
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919 PAGE FIVE Happer ings of the Brotherhood Panama Optical Co.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Alimlay at the Wage Board Movisibly combined KRYPTOK Une every our people.
up justice for all, han can accumulate a need as much dihely enough to free do other a home nyer It is never TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT out Open Forum Continued from Paye The Big Mass Meeting held in On our second meeting. June the Bottle House on Tuesday 17. Brother Nicholas Carter, and ear and far powers Il re 12 int was one Brother Crooks, Past president Cssful ever of Local No. 2500 performed the a hied ly any meeting of its eeremony of installation of oftiSolar Plexus. in one lens make ted Brotherhood: Long before special congratulation to Brother the hour for commencing. th. Carter for the masterly and efti FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Aug 1st 1919.
GLASS spacious hall upstairs the Bottle cient way in which he conducted Dear Fellow Employees packed to its fullest the cereinony. On that night we indispensable for CHILE capacity, and it was with very also initiated 18 candidates.
Allow me to draw your atteation to ecaution that one venthe utterances of Geo. McCready Price occasion On Tuesday, July 1st and 15th, move about the room we held our regular meetings tured will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon.
whose article appeared not very long ago foring a collapse of the floor Matters of importante to the in one of the leading magazines of the MONDAY, AUGUST, 18th 1919, for normous burden of hu Allen Star and other Lodges present day. Among other things we CALLAO direct and Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofofind the following, which shall quote, manity were discussed and settle gasta, Chañaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
and try to compare with conditions as Punctually at the hour appointIn regard to dur progress; Althey affect us here the Isthmus of ed, Organizer Carter, appeared though we started with a rather Panama his usual flow of matter of fact, talk on the Lodge now ranks among the membership GUATEMALA Two conditions, however, are already benetits and usefulness to be de strongest on the Isthmus, num will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at noon, seriously modifying the reputation of rived from joinning the Brther erically and financially. Watch this country (America) among other FRIDAY 22nd AUGUST 1919, for hood so rivetted the attention of us Grow. The first of these, is that the the large audience on the desiral radicals do not believe that we Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, With the exception of an ar.
wa we are You can get them at u organizing, that by the Cerro Azul. Pisco, Lomas Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, co our professions. We professeur equa! 182 Bolivar Street, Colon he got through speaking cument now and then arising, for all, equal opportunity for all!
re was such a rush to the va our meetings are on the whole Antofagasta Chañaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso. but in aetual practice, they see that one in front of Masonic Temple Building Pous secretaries for enrollment, generally well conducted; for mulate a billion dollars or there was no for other which we must certainly tender more in his single life time, starting with Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. ELLERDALE speakers It was truly one of the credit due our worthy Presi.
nothing, while others with just a the most extraordinary events of dent Mr. Spence.
will leave Cristobal, at end lof August for industry. just such much talent and just as is kind Think of it! Only one For the information of all inHAVRE AND LONDON much life, have och right to the good things of this neaker and 256 Workers forcing terested, our meetings are held children and themselves from hungor and her to keep their The Excelsior their way to the various secretas on the first and third Tuesday ries to be enrolled.
evenings of each month. Hours nakedness. One man has a yearly in. KASSALA Furniture Store If this is not going some, it 30 to 10:00 come of sixty million dollars, while ten million people in this country of the would be interesting to know Yours in true fraternity, will sail on SUNDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 1910, for do not have enough yearly inome anything to beat it, SPENCE, HAVRE AND LONDON to provide themselves with the common All kinds of FURNITURE, That right Organizer Carter Journal Agent Lodge No. 2500 decencies of life. They recognize that TOOLS and other ARTICLES go to it. The Workman is here to CARGO ONLY.
in any well ordered society, it ought bought, sold, and exchanged at support you.
to be impossible for any single indai moderate prices.
At another very successful dual to soeumlate so much money, that Mass Meeting (held in the St. Empire Star Lodge For Further Particulars he does not know what to do with it, The most reasonable place Anthony Hall on Thursday while the commonality of his fellow citi.
in town.
bright last under the leadership At the regular Meeting of the Apply to the Office of the Companies at zens ars engaged in a constant struggle SANGUINETTI BROWN, of Organizer Carter, over 180 Empire Star Lodge held Aug. 13, for bare existence.
CRISTOBAL Corner 3rd November and 19th new members were made.
