
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919 PAGE THREE LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes Laws of the Republica tablishment of the band the es MULLER Stole Watson Darli The is the CRICKET GOODS gation Ordinance, ԵՂՐԻԻ. MI Balatt is NEW LAW FIRM IN LAGRANGE DUTCH GUIANA West Indian Trading Company Steele Watson Will Suc BECKONS TOU.
Limited ceed Hanan, Watson Now an Established Fact and Hanan Leading Citizen Paints Advantage of Trade There, in Panama Commercial By reason of the fact of Judge John Which Waits Greater Enterprises.
THE HOME OF Hanan being appointed United Development States District Judge for the Canal Zone, West Indians will be pleased and the decease of his son, Frank to know that the West Indian Hanan, it became necessary that different Now that the war is over, many Trading Company Limited has arrangements should be made for cone of the small countries of South now had its statutes and prosdueting the law business which has America are looking toward the pectus drawn up in accordance fermerly been conducted in the name of United States with envious com with the requirements of the Haban, Watson dy Hanan at La Grange, mercial exes, notably those small of Panama Indians. Judge Watson being required colonies subject to European na High and Low Cut registrato spend much of his time at Indianapolis tions. That allo! those little tion of the Company, has been in his profession there, and in re writing countries are rich in natural regranted full recognition by the Works Pleading and Practice, he was sources is generally known to in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Government enabling the Comunable to remain at the Lagrange office those interested in commerce pany to proceed unrestricted in continuously, which has inconvenient and development and one of the its the Pocket of All. and unsatisfactory to the clientage of the richest is on the border of the business in old firm of Hanan, Watson Hanan. Caribbean Sea, Dutch Guiana.
which it proposes to deal. Below Mr. Sherman Steele of Indianapolis In New York as its government is published the Resolution ac has arociated bituself with Mr. Watron and commercial representative corded the Company petition for in conducting the law business in the to day is Curiel, one of recognition through its Hanan office over the National Bank, the richest merchants of Sur.
representative Mr. Sandbe and the new firm will known as ford, the Company first Presi: as name Belgian consulat Parama.
Mr. Watson has beribo, chairman of the chamber of Sole Agent ensuing term, and we hope to present their pro come so well and favorably known here commerce of Suriname ani a spectus in our next issue. The that it is unnecessary to comment ou member of the colonial M: Curiel is on his way hum, as he is read as very ablement 37 CENTRAL AVENUE Company is now ready to proPANAMA ceed in their business and the and attent lawyer Mr. Sterke sa to report to the Belgian govern West Indian community munity is inviDate of Lett hulle prvenvedment and will leave on the Mau.
tedt his collegiate and dedication at the retania on July 11, but being a Sed to support the enterprise by of Datud at the born Durchman, he will also visit niversity shareholders becoming For right war Holland. In an item Company propose having a hastal ni si Inith interview at his de.
partment store the City of die wasseretter of law at botel cently he spoke glowing Dr. CONNELL Panama later on, as South Bend lid was ls of the possibilities of his small business SURGEON DENTIST may warrant it, opening branchfor some years a profesie low in country for the agriculturalist, es in other parts of the Republic.
Notre Dame Enscrits and in 1910 be the miner, the lumber man and became a member the law faculty of the prospector, as well as for the From the support accorded this Can be found at 175 Do you know that we keep the enterprise from the outset, there Louis niversity and also consulting American producer who has the most complete Assortment of Central Avenue is no doubt that a prosperous lupartner in the tem of Steve Cook goods that Guiana wants. These Brennan of the city He was evans are principally, beef pork and Opposite Station ture is ahead.
Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, flour, although Mr. Curiel said, very important litigation in St. Louis, flour, RESOLUTION No. 644 granted among which was the celebrated case in emphatically, that with the con by Executive Office of the Re We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee volving the validity of the Negru krestant development of the land, Brently he wed there will be a demand for a wid! WILKINSON public of Panama, July zoth: every Article we sell.
his connections at St. Louis torume er range of products from the CONTRACTOR BUILDER That Mr. Cyril George Sandthe practice at Indianapolis, and Judge United States. Here are some of our Stock ford of this city, doth, in the Hanan secured him to come to Laringe Rubber Substitute First Class Workmanship authority to found the society of precediag petition solicit the and associate himself with Judge Watson Gran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves This merchant is the pioneer in in codcting the law. business here introducing to the manufactu Plans and Specifications Free limited Capital which shall be mu Mr. Steel has had twenty years expers of this country the wonderBats Batting Gloves known as The West India Partition of law and in fni hata the only 15th Street West House 90 Trading Company Limited in structor of law in the law school of substitute for rubber in many of Cricket Bales and Score Books.
English and in Spanish ComNotre Dame and St. Luis Hebne the arts, and is here espeP. Box 411, Panama, pania Comercial Antillana come to LaGrange to make this hisper cially at this time to endeavor to and which shall be principally manent home and will be at his law induce labor to go tu Guiana for Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you established in this city, office Steele is not only an the purpose of increasing the Lessons Given come and look over our Sporting Department That the petition has given able and experienced Inwver and law stu production of this vegetable Loacopies of the Statutes and Pro dent, but he is a noted senker. He isterial au exceedingly affable and pleasat en THE MADURO COMPANY on the Clarinet, the leading spectus of the Company, which deman, and, with his moment qualitica Nw York market at 02 per now quoted on the 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 Band Instrument. Band or upon close examination have been found to be in order tions as a lawyer, it is almost an an seured Orchestra furnished for all fut that he and Mr. Watson will suc pound, while rubber is several Therefore in accordance with kinds of engagements.
suc times that price. But, explained confully conduct the large buenca Mr. Curiel, valata end rubber the Statutes as noted in Article which Judge Hannn has managed with will not serve for identical pur Open all Day Saturday, until 30 NEILSON 365 of the Code of Commerce in great success at LaGrange and is adja Clarinetist Republican Band the second paragraph.
poses, for rubber is elastic, balata is merely plastic Ancon Phone 1053 BE IT RESOLVED.
Judge Hanan returns to the Conel to it, however, prosesses all the vir 16 St. West, House 27, Panama To grant the founding of the resum his official duties ne United States tues 01 rubber for insulation, the Society of limited capital to be District Judge about the 20th of this making of belts and all sorts of month. Laliranye Democrat Cal! things of that nature, where rub. ALLMAN known as the West Indian ber now has to be used, for there Trading Company in English LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR and Compania Commercial Anis no other substitute.
Interesting News From Between 10th and 11th Sts.
tillana in Spanish, with its Trade Growing Save your OCTAGON Wrappers cival establishment in this city: Bottle Alley. Colon, and that it is published, regis.
The yearly production o! ba (Continued from page)
tered and made known unto all lata in Guiana now, said Mr. 50 (pesos) Cash Prizes MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Sgd: BELISARIO PORRAS all probability keep pace with or Curiel, is about 1, 000 tons, but TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON TUESDAY, 30TH SEPT. 1919 LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY e ceed our ability to supply them, that can be increased as soon as Sgd: ALFARO, Secretary Ir a number of years at least we can get the labor to yo deeper Latest English and American Fashions of Government and Justice.
It must also be remembered that into the country for it. We have First largest quantity 20. 00 a portion of the United States of been sending it to the United States for less than tifteen years, america is within the sub tropi and the trade is growing with Second Also Cleaning Pressing 10. 00 where rice, sugar cane each year.
Third Your Patronage Solicited Edith Cavell and other products such as are Fourth 00 Prices Moderate produced here can be readily. There are other great possi: 11 Fifth 00 grown, but in Canada there is no bilitiesFor instance, the conn What dead Queen takes the homags Sixth MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY. 00 such competition with our pro try is full of bauxite, the base of of the Straits And enters Englund by the English ducts with the exception of from which aluminum is derived.
