
PAGE SIX Yankee Words and IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT British Deeds The Coming Struggle for Industrial Supremacy (By EDWARD MIGHT in the New Illustrated. The Scadron Optical Co. for the after Reil of the land PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT the some Assurance Were une Briton has varmed it?
war, other Even where the Ameri advantage, as Palmer Restaurant together THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 Comfort Ye, Com scathed y tot destroyed, must now be evinced rater portion than ever, to fort Ye My enable it teach the top victorious.
For if that run with the footmen, People.
and they le wearied thee, then how canst th) contend with horses and if in the of peace wherein thou (BY AB KINNIMOUTH, 2) trustedst, thy wearied thee, then how The recent great upheaval that the wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?
GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE world has undergone has caused the sub We mentioned that the Infinite, after mersion of many conditions that were leading us out of he house of bondage, hampering to the true progress of men, will still remember to bring us into the while many new and welcome conditions lands where equal rights and opporhave been cast upon the surface. The en tunity await us, iw He hu done tire social and economic structure has up with His other children in the past Carefully Properly dergone Vast change preparatory to a Erroneous though curtain parts of the Shur Shellte complete reconstruction, and humanity in system that governs the Universe might Tested Fitted as it were, soeking to establish itself ons seem to be, yet everything is fulfilling new footing, where the principle of equali its purpose in its time and place as part ty shall govern all, and Right, not of a great plan; plan evidently Might, shall be the lord.
tends towards development ant growth In this resdjustment of the statuses of in all its phases. Hence the Necro race, rases and nations, the place that will be as part of such a plan, most develop and assigned to the Negroes of the world is a grow; it must be going. matter which has called for much specut. backward, lation, and which has aroused unusual in The widely disseminated theory of the teres, on be PANAMA CITY of all COLON NEW YORK part thoughtful and racial inferiority of the Nigro, and the intelligent members of the гасе.
23 Central Avenue 44 Front Street tending the Peace Conference at Paris has development. This delay, or hold known that representative of Negrocs into causes that gave rise to it, nt as the result of a deluy in the proc have submitted to that august assembly up, as it deserves to be resoluti ns in which are laid down the effected by the very bnes responsile for to be termed principlee uwon which the future deve the promulgation of the theory. ment of the 250, 000, 000 Negrons and in large numbes were forcioly take of the world must take But wither or not these resolutions have situations with all daithir origin ind placed in conditions that been adopted is not known, nor has any made for inferiority survive thaite else been known to have transpired them When, at last, these situatio:s became which would offer some that Guarantees Satisfaction in the definite and positive conclusions have intenable, without any previous preps.
reuched regarding the status of Negrace thrust upon them, for which they were ration Dew conditions were suddenly cutting and manipulation of among the other peoples of the world, ofd not ready, and to which VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Swall wonder, therefore, if doubt and peetal to show almost instant ad pt.
misapprehension should reign in the bility. Even the remaining in Africa minds of many to the fin issues of were circumvented by foreign adventhis vitally important questio affecting turers who exploited and oppressed them Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats all peoples of African descent.
in the man of CIVILIZATION SPECIALTY The world has been made safe for De. If Africa was intended as habitation LADIES SKIRTS COATS mocracy, and Nekroes have helped hard for a brood of inferior creatures having ly to make it so. Will Democracy prove the form of men but not worthy to be herself grateful to those of darker com termed as such, why should Nature have 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE plexions who have made the greatest bestowed so lavishly on that land as to sacrifices in order that she might not be make it unsurpassed by any other land Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
trampled in the dust? Or will the first on earth in the act of her revived life be. like the frost of its natural resources? Why, even the abundance and variety stricken viper. to sting the boom that Lion, the King of Beasts, draws his nstive streogth from that soi. Democracy, Democracy, the heart of Ethiopia is set on the as the ebam. It has already revealed possibilities that The Negro race is not an inferior race, pion of her rights and the guardian of her liberty. She years to be pressed have placed it squarely on a level with to thy bosom to feel the thrill of thy SANTA ANA PLAZA great love, and to be safe under thy beI never feel proud to hear that Negroes nign protection. She would write her were the founders of an ancient civilizahopes and aspirations in the innermost tion that has perished from the earth. ADJOINING AL PLACE)
recomes of thy heart; she would lay all prefer to think that they ar: in srching ber wrongs upon thy most sacred altar on to found a new civiliation not to be of justice; and she would engely drink surpassed in splendor by any yet foundfrom the golden vessele in thy bands ed. My distaste for the former theory fresh draughts of the milk of bumad is based on the fact that it serves only love and kindness!
