
Canal Zone Notes Panama Optical Co.
Attention! Interest. or Clarke Pitts are men sim share inquire the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
yet these its most y dance on Aug 2nd, ted ccasion THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 PAGE FIVE Rope Or y Cure The Anti Negro for Whole.
La Boca Continued fromage 1)
B: EDUARDO MORALES ear and far powers Torner and James Pitts. Each WHII, the Anti Negro Germis WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. Wedding Bells.
faces an indictment on the three mtking a havoc in the world. One La Boca is again the scene of many in one lens make counts. attempts on the lives of vuld hardly find a book, maga GRAVES JOHNSON weddings; during the previous week Policeman Troy, Lieut. Paul Duffs zine or a daily newspaper where there has been quite a shower, the most and Sergeant Hugh McCarthy in this cursed germ is not to be recent are two of the loveliest which GLASSES Arthur McNeil head of the Nat found. There is not a Continent, ional Association for the Advan Corld it is not seen, heard or felt. Our Business Country or took place on Sunday the 17th inst. ad We sell Gasoline, Oils, Repair parts and and 30 m, respectively one of these indispensable for cement of Colored People, ceretnonies was performed in the EpiscoChicago, together with Thomas and whose mission is to destroy Accessories.
pal Church by the Rev. Malcare every pccasion May, Ernest the and Joseph e industrial, political and the other in the Wesleyan Church being held charged and social progress of the Negro Our Policy by the Is Loveridge with assault to murder. The as a recompense for helping to were called to cvilize Europe.
The policy of the house is to treat its Preparations for Labor relatives who reside at 4td In Civilized and Democratic customers right.
ar Boulevard. mob of white men America, The Land Of The Free The first of September promises to be had threatened to storm the re from whence go forth thousands Our Aim a big day here, preparations are being sidence and were hurling bricks of Missionaries to civilize Africa made in all quarters for the celebrations at the windows. Myron Delfield China. Japan and the Islands of To please all and displease none.
of that day. The Girls Friendly Society a white boy, said to be member the seas, the Anti Negro Germ is preparing to have some fun. The of the mob, was shot when he at is still going strong. Lynching, Our Hope Silver City Band is practising very hard tempted to enter the front door burui buri ing alive human beings, of and looking forward to taking equal You can get them at of the residence. When the men shooting of negrors are That our friends will remember that we are in the band processions on Labor in the house showed fight the ple pasti mes. When we ask why ever eager to see and to serve them.
day. It is hoped that the efforts of.
182 Bolivar Street, Colon white mob disappeared. these crimes are being committed everyone will be crowned wita success in Front of Masonic Temple Building)
Lieut. Washington the answer is sure to be, the nigger raped a white woman, or DROP IN AND SAY HELLO!
BIRTH Released Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge.
he kidnapped a white child; a yet At La Boea, House 978 on 16th inst, to State Attorney McLay Hoyne when said statements are put to Corner Street Ancon Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Mordecaia daughter ordered the release of Lieut. the test, we find that ninety and Louis Washington and Michael nine cases out of a hundred they PHONE 85 GAMBOA WANTED Browning, who were accused of are false. When we the murder of Clarence Metz, a cause of the Liverpool riot, we To purchase at once 309 white boy who was killed in a read in the columns of the Eng There was a large attendance at the second hand Folding Chairs, mob at 43d and Forrestville ave lish papers the following. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Williacos nue. Washingtən, Browning and white woman is too familiar Gamboa on Sunday evening to the in good condition; similar to two young women were brutally with black men sbe is seen christening of their little daughter in those used in Theatres and assaulted by a mob at this point walking in the streets with black Viola. The christening took place at Be Lodge Halls. Will not conshould and in the tight Metz was slain. men. something be.
Albans Church Paraiso, the His throat was cut. It is declar: done to stop it. in South Africa Nightengale officiating. After the wore than ten.
