p. 8


pany. Master Key be Their at 1100 and It fourth dians even uito death Thy pro en enthusiastic Alleyne Father.
To Every Foreman of Gangs The Sixth Sense of PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Employed by the Panama Min.
PANAMA COLON Canal or Rallroad ComThe only game played in connection (BY MORALIS)
with the Cittens Lesgue on Sunday last SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th.
the BocsPickwick mate Negro Fellow en wil wonen which was put off from July 13 on ac The two last Episodes of Continua ion of the am calling y ur attention to count of the death of Claude Vincent, Balboa Heights, Z the Sixth Sense wall, because This game came off on the La Boen EDDIE POLO ARIE WALCAMP August 4, 1919 one cannot possilu by cul grounds, and we exceedingly well conAs Chairman of the Canal tivating it, and etise is tested by the Pick wieks, who must be in Liberty Zone Chapter, American Red Reason: Many per ces do not kiwn due credit for the able way in Cross, request that you call have it, others have but will which they strove to bring home the SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 bacon. Betting fint La Boca made 59 your gang together some time pot use it; therefor here are Saturday August 9th outside of but very few who use it.
runs, 44 of which were contributed by Quick Triggers and Human working hours and read the two men The Sixth Sense Man is To this Pickwieks replied Target also an interesting Comedy.
following statement to them, of vital importance to expues with 56 runs, 14 of which were made by Also that you read the same and should be put it iu meDick Smith in good form. The latter BIG REELS statement to them once more diate use by every living serio part of the game was exceedingly exoutside of working hours some if we intend to reach Tie Lily citing and it was only the master TUESDAY AUGUST 19th.
time during Saturday August Of Onr Success.
judgment of Merritt the the skipper Commences another exciting Universal 16th For the benefit of th. who that said his team from defeat.
Serial, 18 Episodes See Programs The West Indian Branch, do not know how to ma Surrey Defeats the Ex soldiers. MARIE WALCAMP in the Serial of a thousCanal Zone Chapter, American it, shall herein give a few and surprises THE RED GLOVE on their return from the seat of war, National Red Cross has been examples that may serve the West Indian Soldiers put a big scissoci6CXOXO SEssexoxoxoxoxoxoc:90 8:00 granted to West Indian resident object lessons.
dey in the local papers challenging on the Canal ne and in Pana1. If you join the Union ma and Colon not only individual Clubs, but picked This branch will. of conductod by the West In order to get more pay, Reaso St. Anthony Society to Hold dians themselves but under the earnestly to obtain it: If you re will tell you. Eden Bloom to Give must wir you shall nog was accepted by three indiriNash Gives Views On Labor dual clubs Surrey All Jamaica and Concert direction of the Canal zone Chap fuse to work earnestly, and loat Anniversary Standard Questions.
The game with Surrey came ter both as to finances and acti off and as there were no Greit preparations are being tits. Every West Indian who around, Reason wiil tell you, it on To night (August 15)
in town naturally all the made by the officers and mens joins this brinch will be a full you are discharged for latins.
Full the Union woh to ne bo neunian rocks An Advice Also Out of His Wesleyan Sehwol room. Panama bers of the St. Anthony 0, edged member of the American. cannot protect you.
see, it is wise to obey the Cross an Surrey won the City, a Grand Variety concert Society No. for the celebrabe required Experience to Students redo Reason.
will be given under the aus tion it the rx soldiers to hat.
or the gold each year for anniver mumba to pay at University of mitted that the ground was piers of Lodge Eden Bloom ses which will be on Sunday membuat la remited to obey the orders ui his colored half of which fee Iship If an employee does not 010. GS and inkind a condition, wing to The August 24th 1919. The Clwir is Healm Warters in the States and foreman when leany.
Wisconsin the lastning on Saturday. At al arrangements for sam have practising some very classical events the only man among them to born in the hands of Sister solos and with the many trained the other half is to be available Reason will stepm and uit.
show any batting form was Barrow, who Catherine Findley, Punt Diree voices of which this choir is com for expenditure by the West In employee that he is wrong: and great part of the trouble tress, who has berni successful in posod, vlease members and de dian Branch for their own peo. Hinc colored folemau Woscorer for his side with a total will to his credit. The entire between labor and employer to securing the assistance of the indents be ready for thint day, ple.
charges him because he did not this day is that the implover, as soon pick of our local artist.
CNN sit down for 26 runa One Programme will be published in This is a great opportunity to carry out the legal command, was aw me, partly, to the excellent bowl. as he gets a little monyfeels he of the items will be a play enti. the next issue of the Workman. provide a permanent and large Reason will there and in a ten of Rawle and Sixes and partly should put on a stiff collar, sit in tled The Girls over Here de Notes and Comments by dians in distress and especially cannot protect fund for the benefit of West In him, the United Brotherhoud me to the polish way the soldiers an office and be surrounded by a picting the part Ainerican lot of Secretaries so that an or ple. Disregarding Nat Harding women played in the Great to assist the families of West If he foreman white or World war just endd. Ar en the Colon Scribe.
who by the way seems to be one of the dinary man cannot get to him.
