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it if possible districts where the India and From Member of United Victoria War Chiefs and Brotherhood Vote them Noney Grant Judge Crowe Instructs Jurors to Empire Panama direct on India cabile cu Secretary of State Lansing Says Aug 14, 1919 de. qated August Act Swiftly Without Prejudice To the Editor Workinan.
which appears in the Jamaie Gilroner of the oth inst. states Knows Nothing of Statement Diar Sir: Please Hang the rioters were the Where are the white pri for the following space in your widely read paper High titles and money grants will be given by Great Britain to (By the Associated Press)
words usd by Judge Robert sons, he asked the white As a reader of the work man her victorious Generals and Ad LONDON, Aug. The National News says a Crowe of the Criminal Court last policeinn.
Monday when dressed mom for several years, must thank mirals of the Great War, accord suggestion that the British West Indies was added to Judge, we couldn you for the way you have been ing to time honoured customs the United States in part payment of Great Britain catch bers of the special grund jury re them came the reply writing during the past few The vote of thanks to lative to the mot situation in Dischargd shouted the Judge months, your Editorials have will presented in the House of war debt is being considered seriously on both sides of Chicago to the prisoners before him. caused us to look aronnd our Commons on Wednesday, accord The display of treachery and want to explain to you off selves and to Rally if their was ing to present plans. The name the Atlantic.
murder which we have witnessed cers that these coloured people any weakness about us, bas of Marshall Foch will the last few days in Chicago is could not have been rioting simply vanished, and with your cluded Field Marshal Haig and (Special Despatch to The Sun.
nothing short of anarchyWhere muhdek nias been done indiet for someone whice seprisoneksin mangas United Brotherhood with the led, will be made Earls and ench reported suggestion that the British West Indies be themselves. me in locallyAd WASHINGTON, Aug. When asked about the murder. few bangings will AF of us to have a salutary feet un. Gimmell continued To Help Victims gond lessen the work of the nation. Keep Field Marshal Viscount out with hope and new determi will be given a grant of 100cl ceded to the United States in part payment of Great it up Sir, we are of Yprve and Admiral Viscount Britain war debt Secretary of State Lansing said topolie. Judy Crowe said.
Cases of misconduct on the with you.
Jellicoe of Scapa will be Following Jurige Crow in part of white policemen bave Our Offeial Organ the giants of 50, 000 each. Capa will be given bum night that he knew nothing about it and had never or more root cases were investi. State attorney Elward Wilson as fast as th Boats can bring cers will be given money 100 newspaper man who asked him about it iast week.
structions to the jurors thirty buen mported to Assistan Brotherh rod is coming to hand ber of other commanding Offi heard the suggestion, excepting from an American gated. The jury returned seven Mr. Wilson stat. to defende ther, and they are free t) Memaking a total 600. 000 ents against fourteen pre reporter that he would leave Lloyd Geoage name was pro The British West Indies include the Bahamas, sons. These fourteen with three stone unturned in bringing th by Sir others, wire indicted Monday, guilty purtles to strict account ind my copy, an you might tind Remnant in the House of Barbados, Jamaica (and Turk Island. Bermudas, Tribut returns were made to judza ibility. He has anked the citizin Crowe on only the fourteen. of Chicago to report to him an something in there that could be Commons, but Mr. Bonar Law, nidad and Windward Islands.
Among the prisoners awaiting information that may lead reprinted for the good of the the Government leader replied Jamaica, the most important of these, has a popuheyring the police have identified arrust and conviction of persons cretary, also the Editor of the to the Premier, who said that be lation of about 750, 000, of whom tys thirds are blacks.
781, tam wting the Grand that had mentioned the matter eight men with penitentiary rec. white, or black, who took part Ivance Guide and will ask per would not for a minute agree to It lies in the Caribbean Sea, ninety miles south of Cuords. Most of these are white. in the riot, it is especially de mission for you to reprint at any Criticize Policemen.
were attacked at the Stockyard time anything things will assist Resolution of Thanks to Over ba, and has an area of 4, 200 square miles. Kingston, Sired men. if seas Troops.
the capital and principal port, has one of the finest White Policemen in certain during the riot coin municate with that you be carried on the Mail.
rioters the state attorney office pro ing List and rereive a copy of London August The fol harbors in the West Indies and is well fortifled.
staged their battles have been vided they can identify the party. the Brotherhood Official Orxan. lowing is the txt of a resolution Jamaica chief exports are fruit, coffee, tobacco, criticized for arresting all coor parties who assaulted them Mr. Lloyd Thanking you in anticipition to be moved by lourd men and no white men. Detective Sorg ants Glenn and for this and alsº pasl tavolta, George next Weinesday in the rum and mahogany. The Bahamas, next in importt has been cited that over ten Sm Smith offered coloured men were arrested in to the state attorney office in beg to remam, Very truly yours. House of Commons in thanks to ance, are a chain of 700 rocky islands lying east of the the overseas t:oops: HEADLEY a district where white riotere the effort to round up the ring That the thanks of this blos, Florida coast.
It was on one of this group that Costarted the fracas: Judge Gernleaders of the riot in the stock Secty Empire Star be accorded to the gallan troops lumbus landed in 1492. The exact place has never mill of the Hyde Park Court yards district. from from the Dominions were been settied, but opinion is divided between Watling realized the situation during the indictments Returned.
the Crown first days of the ris and ordered Indictmmes charging assault Workmen of The with which they are presto San Salvador to the first land he discovered in the colonies for promptitud Island Cat.
the pritromen to bring him in some white rioters, the ordered with attempt to murder have the call for Justice and Freedom Railway discharged the twenty coloured been returned against Henry and for the noble put the new World. The natives call it Guanahan.
prisoners who were called before Dumas and his wife Clara: plaved in conjunction with their The Bahamas have a population of about 50, 000 comrades of Isles in hiin on theory that could Chirles Richards and his wife hver eneste here to get the ancong Willie, Sydney Sent, Wilian Express Disapproval of securing the tribuip of being hit Nassau, on the island of New Providence, is the capital.
