interesting game.
Hundreds of fans Hands Down he is contracting and employing last on board the Steam DAVID ROSE men for work on their farms a ship Panama was Judge John were disappointed at the stopping of ANDBocas del Toro. All the men so Hanan, the United States District the game, as it was impossible at that in his Celebrated Act engaged by him are sent to Bo Judge for the Canal Zone. Judge stage to pick the winner. Betting was Weekly No. 100 The Dope Fiend cas direct and no other place.
Hanan has been absent from the exceedingly brisk and the supporters of Canal Zone for over three months each side are claiming that their (Signed) COMBS, attending to business in his favourite would win. The day was fine SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 SUNDAY AUGUST 10th.
home state. When the Judge and it seemed as if it would have been left the States in November last an ideal one for cricket, po there was no 1st and 2nd Episode of the Exciting BROTHERHOOD NEWS year to take up his duties as THE WINE GIRL in Big Reels surprise when All Jamaica elected to Judge of the Canal Zone, he left bat after having won the toss: and Dramatic Feature all of (Continued from page his legal business Captain of Standards, in charge TUESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY of his son, the junior partnero THE MASTER KEY opened his attack with Romaine and ing was held on Thursday the 7th the firm of Hanen, Watson and John Charles, but after Romaine had Continuation of the famous Serial inst to make arrangements for Hanan. On his arrival at Cristo bowled two overs, he had to give place LIBERTY. And Continuing Each Show Night the unyieling Hannn found the sad to. Victor John. The kame opened Featuring Eddia Polo and Marie Walcamp rather disastrously for Jamaica, as Fosthe Coming Week awaiting him that his son Mass Meeting To night.
was run out in attempting a SOONOOSSO big Mass Meeting is planned had died of pneumonia a few days to be held at the St. Anthony mise of his son left the judge after he sailed.
second run in the first over bowled the board reading 0. Walker, by agHall to night for the purpose of business in a very unsettled congressive playing made 13 in good style, gathering in slackers.
So all dition and in order to to straighten but after his downfall none of the other Open Forum interest which you desire me to present Red Cross Notes those who are not wearing the things out he had to take an early bats could make any headway against the at the meeting Sunday morning? If so, go bowling of John Charles and McCarroll let have it to get alive and come across with ge in May of this year. From Do you know of any emwho had relieved John until Reid Continued from pane?
ployee of the Div. who is a mem: Creation of West Indian Branch that five seventy tive.
the way of his arrival at LaGrin new comer on the Isthmus, came to There ber of the Union, who has a legitimate way will be another mass ge the Judge has been exceeding wickets. He played a bold darbing KICK let have it. Do you these and suededeling hitting John Warning to Coloured Clerks. Know of a position is an DEPARTS meeting on or about the 14th at ly busy. He has succeeded in get for of lawyers in Charles clean out of the ground a fine ATENT OR Sibiuston which is now Chapter, American Natio purpose as it is the intention of Indianapolishealing Stoner. de hit. It must be said of John Charles The Seventy Five Dollar filled by an alien which could be filled to nal Red Cross the Organizers and Secretaries charge of his business and the that in our estimation he was the bowl.
advantage by WHITE AMERICAN to leave no stone unturned until former firm is now known as Man Particularly ink bero of the day, although he did not CITIZEN? If so, let have have it.
Balboa Heights, the Pacitic end is fully 100 per Steel Watson.
get the best analysis. He kept a per cent organizd. Go to it Messrs.
You won get anything if you don feet length; with an occasional breakJudge Hanan has a busy tino July 28, 1919 Panama, P. Aug. 1919 make your wants known, let have them!
back from the off, that was well nighun. Mr. Editor: Organizers and Secretaries the awaiting him on the Canal Zone, Mr. Carl Elliott and others mak Workman is back of you, so There are nearly 100 playable, and capturing some of the best ing application for a branch of there is sure to be success.