to place us in the category of people But if Democracy will forget, the In that have long ago been overthrown, perfinite will still remember. Even though bape never to rise again.
for senturies He had apparently for There was the civilisation of Egypt, of saken us and abandoned us to hard task Babylon, of Medo Persis, of Greece, of masters who chained us, and exacted Rome; but the sceptre of power passed our sweat with stripes which would make in successive order from the first of these Mercy weep with a bleeding heart when to the last, till today they are nothing she sees the same inflicted mere memories. What peoSPECIAL SERVICE yet the Nature and Soul of things took pl today represent, respectively, the itselt to guarantee that our service should race exits, and maintains a distinct not come to loss. So the race has identity, which is proof that it is not an DAY eventually won out on its virtues of overthrown or fallen race.
AND NIGHT patience and long suffering.
And suppose we were to admit, for the Let us for a moment review the dis sake of argument, that the rise and fall advantages of the past and the advanta of nations proeved in cyclic order, and ges of the present and see why we should those who are down now will be up be optimistic of the future: Yesterday again. when will Egypt or Babylon, our forefathers wera slaves they were Medo Persia or Rome ever rise again. denied the common rights and privile. The cycle of waiting for each of them is of men. Not only their limbs but tiresomely lont indeed. And so would their minds also were fettered. Today it be for the Negro race.
FOUNDED IN 1881 as their offsprings we are free. We enjoy in a great measure the free institutions dually moving towards restitution. We No; we are not a fallen people graof society. more glorious dawn has have only been a weak people who are THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANMA burst upon us, and to the same extent that CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
our bodies are free from fetters is our who are fast becoming wise; a poor peonow becoming strong; a foolish people Just in Stock a large Assortment of mental atmosphere free. The progress ple whose day of prosperity is even now we have made in a short time is almost dawning on the horizon. So say let Brook Powdered Barley inconceivable, and many of us are in the possession of wealth and affluence. And is the present rosy with prsinises of a the race unite and organize; for not only ps we look toward the future bright bright future, but the enjoyment of that SMALL AND LARGE TINS light looms up in the distance, which is future will be greatly enhanced by the BROOK GROAT sign of prosperity ahead, and we are en realisation of victory over adversity, couraged to go forward.
Tomorrow has Specially recommended for children and persons much in store for ebildren. They Tha Therefore be comforted, be comforted my Convalessing.
will not be hampered to the to the extent by by people!
the dissabilities that blocked our path MANUEL ESPINOSA and retarded our progress.
10 will fall IN THE PACIFIC THEATRE Central Avenue, 33 to them so enjoy a mere satisfactory ad. Husband to wife: Oh dearest. am Opposite La Merced Church Panama. justment in The sure there an alarm of fire, must go question between capital and labor vill out and see.
On returning he says Oh darling it be more satisfactorily settled. Indeed even now when we are passing through Shoot fees She No! Nor water either by the erisis, indications point di smell.
JUST OPENED routly toward that end. It is bound to Hubby collapses.
be sooner or later, or else the race is without any purpose for its existence. The Excelsior But it must be borne in mind that just as the path over which the race has 122 Central Ave. Panama Furniture Store already journeyed was strewn with (near late Continental Bank. thorns and thistles, so in the path BROWNE McALMON, Prop that lies before it will obstacles tending to delay progress to be encountered. TOOLS and other ARTICLES, All kinds of FURNITURE, Indeed the remainder of the route large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS which the race must travel will be a bought, sold, and exchanged at further test of its worthiness to occupy moderate prices.