Continued on Paye over (Exchange)
About Disaster to Train The following letter was also sent to us for publication: Prosecute Without Jury Objects to GENEROUS OEFER Reduction to Athletic UNITED BROTHERHOOD Fear or Favoi Hoyne. One Sided Evidence. Gleather says. We are asked to issue of Sports.
publish the following which Will Hold Big Demonstration on An interview with McLay We are asked to state for the grand jury investigating speaks for itself:Hoyne, state attorney of Cook race riots in Chicago struck to We, the undersigned delegates information of members of the Labor Day.
county, relative to the prosecution day, demanding that the state of the Workmen of the Locomo United Brotherhood that the of those participating in the late attorney presents evidence in. tive Branch of the Jamaica Gov promoters of the Athletic Sport riots, resulted in the following ex volving white persons. The jury ernment Railway asks the Glean.
Sept. 1st, Labor Day, promis first train from Colon and line planation to the law abiding ci recessed for 12 hours to allow er to make public through its val at the Isthmian Park, has kindly es to be a red letter day in Colored Locals have been established in tizens of this city the attorney time to prepare. uab uable columns that in no way the offered 50 per cent reduction Labor circles on the Isthmus of their rank.
fee intend to prosecute vigor Seven indictments were returned workingmen who are in disagree in the entrance to tho Panama. Both the Pacific ously and without fear and far against colored men and women. ment with the Locomotive and grounds at the Isthmian Park Exposition Head Locals of the Unit trom the the best parade will be: our all parties who are shown to 25 more were under considera other departments of the be guilty by evidence of partici tion when the jurors quit.
way, countenance the diabolicon Labor Day. This otter is for brotherhood will hold bland along the Calidonia Road, dowa strict orderly demonstrations Central Avenue as street pating in the riots which lately. The men said further proceed: the uncivilised methods of endea only, who must be identified by and the towns on the Zone. All La Boca. Balboa Road acts of yandals who might adopt members of the Brotherhood over the cities of this Republic leading to Chorillo, and then into this mean that shall prosecute premier ministhegrees would only vóuring to wreck trains and to their working card.
ecute prejudice the cases and might endanger the lives of our fellow Locals from Gamboa to La Boca the Balboa Post Office on to the white rioter as well as colored lead to further racial trouble.
will join in with the Pacific end Ice Plant following the road, to or rioters, and to this end and from Frijoles to Cristobal the Railroad Station Balboa and designated Assistant State At may use the Railway in pursuit berist too sobie tesne maphort the will take part in the Atlantic side. then the road through. Ancon and vrney Edward Wilsoros Pec: Important Notice.
of their business or pleasure.
workmen of each machine shop, Three bands of music will escort back to the Exposition Grounds.
firms and workshops of every the procession. The order of de ially to from Sgd. JOHN ROBINSON, MICHAEL kind to assist in this noble cause monstration at Panama will be as ed by prominent speakers after Addresses wil then be delivercolored people who were injur.
CHAVENNES, CYRIL IVEY, as it is specially one which needs red and from all persons who follows: We are asked to announce the attention of every working which the procession will dishave any khowledge of any outPERCY AITKEN.
Free man.
Transportation Communications, etc. All locals in Panma will gather perse.
rages committed against Colored that AN OFFER TO HELP can be sent to 53 East Street in the street leading from the Particulars for the Colon route to Bocas del Toro will terpeople. The state attorney office minate with the two next the Workmen of the Locomotive Sir. In view of the fact that Kingston Standand Cricket Grounds to the of procession was not to band on We are, etc. Exposition Grounds.
going to press but will appear desires to get all evidence that sailings of the United Fruit Branch of the Government RallEach Local shall furnish itselt later.
will either turn to convict such OF standard sufficiently persons as have committed out company steamer on Thurs way got paid of con. Thursday and pages upon colored people of day the 28th and Saturday Railway Authorities nof having OF AND MACHADO Cigar larger te sdictions wish bit selfsides Mass Meeting for French such as will be considersuch evidence as will lead to the the 30th August inst. respect granted their demands which to detection of such persons.
ed appropriate and shall take its Colony.
us seems feasible, the standing Kingston, place in line with its number, ex(Signed) MCLAY HOYNÉ.
Committee of the Workmen of those Locals with Lady! The Big Mass Meeting under August 8th, 1919.
Messrs and Machado the auspices of the United BroAN OTHER ERRONEOUS ERROR Cigar Factory beg to state that ASKING POR SUPPORT There will be at least three therhood held on Thursday night Lady customer rushes into the Pana. certain medico sent an Ad to each workman has agreed to give The delegates of the strikers bands of music, and six mount last in the St. Anthony Hall for ma Hardware Branch Store, and says certain paper, headed thus.
time; 10 of his weekly earnings to have issued a circular to the mersed conductors.
the benefit of the French speakto the clerk Give me. Rat Trap QUICK Cure for Coasumption fancy Quick! Quick. Please. want to his feelings on re ding, My Quark the men until they resume work. cantile community asking for Demonstrations will start im ing workers of the Panama Canal Cure for Consumption.
The above named committee their support in the matter.
mediately after the arrival of the (Continued a Page 8)
a The Railfar as as far as MEMBERS OF THE STANDING a banner or stand mottoes sur FACTORY, WHICH WAS ITO batoh a train!


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