
as superstiCIGARETTES They are as good as the best And COST considerably LESS three days.
wa Jone Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at we 150. Gold Ctuse POWER ON TAP muth 20. 00:00:00 Electric power is always ready at the pressure of a button or the turn of a switch.
Electric motors will take care of th SOSSESSO With Colors Flying Thrilling Gallantry of Naval Lieutenant tot holdsponsible for opinion trd in this columnas the sentiments are purely those of the corrispondents Thrilling deeds of valour under the White Ensign were wrought by three LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
naval officers who died in action, and to whom the has been awarded.
Conspicuous among the trio is Lieut Dear Sir. Kindly permit me space All packages taken in to and out of Archibald Bisset Smith, who the warehouse will be searched by sen.
in the strol your paper to state a showed great gallantry and devotion to few words to my fellow union men tibel who will be on duty effective August duty when in command of the steamship First, you a hated to let the slackers 4, 1919, ete.
Otaki on March 10, 1917. The Olaki, know that you are a union man. If you Officers in charge are requested to in which only carried one inch run, are ashamed. am not Because am struct employees accordingly sighted the German raider Moewe, in favor of more bread and less brutish which called upon the Olaki On seeing this order posted the tuajor ness more ple and less pomp. Better portion of the employees referred to This Lieutenannt Smith refused to do stop.
and a duel ensue quarters to live in and less criminals to ensued at do so stie thought same humiliating but allowed put in jail, more soup and less and it to go by unnoticed 2, 000 yards, and lasted for about 20 min taon.
More health and happiness and utes The Olaki scored several hits on Jesshell and hellishness On Wednesday morning, the 30th inthe Moewe, causing considerable dambabes tugging at their mother empty stant wtule ibe employees were about to age and starting a fire which lasted for casts, the ending and the beginning beginning of enter the warehouse, to their surprise She sustained several casualthe month And more honest women the guard or sentinel on duty started in ties and received much damage herselfIkatly dressed and less foolish women search their pockets, to this objections and was heavily on fire. Lieutenant over dress Because in union there is were raised, but tinding this sentinel was Smith, therefore, gave orders for the strength and in strength there is know persistent in discharging this part of his boats to be lowered to allow the crew to ledge and in knowledge there is health, duty, all employees above mentioned be rescued. He remained on the ship and in bealth there is happiness cate to the conclusion that they would himself, and went down with her when she sank with the British colours still Hecause to be a slacker am robbing not enter or go to work until something att honest man off his rights and sucking minutes after a few others whose names to their satisfaction, but a few Aying, after what was described in an enemy account as duel as gallantas his blood to satisfy my wants.
Thompson, a Jamaican; Thompnaval history can relate.
Any man or set of men who refuse son, a Barbadian: George: a Jamaican Lieutenant Commander Geoffrey Sex whelp a good cause should also refuse Benvols, St. Lucian; Brow. ton White, RN, sowed ronspicuous to receive the good coming from that a Monseratian; and another St. Lucian gallantry and devotion to duty as comwhose name the writer was unable to manding officer of submarine E1 There are many working men who obtain entered th: warehouse and stated on January 28, 1918. 14 left Mundos are special christians, whose church in to work.
PER PACKAGE on January 27 under instructions to force creed prevents them from joining the the Narrows and attack the Gieben Mr. Brown, did not of course, under Union but does not prevent them from reported agroud off Nagara Point after So oo oooo oooo650XSEXSS roeeiving the benefits that would come stand what was going on as he entered oxoor being damaged during her sortie from from the Union, these christians are the prior to the time the searching of pockets the Dardanelles. It was not found, and 20 talled lovers of God and haters of started, and from what the writer has 14 turned WOOOOXO back, At about 45 am their brothers, vet their families suffer gathered, this man Brown, upon learn ing of the circumstances attempted to on January 25 a torpedo was fired from just the same as anyone else, return and join with the others who ra 14 at an enemy ship: eleven wands There is another set of men who are mained outside, but was met by Jamai after the torpedo left the tu slackers, because their wives are wearing can Thompson, who told him you are too explosion took place, caused all lights the pants and says that the Brotherhood foolish to go and join a strike, a nigger go out and sprank the fore batch.
is a foke and better they buy a dress someling neber come to anytiny, inek Leaking badly, the boat was blown to 15 feet, and at once a heavy trene with 75 These men ought to have a sem ou dey and see what dem little horse sense to guide their own opili from the forts, but the hull is not het affairs, every man should be free to Fellow Negroes and co workers after 11 then dived and proceed on her think for himself on all subjects unham considering the remarkminde bv Thong way out Soon afterwards that we came out of control, and as the pered by prejudices or ignorance, because ktorance is the greatest curs de son should not every silverpleetuire ply was sneerly exhausted, Line him down and have nothing to do with mander White decided to put their Canone not see proceeding on the surface, 11 Let us pink onward and und until the traitor listen the rand mon front was immediately opreme the shackles be broken not only roes who are trying to lite hands and feet, but from the an hour, being and a ter running the gaun forf will let is keep on doing our lingir ime to time in our local leered from a low 11 se to the Verhaal wit so badly damaged that it brothers and comrades and the Negro hlon mader White turned toward the world will become intellectuell, murally in the 11 where on the Ithmus in order to give the crew a chini socially free Then every man will Ring the actions of the others avier and his true relation to his fellow who can went to work, the ing saved. He remained on deck the whole time himself man Ile will know that reason is the od clone thing in com your power retwitter guide the fear, Very man will ink any loval man or woman set the Lieut. Frederick Parow ESR then know to love the cod and true mon intelligent mes who remmel quirements with showed conspicuous gallantry and on He will then know that througi untram outside excused them but still give them tion to duty when in command of the Ind thought every brain will give to the pleasant eye.
the maximum of horse transport, Anglo California on the world the best it has He will The writer will again refer to the order July 1915 large subuni wa know that every woman should be as issued by the Dept.
economy. It is sighted on the port beam at a distance tres himself, he will be a harvester of about one tile, Why did not this official order read: out one The ship which was the fields instead of a gleaner of the unarmed, was immediately manoeuvre!
all employees will be searched traw He will then know to stand to bring the submarine aston every creet and bow to nothing but truth and No, surely not, for the white or gold effort was made to increased and (honest employees would be subjected justice.
