
Over the Top United States Pharmacy Published on Saturdays by HN New PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only. kód must be accompanied by the came of Ope Year Six Month Three One 20 Boe 25 We do not undertake to return Panama, RP sevClab.
day mind, and a PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 Editorialettes.
Failing to disrupt us, the ene.
my tried to bring us into disre There is an under current pute by inciting us to strike in Rates for Advertisement on applictTry a Bottle To day of the Wonderful Flesh at work somewhere among our presence he has betted that WALROND. at the ottier Central Avetion. Correspondence on all matters healing, Penetrating our people and we must be we would strike when the boats nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
that were tied up in de guarded against its unfavorreached the piers at All copy for publication must be Cristfork FOUR FOLD LINIMENT able influence. Certain profes. He has failed. The teachings of ngs of sed gentlemen of our race are the Brotherhood are potent RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Guaranteed to Cure Rheumatism, Sore Throat and Chest, always on the job to knock enough to hold its members in 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
Lameback, Lumbago, Grippe, Headache, Toothache, etc.
leash. If a strike everything that is commend of on the Isthmus; it will be with ever pulled tion but as a mark of good faith.
Equally as Good for Animals able and gives sign of success the consent and backing of the rejected correspondence.
What these miserable, black Grand Lodge at Detroit, MichiWe have marvelous letters from men and women all minded, double tongued, two gan; and due notice will be given The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS over the country testifying to the cures made by using faced trouble vendors and the officials of the Panama Canal, FOUR FOLD LINIMENT. Buy a bottle to day, 30c, 20c; scandal mongers ought to reof such impending strike. We SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 and 20. Better than doctors or anything you can use.
have reached the crest of the hill, ceive is unvieled exposure. and are now descending into the They are no help to the com fertile plains. There are more The Possibilities of The Colored Race.
SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY munity and precious little to silver employees within the fold United States Pharmacy themselves. The coat of the of the Brotherhood than without CENTRAL AVENUE.
sheep still covers the form of By organizing we have acquired Members of races other than ours are not sparing in thirsty wolf, but one good day to assert our strength in the strength, and a voice with which their speculations over the impossibilities of the descendA. LOPEZ, Proprietor.
we ll pull it off and then every struggle to establish and mainants of the African race. They assert that there is no body will see who is who. tain the rights that all ein ployees need to take any Negro movement seriously as the people do not possess the qualities which could make them an inSest Indians are being should have.
scrutinized by all other sec For fifteen years the rights of dependent race. Moreover it has been mentioned by tions of this community; and pled upon by unscrupulous fore.
silver employees have been tram a clever ignoramus that the monkeys have come off the Commercially, in Panama there lies ahead of us a we are being judged, not ac men trees, and it won be possible to send them back. great future. We have before us grand opportunities. We cording to what we arb at en knows that some silver and others. Everybody We have no great anxiety to discuss either of these have so far got into the habit of doubting, that we are masse, according to reports wors twelve or more hours a day; employees statements, because they mean nothing literally or practi sceptical about every enterprise set out on the market by circulated abuut us. When that an increaeenin wages de. of foremen; achs from which they have emanated. It will do us not the in the efforts of those of our people who catch the vision outside our ranks very slight eral years faithful service, at man most infinitessimal degree of good to take cognizance of advanced business life we could achieve much.
The the stupid utterances of phlegmatic boneheads and empty strength of any people is computed according to the com or against us, but when, they ment at the recommendation is the effect that they work on ment has been recommendation or headed whipper snappers whose propaganda of disunion mercial activity and agricultural industry just as well as come from within. foreman who may have no regard among the Negroes has become too naked to longer es it is reckoned by their intellectual culture and social for justice or truth; that the case of said victim is sometimes invescape detection and exposure.
status. Warning.
tigated in sucn a manner as gives It is not untrue that in some respects we should acWe cannot remain indolent and inert and expect to metthe impression that foremen and cept the assistance of other people. We do not advocate tamorphose the conditions of our existence either by a magic ready to believe it or not, the poly on truth, and that all suborWhether our people are others in authority have a monoabsolute, entire and complete separation, in all respects wish or miraculous phenomenon. We are capable of producfrom them, nor do we believe that there is any col ing from our brawn and brains an atmosphere of self reliance chief and most harmful ene dinates belong to the Ananias ored man however ultraistic in his views, who will not that will ultimately bring to us the satisfaction of true pro mies of the race are the gangs Well, our voice shall be heard recognize the honest intentions of some of our friends; gress. If we depreciate our own value it will hardly be pos of know a. the clubs of but we will accept their help only in so far as it is genuine, sible for us to aim at anything higher than last place in the the stand aloof and the as in unmistakable terms upon these and unselfish. If we have lost faith in so called philanthro world.
sociations of the wait and questions in the near future, and pists it is not because we are afflicted with bitter prejudice, The thousands of untouched hectares lying in Paja are can be found those who are gress will be held in see. In all of these classes who shall deny us a hearing?