Seventh 00 gates course, of the sugar beet, and and already the Aluminum ComAnd with Royal escorty Who is sh that has so far been a struggling pany of America is largely repre Eighth 00 WM. LAWRENCE That passes through the land so.
industry, although as a result of sented there by explorers, and li splendidly Ninth 00 An Eleanor, above whose halted bier the late war the domestic pro engineers. The Netherlands gov.
Tailor and Outfitter Cross is set to tell a queen lay her of beet sugar in Canada ernment has built a railroad for Mary borne from Fotheringay to increased from 9, 000 to 20, 000 100 miles into tlre interior, and written to the Workian Printery no later than Tuesday, Send your wrappers with your name and address plainly Dealer in School Books, Where earth is kinder than a sister tous annually there are less then 150 more to September 30th, 1919, breast? am of opinion that commer go to reach the border of Brazil.
and Stationary. Nay! tis no queen for whom two sumcial union with Canada would do This will make for rapid trans Insist on your dealer for OCTAGON SOAP, it gives mer skies better results than other soaps and.
for this colony that such a union portation of fine woods, gold, ba. er silent streets of myriad moistened No. 11 Street, Panama COST ONLY 20 CENTS ILVER EACH CAKE.
with the United States of Amer. lata, and aluminum, all of which eyes ica has done for Porto Rico.
are by other coun In two great capitals a love proclaim chains from Central Ave. Scornful of death and innoeent of tries. We have discovered LEE CHONG COMPANY me: The Demerara Electric Co. are iron also. What we need most of ore that shows 82 per cent pure 62 Central Avenue Panama Address: No queen only a simple English inviting the co operation of the all is labor. Most of that now WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Box 805, Ancon Z, Slaughtered between a challenge and Georgetown Town Council, with all a view of approaching the Gov. the country is ideal for the Necomes from British Guiana, Who learned her duty where she learned to pray.
crnment to bring about legislaNEED And died as truly as she lives to day!
All that she had. and that was life tion limiting the weight of vehi groof the southern United States, cles used in street traffic. Ex and we hope they can be encour she gave, tensive damage is being done to aged to come and help us develop All that she valued other lives to save; the streets by the heavy motor a really wonderful land of nature trucks and lorries recently introAll that we praise, and all we faiz al resources. Our coffee now would be duced in the colony, and nothing brings on this market 23 cents a Is summed in her and her simplicity.
short of legisiation, it is thought, pound, while our cocoa brings 24 We Always have in Hand a Com. in the Westminister Gazette.
cents. Dutch and English are will meet the case.
plete line at Reliable Low Prices the languages of the country, but nearly everybody speaks Engl Following on the passing by liah and a great many speak the Demerara Legislature of a French, New York Exchange.
Give us a call Before Go. ng Elsevote of 40, 000 for the construcThe Garage where every one is treated alike.
Notice where. You are sure to be on Time tion of a motor road in the North Panama Hats if Your WATCH was Repairad by US West, local speculators are negoOne Price for the purchase of lands Good Service Remember We Make Wed that he is not in the employ of The undersignen begs to state in the district. One large coacem CLEANED, and BLOCKED Right Pricse propose to utilize the water pow ding Rings and Other any Government Corporation or and TRIMMED to Order of certain rivers in the neigh er Company other than that of the Jewelry to Order borhood United Fruit in the manufacture of Company for whom ALSOflour from ground provisions and he is contracting and employing plantains, whilst another intends ends MILLINERY DRESSMAKING men for work on their farms at te establish a mineral water fac tory, and to use the spring water HOUSE No. 965, La Boca CENTRAL AVENUE engaged by him sent to Bo in the manufacture of aerated Corner 22nd Street, Panama, cas direct and no other place.
Canal Zone drinks, Phone 939 (Signed) COMBSĮ vent count it for many years, while Octagon Soap prin 00 cal belt we 97 duction rest in demand tron nurse a curse, WATCHI The Different Garage.


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