
One Year Six Months Three One 30 60 We August 1919, Cristobal, the BOOK Secretary is actio Balboa, C2 permitted 10 the car.
Cristobal Z, July 20, II Denied proposition appears as an ex United Brotherhood Mr. Booz, pression of appreciation of THE WORKMAN what our boys did in defense Use of Clubhouses. General Secretary of Clubhouses, Panama, 1519 1919.
Balbos Heights, of that country, and while it Sir The fourth century has is not known how many of It is a lamentable fact that In response to the request of numerPublished on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applica passed since the name of Pa the men desire to return to some members of the Negro race ous silver employzes, have decided to WALROND, at the office Central Avvtion. Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
nama was given to the first their homes it is hoped that do not appreciate truth when it give instruction in Arithmetic ant de All copy for publication must be town on the American conti those who contemplate going does not suit their purpose, or efficiency Box 74. Panama crookedness of those who may be written on one side of paper only. and nent founded by Europeans will avail themselves of this when it is used to expose the correction to those desirous of increasing must be accompanied by the same of The old town was built by splendid opportunity afforded in a position to grant them a RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION The Cristobal Silver Clubhouse being 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica. Pedrarias Davila in 1519 and by our appreciative friends. favor. Under pretense of being the most suitable place for the purpose tion but as a mark of good faith.
destroyed by Henry Morgan, that sencourage service, and ones prevaricate, quibble, and either the Auditorlum of the Men to do not undertake to return the English buccaneer in 1671. what the talism Steamship Use words in such a manner as Room on the following mestioned sights: rejected correspondence.
The attachment to this histormake their statements suscep in August ic place has never been lost. Company is doing suggests the tible of more than one interpre.
Friday, 1st; Tuesday, 5th Friday, Sth The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS and although a new town five right regard for the bravery tation. The public must be put Monday, 11ta; Thursday, 14; Tuesday SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919 miles away from the old site exhibited by the BW. s in on its guard against these many 1941; Friday, 22nd; Monday, 25th; an They are the now bears the name of the holding the line on the Italian edged swords.
toots used by those who would Thursday, 28th.
old capital, the residents of battle front.
forever have us as hewers of Very respectfully, The Cries of The Great Enslaved.
the new city always frequent wood and drawers of water. STOUTE the ruins of old Panama as an Judge Harran Return.
These aitorous, moral cowards expression of their veneration under pretense of giving sober (REPLY)
advice are assisting the oppressor The voices of nearly thirty thousand colored people of things historic. Yester After an absence of three to tighten bis grip upon the Bimenu of Clubs and Playgrounds, throughout this whole Republic are ringing into the ears day an imposing procession months from the Isthrous the throat of his victim. In placing Balboa Heights. z, of every leader of the colored race who comes within marked the celebration of the popular and broadrainded before the publie a matter which in hearing of the shrill sounds as they echo over hill and cuarto centenario of the time. Judge Hanan returned this concerns every silver employee, Mr. William Stoute; dale within and beyond the limits of the Panama Canal, honored capital. Automobiles week, looking fit and fine. Welcome constructive criticism the Panama Railroad Company and the United Fruit Com dashed forward and backward Dur ng his absence the judge couched in unambierus terms Dear Sir:pany, of Bocasdel Toro. These voices are crying out for between the new city and its has been kept rather busy re Destructive fault times are re In reply to your request for the use rights in a way that indicates the attitude of a law abiding ruined name sake, taking par arranging his business inter quested to get y place where of the Cristobal Silver Club, for people.
ties of happy merry makers ests in his home state which it is never we freezing point. purpose of conducting free classe in In the past the cry has been for mercy and help. Then for a day outing to the old were in a somewhat entangled United Brotherhood were held in that it will be impossible to grant you the the appeal was made to men with living consciences: to city. The festivities in the condition. The judge, who is the silver clubhouses, on July the use of the building for the purpose day, the cry is for justice and we are talking to everybody city were of a high order and highly esteemed by the West 19th, the Secretary of the Cris Respectfully, in the same breath and with an emphasis that knows no followed a well arranged pro Indian public, has returned to tobal Silver Clubhouse informed misinterpretation. Strengthened by the knowledge that gram. The Workman feleci find an appreciative populace a representative of the Brother For the hood that in order hold Labor General Secretary.
our cause is true we are determined to fight out (not beg) tates the Government and to welcome him.
meetings in the clubhouse, the to the last spark of energy till we shall have achieved the people of Panama on this great short time he has been known permission of the General Sec We are of the opinion that the full not partial), claims of our heritage.
occasion which reminds the here Judge Hanan has won a retary mast first be secured. General The suppliant cries of an oppressed people were laugh world that this Republie pos place of confidence in the The following communication be under instructáono received from ed at and ridiculed by the gods of the West who thought sesses the oldest landmarks of heart of every colored man on tween the General deeretary higher up the official ladder.