The first International Labor Conbut rather that the touch of sincerity has been lacking in calling to an awakened community to develop them. too cowardly to talk out, but this coming October. Among the Washington the advertisement.
The needs of far sighted trading companies keep banging nevertheless, like hypocrites questions to be considered at this In all concerns affecting our welfare we should seek to in our ears. The United Brotherhood has numerous plans of the first waters great international meeting in exercise the fact and an interested weif lowly if even the effort proves difficult in itself. There is populace with open ears and straining eyes is shouting good in anything except the principitong bigtitstication of of hour no reason why we should be nursed and cuddled by other Ready! Why can we have our own groceries and propositions put forth by this in forty eight hour week. Keeping people when we are strong enough to act for ourselves. We stores? What on earth, prevents us from establishing an themselves. The man who that silver empiosees must work and brings help from undesirable quarters it would be more man negro manufacturies? And who says we can develop most dangerous man in the gold employees in day consists of Jould seek to be let alone, and if even an intrusive curiosity import and export company? Where lies the difficulty in criticizes everything is the ten hours before time begins for them, ly to refuse and struggle than accept and go easy. We our own corporations?
community and the best way eight hours, no honest and reaswill not be respected as long as we permit fourselves to be The only real impediments are to be found among our to get rid of him is by asking onable man will attempt to deny carried along, no more than we would develop if we continue selves. Some of us are either openly or covertly opposing what he would recommend as us the right to obtain an eightto allow others to think for us.
the advancement of the race. When, for instance, we a worthy venture without How far we can accept and appreciate outside help is criticize our professional men, are we not at the same consider ng bimself. Džep unUp to the present, the policy not definable for any particular individual: it is altogether time unconsciously demoting oursevlves, as a whole, and derneath the criticisms líes adoptedmino fixing the wages of a personal matter, and we should be permitted to regard holding up to ridicule those of our own who have already the spirit of selfishness and silver employees is to think first and last of the who it as such. Our business relations would now and then succeeded and are showing to others the true path of in oneness. and it doesn performs the work. It is needless draw some of us into a peculiar, and sometimes, embarras dependence? When some of our own first rank gentlemen take much of a microscope to to state that we intend to put sing proximity were we to indulge in wholesale antipathy ally themselves with purposeless gangs and seek to reveal it.
such a policy on the garbage pile, against them. For this and other patent reasons we, weaken the influence of selfsacrificing zealots, are they regardless of its origin. In the as a united people, are by no means, hostile to our neigh not really undermining the structure which they profess Labor Day.
future, wages shall be determined bours of other classes, nor do we endorse the spirit of they are trying to build? When misguided individuals by the quality and qua The Unted Brotherhood of work performed without refer. get em which we notice has been let loose in other take upon themselves to attack; unfavorably, every kind Maintenance of Way Employ ence to the worker, except as to countries.
are the ties his official ees and Railway Shop, Labor cording to the care opere We are deeply concerned, one and all, about the culti bind the race. a big day in It is our policy to encourage every worthy effort put Panama and Colon on Labor borer may be paid twenty centy vation of a pure racial independence which would throw 16, 1919; a West Indian la us on our own mettle and make us work out for ourselves forth among our people by our people, and for our people. Day. Everybody in connec an hour if the work performs cern at the present time. Speaking at the Southern Socio industrial activities; we say a good word for our profes. to have a Day of days on the ardous, or variy disagree entrants logical Congress at Atlanta a few years ago, Dr. Weather sionals; we mean to support and stand by our leaders; we the day dedicated to toil. European laboreristwentycents. ford of Nashville Tenn. although a white man, remarked: shall sustain our weak and help our struggling brethren; and from what has been learnt How in the name of reason can Humanity is humanity whether the color be black or We shall live, and let live.