Sincerely criminal Please allow me space in your valna cases awaiting his decision at wickets of the Jamdica the Canal Zone Chapter, Americ.
ble paper to warn all my coloured Clerks, ES an Red Cross: Ancon and about 50 at Cristobal Teacher Thomas relieved John Charles working for the Panama Railroad and This will advise you that an Meeting For Panamanians. These will hep the judge very and in his first over clean bowled the Panama Ganal, of the necessity to keep Have also just been notified as a busy and as Organizer Carter states that on through there is a very large ci gelo two remaining batsmen and so ended Wide Awake. owing to the fact that re Member of Committee on Legislation. Executive Committee of the Ca Jamaica innings for the small score of cently several low dodges have beep Have you anything to suggest? If so, hal Zone Chapter, American Red Sunday the 17th inst, there will vil docket awaiting him. With 55 runs Reid brought his bat out for brought to play in certain Cross, has approved your puli be a mesting for all Panamanians the Judge usual calm delibera let have it!
15 runs. Teacher Thomas captured two by those in althority cation for a West Indian Branch at the St. Anthony Hall. At this tion of all matters coming before wickets for no run, McCarroll for clerks, in order to see coloured clerks the receiving the maximum of 375. 00, been created the West Indian several other prominent Panama given to all.
By this letter our clerks; especially of this chapter, and that you have meeting Bro Morales from Colon him we can safely assure all that be the chief speaker and an absolutely sqiute deal will be and John Charles for 25.
their jobs.
After the usual recess Standard open ere previously warned as to eventuali. will realize the truth and be on the Qui Branch, Canal Zone Chapter nians who will also address the ties and kept the Bull Eye on. Be Vive. so as to impede and frustrate American National Red Cross.
ed their innings with Dr Gittens and ing on the alert as they were and still every meeting. It is already under hand move John the latter of whom was clean bow are, and with their confidence of efficien part of these murderous bosses and their ter members has been received de Sen Antony Hall bigka lub Your list of officers and char Around dat de will hab to mek ted BRAGG ASSIGNED TO led by Lindo without scoring, Teacher CITY PHARMACY Thomas filled the udele Vacancy and from the icy, the wicked scheners were unable to confederates to Bump us as they were totalling fourteen members in ebery body wan feb hear missa We feel confident of the efficiency cautious way he started it was plain he these clerks have decided to keep wide of the coloured clerke and we are fully all, and one dollar from each has Morales. Well the writer thinks Mr. Cecil Brugg, the expert meant to stay. The bowling of dispensing druggist, who bas for aica was exceedingly good, and after open their eyes and battle with the cun cognizant that it will be a hard time get been received for one year so too.
80 membersbip in the Red Cross.
three other batsmea Dr. Gitteus, Gerves ning vipers who would do them ont of ting them at this point by fair means; The Chapter secretary for the the past two years been in the and replace them with but, of course they want to guard and McCarroll had been disposed of Golden Employers at a rate doubling against the foul, and for that reason it is present will issue membership employ of Dr. Felix Lowe of Empire Canal Zone Thomas was joined by Tlector, and that paid to the coloured clerk for the deemed expedient to suggest the Widecards.
The Empire Star Lodge held his services to the popular medithis city, has, in conjunction with two veterans, both of whom have played You should its regular Meeting last night co, been assigned to daty at the in some of the best games in the West performance of the same work. Be on Awake system which will keep them on serve this powben a representative body was City Pharmacy tice of your ofi statuts for Indies, played cautiously and carefully the alert, especially you 75. 00 man, look the alert from time to to time, defying the bowlers to get past their de around and see the attitude Mr. Bragg, who is a graduate Our knowledge of what doing is an Branch, and you a the permanent ords of your in attendance, numerous were de Boss when his confederates are th exhibit it, the correspondence from Grand of the Pharmaceutical School of fence, until at lust rain caine and put in the office, see how he whispers as he triumph for ever, his deels must be may desire to do other evidence that the wicked cannot in such manner a our officers The boys were certainly glad to Kingston, Jamaica, and who has er Lodge, also from Papa Severs.
the Public General Hospital, fastidious fan. of the thousands who nevi game inost never did before, the niggers are brought to light, if even one of the mur of your official status in the as evidence hear from bim and to know that done service in some of the leadwatched the progress of the game, went on serving you dirty deal.
