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BRITISH GOVERNMENT INFORMATION FOR SOLDIERS APPROVE OF LOAN Those Need Repairs to Ar Reduction in Steamship tifical Limbs Must Act.
Rates Accuse Uniformed Men of Being To Provide Work for Men of West Under yesterday date From reliable information Ringleaders Indian Regiments.
Gleaner received the following received discharged soldiers official notitications from Major Nicholson, D, A. and belonging to Barbados and of Up Park Camp.
Trinidad who desire to return Washington July 23. The the shoulder and forced to re Cable despatch dated Kingston, The Ministry of Pensione has to their homes will be inter Gashington last Saturday night Bernard Thompson whit plan his Jamaica, received early this week cometen en train the corporal Jamaica, estedetombeniw that the Itali: wis carefully formulated at the is dead after having fucrived a Commanding. an Steamship corner of Seventh bullet from the revolver of a states that the British Government has generally throughkee jkmenica Veloce has offered to re vania a venus. group of white woman, who declared that ha Jamaica duce the listened that pensioners of approved of a loan for a quarter of a West Indies Regiment, who have them to theses Islands from a man who didely read that all or the churowh liebea by minutes to story Sergeant Harry Wilson (white)
million dollars by the Island government write direct in Limb Makere they have, in addition to bya nian with dark skin and was section when tre marines made suſtered loss of. 17 year in the to provide work for the returned sol le rendres de connection their passports, a certificate wore a checked call, The crown their attack with the renewal of artifiproportions cial limbs, as it is impossible for Southerners Lead.
diers of the West Indian regiments. them to supply the sundries ask that they have been at the autom vviles were blocked an the The police dpartment is being American capitalists are investing ditars, which can only be sup ed for without inore accurate front.
ront the air for several minuts criticised here for detaching The next sailing will be crying aloud for a from duty all uniformed Colored clear page.
heavily here principally in the sugar Died by a Medical Officers It is notified therefore, for the Bologna on or about Ralizing that they were attract policemen and ordering theip to ing undte attention, and that it go to their homes lands.
general information that pen September 1st next.
first began. The belief an investigation was Ninners of the British West In their plans would be blocked, the most of the men whº composed dies Regiment who require re IN APPRECIATION. marines, who were reinforced the mob wore southern. rs was pairs to their artificini limbs, by civilians at this time, moved evidenced by remarks during the should write to the Senior Medito the safety platform on Pennheight of the excitement. One The Workman Celebrates Cristobal CC cal Oricer (military) Up Park Sylvania avenue.
marine was heard to yell: Bob Camp and how mange for Angust 13th 1919 lets give these niggers some of Here one Now personal investigation and fur Editor Workman old Vicksburg medicine. It is Seventh Anniversray ther report to the Ministry for Automatic revolvers were supposed that he was refuping de Dear Sir: Permit me space in fa hed and cries of Let get Vicksburg Miss. wherr Lloyd your widely read Journal to state at the black rascals emerged Clay was recently burned at the Reaches Another Mile tone Hello, to Our Paymaster Coming. my appreciation of the support from the maddened throng stake. Chicago Deferider. Patrons One and All With reference to my letter rendered the and Here one now yelled, a mato you dated 4th insta, regarding ing you will continue with tirun street car pulledup. The crowd R, by your Journal. Trust rine as a Pennsylvania avenue Social Function.
the arrival of the Pannonia conviction that the tittest must made a mad rush for the car en Passing through the grin been followed through cloud din Regiment anduroops from the stars be considered by the Brother passengers to the seat occupied his jovial friends and Brother with, the 2nd Battalion West in survive, and when an official or trance apd crawled over white It was indeed a jolly bunch of struggle of a not uninterrup and sunshine. An unvarying British West Indies Regiment, ted experience the Work policy has been maintained in on board have to inform you hood am sure you will recone by a man of black skin. He was Foresters, who, at his invitation agent from their taken to of course, man has this week arrived at our columns and we have, so that in ad lition, the Regimental the rewards of your Lh02 invaded the residence Realizing that thber of the middle of the streets and of Mr. Miguel Hive, in the Las the Seventh mile stone of its far, fulfilled the pledge made Paymaster R for Taranto most uecful career, and look in the same editorial when we af Records and other ranks of its preference langal This min, whose name was said cause for this was the christen officer in charg. Subscribe to show unconsciousness. Sabanas on Sunday last. The ing in retrospect, we the man said: the Army Pay Department are concerned to be msibens to be worris Walker, was rushed and do hereby ing of his newly erected home aging body, see behind us a Emergency hospital which is known as Villa Mayo Ageneye labyrinth of difficulties which To briefly oforecast part of the went oni su Daring this time news bad been und Mr. Hive would not be con our policy: We shall eagerly On arrival they will deal with the Workean murah spread to we have passed through not strive to uphold and assist con all questions which, at present it patrons in due time ratlitian populated by our people that th district thek, tent unless his friends were untouched, but unscathed. stituted authority, expuse and are being submitted to His Emany of us having to go without murines and resent to enjoy the social civilians, the Colodvantages of Foresty, as he The Workman commenc ridicule wrong doing of it at times as now happens. the teeth were headed that way ermed it.
ed to function at a time when kind whatsoever that may be nial Secretary and the General Yours for Negro Unity and Men in their shirtsleeves Those present were: Mr.
the West Indian people need brought to our notice; femper Officer Commanding. Men of aroused by the alarm, rushed in the British West Indies Revi progress ind Mrs. Geo. Boyke spönsors, ately ed, most palpably, an organ to lessly express our views in an refrain from making general en dispassionately, and fear ment are therefore advised to MOTTLEY to the streets and declared tha Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grace and they would protect their home Miss Aarons; Mr. and Mrs.
cry out against injustices, to unbiased and impartial manner, at whatever cost. When the Allinan; Messrs Dedier, Rouget, contradict misrepresentations, according to the best informa quiries as to the balances in PLEASANT EVENING. inob appeared as fusillade o Walrond, Grant, til the arrival of Pay.
