
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted. LABORERS for the Farms and Railroads at BOCAS del TORO In some cases a year, Trinidad mel Smith is his medical advisor.
Departure of Naval We beg to extend to Rev. Taitt a hearty welcome in our Men.
midst. For many years, in the youthful days of his ministry.
FRIENDS BID GOOD BYE he was stationed amongst us. We trust his stay will be a pleasant late issue of the Port of Spain one.
Gazette states that the duty of the navy in our waters was brought to a close yesterdny afternoor to state that the situation of our It is very gratifying to be able when in the presence of several food supply has been greatly rewell wishers and friends, th: lieved by the harvesting of bread officers and men took launch fruits, potatoes, tannias, cucum.
from the Naval Station by way of bers, ochro, beans, etc. Plantains embarking on the Mayaro hens and buck buck stand bananas, for England via New York predominant. The prices of these By their unrestricted courtesy commodities. have risen, and and affable disposition, both housewives, contrary to custoin.
officers and men of the navy are keeping a sharp lock out on were highly regarded by all with the Port of Spain rates.
with whom they came into con tact and their departure from the shores must therefore be the Sugar Estate owners to pre Precautions should be taken by siteerely felt.
vent their people from relieving The Port of Spain Gazette the young canes, of the green practice known here as the death of Mr. thrashing. considerably great John Durand Alcazar well known er yield of sugar would be the resurveyor of Trinidad, which sult if this harmful process were took place on the oth ulto. avoided.
an leaves grading the 20 Civil Service and nouces in duty The Calidonia Jewelry Store and trees in ever We charge Notice to the Public that only twenty nine of Our to Grenada recently, will be reMon have laid down their lives membered as having been engag.
on the battlefield. It is easy to ed in planting in St Andrew show gratitude to the mere twen before the war.
ty nine sources which must suffer from the death of their men Cases, mothers are to get moth Barbados from five to ten shillings a month for a and in some cases, princely sum to show sympathe Commission Apor busband pointed.
or father We appeal to His Excellency to take this matter in hand. The To Inquire Into Working Contingent Committee is going of Civil Service.
about the question like pawnshop Jews, and people can never West Ind an Exchange UNITED FRUIT COMPANY be satisfied in the end.
states that the Governor of BarThe dead soldiers should be sion to enquire into and report on bados has appointed a CommisFree Transportation taken into the same balance with the state and working of the civil the living ones, and then e is every Service. the staff of each De reason why they should sie einen partment, and the work required Apply to COOMBS tion. If living sold re to get to be performed by, and the reget muneration of the Staff of each depen.
137 Central Avenue 155 Street dents of toucad ones shouidem Departinent the hours of work ceive what their dear ones would Clerks of the Civil tio advisability of PANAMA COLON have received together with inte living ones, had they been with tom introducing an incremental sys.
us in the flesh It should not be tem of payment; and to recoma penalty in their case because mend such measures as in the they died in If Seperation result in maintaining and improv: opinion of the Comission would Allowances and Compulsory ing the efficiency of the Civil Ser Stoppages are to be refunded to living soldiers, the same should the Colonial Secretary, two memvice The Commission consists of be refunded to the dependents of those on our Roll of Honour. bers of the Legislative Council.
They are only twenty nine.
and four members of the House we should honour them through of Assembly Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road those who are known to represent them. Care should be taken to give amounts to the children Demerara LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR of the men, where they are chil.
dren, and to sisters and brothers WATCH REPAIRING and not merely to give old fath Commercial Union ers and mothers monthly dues with the hope of ceasing to be With Canada.
responsible at their deaths in a few months time.
Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
the Contingent Committee on OPTIMISM OF DEMERARA ly with attempting tricks, how COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS ever unintentionally in their dis O, CAMPBELL crimination against the claims of the dead, simply use our GREAT BENEFITS OPTO RIC)
dead heroes not speak in proTILL Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
The following statement by Captain ld. Comptroller Military Cross of Customs in Demerara, on the Awarded proposal for Commercial union between the West Indies and Canada, will no doubt be read The inilitary Cross has been following the question which with interest by those who are awarded to Captain Gold. inore recently has been occupyfor conspicuous gallantry So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and publie attention, both in the and devotion to duty when act West Indies and the Dominion the surrounding districts, the ing as Forward Observation Officer durins an attack at Zille mind of any the Colony at If there is any doubt in the who has ESPERANZA LAUNDRY beke on 31st July 1917 the interests of When it became necessary, heart as to the advantagas to be has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West owing to hostile counter attack, gained by entering into a commer: Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro to get an message back, cial union with Canada, would and Arosemena. this officer, all telephone lines ask any such individual to being cut, and with all his sig. a copy of and carefully study the Laundry received up to Thursday nallers casualties ran back report for 1913 of the Governor through an intense hostile of Porto Rico Porto Rico which Can be had on Saturday.
barrage, and succeeded in get island the United States retained ting the message through. after the Chame war with Spain, has an Office open every day from 30 a. to p.
The decoration will be pre. area of 3, 435 square miles and a sented to Captain Golding at population of about one million SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON Greenville by the Governor on souls. It was in the year Porto Rico became a Customs the same occasion that the APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES Insignia of the Order of the collection district of the United OR CALL UP PHONE 781 British Expire is presented to States of Ameriea, thereby creaMr. Berkeley ting free trade between the two countries Captain Golding who returned 1918 Trade of Porto Rico In 1918 the external trade of Porto Rico reached a total of 137, 683, 304 as against 30, 979, 043 for this colony.