that subservience was weakness and supplication, subju European influence in the the Isthmus, and it can be re Bend the representative of the Nevertheless we feel it our duty silver emBrotherhood, placed before lied on that the heavy docket the public for careful consider ployee to the untenable position gation. They erred in thinking that our race was eternally Western Hemisphere: doomed to be the dish rags and mop heads of the awaiting him will be handled ation.
of whose who claim that they are with the calmest and most trying to supply our needs, but world, and that tout le monde could requisition and operate Cristobal, July 28: 110 us at his good will and pleasure. Phew! what a mistake! Manifest Appreciation impartial disposition possible: whose policy is to throw obstaThis same race which was made like all other races of men general feeling of pleasure Dr. Booz, cles in our road to eficiency and In another column of this was exhibited all around General Secretary of Clubhorree, happiness. We urge all to join has awakened to its rights and privileges. We are not beg: issue of the orkman ap when it was learnt on wedin shelling the foe from what he ging now, if even we did beg before. We have decided to considers a safe retreat, pears a notice that the Ital an nesday afternoon that the sir We, silver emplarees and mem We were told that the clubdemand, and we are determined to keep on until we get Steamship Company will com Judge had arrived. The Work bers of the United Brotherhood were houses are for the threefold de.
what is ours.
dertake to transport, at a man extends warmest greet the auditorium of the Cristobal Silver denied their use for our intellecby our local secretary to use velopment of man, yet we are We are looking for justice, and we shall find it, be reduced rate, ex soldiers of ings to the judge and wishes Clubhouse for cause we are seeking it diligently. The race has suffered, the I. who have for him a pleasant experience meetings at which we discussed social, pentet, the study of arithmetic purpose of holding tual development.
and heaven itself says we have borne oppression too long. seen service The last straw is on the camel back, and who can not to their homes in the West him which commences at the front, during the busy time awaiting economie, and other questions of vital and geometry while increasing ou importance to As the loeal secretary his efficiency, is recreation, and. hear the groaning of the beast? Some gentlemen and Indies.
no longer allowed to extend to us this affords. bait relaxation. Des it We note that this Monday.
ladies of the white race are ready to show us fairplay, but, generous offer is extended his usual pleasant counte al without the consent of the Gen not seem to you that increased The judge Wears privilege eral Secretary, we now. most respectfully efficiency amoag silver er ploy in most cases, their hands are tied. The hoodlums and chiefly to those men who have nanee which is expressive cobrepest that you authorize him to per ces is not desired by the ofti.
out laws forbid them to speak, and their lips are sealed. seen service in Italy. The a pure heart.
mnit us to use the aud torium on Sunday, cials? How much longer shalt The Wage Board. has it gone to sleep? What about the August 10th. Monday night; August continue to support the club petitions of the sixteen thousand or more negro employees Inths, Wednesday night, September 10th, houses under the present condiis the question ench one who have asked for living wages? When will the answer chinery in operation only get as much as can give them a ust Thursday night, September 18th, tions?
come, and what will it be? Oh, the poor laundry girls who stop gap (not a meal) once a day? Why should the gold for the purpse of həlding meeting for should ask himself aforementioned In considering the statement have to toil on the hourly basis each day, for what? Is theie employees on the hill top be able to run about in Buicks that Requests by fraternal so deliverance in sight? The miserable dock laborers are and Chalmers (if even they have to hide them when a of the writhing under a terrible burden, help! The Commis Colonel or any other high investigating official from Wash prefer to hold our reetings in the Canal clubhouses at Cristobal ara be sary negro) clerks and helps are wearing out their sala ington hits the Isthmus) and the poor colored population 2000 as it affords the Police Dept. the couning so numerous that in Some ries in clean clothes which they must put on every day; drag along in old shoes without good bottoms? opportunity to know at Grst hand what instances it is crowding out the School Teachers earn a dying wage during nine months We want to know why a just rate of pay should be we are doing, and precludes the alea that clubhouse program, it is well to we are secretly and maliciously plotting remember that up to the present, which must keep them for twelve; firemen kiss the flames denied colored labor by any sort of Wage Board when the against the Goverament.
the auditorium is always unoccu and drink their own sweat while engineers with bulky money does not come from the pockets or bank aecounts We take this opportunity to express pied during most of the days: pay, sit around peeling oranges and jerking bananas out of any Canal Zone official including the Governor. It is our gratitude for all past favors, and to that movies are scheduled for Sunday.
of their jackets, carpenters, masons and blacksmiths make desired to be learnt how long they expect to keep up this remind you that there has never been Monday, Wednesday, work Ay while bosses and foremen stand around looking sort of slow poison of the race. Something more than any misbehavior at meetings held in the and Friday nights; that very few wise with pencil behind their ears, and rules in their hip mere curiosity impels the question why do the bosses and silver clubhouses under the auspices of employees go to the movies; and the United Brotherhood.
that the won Room is seldom pockets; station agents (white of course) receive an in foremen insist on beating their silver employees?