Indians where the father has colord Murut up the rights Best wicketkeepers at present they died or is unable to Always play with your cards jyable time is proinised to all earn a of any member of the Brother jis man out of the erense and sacrificed on the table don try to do who feel like having a good time From the 8th to the 13th, 945 practically as an insurance fund his living. This fund should operate hou. aftur le (the brothers their hands, for no less than five of things that are cute or sharp at little expense, the admission being only twents five faithfuily United for members joined the worked and cents them were stumped. Rawle bowled five for the protection of West In carried out all legal orders, Red Be natural don try to appear gold Brotherhood at the Atlantic end.
Wichts for six runs and Beckles for something that you are not. The Or this number, 542 came across tres and their families in dis. Son will tell him, that United tress and every West Indian em. Brotherhood will protect biggest men today are those on Sunday ployed by the Ainerican Govern Surte started to wipe of the score al who are the most democratic. Installation of Officers of List Tuesday, organiser Stoute ment here is urged to join this ter the sun recca, and was once If you are a member of any man that is humbly born, if Friendly Society.
visited Monte Lirio and Frijoles branch of the Red Cross and to Been that although the soldiers were not When he left they Wire or give the branch his active and church, and you are lintul butstuen of the calibre they boas ed, he goes along as hemorably and kanix 70 strong support Do not paying your class us in drvetthless they could both bowl and honestly as he knows hoe will field The installation of officers of mise to be 100 per cent next guy that you do not need assist collection, paying for your com.
be as the There was one very regrettable man who has a millionaire for the Royat King Solomon Lodge pay day.
ance and if you neer need it, union tickets and pews, and incident in this game. Marcus Nll of the idee dat Unit you free will rings who went in first for Surrey, in attempt should help your less giving The boys at this end are real fortunate fellow countrymen to Reason will wll you, you ough to Order of Scotish Mechanics unionists. brother who was al run when the board read for The foregoing are excerpts friendly Society for the ensung lid off tive days to suit the a reasonable extent.
have a church school for the 20 Hand his wickets put down, and to all from a talk made by Charles terin took place at their Lidg education of your children, and appearance when hie was out of the Nish, president of the Nash Hall, Bro edway on Tuesday from the members of his lodge given permission to make over the church fund, because you whim of The Canal authorities have foreman, received the teacher should be pad from The umpire Phillips Rave Motors Company, to students of night 29th enough to make good the loss roll deduction for one month him in, and his decision was received the University of Wisconsin The cereinony conducted by To list of nain is too long for for annual membership and are entitled to it.
with hisses and groans from the crowd, who began demanding his disqualifica Honesty, loyalty and energy Bro. Laurie installing in publication. On nickle can do you are urged to sign up the de If the you belong to hus Some of the ex soldiers, not the are the thre necessary qualitica percandehis assistants was abls auct, but for a hundred nickles duction cards that will be passe no school, Reason will tell you not stand for unjust deal. Mr. Nash. As to honesty, it pair of cheap shoes can be out to you by your timekeepers that that church wants to keep success toperformed: players. The following are the brethren bought.
Foremeo and timekeepers wil ings, as they thought this to to be and so a you in ignorance, and if you are send in deduction cards with to succeed in life you must quit fracas was started. will eager to lay hands may be hard at times to tell the installed for the ensuing term: The denonstration to be given time books to Timekeeping Bu that church and spend your Brothers Harvy. M; truth and to deceive, but think for a moment, Phillips be Lynch, Kippins, by the Brotnerhood on Labor reau, Balboa Heights, not later money where your children can was got off the ground, and friends con there is little difference tween deceit and a lie.
than August 24.
veyed him away and the game was conreceive a good education, Secty: Sels, Treas. Laurie Day is the talk of the towu.
Вес. As your foreman, recom If you join any church what tinued, Alleyne who gave the chances Tyler, mend that every West Indian was the fifth man to fall the board read osha we are a real family. Every Danuels, Chaplain, Hire ELECTRICAL WOR ERS juin this organization.
ever, Reason will tell you, that ing for 36, His contributihn was 21 E, man in the plant knows he can wood, Assistant Secretary HEALD TO HOLD MEETING you joined it to better your moral Holder, the cyoosure of all ayes, out come to my office at any time At the close of the ceremony conditions, but, if the preacher Chaimnan, Canal Zone Chapter first ball being caught at mid off, the and be greeted cordially. which was nobly performed a entreats you to attend any amure.
only other double figure score was De American Red Cross.
