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been even seen they were ances, of upon us, the How other, who will interest the audis passing through a time of great nics and pensimists to the very bree weeks ience us trial. TO ON LABOR DAY, MEN.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER To All Members of the Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar Will be conducted With Order Dear Sirs Brothers: On Monday we shall traverse Better Class of Residents Depand Decorum.
The 1st of September is at the streets of the Canal Zone and recate Conditions.
hand. That long looked for and the cities of Panaina and Colon, much talked of day is now only and undeceive those who think 48 hours off. Labor Day, 1919, it that Negroes have no in The civic atmosphere of Cali the women taken for prostitution Enemies of the Brotherhood are is predicted will be a red letter and that there is no neng donia and Guachupali has for the and robbery.
day in the history of colored lab purpose among them Wong last three weeks become inpreg These arrests caused a big responsible for the rumour now being or on the isthmus. Thousands Brotherhood at Colon, with the banners of the pen wholesome odor and tnere has station, and the police dispersed with an un circulated that in connection with the est labor demonstration (numer tent of the coloured Longshores consequently resulted general the con lookars. De man and his big parade on Labor Day the members bela e le nom de partaha enviar chen brede so clone below are the feeling of disquiet among the friend went to the mua tiun his these. We all breewesilbatofer residents districts learn the cause of his daughter expect a big time. But besides Atlantic, while of the Brotherhood intend to start this, it is also to be the ones Union that the barrives despite and causes for same, it has been a love you so much time men were ides Colon Federal Union, that the ensign the On investivating the conditions and wife arrests as. and big.
something. So the Organisers gest that West Indians as a peo and the high in video da propagarpeet originated at the Calidonia Police also arrested, we well as many that all of the trouble detectives. The two some еxресt Officers of the body want it to be passere by who were going about ign land. That to erechos undergo in a foressed in the bal. plete the trio whose motto is, charge is Lieutenant Briceño.
their business. the protost of some Icokers on two per generally known and more especially day we could be Render onto Caesar the thing: The people who live in the sous were liberawd while the Gud grant that we shall that are Caesar s, and see to it vicinity of the Police Station in others were sent the police by the American and Panamanian not be found wanting.
The eyes that ca este renders to you the world Calidonia are unanimous in their headquarters in the ran.
Panamanian and American au things that are yours.
protests against the large numD.
authorities that special orders have thorities will be present as keen Never in the history of this ber of indiscriminate arrests followed the prisoners on to the Representative West Indians observers of our of our conudct and truly Democratic Republic have that have been taking place of Cuartel and after denouncing been issued to all members intending generating to more West Indians med for a late. and their armatabey the high Handed outrages at the selves.
we going to to take part in the parade to observe comes out of the that will be a pena Borough the conta che porta al treatment meetei oleh selesa de los them to prevent noble than safety is seriously police police station the strictest decorum and to assist in ista thelp bright sidol they say, nal Zone and the cities of Pana out by the police.
were unlawfully arrested.
is a helpful and inspiring motto, ma and Colon on Labor Day This condition has created an but it is some times well to With a silence that will be ez ugly state of affairs in the Dis act of in humanity was perpetra Last Saturday night another making the demonstration as orderly hooker on both sides. You all rassively disappointing to those Leiets mentioned and the opinion fed bs officer and men at the know that the bigger the ven whose idea of the Negro is a co of the most sober and law abid. same police station when several as possible, tures the greater will be the pering hilarious animal, the New ing residents is that the outrages persons were arrested.
So, have made bold to come for that to stay on other side of more serious unless the authori. ber of eye wituesses, all persuus failure if such it happens to be. Negro will show the Oia Newro will become more frequent and It is claimed by large numUNITED BROTHERHOOD Ward with a few words of coun. No Man Land is equivalent to ties take a careful look into the of excellent reputation and credisela and warning, it haply they exposing himself to the enhlad. eirca mstances.
may help to fit us for the occa ing fire of the enemy instead of table standing in the community xion. Recent happenings in accepting the protection afforded Two concrete esses have been that an ex soldier who passed on verpool, Cardir.
Chicago Wash by his own barrage.
Volunteered as examples of the the side walk was grabbed by To the Officers and Mem on the first occasion there will be Those of our rice who are cy. inade within the past two or with his stall. So great was the wild arrests which have been a policeman and badly beaten promil ent French speakers and ington, all prove that the Negro bers of Various Locals All balances on part pay To be forewarned is to outburst of indignation that core, and who measure tbe posforearmed.
ments made at the last meeting lies in our power try and avoid lentialities of their owa shrivele dier who seemed to have been go to visit the scene as it sibilities of Please be guided accordingly the race by the pol, On the 13th inst. a sol several high officials of the police department were compelled to respectfully ask that you keep will be collected and new applies the experience for ourselves Let led soul, would probably. if they Wlowing out 6got full. and on your members in perfect order cants obligated.
us be calm and orderly in our are not too callous for the pero ando vodense and outgave the officer in charge is responsible they discovering that he was If, as is generally stated, the and discipline as required by our demonstration. Let us avoid all On Sunday tomorrow there undue.
ORGANIZATION and civil au unnecessary the outrages, the police be the originality thority. Every lodge shall be will be a meeting for the Spaning remaks. Latour mettons le Committee on for alarm that he was robbed by for of women among whom he authorities should at once insti headed by a Standard or Banner, ish speaking members and others for the right kind, dignited and at their inveting. But alas, Tit rau the gauntlet. Dutectives tute an investigation and have and their four principal officers, who are willing to cast in their becoming think, tle, and other ofticers will be divided lot with the United Brotherhood should be censored. Let us avoia de if any of this originality of made a few arrests and ebarged these irregularities put an end to.
on on either side as CONDUCTORS the meeting will be held in the st extremities, shun a clashes with idea will be distinyed Labor The order of procession shall Anthony Balland Bro. E, Morales outsiders. The right of way has necessary for the carrying out With Day because we, lack the funds Left Recently for the Dr. Carrington from Colon and other Panama been granted us on the streets of of the ideas; and you know, and be as follows: Island of Jamaica Returns.
nian speakers will address the Panama and the Canal Zone, yet know why we are impecunious The Band of Music audience.
we are sure to find those who, at all times and in all placos.