nothing else will be thought we be contented when a European white, and know no fiat of God that makes white any more valuable as a color, or any other easier to deal with one, not so mnch with the men as it is with the women. The men are preparing to ot work? Everybody knows that No one will doubt that the moral question is a painful of but the Union Meetings. laborer is given a bigher wage than we for doing the same kind than black. Thus, in a where crackerism is as wild Can we not stop the sickening degeneracy as we see over ride all obstacles and the West Indian can do more and aa a tiger, a white man dared to stand up and speak the it? Many more than the one hundred and forty prosti bring off a day that will long better grass cutting than a Eurotruth on behalf of a Negro.
titutes who are to be deported are here; and unless we get be remembered by one and all. pean. Is it possible that a We are a people within whoseħrange there lies every busy the numbers will rise. Who is turning out the great The demonstrations will be wium is placed upon inefficiency once heard Col. Devol the races. Our industrial merit, our agricultural skill, our no inducement to offer, and can we not hit this disgrace be greater and the green and at Corozal that he never had the.
business proclivities and our social qualifications are all ful trade in its vitals and banish it for ever?
red button of the Brother grass cut so well as universally known. Not only in the West Indies, whence most of the colored community on the Isthmus have mi and denounce the evil as it is perpetrated by men whose The rise that labor has taken first year apprentice in the shops, Let our colored preachers open wide their mouths hood will bs seen everywhere. Negroes were cutting it, and he grated, but also in the United States the ability to take on in the socialistic world is too and a West Indian helper ara civic responsibility as seen in the colored race has won the social ethics are said to be higeer than that of the negro significant to admit of a cool each paid twenty cents an hour.
It is not impossible for the colored ministers to kill admiration of the great thinkers in these countries. In the West Indies our men have, and are holding the highest out vice or any other evil. Let our well thinking men and celebration of Labor Day. At the beginning of this ageconce The Camps of the working. year, the appřentice gets thirty. while and this is all the more note worthy when such positions white soldier or a white sailor or any other white man seeks men and the walls of labor cimes arbete moeehelpers who ohits positionscan and social. but not without some emphasis on business life. tute an investigating department which will help the shouts of released labor which cents an hour fortunately are known to be competitive. The progress is intellectual to prostitute our girls. Let our Red Cross women insti halls will resound with the Hoges coming out of industrial slav to receive an increase in wages.
race is seen entirely in business. The American Negro, ac think of the advancement of our race. We can become Over in the States the greatest advancement of the police to kill out the white slave traffic in our midst.
Impossibility is no word in our vocabulary when we ery will rejoice at its eman Surely no first year apprentico cipation.
can repder more and better sercording to the observation of a Southern Social Worker, commercially active and great by co operating, and comvice in the shops than the West Indian helper. Why then do they has lost faith in the Spelling book and has come to believe bining our financial powers. We can establish agricultural telton Oh! ve been connecwd to all leave it to others of greater abiliYoung to in the Pocket book. There are large industries in the North and South owned and operated by Negroes, nothing to industry by which we might find employment for our the best families in the orange He Ah! you are a telephone operty to discover the course of reasoping pursued by those who have say of the rich banks controlled entirely by them. These people and kill the high prices in the market. We can erecta. schools in which our children might receive a higher eduarrived at the conclusion that one facts show the possibilities of the colored race, in addition cation. We can run our own stores and theatres, and we NOTICE.
man should be paid more for do to the moral tendencies taken generally; There is, how. can bring our race into a prominence that will demand ing work that is less in quantity ever, the necessity for the propaganda of self computation the respect of everybody, everywhere.
and inferior in quality.
As there have been many new among our people. Many talented men are throwing away We to put their golden opportunities; many young women are selling With sensible investigation, sober decision, and uns so ieties ar taries of Friend: end to such congeries of injuga their virtue for nought. We must stimulate a sense of flinching determination let us rally to the standard of our yearly election, the Friendly the road to progress are small at regular. across sober ambitition and self respect among the members of brethren, for the progress and advancement of our race Societis Directory which formy our own race here. We are performing a general service gifted with so many opportunities, and possessing so many erly appeared inthe Workman and weak in comparison to the when we seek to develop the highest and best qualities qualities and facing so great problems in this new era of is he up pending the changes, organized forces of the working that we possess.
world re adjustment.
Will the new secretaries there people who see clearly the way fore be guided accordingly?
Conhed on page quantity of extra hazThe cheaper receive two


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