p. 8


would do Their sup the avto line, show The Red Glove decision Programs.
hi ut The out wing vonul to it next generation thony the do it avains Inderd so so perfectas og did WA given PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919.
PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Is then me of a new concern Jamaica Defeats Britannics PANAMA COLON Continued from paae owned and un by Messrs Graves Hanoverian dynasty we generally ex and Johns West Podiats) and In a sensational match played on the celled the Preneh in creativeness, and is situated at the corner of Ancon thmian Park on Sunday last, the Jams jea CC, inflicted a severe thrasing on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23.
to as lean and athletie a habit of char. They prosie lacing at the disDow that we seem likely to be reduced Avenue an Stiert of this city the Britannie The day was su ideal one for crieket, soft winds fantGood Shows the Coming etter as were our forefathers in the posal of the latrons a full suped the ebeeks of the players throughout enleeeth century. think the Amer parte e accessories. releans MARIE WALCAMP the catne. Britannics won the tour. ga oline, oils and Week selves up for a trial of streagth such greases. Both Mr. Graves and and believing that the wicket would be as they searcely imagine.
Mr. Johnson possia wide ex tricky, owing to the rains on Priday and IN THE SERIAL OF THOUSAND to the reme utlitary offensive in September perience in early Saturday, they sent Jamaica wa been with the planning bat. Morris and Sergeant opened the SURPRISES erica was as supreme in war as in in Auto Supply Co. Smallwood innings for Jamaica whilst Weir and dustry But the overworked British Bros. for quite number of Godund the attack for Britannics soldier was left to achieve the real years, the former as su rekev per From the first ball runs started to come and general salesm The latter and it was not until 26 runs had been as stenographer ail Sile clerk registered that the first wicket fell, Look Out for From a conversatild with Morris then being clean bowled by HolCristobal, these gontlemen we rather that ford for runs. Drysdale filled the vac Aug. 19. 1919. it is their intention.
5th and 6th Episodes ancy, and he and Bargeant carried the score to 51 when Drysdale played on Dear Mr. Editor customers right and give thema The discus tall from Weit. The retiring batman sion about white preachers in square, deal, so chanteund hati made 17 runs. Amint loud acels OBXX800XBxcOX50 30:00:00 Your papur seems to be fading, owners of automobiles I do and am hal to see it so But well to give them a trial.
mation, Reid the star bat oame out to fill the gap and he and Sargeant carried wish as thlast speaker on the the score to 95 ere Reid was taken most For the information of the pub Quite Happy subject to observe one or two brilliantly by big Croney at mid off. lic bex to announce that the Open Forum u nett filled the vacaney, but he was short Standard has been reorgin happier man than TE in Colon retired few day Overheard at the Passenger (Estimard from. ago that the alred people lived so in attempting to life one to the ined with an entire list of Price is not to be ecen around Station Panama hot gt church because the taire by at undary on Blackman. He was nicely of scors, and Skipper and for the Colon during the past few dus at long on. Walker color de tchers are not inte tt man in and be wisted bar coming hall season expects This happiness has been brouzit To the Falitor The Hitman Dear Sir, plek in our enough to lead Now Pies Watty Gowd bleeme win the rest once more of about by the arrival from King carry the sure to 115. At the the faus in Panama.
reant lo carry the ston, Jamaica, last Tursdiyi widely tudjonal for the following So while you to you wis for a greater ins Brill stage in trying to make a very short run is another Mrs Ada Price who Fellowest Indians of the land shifting of responsibility MILTON GARVEY look none the worse after Race now that Nemes the work 44.
mit hartant was run out had played a grand innings Secretary rough voyage over are rallying to topport Mar It is common talk among the proprie savRibate Hy one chance ulun he had warvey ke the Black Starli rien of the brother Union tam fel un hot dat is hat wint we do want ar nekropol roun few weeks in Panas teral dine me job in Pane)
male 17. Newly all strokes wite al possibility, what are we are on the on the guidi, und be dwerves the Brotherhood Directory nus doing Are we going to be Wherever there is a preachers inst praise for his his contribution of 50 aunch the Black man ship owne exto preacher right now, there seenutten din an hungry kino At the fall of his wicket, Cain, the skip and operated by negroese Will is large congregation, it least in o tem, ah leat me way up the Congres antis updere am stikka it now per of All Jamaica de lared his innings Polon, and wherever there is closed. He had made 115 runs for Panama Star Lodge No. 2141, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lorige No. 256. lay aside and see our Brothers with or a place in the sun without giving white man there are empty benen Up the chagree in dit nirly beine Gww back. You ſellers up wichets agninst the bowling of Britannios Hall La Boon, Carter, President; Colon. A. Bridge, President; Wil our aid? Must wo not bp nexro en es, galore It should be here stated that of the Geo. Hentin, Secretary Treasurer liams, Secretary Treasurer.
terprises where the next This rude, untruthful and ma dere at Ruteny news?
eleven mes comporing the Britannics Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Victory Lodge No. 2509. Paraiso. can find work without Discrimina Discrimina lig vant statem nt bas taken from Well, dat jist why ah take a teni, all of the bowled with the ex Panas City. Woodruff, President: Wright President; Fields, Secretary based on the Starvation basis, and know that our wages ar er every negro the last atom of con will diskute, fee se na ule ulive ception of Victor Croney and the wicke Shield, Secretary Treasurer. President.
hellon he had for the white blow out and pick up a little new.
keeper preachers Wat you know Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Afier the usual interval Britannic D. Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President: Callender, Secretary. Our selges for months to buy war ing that some of the letters in de Brudderhoud Unian Lewish, of von Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. after existing out the month there is nothing left.