The 1918 trade was made up as follows. Imports. 63, 389, 782: Exports, 74, 294, 022; being a balance in favour of Porto Rico Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York amounting to 10, 905, 240. Ninetyone per cent of the total external trade of the island was transacted with the United States.
The imports into Porto Captal, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy. Rico during 1918 For other than the Unit ang sources RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
America were rice, dried and smoked fish, meat products, che micals, cotton manufactures, jute bags and mineral oils; and these Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama had to be paid for by exports sugar and tobacco; but had the Depository of the Panama Canal United States of America been able to supply all the require ments of Porto Rico no trade THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION would have been done with any other country IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF The National City Bank of New York Commercial Union Great Good It may be contended that the AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUUnited States have a much TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES larger population than Canada, and therefore, circumstances were much more favourable for OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES deyelopment of trade under a Customs union between British INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM Guiana and Canada, but against that argument there is this to be MORRICE, ROBERTSON, said that the Canadian market is a rapidly expanding one. DevelSub Manager Acting Manager. opment here would be gradual and, therefore, the Canadian demand for our products would in (Continued on page in.
good in Fire Starts from Our cocoa crop which is now practically at an end, has been a Unique Cause better one than was expected From the lovely weather condi.
tions and the output of blosson and fruits on the every Shaving Mirror Nearly quarter it is anticipated that the Causes Razing of Val incoming crop will be a very large uable Property.
one. It is hoped that this expec tation will be realized.
ertainly, the rather unique Origin of a tire which stated in an There is nothing much of a to.
up town residence on Corpus bacco crop this year with the pea Christi, was brought to light sants An industry which put after the mistress of the house into circulation over 000 has, had suceded in putting out the been killed by low prices. The fames which had envelope sun. Downes Tobacco Factory is still dry bedroom curtains, and were going strong. We wish them conLast reaching out to some wear tinued success in anparel hanging around The head of the household On Sunday the 6th instant the happrended to be away at the day set apart for Peace Thankstime, and quite suddenly the giving at 30 am the Rev. ii wit was attracted to her huis. Cole occupied the pulpit of the band bedroom by the strong Wesleyan Church and the Rev.
mells of burning cloth. On Davies that of the Anglican His closer inspection she soon discor Majesty the King Message was ered that the draping attached read as well as special prayers 10 a wardrobe wis en tire, and for the occasion having succeeded in smothering it ont, began to bestir herself to the origin of the blaze Stand Grenada ing accidentally on line between the seat of the time tire and a shaving From the West Indian mirror on her husband toilet table the lady who had haruly regameu com osre, felt Nursing Association a burning sensation on her hand, We have had the pleasure of und eventually discovered that it was the sun rays which had congratulating the ladies who been attracted thither by the have forined themselves into a magnifying mirror of the shav Nursing Association. We wish ing apparatus. The mystery of do all in our badr them all success and promise to the origin of the fire was at once do all in our power to help them We solved, for moving out of line hon in with the mirror and the ward the week to give some informahope to be position during robe, she saw as plainly as possi. tion to the public about the work ble that the sun rays full on to of that association. But cannot the draping abo above mentioned due to attraction by the shaving mir of Tuberculosis and organise in a else take up the work ror, and the heat thus concen tight against the dread disease?
trated caused ignition. Perhaps it is said that the Hospital for the there is hardly an instance of a at Richmond Hill is a by house being destroyed through such a cause, but doubt. sent to be buried, to be taken out living grave to which patients are less the possessors of shaving soon after to be buried finally mirrors will in future regard Cann we help. Tubercu.
them, after all, as not being quite losis is infectious, and in organisCannot somebody as harmless as is generally ing to care for the sufferers we thought.
organise to help save ourselves and the children from risk of infection. No matter how high up TOBAGO we are, we must have intimate contact with others low down, and then!
General Notes We are in a position to state that certain gentlemen are think ing of forming themselves into Owing to the good work done organization to interest public by Sanitary Inspector Rodgers opinion the island over in the matwhen stationed here in connecter of the scandolous treatment of with the Anti Malaria Cam dependents of our fallen soldiers paign, we have not had such an by the Contingent Committee. attack of mosquitos as was cus with its Penny Ha Penny a tomary at their season. they Day tandard of allowance to are, however, putting in their the children, and Four Pence a appearance in small quantities. day for mothers.
Sand flies are being eneouraged by the large areas of busbland Our Roll of Honour Warden, we hope, will soon have notices served on the owners to have Commenting under the above these places looked after. Caption the West Indian strongly observes thus:Diarrhoea and dysentry have We had better get down to made ther appearance in certain truth and justice as early as quartera, but of a very mila possible in an endeavour to put nature, we are glad to state. our patriotic war fervour into Fever is also prevalent: We practice.
hope soon to be able to report that our health conditions are Honour. That means, we sup We speak about our Roll of deal.
pose, that those who laid down their lives for us on the battleWe regret to report the illness field have honoured us. But, of Mr. V: Monteil of the sub haw Treasury We trust be will be through their dependents?
are we honouring them abie to resume duties, Dr. Grenada ought to be thankful 1901 that somebody fire purpose INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION main tion 10


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