Because unianism is beneficial to both used.
crease of about 30, on their pay while the faithful station Complaints heard throughout the Zone furnish the the employer and employee, and because Well, let us get down to busiclerks (colored) are let out. and utility men sweep up information (we hope it isn true) that white policemen the United Brotherhood stands for ness and find out the real cause and dump food (not leavings) while their own children are have begun to club colored men when making arrestis. unionism, we feel assured that our re of the denial. The Asting Execusent to bed hungry and sick. what next? Somebody is Servant girls state that some of their nunber are fired guest will obtain your favorable consid. tive Secretary informed a representative of the Brotherhood that responsible for this. President Wilson, the greatest think and fixed by their mistressés. One girl was reported Thanking you in advance, we beg to the clabhouses were granted by er in the United States, has laid the blame at the door badly beaten and then given over to the police be freeman Congress for the sole purpose of of the profiteers and rich employers, cause she returned to call for her pay some time after recreation and amusement, and she had been fired. white boss was fined heavily, last Yous most respectfully, Speaking in Congress recently he said :that the people complain that they can get movies often enough. This statement failed to stand the deavour. Politically, socially and economically, the world is on the colored boy. negro was fired because he didn say Yas assault of the representatiye. He operation table and it has not been possible to administer to the Sar! to a puffed coconut Drunken sailors and soldiers STOUT, next stated that the meetings of patient an anaesthetic. There can be no confidence in industry run amuck and beat up colored chauffeurs and skin them; First Vice President.
the Brotherhood were too and no calculable basis for credits, no confidence in buying, no sys white men cuss and kick colored men and prostitute This also failed to hold water.
large tematic selling, no certain prospect of employment, no moral restoshifting from one untenable ration of bustness and no hopeful attempt at reconstruction or negro girls, leaving them afterwards with fatherless (REPLY)
to. proper re assembling of the uislocated elements of enterprise until children; while those who ought to speak out are as silent Bureau of Clubs and Play Executive Secretary informed the peace has been established and as far as it may be, guaranteed. as the pyramids.
of the BrotherThe damnable plutocracy which has diseased the world These grievances cause a suffering people to cry out, hood that the Brotherhood has infested the Canal Zone, and its cankerous growth and the cries are becoming sharp and unpleasant. The Balboa Heights, meetings were causing tent among will one day lead the victims into a state that will make time has come when something must be done. The race August 4, 1919, employees When it bi us shout hurrah!
has ceased to beg. It is demanding, and who does not hear Mr. William Stoute, that the Brouw bud Uden When these Isthmian plutocrats awaken from their the tones of ire?
Cristobal, instrumental lethargy and make impossibie the policy of starving out the It is reported that ss soon as he returned to the Dear Sir, strikes, he preventing he coolly said, colored people, the economic and social unrest that pre United States, General Blatchford said every white man In answer to your letter of July 28th, will have to find somewhere else After the wails will easily disappear; but as long as they continue on the Canal Zone was a governor. Was he wrong? Not realitetin e kreures of the Cristobal Silver roboldene ve betinge.
Club for the purpose of holding meetings representative had shown the untheir work of devitalising our people, everything in the totally. These pigmy governors had better step down of the United Brotherhood, beg to state reasonableness of such a policy, form of labor and civics will continue to wear the dark some, or they will fall down soon. The negroes have be that it will not be possible to grant this official reſorted to intimida garb of disquietness. It is impossible to suppress the come members of the United Brotherhood and every been decided to restrict the use of the he wants the Government to har owing that tion, asking the representative it cries of the people and a sensible government would body knows the Brotherhood means business, and real Clubhouses to forms of amusement and ness bis people.
acquiesce in meeting the just demands of the masses business, too.
Fellow West Indians and other rather than run the risk of non stop flight to oblivion. The habit of using filthy, language to negroes as in The Clubhouses cannot be fised Brotherhood, cast in your It is either a question of come across or go across dulged in by white bosses and foremen must stop. Our fraternal societies, or lodges, or labor one of the boployees outside the fold with us and be protected tirade against the financial fat bellies of America, and whether they be high or low gold men; small wages in some instances it is crowding out the of officials.
against The we endorse these expressions with reference to the must go, and we must be given salaries with which we can Clubhouse program.
sacrifice of 75 will make you a member economic buccaneers who have come down here to clean feed ourselves and our families; our people will no longer This policy makes it necessary to deny our to sacrifice up the niggers.
be satisfied to live in crawls without toilet accomoda all requests similar to the one you have ing chance. If you had a thousand give the rising generation a fight Why should men receive Uncle Sam money in big tions while the gold men live in concrete palaces with made.
cheeks to turn, the unjust would doses of three and four hundred dollars for scraping pen every convenience that modern science has introduced.
Respectfully, smite you on erery one of them, cils and smoking King Bee and Bull Durham when others, The day of retribution is near and we have seen the BOOZ, and quote scripture to justify the working like blazes and keeping the wheels of industrial ma hand writing on the wall.
General Secretary tion.
Per After position iftius discon was out to hi in request recreation.
It is duty in order to ofi pued on page 6)


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