28 new Links were again welded How well does this demonstrate the Tomorrow night, Sunday at into the Universal chain of the Streets, Guachapali.
or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, unfortunate silver employee position there will be another big Brotherhood, our president was on the Isthmus. Here we find one set Ancon Box 836, meeting for Panamanians gen there, it appears that the AtlanPANAMA.
of employees well paid, well housed, erally and all those who are em. tic end is trying to show up their children well educated, their every ployed by the Panama Canal and Dollars enough to blind our Pre.
want supplied, their grievances immedia the strong may recognize that specially sident, but say don try that tely abd satisfactorily settled; while the they are but students of their number of prominent Pana boys it wont work, he is ours, set of employees are undermanian speakers will be on the and if there is a claim to him paid, which causes them to be under strength for the care of the platform, including Mr. Eduardo Empire has it and we should PHILIPS fed, their children to suffer from mal week. Fraternity never cast a mal shadow upon Morales of Colon. Iti anticipa worry, Eh?
nutritionand be always clothed in tatters wouds a human soul ted this meeting will be product and rags. the educational fee, having to deaf to the cry of the neey keep up Bro. President, so tive of much good.
be diverted to the Commisery for the never blind to the wants of the long you are carrying them across the Dollar Line we can dire neressities of life, the children. dece naturally have got to grow up uneducat ble heart promptly responds to deserving, and its broad ani no stand it, even if you are too Guarantees Satisfaction in the Lodge No 2500 tired to come, so long as the ed, and a disgrace to the Negro race.
cutting and manipulation of the call of the erring and a cry Dlar letain you we will make Whose fault is it? It is the fault of for help from any of its kind it VESTS, TUOUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE those whom the Governor appointed as a one of the mighty forces to day It being unnecessary to detail Wage Board, the same board which took working toward the upbuilding the formation of arrival of char five long months to find out whether it of the Negro race.
ter, ete, of Lodge No. 2500, Local 2514 Had Successful Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats Was possible to dole out the munificent ve for her great work of food Let Fraternity have the honor will proceed to outline in brief Meeting form the operations progress, SPECIALTY increase of one and two cents to some us poor half starved workers, this site ness, while at times it may seem On Wednesday the 13th inst, and growth, of this Lodge since the doors of the Unique Lodge its official recognition LADIES SKIRTS COATS board however knew that prices were to have limits, its general tenden2514. B: and S.
continually advancing in the Commiss miss cy is to broaden the human heart As the first Lodge formed on were thrown open for general aries. If this Wage Board had 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE con and make it capable of including the Atlantic end, we naturally business. Soon after seven cience, and had studied the advanced Source: need in its sympaties all the Negro encountered the obstacles and the St, Anthony Hall was filled Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
cost of living at present, and had made race who are confined within the bore the hardships of a pioneer. to its utmost capacity. The Secre.
rootamendations accordingly to the limits of the immediate organize Governor feel confident, that the hard tion Our initial meeting as a local was tary had so much of a rush, he convened in the Lodge Hall. No. had to call upon our Worthy Pre.
would never have existed. It Faternity strives to unike meu however, Bro 14 Hudson Lane on Fourth Street sident (the big boss)
EMPIRE seven along with Gittens, Griffith that some thing is wrong, somewhere happier by making thein better. 3, 1919; with pin to do the offi officers present, and a 90 to duties, going as fast as could be an attack of NEGROPHOBIA for more wage. Fraternity does The Empire folks are expecting Lord Hawke taam from England, not beg, does not cry but makes 100 membership turn out. vreembers were enrolled into are doomed to extinction, if the of leto vast quantity of details were ex the noble Broherhood. After Ini railroad communications again haustively discussed Robert Gill, employce of the Lock does not come speedily to our rescue. listed a great army of hopeful and tiation ceremonies were through; and the Empire Colored Club ly handled, in a way worthy of on the completion of ineetiny on Hallwidla celebrate without mon operationen Department returned from Does not this tend to modify the reputa. workers and the work is moving note. Various questions arose. good of the order et the Secre strewe danca Brotherhood come to be one Hoepitel. com Saturday evening tion of any country, especially one thich forward towards the gval of its but. with very few sexceptions, gars reported that his Roll save and are no med anledning welcome here reports feeling creatly improved boastral its democratie examples? The brightest dremens. In the Roman all amicably 333 members.
issue. Fine music, Panama best reception was tendered him by his Democracy? find the on. What is the soldier definition of this his large left band, that all.
friends and obcupants of hous used word (according to the pen arm. When a city was besieged and fifty seven; which consisted of of Waldort) to be so follow the men in close rank locked United Brotherhood DeSandwiches, lemonade, ice cream and Democracy includes freedom of conscience heads and together over their nied Use of Club Houses GATUN areated drinks along with several kind and worship, freedom of the press and tu to then marched in address on his return to the well speech, absolute seperation.
Religied ty to the gate. So it is brethren, Dance.
knows bachelor quarters.
with such an erganization as the Continued from paae and Polities.
LA BOCA United Brotherhood. One can.