SO an was sent out by wirelesan Brother Union man and fellow silver to humiliation, by which their dignity answer being received from a war At am the submarine employees let me say in conclusion that would be marred, but as the por Negro opened fire, and maintained a steady fire, makif we will do the things have outlined has no dignity hen he must stoop to be searched by the white Gods. Phone 602 Phone 150 ing occasional hits, until 10. 30 am.
on the foregoing if we will read, rason be scar.
when it hoisted the signal to landor, and reflect and then stand together. low men are you not aware of the fact the vessel as fast as In order heart and hand, we will bring to life the that Negroes are looked upon and considered thieves?
to save life, Lieutenant Parslow decided era of the Negro world.
Is it not high time for us to butt in SANTA ANA PLAZA BOLIVAR STREET to obey, but on receiving a wireless from With these few words remain, nd joln hands and heart and fight a destroyer urginz him to hold on, he Panama.
decided to get way on the ship again.
Respectfully yours Yor the Negro cause, for one caus Leave alone the few disgruntled ones in which our friend submarine then opened a heavy fire, BOWEN, the Jamaican, Mr. Thompson is inwrecking the upper bridge, killing LieuAgent for Folks River. cluded and pull together.
tenat Parelow, and carrying away one of While the mea were yet outside the port davits, causing the boat to awaiting the result, the officer in drop into the sea and throwing its occucharge of the warehouse, was commu.
pants in the water. At about eleven nicated with, and without hesitating Sir: Kindly permit me space in your he was on the seene, and with his My dear Sir, you have some pills o clock two destroyers arrived on the valuable paper to publish the following usual good and kind consideration here by the name of DeWitt, dem scene, and the submarine dived.
worth dem weight in goldl shouted Throuhout the attack Lieutenant Parsare for the information of all loyal and uni did his best to have things modified out a very tall man as he came up to low remained on the bridge, on which ted Negrocs on the Isthmus: which resulted satisfactorily to all concerned, and the aggrieved ones increases one interest in the doors of the City Fharmacy.
the enemy fire was concentrated, entireSometime during the past week an or went to work after a lapse of two ve just called to let you know ly without piotection, and by his maghider was issued by the Department Quar hours. The writer must highly comthe wonders De Witt pills have ficent heroism succeeded, at the cost of done for me and to thank you.
termaster, United States Army, Ancon, mend the way in which these men acted, and last but not least the actions which reads in part as follows; taken by the officer in charge of them.
his own life, in saving a valuable ship Inquiry soon disclosed this person to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails and cargo for the country, All silver employees working at the Thanking you for space, from St. Kitts, where he was born warehouse, Pier 18, Balboa, are AN OBSERVER CALL IN AT THE warned that they are not to take packnumbee of years he took up residence Christ Chorch School Reopened ages with them to work, etc. Continued on Puge donia Road.
Our grateful informant further gave The Christ Church School in out that for many years up to the the City of Colon was reopen time of his cure, he suffered from ed on Monday Morning last, 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 sundry ailments and severe pains over the 11th of August under the his body. The terrifie pains in the urinary organs, at times unbearable. Headmastership of Mr.
And you are sure to be interested in having thick, but due to the magie cure of this Sediments in urine over an inch Cunanancham is well and your. PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor medicine, he was completely rid of his fovourably known in the Windy SANTA ANA PLAZA McKENZIE did, but neglect to seize the golden to the Colored people of Cristoany are suffering as Mr. Phipps City and needs no introduction (ADJOINING AL PLACE)
opportunity to be cured.
bal and Colon generally, or to (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO It is true to day as ever, Delay is the worshippers at Christ Church dangerous. Those who doubt the particularly, having already serwonderful curing nower of this remedy ved for several years at th AtPrinting, Developing and Enlarging will pay the dreadful cost.
lantic end as Principal of the at all first Cristobal Colored School, filling which you are cautioned to SPECIAL FEATURE at the same time the post of Lay De Witt a Ce. Ltd. London on each bottle and City Pharmacy on each direction Sea where he discharged his Reader at Christ Church by the THE CITY PHARMACY, duties with ability and with 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama. He has the reputation of acceptance to Priest and people.
REMOVED NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Agents for Republic of Panama a capable teacher, a good organi being and Canal Zone. zer and a loyal and devoted SPECIAL SERVICE The Rev. NightenChurchman, and in returoing to Attorney Carrington ADVERTISE IN work in Colon, he brings with gale, begs to state that he has removed his law offices him a good professional record, DAY AND NIGHT has removed from 22 Street, from 125 Central Avenue to The. Workman well sustained and rich in prac to No. 14 Street, near An number 14 Street, one tical con Post Office.
blook from Aneon Post Office IT PAYS fore be relied upon for a proper delivery of the goods.
tha Coxoxo easy and inexpensive to use electric drive in your Shop or Factory.
LET US QUOTE YOU FIGURES man Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.
lite rast as possible The subito Weight in Gold Good Picture PHOTOGRAPHY Scranton Photo Studio Palmer Restaurant class Drug Stores. Some fuse.
Army and Navy Headquarters sheet.


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