
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1919 MANY DIE IN CHICAGO, RIOTS IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT by the Degro army. Neroer, captured Catholics in New York to Give 00, 000 for Curcus in France Hundreds Beaten, Shot and Stabbed in Battles Between Whites and Blacks Properly Tested series The Scadron Optical Co.
United States States Pharmacy stones wol sine bika On the Sailings for Bocas Launch ALBA GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE Hatred Long Smouldering Breaks Out and Murder, Looting and Arson Follow. Police Backed by Troops Quell Disorders in Negro Districts 100 From the latest of the Chicago Blade to hand we are able to give Carefully the following sensational report of the riots between Whites and Shur Blacks which took place recently at Chicago:Fitted Rioting between blacks and wlie the eharacteristic good humoured inde following long of clashes line with which the soldier awaits actin in the residence districts on the south men in khaki loaf about the floor and ride, resulted in the killing of thirty or balconies of their barracks.
forty persons and the wounding of at Two regiments were called from twenty Jeast 300 in Chicago this week before the towns in the southern part of the State police, backed by 6, 000 soldiers quelled With the arrival of these troops there the disorders and had the city under con will be more than six tbonsand militiatrol, altho brief sporadic clashes continued PANAMA CITY NEW YORK COLON The orgy of hate has been stoldering men in the city ready for any emapigoner, for months White residents of certain The entire Negro section was zoned, 23 Central Avenue 44 Front Street tions of the city objected to the en with a police captain and fifty patrolmen ochieits of negrow who bought or in caeh sane.
rented property near them. Efforts to Torch Joins the Gun.
drive out the blacks proving futile; bombe The toreh joined the gun and the knife were employed in some instances to blow up their homes. Finally the feeling culm. as the riots continued. Fires of incendiary wel in a series of sharp stront encoun orin oceurred in numerous sections ter between Fall bands of Wachs and where negroes had resided. In most of white draudiy bloge tuito caricle these places the negroes had anticipated trouble and Pecan full sized riots moved out.
Firemen and police who responded to With the whole and if the city aroused the fire alarms were met in severalit LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FRESH the Il feeling burst into flame and riding, stancs, hy bailets, and and brick. and ting and arron became the general PATENT MEDICINES Totes were burned, fights were For use both internally and externally Two wounded white men were rushed in prag on every corner and the streets were filled with the wounded to the Provident Hospital, and a crowd Women and children were not spared, of white men, bent on reprisals, fol.
SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, FOUR FOLD LIVER tulephonies were put out of commission, lowed the ambulance and later attempted TONIC, Dr. SIMMONS SQUAW VINE COMPOUND, all tratti was stopped and rapidly the lo storm the hospital, which is filled with DARBY PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, FOUR FOLD hospitals becaune congested with the in wounded Negroes.
LINIMENT, Dr. SIMMONS VEGETABLE crowd of Negroes quickly gathered LIVER MEDICINE Despite the police guard thrown about and a battle impended. Policemen from the district and the officers rushed to all around ran to the sene drawing their All these preparations have been used successfully by fhe CTY pot where rioting was in progrecku revolvers, One Negro was shot and people of the United States for more than 20 years.
the trouble continued. When the molux killed and about thirty were wounded Tekan lining the houses of Negroes ihr before the white men and the injured For Sale at Pharmacy fire department was called upon it politoen were rescued. Opposite Railroad Station)
was made to cope with all the fiton Hotels Stormed by White Men LOPEZ, Proprietor.
Torches and explosive chemicals were mob of about 2, 000 persons, think thrown into the homes Wacks and On and after August 1st, this store will remove to when the patie stricken residents filed ing that Nekrocs were employed by the 149 Central Avenue, opposite El Sol Silk Store.
the mil chased them, beat them Sherman Hlutel, tried in vain to force enLilled them. Whites stormed the police trance.
Stations where the blocks were held, ben Twenty detectives were assigned to on lynching them, but were driven bach and the hotel, and dispersee the crowd, by the dice The mob first tried to gain entrance thru Altho early in the rioting the trouble the Clauk street side, and later went to the alley entrance. The hotel is using seened to be contined largely to the black hell, it assumed serious proportions white waiters.
when odlums invaded the loop district Negro was spied walking on the opthe downtown part of Chicago, where all posite side of the street by the crowd.
the big stores are located, and slew one black man, and attacked others and com. The mob rusbed at him. Police arrived There goes one, some one cried pelled others to flee.
Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro it his side first. He was taken to the Rioting in Downtown Street: Central station, the crowd following.
The first fatality in the loop came ear: They soon left, however, and the Negro, ly in the morning and within two hours with others of his face, was escorted the blacks were realisting in their neighbome in a truck Taking Freight Passengers borhoods: Word of this reached the Five hundred white men attempted to downtown district and a general attach nter the Palmer House, where Negroes For Further Particulars Apply to upon Neres ensurd. One black ma re employed as waiters, bent on hinchd down and breaten, lay if dea acking the black men, but were beaten but come to after the police had put in ack by policemen who were rushed to in an undertaker wagon.
be scene It was my only clunce to keep on Machine Gun Guards Jail 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON being a live. man, he explained, machine gun with two operators Police reserves, already worn out from was placed at the entrance of Chicago rushing about from place to place, met jail by jailer Davics, following reports and save battle to some of the loot riothnt Negroes in the jail were planning a ters, but did not succeed in dispersing wholesale delivery during the night.
them altogether. Street So serious did the situation become stopped and all colored passengers yanked nked that 150 deputy sheriffs were town off and roughly handled Porters at around the jail, all armed with rifles and their early morning werk were seized with orders to permit no one to approach FOUNDED IN 1881 and besten One Negro waiter in restaurant was beaten and left for dead.
THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA He was revived by other employees just Shortly after noon and during what CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
before the niob came back and beat him is know as recreation hour a group again.
of 100 Negroes ran amuck, overpowered Just in Stock a large Assortment of a guard and ran riot thru the jail corriFrom all directions Negroes sprinted dors.
Brook Powdered Barley across and down streets on their way to police headquarters and the city hall. Negro guard, into insensibility; took The Negroes beat Fred Evans, a SMALL AND LARGE TINS where they demanded protection. It was a hot race with a mob in most on the first floor of the jail.
away his keys and ran into the corridors BROOK GROAT cases. Often a Negro, fizeing for pro of visitors were in the halls and nay Hundreds Specially recommended for children and persons tection, by the very fict that he was running inc ted the rougher element to Were Convalessing.
trampled in the stampede.
chase him.
Jailer Davies sent a riot call to the MANUEL ESPINOSA While the whites were wreaking their sheriff office. In ten minutes a sqad of hates in this manner the blacks retal. marched to the jail and prepared to 100 men, recruited for the service, Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church liated by breaking into and looting the Panama.
stores of white people, attacking every shoot down walcontents. In the meanperson who was white, stoning street time, Jailer Davies, with the help of cars, emashing the windows of automo Ruards and assistant jailers, had sucbiles and setting fire to houses.
ceeded in getting the men back into their JUST OPENED cells.
Troops Prepare to Patrol City When it became evident that police Greek Peddler First Man might not be able to quell the riots the Killed Chief of Police communicated the request to Adjutant General Dickson that of a Greek peddler, who was hauled from The first killing of the riot was that 122 Central Ave. Panama the armed state troops under (near lato Continental Bank)
mand in the ciły be held in instant negroes armed with butcher knives and com. his wagon and slashed to death by readiness to respond to a call for patroll rasors.
BROWNE McALMON, Prop ing Chicago News of the murder flashed the length This message came to the adjutant and breadth of the disrupted section. large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS general after he had returned from a tour Hysterical white men harangued their PATENT MEDICINES of inspection of the riot zone.
fellows to avenge the killing Negroes Dickson immediately transferred the infected for the time by the insanity of TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS request of chief Garrity to the colonels of the mob, rushed thru the streets or the First, Second, Third and Fourth Re drove in motor cars, or waited for street serve Militia and the Eleventh Illinois cars, which they attack with gunfire and National Guard, in the shape of a com stones.
Prescriptions carefully compounded mand. The issue of riot ammunition to Shooting stabbing, attack with clube, BROWNE DAVIDSON troops began at once.
rocks and fists became general. The Druggist Druggit There is a rifle with bayonet fixed and life of no white man was safe if ke ven Phone 939 pack to mark each man place. With tured too close to the streets dominated in. where whites in superior numbers, were similarly assaulted.
Stoned White Women. number of white women were stoned and shot during the evening when street cars on which they were riding were attacked by mobs of Negroue.
BE Similarly negresses were stabbed, shot ARCHBISHOP HAYES WILL and beaten when fragments of the white HOST AT DINNER WHEN CAM armies encountered them in districta where white residents predominated PAIGN WILL BE DISCUSSED Two white women, one with an iD Archbishop Patrik Hayes fant in her arms, were attacked and both gave a dinner at the Waldorf As.
wounded by Negro mobs that fired on a toria Hotel to six hurt of the street car clergy and prominent men of the Several thous:nd men stormed the old Roman Catholic Church of the 8th Regiment Armoury, in the heart of archdiocese formally au citig a the riot Zone. Doors were burst in and movement to raise withhundreds of guns with ammunition were in Catholic circles to build taken by the mob.
shelters for Police rushed to ing temporary for the scene, fired into the mob and finally churches in France. The work drove it from the armoury. According to is being directed through the reports, more than fifty persons were Society to help devastated shot of otherwise injured.
Churches in France. The local archdiocesan committee is headed It is significant that many of the car by William Guthrie.
unities were policemen who charged into rots outnumbering them many mein the United Stause001. 00)
Isis proposed to raise Polie en wete shut beaten and stoned 50, 000 is the quota for the New Undertakers Threatened.