Rider and and to represent their cause tion shots greeted thelu. George others. It is needless to say throughout the length and the clear dictates of our con (Gloaner, 7th inst. Quite a pleasant time was Montgomery, who lives on that General Order No. 10 was science, breath of this young, but pro legitimately warrants it. No whenever the occasion spent at the residence of Mr. and street between Twelfth and not in effect on Sunday last and gressive Republic.
Mrs. Ivan Grace on Sunday Thirteenth streets. Southwest, of course the spirits mingled NOTICE.
personal satire of any kind włatevening last. The function was fell mortally wounded. freely from early in the day The first issue of this paper soever shall be allowed to darkthe celebration of the first anniWhites are Kliled.
until after at night.
was shouted throughout the en our columns, which is intend As there have been many new versary of their little son, DalStreets of Panama, Colon, and ed for matters of public utility changes of secretaries of Friend main, who had reached his tirst Private Albert Luck (white)
CONSULATE NOTICE marine corps, was shot in the the Canal Zone on Saturday, a ly Societies at the regular half mile stone There was The British Cousul at Panama August 10, 1912, and it ushered forth with the announce race which we commenced Societis Directory which form. men present to tender Mr. and and fell to the ground from his Cruckshand would call at the In the great fight for the yearly election, the Friendly gathering of ladies and genicules neck. He will die. An unidentified cavalryman was shot in the back would be glad if Mrs. Marian ment that The Workman seven years ago we stood, as a is held up pending the changes.
erly appeared in the Workinan Mrs. Grace congratulations on right heartily the He was tramplad upon by Consulate General office at Paghas come to stay. On that journal, alone and unaided; Will the new secretaries there did they do it.
the retreating mob. eventful day the editorial and with but a too small and fore be guided accordingly? It is needless to mention that sergeant was shot in the neck, altogether inadequate equiponce through the right commenced thus:refreshment of ice cream, cake, eye. Clubs and OPERATIONS SUSPENDED ment for the task. Yet we ginning of a new era in the in evidence.
wine and soft drinks were freely used freely in repulsing the at at the plant in Chorillo on Monstones were An explosion which took place the public of Panama, THE WORK forded ahead against the con: life of West Indians here, and tack of the marines and At this MAN is fully aware of the great trary tides feeling confident also our own.
West Indian Committee point of the riot automo day morning last caused the Gas responsibility involved in jour that the day would dawn biles carrying only black faces Company to suspend operations Nothing but the sweetest nalism, as a whole, and there when under more encouraging sense of gratitude is felt for will meet on Monday evening at sailors and marines. in The West Indian Committee whisked through the throng of for a few days. The accident fore on itself as a mere factor that and housewives especially are launching out into such a broad circumstances we would be our faithful patrons, and the the office of Dr. Connell at and right. It is estimate left was however rapidly overcome ohere of usefulness.
Being able to increase the campaign broadest charity for our o clouk sharp. At this over fifteen marines and sailors again wearing a pleasant smile.
cognizant of the many and grave with the united support of our enemies.
ing the election of officers will were wounded during this at: obstacles that beset the path of Negro Fellowmen on the Isth. To one and all we say Hel asked to attend on time.
take place. All inembers are tack.
automobile Panama Baptist Church a young journal, THE WORK mus of Panama.
up to to the naval hosp! tal in Anniversary and Floral services comMẢN shall endeavour to cultilo! and pledge anew our purpark, not far from the bined will be conducted at the above vate and maintain an unsullied That day has come after pose to continue foremost in Loyal Pride to meet.
bullets on the inmates showered church on Sunday 17th inst. tomorrow recitude as a necessary qualifica seven years of hard and some a fight that is honorable and The Monthly lecture meeting brought there for treatment take place at p.
Were grand Juvenile Demonstration will tion for public appreciation and times discouraging experience. just. Now that the race has of the Loyal Pride of the Isth. after having participated in the will be held on Monday 18th at which public meeting support.
Qur Seventh Anniversary has come together, let us keep to mus Lodge No. 7980. 0. 0, mob it is claimed. The machines Songs, duets, solos, dialogues and reci? This foreword has been ex found a united, cemented and gether, every section per which should have been inade good their escape before tations will be rendered, come and see emplified to the letter and it cohesive colored element in forming its work in the spirit held last night, hiss been post: an arrest could be made. Patrol the Juvenile Nuptial this will be one can be claimed that the pur Panama, and we are proud of genuine co operation.
poned for to night at the usund man Bunn (white) who was of the pleasing features. Doors open at hoar 80 sharp. Members are endeavouring to place a man 30 p, meeting begins at corpose of this periodical has that we have reached the be Fellowmen, we are with you! asked to be on time.
under arrest, was shot through dial invitation is extended to all.
better into on board armed!
every of the Ocension horse.
and marine ama sailors The same drove Potomac


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