
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919 PAGE SEVEN The Oper Open Forum :A SQUARE DEAL do not hold responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. FINE TIME in believ we do do not Want as much to take away bard from the true CIGARETTES as good as the best Kelly Du Bois Martin Baldiriote 15c. Gold 10 or Wherefore is this DO IT ELECTRICALLY (ge ELECTRIC OS: 303 SSSSSS003 The Two Branches Of the Caucasian Race (BY GREGOIRE)
The time has come when the truth must be told; when w?
must mark the limits and giva IS WHAT YOU GET, WHEN YOU BUY faets. We have been under an erroneous ing the American Negroes impression, in were the more advanced, in as them the earned progress which has heen acquired under great disadvantages, they are far from the mark though not their fault; now what is the cause? It is the dominating power, the Anglo Saxon side of the.
Caucasian race. It is that the United States has produced men of great ability and talent They are mn like Frederick Douglass, Booker Washiothers; but Miller, and and COST considerably LESS these men fame, is more local though they are spoken of by the foreign press, occasionally But who can read has not seen Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at the name of the Dumas Montepin, Morua Delgado in the world of letters; of José White, Brindis Jimenez of the musical world?
dis de Salas and Decastro of Porto Rico a philosopher of great re nown; Gabriel de la Concepción Valdás (Plácido) a wort PER PACKAGE known poet and Mr. Mason of Brazil, and that great Brazilian Negro who was president of the SSONOSCOXosskoos Hague Convention Have you ever seen in the Saxon side of the Caucasian race a Negro general? In Spun we hui Martinez del Campo Puellv; in France, we had Dodds, antit is claimed that General Foch bas in the United States Army, the Negro blood. There is a Negro You can turn out bero of San Juan Hill, a Colonel by the name of Charles Young, more work in a a man of great military talent and otherwise, well, that man was not sent to the great war: given time or the do you know the reason why?
if they had, it would have been same in less time they could not think of making to promote him, and with. Negro a general.
In Cub Cuba we had the Maceo s, MOTORS Moned, Gom.
Gomez and others; did whey give good resulis! Then what is the cause? It is the sen. motor on each ti tients that predominates in the different branches of the Canet Motor Driven machine or a There never was a case of lynching in Cuba until Meat group of maone branch of that race has en chines means able to spread its influence there Of course, have great respect Chopper and admiration for such men as power economy, Lincoln, Wendell Phi lips, Charles Summer, Wilber.
since power need force, Robert Ingersol and not be consumed others, they were great in but Justiclishment of the except as need they defended. This coln, of whom it is said. Wiose a drean was the redemption of attendants are necessary for the care and operation.
well known, that the primary came know primary cause of the will of Phone 602 Phone 150 cessation was not for the Nesro, though Abraham Lincoln was in favour of his Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co. liberation. If not, why when the Negroes applied to him to be SANTA ANA PLAZA BOLIVAR STREET armed to fight for their freedom, Panama.
man war, is a Nation XOOX00X60XSEX98XOXO OXOXOOX 000300 washing in blond its impurities.
The English government gave the Negroes, freedom in 1938, Weight in Gold and in America in 1865; that is many years before Brazil and Cuba My dear Sir, you have some pills States and England produced med here by the name of De Witt, dem Kami Lacournay a Negro increases one interest in worth dem weight in goldi shouted Admiraland Juan Alberto Gomez, out a very tall man as he came up to one of the greatest of Cuba the doors of the City Fharmacy. servants. Now let us see, John PHOTOGRAPHY ve just called to let you know Brown was hanged in 1851 for 100 the wonders De Witt pills have trying to free the Negroes.
done for me and to thank you. Charles Summer in 1859 was Inquiry soon disclosed this person beaten for introducing the fourCALL IN AT THE to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails teenth from St. Kitts, where he was born to the Constitution of United teenth and fifteenth amendments 1841, a numbee of years he took up residence States, so unmercifully that he in Panama and now lives on the Cali died from its effects. In 1865, donia Road.
the greatest American was is.