Bor. Isider quotations on lots less ed that this is the same mob a prostitute is sent to jail it mony the guests who took the little in which attacked the home at 4404 caught speaking to a Negro. and fant to church journeyed by automobile Apply to Grand Boulevard. Judge Gem all that kind of bull to Gamboa where they were met by ser. JAMES VANTERPOOL nill permitted a change in the same sons of the British Isles are eral others.
charge of murder against Samuel to seen walking, speaking, and The ceremony started at preGatun Locks, Gatun Johnson, accused of killing marrying FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE women. How cisely. The Chairman Mr. Pollard, Berger Odman a white lad, can you love a woman, and at the sponsor along with Miss Clarke headed Johason told the court that a same time hate her father, brothe table while the parents took place at PERU Saturday night last the spacious Cheb nob in which Odman was a lead thers and sone? If it is good in the foot and with the other guests around. was one more packed to er besieged his house and that the sight of a man to have a color will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon. The table was beautifully decorated and capacity, when the said Ser Goodies it was in self defense that he fired ed twice in the crowd. Odman fell in his sight for a colored man to ed woman, it should be also good THURSDAY, AUGUST, 28th 1919, for a most lavish preparation of all niceties band of musie which played for the with a knife in his hand.
that could have been prepared were at womens Auxillary dance have a white woican.
If the Ne.
Guayaquil, Payta, En, Pacas nayo, Salaverry, Callao, hand. The Chairman Mr. Pollard opened rendered some of the classiest music ever Cunningham a Rioter. sro should be lynched because he Tambo da Mora, Piico, Chala, Mollendo, Arica, fiquique, the ceremony with a brilliant speech and heard on the Canal Zone. Notwithstan Antofagasta Cañaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
was followed by Messrs. Jackman, ding the small a tendance of the fantas The case of Policeman John mingles with a white woman, the A. Williams, Brown and Malcolm wbotic gliders yet the Hall was packed to Cunningham, white, 1112 bey white man should be lynched it street, who engaged an aut he mingles with a negro woman. ELLERDALE also gave addresses which were apprecia with visitors credit must be given mobile Tuesday night, July 29, On Tuesday morning 12th inst.
ted hy every one. These gentlemen are Secretary S, Small for the wonderiul and drove through the with about one o clock, three Military will leave Cristobal, at end of August for a very much known and it is expected that decorated stage and up to date building.
side between 26th and h Police assembled at the stairs of there were set for fine speeches on the HAVRE AND LONDON Weession. Mr. Brown one of Gamboa streets, shooting up the stress the International Club (a Negro Excelsior better known as Brown and wounding several people, place accompanied by a yallow loquent speakers is to be mentioned for men journeyed over to the Lok City on has been called to the attention negro called Tucker, asked to his address especially dwelling on the re Sunday last where a very most interes of State Attorney Maclay have some drinks: KASSALA the proprietor sponsibilities of the sponsors, which he ting kame of cricket was to Hoyne The case was referred Mr. Sharp told them he could will sail on SUNDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 1919, for siid is not being carried out as it should a few bukl showers of rain which feil Assistant State Attorney only serve them soft drinks.
request that these do carry them out prevented both teams from pr»
Wilson for investigation. Cun They agreed and sat down at a HAVRE AND LONDON so that others may be admonished by their which was the better: ningham was carried to Provi. table quite satisfied. At the next examples. During the ceremony the ofining the toss sent Operators to face the CARGO ONLY.
dent Hospital for treatment table two colored sailors were gentlemen The record on the riot injured seated making jokes and laughpassing the nicidios emberen were busy bowling of Elock, the well wo prepared ORIANA list stated that he had been ing inerrily, when the Military and every one was well satisfied that they Lawrence and Gittens the first two pared crack bowler from the windy city shot by accident. In the car told them (the Ne. will leave CRISTOBAL on Thursday 4th September have spent a good evering. As it was batsmen for Operators commenced scorwith Cunningbam was a a groes) they would buy yut the 1919 for late and many of the guests were fromning from the first ball delivered when at internal revenue inspector whose jokes for a drink. The Negroes NEWPORT NEWS LIVERPOOL the lines the Chairman declared the fun the fall of the first wicket iten runs were Frank Hodex.