You 38. 00 derous gang must be converted to convey Amer! can Red Cross.
men who have bither to been playing in he is well and working as hard done servis away dissatisfied at the class of cricket different to the call of the United Bro tims. Since Right is right and God is the wicked tidings to the would be vicdisplayed. Both sides played graudly therhood of Maintenance of Way Em God, Right the day must win.
as ever, he wishes for us the coming Hospitals of the Island, has We hope that every West lo taining of 100 but poor Empire acquired a wide experience, nara and played the game in the spirit we love on, dian will join this Branch and will have to cross the Pontoon number of ing been in the line for quito would like to see matehes played clean ployees and Raikvay Shop Laborers, will Conscience where is thy sting?
the of years realize His addition to the staff of the and gentlemanly.
you do not seek refuge with us and keep Chapter will assist you in every write up pretty soon.
Thanking you for space.
City Pharmacy indicates a greater way to induce them to do so.
Vincentlans and British Guiana the eye out, say you will not be long To the Chain of the increasing volume of business at the famous Games Alse Stopped by Rain in your jobs, and we will not be in a pos: Respectfully, Brotherhood Thirty new Links or uptown Druxstore, whose mana CLERK: The heavy rains that stopped the ition to help you as you will be regarded were welded. Boys we are with ger and proprietor, Mr. S. HEALD you all over the Isthmus, and we Finzi is ever on the alert to give match at Isthmian Park, also put an end and therefore you will not have gone too Chairman. Chapter far to the game at Bishop Hollow between be one of us. The following is a copy of to go back, so to his numerous patrons the best of Court Mizpah No. 9198, we are trying to go ahead so as to possible service.
the two above mentioned teams. Bat a circular letter drafted and circulated ting first Vincentians put up a rule, among another bunch of these schemers. Elects New Secretary Treasurer, John MCLEAN get out at the other end.
Brown, Pierre, Dasant and Lamont all Read it for yourself and learn what vilboys on the West Bank Prominent Jamaican making double figures for their side, lianous schemes are in effect. All to hurt Chapter ARC.
At a recent meeting of Court expects to have some part of the Passes Away With one wicket down for the you.
train schedule as at present Mizpah No. 9198, Bro.
rain came on and the game had to be (LETTER)
Dolor Augier was duly elected active interest of Messrs are going to invite friends to see Through the vigilance and changed, when that is done we abandoned, Vincentians claiming that The Jamiean colony on the Cristobal, July 11, 1919.
Secretary of that Court vice Bro. Heald and VicLean of the us.
they have been deprived of a sure point.
Isthmus losba vorthy represantClaude Vincent deceased To. Div. Members of All Games For To morrow Our next Meeting night will be ative on Thursday evening list, Federal Employees Union; communications intended for that American Red Cross Chap Standard vs. Vincentians at Standard Court will reach its destination ter, the West Indian Branch will the Thirteenth (13 th, when we August 7th, in merson of Da: Oval.
British Guiana vs. Red Tank at Brithe Board of Representatives to repres. 1012. Ancon. Canal Zone.
Having been elected at the meeting of it addressed to o. eBox too. soon remove to commodious quar: will take care of those who came vid Alfred Jonsson of Vere, Cla ters. where a Shirt Industry part of the way and are now de rendon, who su cumbed the Div. in the Federal Employees tish Guiana.