Our grateful informant further gave sassinated or winning the free68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 out that for many years up to the dom of the Negroes time of his cure, he suffered from States. Did the same thing of the United sundry ailments and severe pains over haphis body. The terrific pains in the pen on the Latin side of the VauAnd you are sure to be interested in having urinary organs, at times unbearable. casian race? Was Henry Gregoire Sediments in urine over an inch beaten?
your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor Was Rousseau hanged medicine, he was completely rid of his and La Martin and Victor Hugo MCKENZIE troubles assassinated? No; France exal did, but neglect to seize the golden wergut the other thing she Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps ted a Cuban Negro by the name as Minister of Public (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO opportunity to be cured.
and did, day Delay the was to present to Saxon dangerous. Those who doubt the side with the Statue of Libry Printing, Developing and Enlarging wonderful curing power of this remedy for they are a Liberty loving will pay the dreadful cost.
are congenial with SPECIAL FEATURE cles brug Storelones comerse imitations for they are humane, and Godly.
DeWit Pills are sold, In two sizes at all first all people, and live in in harmony, bottle and City Pharmacy on each direction No; they preach God, but they De Witt a Co. Ltd. London on each Can the other side say the same?
THE CITY are ungodly; so my race should throw sectionalism and Agents for Republic of Panama come, when we must mark the IT PAYS and Canal Zone. limits.
sian race of that body PO Box 662 up wake up, waleur, you slap ng sons of Balbos C2 Africa the foundation of the Brotherboot August 16th, 1919, is laid to stay. The above remarks erIndy many things, also the action of Dear Sir, negro traitors who came on the night of read in the Star Herald news the 13th at the Union Hall to helittle paper of the 14th inst, that there are 124 the actions of the Colon Negro Glee women lower character to be deported Company, by loud hools and balling that by the Government of Panama to their would terroize the Kaiser, but such unliative countries in the West Indies seemly behaviour had no effect on the the Government on the staunch members of the Company, who steps it has taken in this direction by went thru their programme as an eightendeav ring to rid itself of its imported day clock, and for the benefit of the human perts.
public it will be repeated in St. Jo eph Hall, 15 and Hudson Lane, on the 15th.
an trust that not only West Indian women but all women of loose character er ex reporter of the Star and Herald September. Such while e Negroes as Car.
from all countries far and near, irres Burea Colon, and Mr. Martin ex manager pective of nationality or race, will also of the senior Colon Colored Co. and be deported in like manner. That, and their clerks from the YM. alias that alone, will be the right way in Young Men Caurousing Association which Panama may get rid of vile women were the ringleaders of the howlers and from other countries barkers. Why these white Neproes do am absolutely not in sympathy with not behave like this under white man Any Pre woman, and therefore, am propaganda. Is it becanse they are not not dinding West Indian woman in organized?
this most borrible crime, but know that If not why not? Negro traitors are on they are not alone in this vice.
of your job men of our race, watch out for course, when any good is to come out of them, they are not afraid to come in disanything on the Isthmus of Panama, Ruise in buying lee Cream and run West Indians are always the last and you in. We the working Negroes who beast to participate therein, but when on have already organized ourselves are the contrary, they are always the first looking with keen eyes to me the disand foremost to take part, and some grace of those of our race who will not trines they are the only ones who suffer be ashamed to fill the Excursion trains of Soon after my arrival on this Isthmus their WHITE OVER LORDS to Panama in 1907, was one day walking along on September ist. Organize Negroes 10th street in Panama City, and a white KEEP out of it woman who was sitting at the threshold waste. it might have been collected to of her door, invited me to come near, buy shares in the West Indian Trading and did so; she also invited me to go Co. Panama, or the Blaek Star Line, or into her room, but seeing as did, that the Doll Company. All Negro concerns.