Cun answered and said we do not Lion closed by the singing of the Doxology registered Gittens having five to his ningham was shot three times, want any drink, if we wanted we and when taken to Provident it could buy.
buy. At this credit Davis then joined Lawrence Masters Lionel and Lester Williams who had just opened his sight on the VICTORIA is said he told the nurse to cover gentlemen were offended and went to Panama Saturday to spend time ball and after a beautiful four to bounand after up with a sheet like he was there and then they took their will leave Cristobai on Sunday, 7th September 1919 for dary was caught in the next ball when dead in order to keep the mob exit: about hall hour after NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL The Sunday School class started a few heavy downpour of rain put a stop to from attacking him.
twelve or more of them came rush. For Further Particularsweeks ago is being well attended every what promised to be a very interesting Whites Held. ing up the stairs, a revolver in Sunday. That good Parents, send the game of cricket.
one hand and the staff in the kids out William Hefferman and eleven other. Their first victim was the JApply to the Office of the Companies at Mr. and Mrs. Hazal lost their Instailarion of officers CRISTOBAL blows received. They days old baby girl a few days ago, but disorderly conduct at the stock pianist whose head was broken Monday night Aug. 18th, Perseveremother is well.
yards were granted jury trials next turned on the two sailors or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, ince Lodge No. 2501, installed their by judge Gemmill and admitted and and ill treated them most uumerMr. James who with a gang was Officers when President Spence and 400 bonds The bonds of one of cifully, They finally pulled one PANAMA.
doing cleaning and wiring for the cattle Morales of Colon gave most interesting the dozen, John Sheehan, of the sailors downstairs and industry has been transfered to Bohio ddress, the hall was packed to its charged with assault and bat beat him almost to death.
We miss him at nights around the apacity and over 160 new members tery were made 10, 000. The Dotminotable.
ere made. Several members from On Monday night of this week eases of four white men charged they tried the same joke in the with shooting Everett Martin, OVER THE TOP will not shirk his duty Ithrough ground onee more as a little cricketing is ver on the 6, 30 train The boye are cleaning up their cricket frijoles and Monte Lirio journeyed over 4531 Vincennes avenue, were con streets but many of them are fear of losing his job. The new all they have to pass the time.
tinued by Judge Barasa to await now very sorry for the attempt Negro knows his value, and will Aug, 13th inst. our well known enerthe outcome of Martin injuries as they found out that the ne(Continued on paras compel others to a just The Bachelors intend to play the Beni getic school teacher Mr. Smellie took The men are George. groes Isthmus are deestimate upon bis services. diets of cricket large and Drew and William Baer.
themselves which to. toiltight set a beating under the haters. yet, these same fthe They admitted beating Martin Chiappose they Colored Gem kennel Curoner Hoffman has set Aug. sons of a big and proud natin complish the task set before them. front can daunt, it the truth be luck.
World Glee Singers, these young ladies like House No. 30 (the Bachelor Quarters) who consisted of our best singers and did into the death of Eugene Wild black women in the Red light come with horfor asked to kiji Erious Negro Poer. Before we but remember the City of Refugo were given them by the Colon de diente as the date for the inquest ke America seem to glory in we shall shatter the varied and truth, and right be right, is the While Wage Board would re Paul Lawrence Dunbar sings our has become a Benidiet. Good luck boy; popular teacher, as encores of applause liams, the coil drowning at districts. of beach fanned into action Wage who fearful, with on the other side.
would not even ook look riots. The Coroner physician Neg Misses Nugent, Gray, MoCarty, has examined the dead body of upon. There are also many wage to silver employees, is in therhood, for we are a band of with folks joy riding in the evenings.
