
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Wanted. Have Passed LABORERS cially Then BOCAS del TORO recently To the Society srs. 100.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store and other Pomeroon under exclusive Lands are al tha are now examination Trust is likely to Notice to the Public Demerara local Government while they were on active service for over three years. They were simply drafted The Late Mr. Bettencourt as a unit in the Imperial Army and that done, the West Indies Will.
had nothing to do with them offi result was that though in the Imperial Army they were BEQUESTS TO CATHOLIC INSTI. not recognised as Imperial troops TUTIONS IN DMERARA but as natives and were in that case neither Imperial troops The will of the late Mr. Grego nor Colonial.
rio Bettencourt of Georgetown, They also applied for are fund Demerara, who died sometime of Separation Allowances paid to last month while on a visit to their dependents and all Compul Barbados was de sory Sto Stoppages, and every similar refund now posited in the Registrar Office, en being enjoyed in Georgetown. The following natives are to receive shilling Imperial troops.
are among his bequests:To the Roman Catholic Cathe a day Ration Allowance while on dral the sum of 10, 000. furlough, but the men ask for the To the Roman Catholic Church same 28. and id. a day paid to Main Street, the Sum of s:3:00. English troops for the furlough Catholic period prior to demobilization Orphanage in connection with and make the point that owing to the cost of living is day is not the Ursuline Convent. 500 the Orphanage at Plaisance soldiers raised the point that sufficient. Further than that the in connection with the Roman it is stated in Catholic Church of St. John the it in connection with Baptist To the Society of St. Vin Imperiul troops that if no suitthe sum of 250, employment be found for de Paul, Brickdam Conference Unemployment Wage is to be them after demobilization an enjoyed by English troops; and Our Men ask that the same proEnglish capitalists, says the Demerara Argosy are at prevision be made for them.
sent making tinancial arrangeHis Excellency has sent a reply ments for the thorough explora to the soldiers through Captain tion and afterwards the exploita Paul the Demobilizing Officer, tion of extensive mineral areas who was commissioned out to the in the North West, West Indies by the War Office, places.
are that he hopes to meet their de ready held by local representative mands from local funds, whether permission and or not the amount necessary can in one area an extensive reef of te collected from the Imperial sheet mica has been located authorities.
Samples of the mica shipped away Income Tax Bill Deferred.
have been favourably reported The Secretary of State in ac upon by experts knowledging receipts of copies of With gard to the search for Grenada on the 25th Febuary, the Income Tax Bill, passed in oil in Demerara by Mr. Elliott bas informed the Governor that Alves, Chairman of the Venezue. Since the date of his despatch Nc: lan Oil Co. it is said that steps 111 of 11th November 1918, a will be taken shortly to make it perfectly clear, whether the co pointed in England which will Royal Commission has been ap an oil produc ing country in commercial quanti double income tax Lord Milner the of Mr. Alves ties or not. ir BFN Macseres from the estimates re.
decided to send cently Borie, a geoglogist of world wide immediate need for the imposi submitted that there is the no experience, to continue the investion of the theation energetically tax on financial ground and in these circumstances and British Guiana contributed to ed by the unofficial Members of in deference to the view express.
the W. Regiment, 14 officers the Legislative Council, he is and 743 men number. of men who had offered their ses pared to agree to further consideration of the Bill being deferred vies, 1705 were found to be medi until.
a decision is cally untit tilarial trouble being Majsty Governmetaken the his the cause for rejection in the comin nation of the Royal Com re majority of cases mission with regard to Donble In.
come Tax provided that, in the meantime, the need for revenue Grenada in the Colony does not render the passing of the Bill imperative Efrom the list Indian)
Labourers Emigrating.
St. Lucia Thousands of study hard working men are leaving our On approving the report of the shores every fortnight, Then St. Mary College examination are going to Demerara from for 1914 the oice of St. Lucia where, it appears, their friends comments thus:who are settled have written to them to come over. We have The report generally shows been flooded with enquiries con that the school is moving upward, chat a place but are up to now not tifying to parents and guardians in a position to state that of the pupils.
We see nothing for reasonable complaint work on a large scale has been wond the fact that patois is started in Demerara. What we suspect is that the labourers still a a serious matter to contend who go there now are taken on with in the way of progress, althe large estates which must though as regards Form Mr.
offer them good wages to induce Moulder says, in reference to them to remain.
English that Patois and un Eng.
lish phrases of purely St. Lucian Labour Recruiting Proorixe were not so much in eyihibited.
His Excellency the Governor that the widespread influence We agree with Mr. Moulder has received a despatch from the of patois is apt to nullify the el.
Governor of the Leeward Islands forts of stating that during the past deavour to improve the English the masters in their en three years a certain number of of the School, and to us it aplabourers have proceeded from peatree do not the Windward Islands to San sufficiently realize how much Domingo via St.
good recruiting they themselves can do by agent, that it is the force of towards the hibit recruiting in Seoskitts and stamping out of patois, which requesting that this information retarding the intellectual pro labourers may not go to St. Kitts we trust that all who find themplayed on every side. Really, in the hope of obtaining employ; selves thus guilty will get right ment in San Domingo and find and stop such sinning against the themselves unable to do so.
welfare of the colony. Soldiers Complant. Generally, our impression is His Excellency the Governor, that the College staff is made up in a strong spirit of sympathy of men deeply in earnest over took prompt action on the letter their work having their minds set addressed to him by 113 of our re. on obtaining the very best standturned soldiers, by holding a ard of results possible.
meeting at the Executive Council Chambers recently to go into the question raised. The soldiers Dr. JOHNSON letter began by complaining that SURGEON DENTIST they were made to suffer greatly through the absence of recog Phone 1003 Address nised means of contact with the Ancon, 852 JAMAICA examination may be continued in the colonies. meeting of the Local Eximi.
nations Committee was announced for Aug. 14. to discuss a cir Examinations cular on the subject recently received from Cambridge.