York archdiocese. The work of White undertakers refused to recept the local organization will include the hates of net victime Clerical movement conducted Negro un ertakers refused to accept the bodies of si in the churches under the whites outside every funeral establish armanship of Mgr. Michael Livelle, Catholie woman ment in the affected district threatening movement, directed Cruwis stood around, prepared to by the the life of the terra. Countess Georgine spin and were screpted Miss Genevieve Waish; a laymen movement of which Mr. Guthri The most is out. reak hegan at is chairman, and the Knights of Thirty fifth street and Wabash renue Columbus and church societies when Policemen Michael Geary and movement under various cuirNicholas Hughes met two negru carry men ing bricks More than 4, 200 churches. You poor white trash. said one of chapels and vestries have been the men, and he hurled a brick as are destroyed in France. It is proIt pamed over the policeman head posed erect 700 temporary Some ore fred a shot. Hughes crew his structures, Erchanje revolver and fired. The shooting became general Ex Crown Prince Wife Fifty odd policemen came running up The two negroes had been reinforced to May Marry Again in 200 or more. Bricks flew in every direc.
tion. Shotarangout.
Woman Routs Crowd.
RUMOUR SAYS THERE A MAN brick camo sailing out winIN THE WAITING IF SHL Ad 18 CREED TROM FORMER of begrens rushed up the stairs GERMAN HEIR second for a while woman with a revolver in band bade then go down again They did quiekly Persons who are intimate with Colored soldiers who had a service royal families of Europe are in Vrance vided with the police in quel wondering how true is the uling this disturbance. The roting negros mour that the former Crown were driven back They went swiftly Princess of Germany is coming carrying their wounded. They stopped to America to wed an American, automobiles and wrecked them, and beat The Princess is now seeking a up men and women who had been riding divorce from her husband, Fred10 bem, erick William, the eldest son of Policemen armed with rifles to which the former Kaiser. She claims bayonets had been affixed, came charging that her husband brutality and the mob, dispersing them, breaking them affairs with other women were up into small knots that fled thtu alley. unbearable and a matter of pubWays and side streets, shooting. they lic knowledge.
It was during this riot that a man was The married happiness of this dragged from his wagon and stabbed to royal couple was of short duradeath. Later a crowd of infuriated white tion. The pretty little Duchess men retalinted by dragging a negro from Cecile of Mecklenberg Schwerin a truck. They beat bin and stabbed bin Was but a young girl when she a duren times. He died in the patrol was led to the alter by the Crown Prince. Exchange)
wagon on the way to the hospital.
Fighting Spreads over District the heart of the city and sought to take It was about this time that rioting office department.
from it 250 negro employees of the postbecame general all over the South side; crowds of men gathering around street The whites marched on the Governcars, pulling down the trolleys, seizing ment buildingfabout 30 o cl sek. They the men in the cars according to their scattered into groups and took up position complexion and beating them. Pawn at all entrances.
shops in South State streets were being Get the negroes treat em like they re looied for the revolvers and shotguns treating the whites out south, was a few houses were burning, among the many shouts that went up in In the Thirty Fifth street battle the crowd.
liceman Brooks of the traffic squad, after being wounded, forced his horse to Some of the negroes who could hear lie down and fired from behind this the bowiing mob outside appealed for barricade in old cavalry style.
protection and a call was sent to the of the most violent of the riots Centralstation were staged in the stockyards district.
Liest. William Murphy rushed tweatyA company of negroes got up on an five officers to the Vederal Building.
elevation of Chicago, Rock Island Many of the whires refused to move on Pacific Railroad, lay dowo, protected by and several clashes occurred with the the elevation on the east side and fred police before the besiegers were finally across the tracks into the sections to the driven away from the doors.
west. Other negroes in other section Negro Clerks Removed, were firing at elevated trains, into win dows along the street everywhere and Pearing that the Government building anywhere they fancied.
siege would be renewed with violence and Take Rioters with Bayonet. postoffice arranged to have the colored bloodshed, department officials of the Four policeman, their rifles tipped clarks removed from the building.
with bayonets, captured six negroes in Under police guard they were loaded an automobile. The negroes also had into inclosed mail trucks and driven out bayonets on theil rifles, and in addition the Adams stro street basement entrance magasine pistols.
They were scattered to various of the The policemen who automosubpostal stations. White clerks were bile came up behind the negroes and burriedly called from their homes to take took them by surprise.
Many of the injured, white and black Policemen kept moving thru all streets were passengers on Street cars. In one of the dowa town district. They did not instance a band of coloured men hurled wait for rioting; they took every precaustones and bricks thru every window of tion to prevent it, a street car while the terrified men, women and children within crouched men, Peaceable in Other Quarters.
seat or lay upon the floor. While scenes such as these were being The motorman, blood streaming down enneted in part of the city, in other seco from his face, tried to drive his car on tions neither blacks nor whites seemed but the attackers kept pulling the trol excited. Some of them who live side by ley down. wagon load of policemen side met and chatted as usual and derescued the panic stricken poeople; and pored the riots. The feeling largely was as the wagon hurried away it ww tar manifested in districts where there has set of a hundred missiles.
been for the last year or two a great inTrouble at Federal Building. have undertaken to stir up trouble beAur of negres from the South and these It began to look bad when a mob cause of race riots in the south, in Waal mirebed apon the Federal building in ington, and other places lily.
Every Tuesday.
CARLOS HENRIQUEZ Central Drug Store CATS were 8the jail.
Bote The Chemical Hall to this, they had no were their under the seat of


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