Personally, have been think But did we not starve 1st Me boy, all datak now bout went to the bat, and the way they open Secretary Treasurer.
Treasurer ed their innings, it WAS thought that Saving Stamps and Liberty Bonds to your issues were seventies bbat ser inan in ah at place pan me night Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
this white li. has been you frighten. Minent de la want of time would save Jamaics from Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gambon help win War? 11 through an inominious defest, as 40 runs wire Forsyth, President; Small, SecreA. Dunn, President; Killing har dem registered before the fall of either wie tary Treasurer.
beck, Secretary Treasurer.
a meal, for the love of our Raon let respecting man to vindicate the zone balladav, fustan Spor Diesta Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun Lily Lolo No. 2512, Rod Tank and buy even share interity of the halftolor de diy les yesues Grabiam play, that even preachers on the Isthmus and truncomin fepth All Jamaica Riveide, President; Bracey, Beerethoaca Star line. Hvip the let the publie see that the brutters all at paa des paired of getting rid of bm. All tary Treasurer.
JA Parchent, resident; Ban groes of the world to advance and balans for inck of nister, Secretary Trener.
Church so doing you will be bowl. rs were treated like, without any helping Victor Collins Lodge No 2503, Pana Oh h, ah dat make me see all wet whatever When the score en ma City. Collins, President; Empire Star Lolc No. 2513, Empóre and generations yet to come. Burgoing is the presence of prach den an all in it.
Buy a ers whoin the people don want. den boys up the Chagres ah uu dee.
board read 45 and this plucky but at Saunders, Secretary Treasurer.
Win, Stoue, President; Headley, share in the Back Star Line Do not Ines. Wit individual score was 34, he ministers have look on it as an American be oven wld over and over again hive to sell do ole horse ah have ſe jine Secretary. Treasurer.
black suit, Well, ah tell you boy, of me out LB. by Dr. Gitions, one of the Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama and therefore should only appeal to We don want you, and in umpirea for the game. Ninety tive per Panama City Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panana merican Negroes. We 1919 Negros cent if not more of the vast crowd who Day, Secretary Trensurer Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeele, have no itenship line. Negru cases where the voice Widis Unit, cause it like hell ie me one not heard the empty seats gav vilent stay in de bush dat day. Well, comme lot witnessed this game was of the opinion Secreary Treasurer Atlantie Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Panis our brother although he was born Xpression. Now, say, if these so an take a wet pan de helth of de that Graham bad played the ball; he Howard Bevers Lodge No. 2515, Colon. boat is to be launched Oct 31st: an Remember our first white preachers had any self himself says Ama City. Humphrey, esident; that his bat and not Manley, Secretary Trea urer.
his Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
person stopped the you going to help make that day the respect they would pack up and the umpire Evergreen Lodge No. 2508, Pacama Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama All crossing of the wave for the Negro Deat it rather than live off the thought sleo that the ball Race? Every little bite helps. La exrnings of a few negro washernevertheless, tho umpire who was on Millar, Secretary Treasurer.
Wedding Ceremony.
played: City Headley. President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Secre Lour adopted abode Panama been and dock labourers and tary Treasurer appeal from the represented on the list. Our Brothers impose their presence on a self Progressive Ludge No. 2507 Colon cominunity bowler Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon back in the West Indies are helping doesn want them.
which was the only regrettable Scott, President; G, Patterson, One of the most important cebowler of the game, and at this stage Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer are we going to prove slackers? The remonies took place at the Aneon Why don Japanese bad as hard time to make to their own race on the Zone. no one thought that the game try to preach Church on Saturday, 16th time, they other than draw; indeed more than a start; but by sticking together. Some question, boy when Mr. Hinds was welded hall to opening indnstries, building ships so Beatrice Barnett, the of those present thought that Thanks Mr. Editor if Britannies had time they would that win. With Gham gone, Barnett nio caremony being officiated by the from their people (although barred from some countries) could find work Your truly Rev. Carson Pastor. The bride had replaced Coin sveted to gather and are now occupying an uppermos CLIFFORD JONES. who Wits adorned into the courage and the other batsmen j!
floor on the Worlds Skyscraper.
costume of Crepe de chene at it o the lovely No. 2. 54 Street, opposite De Lesseps Park)
crumbled before bis onslaught. The They did not use an elevator at that will be published on this discus: The Missed) Morgan This letter is the last which arrival was met by the polovini only other batsman to show any form at but elimbed the stsirease. To day sion. Correspondents, take notice. Dam in all things International they have trius.