Dr. Carrington, Attor2. Lodge No. 2149 being against us, will be ready Well, we have discovered the re We have been pleased to learn ney at Law, who ieft these shores RIN to pick a quarrel with us but bemedy and intend to apply it to all the sale arrival in Jamaica of a few months ago returned last after a delightful and The Brotherhood of Car Isthmus of Panama Lodge ware of entrance into it. Already the cancerons and cankerous Mrs. Annie Lindsay well known Saturdas beneficial trip to the penters and gg: Joiners of No. 2151. Clerks Local the police have been enquiring growth which continues todovi cortificated nurse of this city as to the number of men we ex talize the silver employee.
Mrs. Lindsay left here recently Islands of Barbados and Trinidad America pect to put out. Grape Nut says: Lodge No. 2503 Owing to the fact that there There a reason. word to siveness, and originality of idea: Ivan in school and expects to be many old friends and had a real for her home Jamaica for the and the Colony of British Guiana We have shown initiative cohe purpose of placing her son Master While away Dr. Carrington met will be five Mondays in Septem the wise is sufficient. Band of Music ber, and as Labour Day will fall Yours fraternally, for about six weeks.
it is left to us to show that we sw33algo had in her charge glad to see our genial friend back on the first Monday. a day good time with them. We are long Lodge No. 2505 which we are all expecting to en BROTHER She enough to accomplish it.
90 joy, and which will unfit us for United Brotherhood is the 10.
2509 attending meeting, it has been ANNIVERSARY CELE sure of all eyes in this Republic De Art Connell well known and wish good him luck once Dentist of this city. Both young again.
11, deemed proper to change our Speculations as BRATION to our staying Connell and Lindsay will enter qualities are rife. Suppose we the Calabar High School. The Welcome Doc!
meetings from the first and sec ond Mondays to the second and be called upon to sacri. Workman wishes these young13, Band of Music fourth. It will then be under 14 Lodge No. 2513 The of Paraiso fice for the advancement of our school gree Lecture 15. 2514 inglighet wuf bechaduled meet: No. 6714, celebrated is eighede cause, will we halter, hesitater sters a brilliant time during their Special Meeting for Grand Doing nights will be back in effect niversary on Sunday last, Aug and lose the battle? Not it every 16.
The Star of Guiana Grand Christain beginning October.
Brotherhood 24th, at Grove ball, La Boca, member of the 17. Invincible Lodge Encampment No. 1, will when a large gathering was in begeismas closed to estimais: movement. This movement is convene Special on Sunday Aug. 31st at GEO. ROTHERY.
Journal Agent. attendance. After the origin of in Jeremiahs of the spessimists; founded upon reason which rests 30 for the Lectures or Grand Det NICHOLAS CARTER, the above named Lodge was read to the hypocritical preaching of upon the actual facts of life. We greed. Members are regested to be pun Organizer, No. 601.
traitors; to the prediction of realize that there is no great ctual in attendance Strictly observing presentative who attended on in: drick in the enthusiasm which ing people may proceed in holi Eminent Grand Master Wm. Baunders by the Secretary, the various re disaster by timorous ones; and white way down which work rules for the occasion by order of the vitation, extended their sympa: characterizes those who coal and day parade to freedom from in. Emnt. Grand Secretary.
Joint Protective Board thy for the past troubles of the Red Tauk, Canal Zone. meeting of the Joint Protec Lily and wished her a bright load the ships, and whose spirit dustrial oppression. There can August 27, 1917. future. One of the things that in uscles of their brawnv arms. conditions which make the strug is much stouter tban tive Board of the the be no forgetting of the facts and Initiation of Candidates.
and will take place on gave a splendour to the September 7th at 10 Liberty Lodge No. 2512 of the was Mr. Sobers choral union, The enthusiasm which pregle, and no ignoring of them in The Loyal Pride of Isthin the St Anthony Hall. An dele above named District begs to which rendered a number of weli vails among the members of the finding the way through to the muse Lodge, no. 9980, the Ostb.
gates are asked to bear this date report the series of activities car selected pieces, suitable to the Brotherhood, and which strikes final goal. We have gone on, and for an iniation Ceremony to night Manchester Unity, will bold in mind and be infattendance.
ried on in the schoolroom since oscasion. After the program was terror into the hearts of those His Excellency the Governor has got through a warm closing ad with evil intentions towards sil ward and upward, and from here at their Lodge Hall ziet.
Street kindly permitted the use of dress was delivered by Bro. ver employees, will not wane be we still go on, and on, and on, Central at 7:30 pm sharp Bowen, followed by cause we reached our conclu until the Wage Boar shall be no Officers and members are To night at the St Anthony We have been long waiting to Bro. Batson, after sions through the process of res more Hall there will be a Mass meetto be on time, also members of which the pleasant function was son, and not through processes STOUTE. Sister Lodges are ing for the French Colony. As (Continued on Page 87 cordially brought to a close.
of emotion. This is no emotional Cristobal invited.
be the oltration of of facts.
and some 2504 can adhere to a purpose The Master Austin Connell sun of to the Isthmus after his tour 2506 18 2511 2512 12.
should be 2516 Panama asked same.


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