Board, by paying starvation draw the ranks of the Bro Our highway is becoming quite popular Edwards, McClean and Smel the the so called gentlemen who lie Williams and declared that the pianist, who for the first time played directly doing that awful wrong.
stone thrown by George Stauber curse the Negroes nigger and with clear eyes and firm convicting men, and will at the Atlantic City; Mis Goodridge, The John are to be seen around again Marks, George, Edwards along (white. if you think that join once more as their system of credit is Richards, our Prima Donna of this with their bundles, everybody welcome with London. The Misses Muriel, avenue, did not cause the drown ging around these same black we shall go forward to the risinging the Brotherhood will cause quite helping to the poor laboring man.
row women.
ing. Stauber is being held on a sun of a new day, and a better, you to lose your job, we advise town received great praise.
bond of 50, 000. It is believe in race pride on a happier, and prosperous life.
you to go on record in the newsPapa Jordan our kind commissary must be given Miss Smellie and her that policeman Daniel Callaha whole, but not in part believe. that the white man should stick things that are Caesar s, and see ganization. Your boss will see We will render unto Caesar the papers as being against the or manager has returned and resumed his hard working father for the enjoyable.
force to the time spent by the large audience.
and tried on a charge of criminal black man should sticke the the us the things that are ours. The concern, and you will hold your to it that Caesar renders unto that you are not in that fools.
Dacosta Green well known janitor of negligence preach: every mem as yea GATUN house 57, returned from Ancon Hospital fund to provide counsel for ers for white congregation, and Death of Mrs. Lilian Holder on Thursday 21st inst. his condition is the men and women indicted for colored preachers for colored con ber to sive to his superior offi for ever and ever.
murder during the riot is under gregation. An eye for an eye, cers, both white and colored, the much improved after a second operation STOUTE to amount of respect that is due The sad death of Mrs. Lilian Holder, first at Colon Hospital and second at way. It is said that the national a tooth for a tooth. As for me, the holders of such offices. This Cristobal, occurred at Ancon Hospital on Tuesday Ancon.
Association for the Advance. feel quite safe and at heme night Aug. 19th, brought out a large ment of Coloured People will with my owa; so, irad vise every being done, we shall demand that courtesy to which every suborERRONEOUS funeral attendance at this town on Wed(Chigo one concerned to do likewise.
head the movement.
Well, Well, what about that road and dinate is entitled. The official nesday evening last. The deceased is Defender)
who attemps to bally us will find neither observing or nice.
who first called a woman a Cat was the wife Eleazer Holder, employee of the garden which the new Clubhouse is badADVERTISE IN Transmission Department at this dis ly in need of, the occupants and their that he has, interfered te with to the best think at how he treated up like are friet, also chorlater on the St. Georges friends have to walk through the long FITZ BOWEN nest of. We views that each hold about Mice.
66 THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR The Workman make our neighbour do as he and both can flere serateh you, but quantances tender their sympathy to his general Secretary take a peep some day of course both are purring and soft Church High St, All his friends and ac grass when the night comes; cannot our would be done by.
motherless children aed join in the sed and see the inconvenience to which 28 November Street, San Miguel The new Negro who sees the IT PAYS TORN Lean Rugs up keTree unor bereavement of the lost of his wife who is patrons are subjected to in going and House 20.
way and means of deliverance a CAT RUN UP Dressmaker sino gone but not forgotten.
from up take place and reol 10 Excelliser will bear gentlemen name was reply the with Grannie.
him place Naward Neylon, Padicharphys ishted to take part in technoloe: along which they augot to so. The aran who is strong continet home to be defeated at home and then te overemo Colon to partake in a concert syveneminth where alberic tebe Think ofritjor Women and torture the children oret eoses de tres Petrulle foremost be to welopen your returned notion de ne pas le Negroes of from have no among void us 2904 Credit still


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