
Four Hundred Artizans and Laborers Quit the Railway LA MASCOTA Action which has been taken by Workers of the Locomotive Department The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes DEMANDS ARE NOT MET now here orders.
CRICKET WILKINSON Tuesdays Meeting of the House The Employees of the Locomoment is suffering exced ngly by tive Department of the Jamaica this apparently unending ei Railway numbering fully 400, of acting appointments whic did not resume work yesterday carry witn them no effective con.
morning. As we stated he men trol of the work, and that future gave two week notice to termi. Vacancies occurring, should be nate their engagement with the filled by promotion of the mit Railway and as certain demands elicient workers in succession in which they made have not been the service complied with, they decided to sever their connection with the not regard the action of any of That the Governinent should departinent the employees of this Depart In order that the position mint as aggressive and visit it might be thoroughly understood with disinissal or any other pun.
and the case of the men not misishment: but regard it is an hon represented we publish the fol est, conscientious and legitimate lowing letter dated the 2nd inst. endevour to improve their finan which they addressed to the Act. cilind social conditions.
ing Director of the Railway Our loyalty to the Govern of the matter as set out, her As early amicable adjustinent ment of this island and our du will enable the employees of this votion to the interest of the pub Department to continue in the he impetus to address you on service the Government.
the subject of the inadequate conditions under which wat Raply Received.
presentar erving your Depart.
ment The letter was sent through the Acting Locomotive Superin We are not desirous of termit ndent to the Acting Director of nating our services with the the Rilway and Mr. Dodd Government unless we shall be riply, dated the 7th instant, is as forced by the inadequate remun follows:eration and irksome conditions (as existing to leave our homes Locomotive Superintendent:and native land, to seek a living Please inform the delegates of in foreign countries; we therefore the Locomotive Workmen with have the bonour respectfully to regard to their letter of the 2nd forward this letter to His Excel certain conditions under which request you to be so good as to instant in which they refer lency the Governor, who, we are they are willing to continue their suie, will consider our position services with the Government, favourably that as informed them at the We are willing to continue our meeting had with them twe services with the Government, to days ag, the Railway canne be conited agree to the first three conditions Uubroken on the Following With regard to condition 4, the Conditions: Railway has, for some time con dred putting in sanitary ac. That we should receive an cominodations, but was debarred increase of pay of 33 3 per cent from so doing on account of the bigh prices of materials, but it We should receive pay for was hoped to make a start this Public Holidays ja on wasb up rooms Each employee should be en. With regard to condition titled to two weeks vacation on this is a matter which the Railfull pay in each year.
way is to decide and not the That proper sanitary and Workmen.
other accommodation should be With regard to condition 6, a.
provided in our department. told the delegates, would look The practice of giving out into the question of the Acting work to private firms when snch Foremen.
work can be at least equally as well done by our department men have also sent to the Acting It might be mentioned that the should be terminated.
Governor a copy of the com6. That the men now hoiding munication they addressed to the the positions as acting foremen Acting Director, and they ex in some of the shops be cunfirn press the confidence that His ed in the substantive positions Excelleney would find a satirespectively with full pay and factory solution to the diftieu.
priveleges at once as the Depar ties which had arsen.
19 (Continued from page 2)
throw off the khaki of the past four years and don civilians. It was also pay day for the men, each of whom received a sam of THE HOME OF 10. Thus a total sum of 1, 600 was paid out to 160 men to day, and Bridgetown is all the more busy for the happening. The settlement of the majority of these men on something to do is the problem still engaging official at tention High and Low Cut Owing to a disagreement between the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and some of the is.
in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet lands around us, the coastal mail services carried on all these the Pocket of All have been discontinued, and thus years at St. Lucia and Grena ia it is that the M:S. Tatt is on ber for way to Trinidad It is understood that the Company asked for an inC. MULLER crease of the subsidy which the island governments were not disSole Agent posed to give.
Both the Barbados Ice Compa.
37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA ny and the Crystal Ice Factory are turning out ice and selling at the rate of 12 per ton or 60c. Der 100 lbs. This is dearer than the price paid in the past, but the condition is said to have been Dr. G. CONNELL brought about by circumstances over which neither company has GOODS SURGEON DENTIST control. At present, however, ice is an indispensable commodiDo you know that we keep the Can be found at 175 ty and in recent days when only the old company worked, was most complete Assortment of Central Avenue easily sold by retailers at three Opposite Station or four cents per pound.
Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, sum of 600 was voted at We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee every Article we sell.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER Colonial Trea urer and Staff of. Here are some of our Stockthe Treasury for extra work performed by them in connection Granu Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves First Class Workmanship with the Special Accounts and all Plans and Specifications Free extra work entailed by the war, Bats Batting Gloves such suin to be appointed as the Executive Committee shall direct.