her room was a sleeping room, and not a Thanking you Mr. Editor in advance believe us to be yours visiting toom, declined to enter. There upon, she offered to give me what she The Negro Glee Company, tmel As fine present lut her much NIXON impaired English was too unsavoury and uncooked for me so left at once; Secretary and went my way mention this in True Negro support of my statement that there other one women in lansmalside Gatun CZ Indian August 4th, 1916 There are also wo other elements Sir: As it inember of the Unit among many in Panama, which contri od Brotherhood of Maintenance foute to the demoralization of the several of Way Lloyees, and for that communities viz drunkenties and reason have to go with so much sem tud corrupt language in the of Mr. Winter letter; in your trets in other places of public resort issue of the 2nd, as is applicable which trust the Government will come to the mthods of some of the interthclimination of for is possi members Heshin the scener, the letter, The fact that all these destrue pro to Publico. This can very tive, boomerang writings never easily be done by the administration of appeared until we were enrolled legalment for those crimes in the Brotherhood would give und viele all of the West Indian Brotherhood are being practiced.
They brigal enactments in some the impression that in them the teachings principles of the Tanst the abovenamed offences But that is exactly to the conwhen Every person who to the consti ons and what we learned to pulty of five plads eftult of myment to introm M:S vers grinces ir prior with or without bord labor to be taken with the proper and handled in well Olli for any term nunt exepending on wontodetinet, orderly wanner: thot Ton who con grievei parti Pronarik lain public plaer, or any ffort to kenon light side making special plaer Wiersort, shall be able to any issue at all times, with a due respect for law and constiIvety in who is convicted thiri for drink drunk, if the third con tuted authority Vieties is within one year from the first Granting that there has been conviction shall be liable to imprison some misunderstanding of the Toent with or without hard labour for rules, ordinary commonsense three months as habitual drunkard, dictates that, at any rate it is (c) Every rson who makes use olay better to have the good will than obscene or in recent language in any the ill will of those with whom public plaer, or in any other place with we do business, and these writ in the hearing of any other person who ings amuck are not going to culis insulted thereby, shall be liable to a tivate cood will wwards silver penalty ni five pounds. 5) or to im employees, or tinally help us in prisonment with or without hard labour any way and help is what we for any term not exceeding one month. bare after. think much can be quote the above ennetments to point advice if some of our newspaper gained by following Mr. Wynter out that in the West Indies, licenses are correspondents will readi y acnot issued for laseiviousness. and that cept it.
erimes as mentioned above, or any other CHRYS FORSYTH.
offence against public decency are not tolerated, according to law. And that offenders are also punished according to Sir. We are glad to know that law, irrespective of race, class, society or the west Indian Red Cross has nationality.
became a Branch of the Canal Thanking you Mr. Editor, for space.
Zone Chapter American National Red Cross. We remain, Dear Sir e congratulate the President and the officers of the Yours faithfully, Indian Red WEST INDIAN making the application to the Chapter to become Branch We also congratulate the PresiColon RP dent and officers of the Canal Zone Chapter American National August 18th, 1919 Red Cross for organizing the Dear Sir. It is with great pleasure as West Indian Red Cross as members of the Negro Race to greet you a Branch, it will be the greatest on your seventh Anniversary thru all your pleasure for all West Indians to hard toiling for the achievement of your join the West Indian Red Cross.
10cess. As permanent customers of the shall now put our Workman we shall always do our! at ancesto the Grand President to uplift your journalistie Wurk mit Heald to see the Hospital us sir to make a few remarks towards our authorities, return the former on the opportunities that are lying visiting days to the West Indians before us, it seems a seems a very hard thing to so that we may be able to visit get Negroes on the Isthmus to organize our families and friends every whole heartedly but let impress on the morning and evening as before.
minds of every Negro that unless he or Respectfully she be organized intelligently we will bə forever in the back ground, for the AngloINDIAN RED CROSS.
Saxon white are using every propazanda to keep us back. Therefore we say wake (Continued on page Abraham men of before the they did Cause which So Of ed. Controlled by the pressure of a finger, no skilled only do wh Thougthin trodden racio heart and soul We said white Mono, telling them, this is 1888: 888. 852889 Good Picture Scranton Photo Studio West Cross Ses for We she Griev people. They гасе, on the which you are cautioned to.
o MEMBER OF THE WEST ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN 139 cen. Avenue, Panama. Nema raides, see the listine mase


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