PATENT MEDICINES the goal which it is striving to reach. The most reasonable place Like Jacob of old, the race has given its TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS first seven years of dervice for less in town.
than it deserved, and must perforce Be alive to your luterests, work and wait for another seven with and deal with the man who ever increasing difficulties, before it protects you.
Prescriptions carefully compounded can claim its own. SANGUINETTI BROWN, BROWNE DAVIDSON My dear fellowmen, the race is now Corner 3rd November and 19th Druggist Druggit on trial: it is being put severely on its Streets, Guachapali. Phone 939 mettle. The qualities that have enabled it to pull through past crisis. very much Ancon Box 836, We ought to feel very sorry for our gineers skimmed all the cream off their selves The British Isles have been country engineering genius, and turned sunk, Our best friends; the Americans, it into the perfect butter of the Liber tell us so in many articles in their jour ty engine.
nals. For example, Mr. Barron, The trouble with the Liberty motor in the Boston News Bureau, celebrates with exquisite good taste the fact that was that it would not work. When the war economically England has been shot to ended, the Briton, who had not said piece, only she does not know it. anything. rs making forty thousand Then, lest she Scot should think he has fighting American sírman was mounted. aeroplanes a year, and nearly every escaped, Mr. Barron goes on to say that on a French, or British machine, with Great Britain an island with exotic French, or Italian engine. When industries, dependent upon importa motor disas rval and manufaet ured goods and co practical, it was clean outclassed by the Saw sipterial with balancing exports of the Liberty trous delay, was made into something nomically, financially, and industrially Rolls Royce, Napier, Hispano Suiza and he has been sunk. So the American other European engines. Neither the eagle screams over the grave American engineer nor the American Certainly the Yankees do not take mechnnie had been competent to his jol.
their good fortune very quietly. Some of them seem to be as pleased over the Superior British Workmanship.
apparent industrial defeat of the British With some exceptions, the entire output as over the military triumph over Ger of war material in the United States was many, which, as all the world knows, was distinguished by inferior workman hip.
brought about entirely by General John Everything went to show that the AmeriPershing and his twomillion men, 1sis ed ean quantity producer had made his by Admiral Sims and the American position at the cost of permanent degraFleet, The United States undoubtedly dation of skill in his workmen. She had to won the war, in one sense. by keeping rely for her artillery on her European Alout of it until the last possible moment lies, and where, as in the first phase of the and thus beggaring the Western Allies by war, the British Admiralty bought Amerienormous high prices for food and mate: can guns for some of the early rial required to carry on the struggle for the trouble and inconvenience caused by monitors free civilization and ca the American production were among the Our Allies Gains motives leading to the spending up of the output of British ornance works.
And undoubtedly, Great Britain has In the coming struggle for industrial lost more economic strength than France supremacy the will have the and Italy. The French have gained al priceless advantage general super most enough potash in Alsace to rity in workmanship. He can weave their outstanding costs of the while bath cotton and wool better then the the Italians have conquered the quick American; he can make boots that inst silver rhines of Idria and mineral long longer in wear.
resources in former Austrine territory, retains a distinct CRO in with the grand channel of com the quantity output of well designed miroe from Southern Europe to the Adthe Ad typewriters, the travelling Briton seems riatic whieh will be larke, perpetual to have done most work in American source of revenue. In less than a gene shops in perfecting the designs.