Union, wish to call your at ention to will be operated, thus opening sirous of showing up their good scute altack of pneumonia Ter a short illness of seve ns of employment for intentions.
the Special Meeting to be held at Balbog FITZ BOWEN it is hoped that the West Indian thom West Indian girls. Be it knowa u wil especiall has been a rest Benefit Match in aid of re Lodge Hall, 9:00 a. Sunday morning, est Bukhatti dent here for the past fifteen turned West Indian July 13th, which has been declared an THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR publio will give this new venture pire Star Llallis conseil years and besides being a con Seldies.
open Meeting, and to which all members the first of its sort, their work is a local and others con ractor and user builder, has are urged to come.
28 November Street, San Miguel limited support, and stick to the ing in will have Blanks but this one for the top it ten years bent Nevertheless, have you anything of House 20.
motto, Uuity is strength. octor for them of Herbru Surrey vs. Contingent XI We the others who ar ger several at Isthmian Park.
letermined u reach the 100 houses in the Calidonia and San ly we are going abead The Contingent XI made up mostly Ligte ist as he Alle restoran of men from the 10th Regiment will was known to hamit intimate play the Surrey at the Isthmian better service as Itime is short, friends was nial and kindly Park on SundayIt is understood that Ta ta; will be back again soon. disposed individual and has been the sorrow felt at his these men comprise a very strong eleven as and have been successful in most of early death, he only having reach their engagement over in Europe against Isthmian Star Lodge It stal ed the two score, 40 years. Am (BRANDON BANK)
these willowed bis reEnglish Cricketers of no ordinary type.
Officers nain teir last resting place This team declared that they are able ere he is the Davel and Ar to defeat individual team on the Isthmus and is willing to meet any inOn Saturday evening, July 25, turo farina, whom the dividual team after they get through the Isthmian Star Lodge No. 13, deceased was at one time connect ed (ROUNDED 68)
with Surrey in the business of construcc. has busy time BOLON The returns of this match will go for initiating new members and in. tion. He leaves two brothers and the benefit of returned soldiers. SolOur large. Resources and well known stalling officers for the present one sister on the Isthmus, a fathdiers by distinction of their batches or term. The installing officers were er (82 years old. una brother uniforms will be admitted free to the conservative Management afford unG. and two sisters in Jamaica and a grounds. This match ought to prove Benn, M: Gra: host of friends on the Isthmus interesting as the Surrey buys feel that questioned security for every dollar ham, Gen. Secty, st. Hilaire, to mourn his loss.
they will Not lost, but gone before. give the lacing of their lives G, if they never did get one before.
deposited with this bank.
Barnes, Powell, Jamaica paper please copy The public is asked to give this match Chaplain; Yearwood, Tyler.
their hearty support to show the boys The ofticers installed were Bro.
how their appreciation of their services Toppin, Leslie. Past Noble Father Conclave: which they gave for us all. Remember Mullins, Treas. All Past Noble Fathers of the General Banking Business Transacted Sunday will be Soleiers day at the Yearwood, Grand United Order of Odd Fal Isthmian Park D; Gibson, Shaffer, low. of Ainerica are hereby no ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON Drayton, Tyler;0. Brown, tid, that the Past Noble FatV. BRANDON The Workman Chaplain; and V, James, Asst. her Conclave of the Panama President.
Vice President.
Treasurer. Secty. At the close of the pro District will be held on Sunday FOR cecdings an 1 time was en the 9th inst, at o clock joyed in the banquet room, sev Please be on time as matters very eloquent toasts being of vital importanze will be dealt with.
our positions; and if am, etc. Slacker The ent up the mens some of are with and great PANAMA BANKING COMPANY ons any SECURITY PANAMA as follows: BEO Hinkson, McKay, Brissette, Rubber Stamps eral proposed.
Phone 939 any passer by. But now and then except to some chaplain who was a hufained glimpse the thoughts of these man, comradely soul, some Catholic papride of manhood and his dislike of let Walch assailed them.
ting down his pals. He was resolved not Is this war going on foreverth to be beaten by the Roche non


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