Tonight dance is the talk around this Born to Mr. and Mrs Harold Swart, switing; but when he finds out Community Dance, Who can ever blame us for organis. not contemplate, without great distriet, Rotwithstanding the Ladies that you are strong enough to Auxillary dance which came off on the ing well whilet Harold e baby girl, mother and babe are doing to combat this certain destruction gratitude, the spirit which has land hins a he ll give you a Last Thursday evening, the 14th receiving on which menaces our very existence? If we united us. You lock your shields square deal, not because his heart inst. very successful Community night of the 2nd inst; friends and gratulations from his friends and co are to be destroyed in this manner, let over your beads as you mare be out done by that if you miss house under the auspices of the Silver they will the fruits of our labour, let us enjoy it in als and temptations of life, and City Band.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richards UNITY.
dareing circle on the Isthmus of Panahook. It is our sacred duty to der of Oddfellows has been recently chestra will furnish the music for the more Soseph is wearing a broad smile and rejab, you may get him with a left new social of the Independent Orms, remember Professor Gooding Or baby girl. mother and babe are enjoying not over your own heads alone the cool breezes of this distriet and Fight the good ight with all thy but others are sheltered beneath make the oppressor do as he formed at La Boca. It is in conne might them. Those who would strip Gentlemen would be done by. This we ll do tion with the Lily of Paraiso Lodge Windy City For on our side we have the right the soul of its robe of purity and or die in the attempt.
and its purpose is for developing 50 ets u. Cy. Ladies free. Dance com ceiving congratulations from his large AF of shall win the day branch of the Household of Ruth family and friends yound the Municimences at 30 sharp righteous character must be reWe care not what the slackers say. strained.
pal department.
WHAT EVERY WOMAN Bayne of La Boca baby boy on Born to Mr. and Mrs. Macaulay Reports from new Clubhouse By C: HARRIS. Men are growing more fraternal, Persevereanoe Lodge No. 2501 is Tuesday August 5th. It will be rem. run as follows, everything is working You can see it on the street, OUGHT TO KNOW embered that Mr. Macaulay Bayne smoothly there is one or two very parti scoring victories and success over EureIndicated by the emblems worn, better known as Delighted hundreds that meet, to time the father boys we would like notices kaAt a meeting held on the 12th inst. tal principle of Economy. Let the direa in filem Ancon Hipsplay» to draw the attention of our estetised over a new members were obligated: Fraternity, the Bro bayan esde ulthe younger betron Here it is upon my coat, me do your shopping and you death took him by surprise, inasmuch beretary of Clubhouses, and here they Eureka held a meeting on the night of therhood of Man And to you that are outside the Bromonths ago, and it seems that their road which Augu therhood, are: we are asking for August 6th, and their enrollment was will soon realise the immense as he did not make preparations Come in and you shall wear it too; If you will come across with your 75 saving that can be made on each and Dress Material of Silk, Cotton reads the place to show trende het hot from the Municipal Engineeming Office brothers went away feeling they had of my race, it is with the great but content like the Brotherhood BocaThe boy has new Clubhouse this road leading enting matters Most Have. long manas man call and Wooden tabrics my fathe expresa element for the member of the SinYery cute would attract many papers in bo other to the Union, heredita nuests belowiceman est pleasures and racieh pride to sacharities and in blended their as Styles. am. Band, is learning to play rienced shopper and know how fite. Mother and babe are doing well. next is garden with lovely flowers Callender for the meeting which took clouds of the present time there sweetheart at aight.
say: Fraters. the friend the morning and where to buy.
When the p. train pulls out this planted around the Hall would compare evening, it will take as passengers, favourable with our colored district at piace.
The Novelty Lousine Silk is a bright ray of light flashing. To fill you with pleasure and blissful the Silver City Band of La Boca, La Boca and other Clubhouses let hear and it flashes from the stars of If you will hand up that 75.
delight which is going to put on a dance at the something Mr.
is a beauty Colored Cat Christobal.
the fraternal societies.
MRS. ANN THOMAS, T, COCKING, To morrow (Sunday) Operators R. COURT PARADISE Co workers, fellowmen, are you not interested Journal feat.
Dress naker will be lined up against the Excelsior GAMBOA in the pure doctrine that is call.
17th Street Central, Excelsior Lodg, 2149 On Sunday the 10th inst. quite a from Colon, this Club is better knowu ing the Negro race to unite toHouse No. 11 Panama large number of children attended the as Brown men and although these two The Regular meeting of Court gether in Sunday School. There was singing teams met sometime past, when Oper Paradise No. 9292 will take erhood?
God for us alli The fra the name of the Brothof Sacred hymns Bible readings Castors handed them the (KO. the brave place at their Court Rooms, San ternal orders smooth over with tholie Catecism conducted by Messrs Brown meníyet féel determined to try Miguel tonight at 30 the Secretary glorious impartiality the inequalDr. JOHNSON. The Workman. ADVERTISE IN Much credit is due Mr. McDonald and SURGEON DENTIST his assistants for the good work they are not like Gatun who is in real their attendance as there is quite a though he be Lazarus or Dives.
Phone 1003 Address are doing by keeping this Sunday bad luck this season, for with their large amount of business to be hand. It cannot be a delusive hope tha?
school st Gamboa. It is indeed a combination of houses five and ifty. led.
Ancon, 852 help to the little ones, IT PAYS we may yet see the time when shipe we are compelled to endure would on Tuesday, June Secretary Top.
some of and Linton; they can defeat even Caruit het, for if such is the case, we deinand, and in this task has en: 73 new efficien On Sve much houses five their Canal Zone Notes safe the our


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