15th Street West House 90 Cricket Bales and Score Books. Box 411, Panama, The mid year examinations at Codrington College was held last Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you week. The following are the come and look over our Sporting Department Lessons Given candidates who took papers: Rev. Pemberton (B, Examin.
THE MADURO COMPANY on the Clarinet, the leading and Holder (Final ation. Messrs. Rochford (Honours) Classics. Messrs.
Band Instrument.
Orchestra furnished for all Bannister and Crawford (Finals Pass) Claskinds of engagements.
sics. Messrs A Beckles, Open all Day Saturday, until 30 NEILSON Alleyne and Farrel Clarinetist Republican Band (Divinity Portion of Honours Ancen Phone 1053 Finals. Mr. Reece (First Public (Honours) Classics. and 16 St. West. House 27. Panama Mr. Talma (First Public (Honours) Mathematics. ALLMAN Considerable difficulty in obLADIES AND GENTS TAILOR taining passages for England Between 10th and 11th Sts.
direct or via New York is being Competitors for the experienced by a large number Bottle Alley. Colon, of of persons anxious to reach the other side. There will be no MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER opportunities by the Lamport Holt Linc until August next.
LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY and as far as we learn bookings Latest English and American Fashions are so heavy in South America COMPETITION that chances even then are very Also Cleaning Pressing, slim.
of 50 (Pesos) Cash Prizes Your Patronage Solicited Mr. Attale of Trinidad has Prices Moderate written Mr. Yearwood offering to send over a cricket Are hereby reminded that the timeMY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY. will be shortly considered at a team at an early date. The ofier limit (Tuesday September 30, meeting of the Cricket Club Committee.
1919) for turning in Wrappers to WM. LAWRENCE the WORKMAN PRINTERY is Tailor and Outfitter Tobago drawing near.
Dealer in School Books, His Excellency the acting Gov.
ernor has appointed a committee for the purpose of considering Collect your Wrappers and be sure they are No. 11 Street, Panama the question of introducing a properly addressed and forwarded to suitable scheme for the improve2 chains from Central Ave.
ment of the lighting of Scarboro.
This is a progressive move. The THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Address: Warden is the chairman. The Committee has held their first CENTRAL AVENUE STREET No. Box 805, Ancon Z, meeting. Box 74, Panama, Panama Hats NEED WATCH CLEANED, and BLOCKED and TR IMMD to Order ALSOWe Always have in Handto Com MILLINERY DRESSMAKING plete Low Prices WATCHES and JEWELRY HOUSE No. 965, La Boca Give us a call Before Go. ng ElseNotice The Garage where every one is treated alike. where. You are sure to be on Time if Your WATCH was Repairad by US One Price Good Service The undersignen begs to state Remember We Make Wed that he is not in the employ of Right Pricse ding Rings and Other any Government Corporation or Company other than that of the Jewelry to Order United Fruit Company for whom he is contracting and employing men for work on their farms at FULLER is the MAN You Want to See Bocas del Toro. All the men so 129 CENTRAL AVENUE engaged by him are sent to Bo.
Corner 22nd Street, Panama, cds direct and no other place.
Phone 939 (OgCdneA(SS, MB OPEL ATTENTION. Octagon (Soap) Wrappers. Sailings for Bocas Launch ALBA Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro Every Tuesday.
Taking Freight Passengers For Further Particulars Apply to CARLOS HENRIQUEZ 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON of the occasion The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT Oceanic Century from to celebrate the centenary of this daring voyage by its gallant Steam to Flying little namesake vessel But New York may share in the since the Savanhonors Curiuos interest attaches to nah was launched at Carlears the fact that the first crossing of Hook in August, 1818, being the Atlantic by the air route is then a sailing ship intended for practically coincident with the the coast wide trade. Her steam centennial of the first trans outfit consisted of a ninety horsecem voyage by steam And power engine and two folding interest is intensified at this end paddle wheels which could be of line by the further fact stored on deck when not in use.
that both the accomplishments after her memorable voyage are to be set down as triumphs overseas the small ship dis, with the carded her engine, took again to New York World, white wings and was finally It was 22. 1819 that wrecked off the South coast of the little steamer Savannah set Long Island.
out from the Georgia port of that name, headed tentatively for old The Savannah of this heroic England. She reached Liver record was a boat of 350 tons.
pool in twenty five days, on No suggestion of a leviathan seven of which she turned from about her, but abundant proof steam to canvas.
of the pluck of her master and Savannah is already preparing (crew. Exchange. the was on CHALMERS GARAGE


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