few titting remarks were made by menu that is demoralizia, such a who 14; bits was Too many of us to day mea Bro. Laurie the installing On Sanday afternoon the 17th as the Piunie les LIV: Ong INO one clenn out of the ground for is the sun is stuccess by the dollar signo master after which the brethren inst. a meeting of the colored Goethals Gives Credit for Rum shops and tried light districts second six to be hit on that around since have to be bas nissanya cine repaired to the banquet hall and Electrical Workers of the Cana! Canal to Roosevelt.
its opening any place by show. dont advise you to leave that church want to go there. Furthermore partook of the good things that Zone and Members of the Excelof the (and you should Haten tils VOIC)
Surrey was all out for 60 McCarrollo buot Pdon see any use in acquiring the healin of the past and pre will be held at the HONOUR WITH JOHN FRITZ MED. because such teachings and ueled wickets for Sargeant for a great amount of wealth You 11 and Barrow for 20.
tions are unchristinn and degalothes sent administration as well as Groves Hall, La Boca, AL, BUILDER SAYS LATE PREScan only wear one suit of clothes that of the visiting brothers were the meeting will commence at IDENT REALLY MADE IT at a time and eat only one meal drunk to the last dregs. The 30 ing, and if Christ With dwelling Standard Forfeits to All sharp at a time, any way. If orte members POSSIBLE.
among us, he would never be seen Vincertians, on a plenic ground nor in a Rum a success of life money is very sithering dispersed shortly after who are already obligated and midnight those whe have part payinents to likely to come. But as you go The John Fritz medal for shop and Red light districts, but This game was scheduled to come off along through life, see that those pay up are requested to avail on Standard Oval, but as Vincentians who are working with you bene themselves of this opportunity scientific achievement was re would rather consider such as to turned up and no wickets were prepired it by you. It is wortli more to FITZ BOWEN ing up in full. and become oneral Geo. Goethals as build attend with the view of pay cently pressented to Major Gen immoral speculation, If you are entreated to join for them to play on, and only a sew of a man to be able to suy he never Standard men turning up, at p. did anything dishonorable in his THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR fledged members. All ars asked er of the Panama Canal in the any associatisn or business con Engineering Societies Building cern, and you are made to under to be out on time, as matters of they laid claim to the match.
life than it is to have a lot of dol. 28 November Street, San Miguel vital importance will be discuss No. 29 West 39th Street. stand that you are a full fledged lars behind him.
House 20 ed The medal is awarded by a member, Reason will Games for To morrow tell you 10 board of sixteen, each of the ask if you are entitled to speak All Jamaica vs. Britannic at Isthmian four national societies of civil, freely in all meetings before you Park.
mining, mechanical and electri become a membsr. If you are told by four. Among those to whom 25s yourselfabet hoe hinances cal engineers being represented that you will conduct the Pertro Miguel vs. Surrey at Paraiso.
busicustom La Boca vs. British Guiana at La the decorations has beon given dian will are Lord Kelvin, George Westing and activities, Reason will tell Роса.
house, Alexander Graham Bell you that you should ask him, There is a rumour that the Pedro and Thomas Edison.
what is it that remains for you to Miguel match has been put off; if this (BRANDON BANK)
conduct, if he is to conduct the Geo. Goethals sain in part: be true all interest will be centered in finances and the activities the All Jamaica Britannic match. These The man to whom we really Hoping you will begin to make two teams have always drawn a real Jowe the Panama Canal without good use of your Sixth Sense, crowd, and there is no doubt that there whom it would not to day exist beg to remain as ever will be no exception to morrow, We is Theodore Roosevelt, whether PANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON Your for Negro progress.
think that the way both teams are goho took Panama or not is not im ing, it is a hard matter to pick the portant. To his persistent efwinner, Our large Resources and well known made the canal possible was due. He British Consulate Notices Warranted Principle.
conservative Management afford unhad the courage and foresight Cricket fans and the public in general questioned security for every dollar to reject the ority report of engineers and advocate to Conare hereby informed that the Grenada The British Consulate would be Cricket Club has been reorganized. It deposited with this bank.
gress the construction of a lock glad of any information regard is the ardent intention of the members type canal.
ing William Goring, a native et to play the game as it should be played Brrbados, who came here in 1907 with general sa isfaction to all NOTICE!
And is said to bave worked for the the hearty support of all Clubs are de The Management of the Panama Railroad Company and sired for wielding the willow and hunt General Banking Business Transacted Workman begs was last heard of in 1913, when ing the leather in that sportsmanlike Secretaries of the various notify his address was: Ancon manner that characterizes the old Eng.
ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Friendly Societies and Secret lish manner wherever it is played. Let Orders, whose Lodges appear in The Workman all cricketers on the Isthmus co operate President.
Vice President.
toward a warmated principle, column to communicate with he office making the necessary FOR MIKEY SYLVESTER.
Secretary Grenada C, term.
only tion would not on Phillips only for a hat the Nash Factory in Kenert tin, Gureckles Hold Harpa Chi Was out makes PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY to Changes of new Secretaries for Rubber Stamps

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