ration France will be mistress of most of The American certainly displayed the iron resources of Europe and North remarkable amount of detailed invenern Afrien ond Italy looks like being tivenem during the latter part of the once again the commercial queen of the nineteenth entury, when the Briton was Mediterranean slumbering on the past achievements of Great Britain will draw out of the war bis island race. At the present day, larged in territory, and perhapo another bene in strong and alert never it was region of intolerable heat, like Mesopo The Briton bas more of the old, freetamia, in which while men cannot breed branching, individual adventuresomeness. likely to nahjeet her to the position of a strength of character that makes it easier debter nation, crippled by heavy taxes, for bim to survive adversity than to for more than a century. Had it not abide at his best during a long period of been for the practically enforced terme prosperity of the Wilsonian peace, we could have The American has yet to measure himobtained, as the most heavily charged self fully against the Briton in the field of all the vietors, a permanent lien upon of industrial effort. As soon as the Brithe German coalfields, which are te lartish workmap sees that he is threatened, gest in Europe. Then, with mor and after escaping from political slavery per coal, we could have made with to the Prussians, with the fate of becomcheaper Seandinavian ore more and cheaper ing the economie serf to the Yankee, steel. Lacking this compensation, we faney that our beloved kinsmen kinsmen across are as, Mr. Barron remarks, somewhat the Atlantie will find that Britain afte more permanently injured than the Gor being sunk in the war, bas risen out of the waves to the Height of Mount EverThe Americans proudly point out that est. From the beginning the Germans they are the coal masters of the world as had more coal than we had and they well as its iron masters. They are rais. led the way in using it for smelting iron ing yearly some six hundred million tons we overtook them, and for long couple of coal and using most of it for manu tely eclipsed them by means of sheer facturing work at home, in addition to to inventiveness.
developing their water resources of thirty Franco British Partnermillion horse power. British coal mines now produce about two hundred and ship.
fifty million tons of coal at a disastrously If the American continues unable to high cost. and the Americans boast their produce the finest work, he will have intention of invading and conquering some of the most important of British to send us his steel to be worked up Coal markets, while completely overwhel into finely fitted mechanism, just as he ming all Europe with cheap steel and used to send us wood and take fine exercising a practical monopoly in cop cabinet work in exchange. His con.
per and a governing power in such otrol of food supplies will soon cease ied things as cotton, meat, petroleum, farming and his growing population.
by reason of his wasteful methods of and main foodstuffs.
He will then tend more and more to Liberty Engine Fiasco depend on Canada for wheat as he alThe United States has gone dry but depends on Australia for the Yankee seems to be intoxicated with should be able at In commerce with South America we last to the vision of world power. Yet, speakoverthrow ing as one of the drifting, bankrupt inhab the meat monopolisers of Chicago, and itants of the sunken British Isles, then with our strengthening positions would remind our dear, modest cousins as breeders of pedigree stock and our on the other side of the of a reviving Atlantic of a power in all kinds of craftsfew facts bearing on the question of in manship, we ought successfully to dustrial supremacy. When the Ameri maintain a large double current of cans entered the war they were quite se upon which our shipping can strong as they are now. Their manu again meet and beat the America facturing plant had been greatly enlarged mercantile marine. No doubt we shall during the long and profitable period of lose some ground as railway eontracneutral war material provision, and they tors against the Americans, and owing began with an outburst of boasting sitaito to our blindness in regard to China lar to that in which they are now in we may see most of the development dulging. Among other things they pro work there undertaken by Americans claimed that they were about to build and Japanese in competition. Our twenty thousand incomparable aeroplanes immediate task is to set our own house within one year, for the purpose of st. in order and enter into the closest tacking and demoralizing the enemy in possible commercial partnership with his rear.
France, the new mistress of iron, with whom the Briton shares the incompaAll their leading motor manufacturers rable gift of artistey.
adoptel a method of combined stand. We are au artistic race in spite of ardised production for this wonderful en all the horrors of our Victorian age.
gine of victory. Ford contributed Until German taste came in with our part, Packard another part, Hall Scott eeveral parte, and the best American en(Cotinued on page 8)
Army and Navy Headquarters on beast, more than. mans, Central Drug Store gesoin as ready wool.
in matters cronomia. The an economic The Chemical Hall


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