Mr. DeSouza has Trinidad Taken Final Test; Now for the Farms and Railroads at Entitled to Practice In connection with the Peace as Soliciter. Celebration the Governor of Trin.
idad exercised the Royal Clem.
ency by commuting the sen.
TWO INTERMEDIATES. tence of four long term prisoners who yere given their freedom.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Exemption to be granted to Articled Clerks who went In connection with the Peace Celebration, the City Council gave On Active Service. dinners to 1, 000 poor of the city, Free Transportation Half of this number was served The Gleaner understands that a in the Princes Building at 12 Apply to COOMBS cablegram has been received here o clock noon, by the Daily Mual announcing that Mr. De The other half was fed 137 Central Avenue 155 Street Souza has passed in tinal Law at the Nazareth House at p.
examination of los corporated by the Conference of St. Vincent PANAMA COLON Law Society of England, entitling de Paulo The dinner to the inhin of the Supreme Court, whilst Mes. took place later the same after Cox and Wood have noon.
passed the Intermediate examination.
News from Toeo is to the ef.
lect, that the existing weather is Mr. DeSouza is articled to the most satisfactory to the planters Arm of Messrs Lake and Rowe, of that district. The cocoa trees He is a son of the late Mr. Morti are all looking fine, and indica.
mer DeSouza, the well known tions for a good crop in October printer and stationer of this city are all there. There is a fair Both Messrs. Cox and Wood Obarrio Building. No. 2, Cilidonia Road are articled to Messas a model of fresh fish on sale, al thoug the customery Alexander respectively.
Lacson have not yet set in Ground prod LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR We understand that following visions are extremely scarce, and the principle laid down in England accordingly dear. The price of WATCH REPAIRING the authorities in Jamaica pro plantains at present is per five pose to grant certain exceptions cents, instead of and 10 for the WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. to articled clerks who had been same price. Contrary to former that they are likely to be exempt great luxuries, so seldom is that on active service. It is learnt experience, lobsters Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. from sitting for the Intermediate article seen on sale but they have to pass CAMPBELL and the counts and bookkeeping: Barbados really be taken WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
with the final examination, It is Phone 1053.
not unlikely that special legisla Cars Stop at the Door.
tive enactments will have to be el Vestry. Barbados, held on At a meeting of the St. Micha: passed to confer the above powers. the 10th instant. Dr GoulNew Fruit Company at burn Williams, Senior Resident Surxeon of the General Hospi Port Maria tal, was elected to the post of Port Maria. August The Michael, rendered vacant by the Piroebial Medical Officer for St.
people of this town were glad to death of Declin Bowen.
Welcome the arrival of the new fruit company purchasing here. There were six applicants for the So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and They paid 15 per hundred te post.
able bunches, pounds per hun the surrounding districts, the dred was the going price. The The British Union Oil Company ESPERANZA LAUNDRY consensus of opinion is that they has petitioned the Legislature for will ever be supported. Messrs. certain priveleges necessary for Goffe and Walker are the establishment of fuel oil has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West the local agents and Mr. Saun station a: Barbados, in the viciStreet, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro drs, Manager.
of Needhan Point. The and Arosemena From this port 1, 500 stems of fine company will acquire certain profruit for the Jamaica Fruit and perties in Bay Street, Laundry received up to Thursday Trading Coy, on the Imper. cinity of the Gas Works and Ice ator, Factory, and will lease the entire Can be had on Saturday.
lands ind properties of the Royal The Gleaner of the 7th inst. Mail Company from Shot Hall, to states that the decision of the the Electric Lighting Company Office open every day from 30 a. to 7p.
Loxal Examinations Syndicate to building.
SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON ab indon the Priliminary ExAPPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES amination after December 1920, The Barbados House of Assem.
has cansed some anxiety to the bly voted a sum of 1, 000 in conOR CALL UP PHONE 781 Masters and Mistresses of the nection with the Peace Celebra smidler schools in Jamaica. There tion at that Island.
is however, some chance that the His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, was early last month, in, St. Paul Cathedral installed, by Order of Letters Patent, as Grand Master of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. The ceremony is described by the Lon.
don Times as one of beauty and of a restrained and statuly Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York Among who took part in himself a member of the Order, the ceremony, being was Sir George Ruthven Le Hun.
te, an ex Colonial Sccretary of Capltal, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy. this Colony and a former Gover.
nor of the sister Colony of TriRESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
At Tuesday meeting of the Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama House of Assembly, the following questions were asked by the Senior members of the Executive Depository of the Panama Canal Committee: By Mr. Aus.
in: Whether the Government was aware that the West India THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION and Panama Telegraph Company IS INCLUDED IN THE ORG TIZATION OF Limited, had put up their rates for the transmission of Messages The National City Bank of New York it so, by whose authority the increase had been made (2)
Whether the Government would AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUrequire the Company to adbere TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES to the rates fixed in the Agreement of 10th August, 1914, and to refund those amounts demanOFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES ded and received for transmission of messages in excess of the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM above rates. MORRICE, ROBERTSON, To day. twenty eight days Sub Managers Acting Manager.
since the landing of the second batch of our men marks their return to civil life, when they will (Continued on Puge They shipped nity in the vi INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION pomp those ge where Kitts a licensed there Windward Islands in order the amazing amount of owing to the and, it


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