Croney who tried hard to Houmphrov EDITOR off defeat. His individual GOOD DRESSMAKING Mrs. Benson, Moss, a say, man for man, we can combution was 23. The game was won on pete with any Race, but numbers Barnes, accompanied with Messe the stroke of time, the last wicket falling INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP alone will not do. Now we hare the UNITED BROTHERHOOD ers. Elwards, Strauti.
at 45 the time decided on numbers let get the others. Start Caldemi, Barrett, 1, we me des on to draw DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY.
with the Black Star Line one Thorne, Creed and Barnes.
stumps. It was a glorious victory for (Continued from Page 1)
stave will help they deserve all praire, vet Jamaica, and At the conclusion of the cere cannot refrain from censuring BritYours for Negro Progress and Panama Railroad, was a deci mony, the Pastor gave the couple tannies who played as if this was the FRED PALMER first game of crieket they had ever seen.
Mrs. ANN THOMAS, ded success. The large gather a few brief remarks for their ing pleasingly disappointed all future guidance.
From thence HARD TIMES As some one remarked some schoolboys DRESSMAKER with intelligence would have drawn the Board in to this News and tire for which the speeches Longo Who Jabuz Barnett at expectations and the enthusiasm the followers were driven to the Boarder and bow did you find the were marked resulted in fully in: were Proprietrese.
game, where night Pop?
all preparations Oh easy OPERUMAH SERASAL ESKOLARE NU and Globos nugh Madam had a Spy pressing on this section of silver were made for that particular employees the necessity Pedro Miguel Loses to Surrey ting organized. After the French the Mrs. Holderen were speakers had the path Daniels, Goodridge, Mager: H, Smith, Davdoc. Eli, Surrey travelled over to Paraiso last Sunday, and stopped Miguel with a there was a big blow to the chin. Batting first Miguel retaries when quite a large num. Ma Cleghorne, Mc.
only put could ber were obligated. Richmond. At 24 runs against the Farlane up formidable bowling of Halder and C, this, organizer Carter the time of closing the band of C, Beckles. Of 24 Reid was the lost no time and in his usual for Mr. Romaia with various in only man to make double figuros ceful style hammered away at struments arrived where dans Surrey replied with 36 rane, Harding English speaking slackers ing took the place and lasted una (BRANDON BANK)
til 12 Praises must be givmaking 18 out of the total. Pedro Miguel started a second innings and The meeting terminated with they were all out for the small score of another large number of colored dating the guests to his high workers added to he chain of est ability 12 runs, out of which Blackman wm top scorrer with 18. Sumey went back the United Brotherhood.
COLON in and at call of time had 30 runs for The Royal Primrose Enterwickets, de Sousa being top Scorer Local 2514, with not out to his credit. Bowling 17 Our large Resources and well known tainment.
for Surrey Holder took wickets for And runs in the first innings and Becklee conservative Management afford unAll members of the above nam Grand Musical and Drama for 20. In the second inninge questioned security for every dollar Holder took wickets for runs, and ed Local are requested to attend tic entertainment under the a special general meeting on auspices of the Royal Prim. Holder for This defeat of deposited with this bank.
Wednesday 27 inst, at their work rose Lodge No. 10, 106 will be Pedro Miguel placere the trophy, in a Hall (St. Anthony Lodge Hall given at the Mt. Carmel Lodge very interesting position with three on Calidonia Road. House called Hall, San Miguel on clubs struggling fiereely Pedro Miguel, to order at 30 Evening next, the Surrey, and All Jamaica for the premier JOSEPH SKEETĖ, The Panama Minstrel boys position.
wili be there in full swing with some General Banking Business Transacted Secretary Treasurer of their newest stunts. Also the Primrose choir with some of the Games for To morrow ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON AN ERRONEOUS ERROR finest hits of the season.
Vice President.
Vincentian vs. Surrey at Bishop Treasurer. Panama Poet wrote a short poem to his son on his birthday, which poem is in store for all. Come prepared Don miss the great treat that Hollow began thus. My son, my Pigmy to laugh and grow fat. Admis.
Red Tenk vs. Pedro Miguel at Red Counterpart fancy his astonishment and disgust on reading in a certain sion only 25 Cents lce Tank.
Nowspager My Son, My Pia, my cream and cakes will be on sale; La Boen Yvo. Britannic at La Boos.
sounter part.
doors opened at 30 لن ball And Mr Burton Other The incident of the same could be Miss THIS IS EXCHANGE الو was y stave on contri La Boca ot Others present Dyer, of the PANAMA BANKING COMPANY 20. who might have been present, en to Mr. Barnett for accomo SECURITY 42 Saturday 23rd inst


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