
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted. LABORERS BOCAS del TORO that he Free Transportation lace and expend money Navy The Calidonia Jewelry Store job in Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. supplied ingen vill inte blevet ben are being bought up.
that condi AND poor Notice to the Public would not be able to advance any it to work, and another step by The promoter was not idle in Demerara loans to the colony.
the next generation might also be the matter and it can now be stamade to build proper wharves ted witn some degree of certainThe Colony The death occurred in Demersand warehouses and improve the ty, that the proposal is in a fair Carenage.
ra on the 23rd instant, of Dr.
way of fructifying.
Financial Position Arthur Matthey (father of SubIt is our sad duty to have to reIt can be stated that the mano.
Inspector Matthey. a retired cord the passing a way of Mrs. facturer of the sauce is Mr.
Government Medical Officer. De.
Saville Garraway, which sad Norman Nash of Mandeville, and Mr. Brassington Tribute ceased who was in England at event took place on Saturday that the scheme will be launched to Trinidad Prosperity the outbreak of war, did war night last following a short ill in the parish of Manchester.
work there as a Surgeon at Sea ness. The funeral took place on ford with the British West In. for the Farms and Railroads at Sunday afternoon and was large of the firm of Messrs Munton Mr. Nash who is the manager DEMERARA MARCHING TO dies Regiment ly attended. To ber bereaved BANKRUPTCY husband and relatives we tender Sons of that town, is the sole our heartfelt sympathy.
manufacturer of the stuff and At a recent meeting of the De Trinidad Originator of the Scheme.
merara Legislature, vir.
and by expending much time and Brassington, referring to the coTony finances, said inter alia. San Fernando News UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Jamaica energy, he has brought his Dro. His Excellency was good en paration up to its present high ough of tell him a few nights ago quality.
THE DROWNING FATALITY had received a despatch Jamaica to be Na The necessary land has been from the Secretary of State intiJoseph Hall is the name of the val Base Again acquired at Shooter Hill, about mating that the Imperial Gov. or miles from Mandeville, and ernment would not be able to man who either fell accidentally or threw himself overboard of Apply to COOMBS that place will be the scene of advance any loans to the colong the lighter Imperial between EveIn the of behored 137 Central Avenue 155 Street WHAT THE ADMIRALTY INTENDS the company operations.
bouto in order Pointe a Pierre and Claxton Bay ry them to put their house arrangement The Jamaica Gleaner under plete, the Articles of Associa.
order about noon on Monday. He is a and PANAMA COLON only on repro, married man with a wife living stands that the Imperial author. tion have been drafted by Mr ductive works.
They did 80t in Bertrand Street, San Fernan ities have decided to take further MacGregor, the popular solwant any expenditure that sim tore that sim: do It is said he was somewhat steps for the development of ictor of Mandeville, and are now ply increased the cont ef admi queer during the last few days, port facilities in Kingston har. in the hands of the Acting At nistration and swelled the ranks bour for ships of the British torney General for his approval and bad scarcely slept on Sun.
of a Civil Service, which consid day night. He had been out of It was mentioned the ering the size of the population work and it is thought perhapo other day It is believed that the managethat plans were in in were under ment of the concern will be in this upset him. Monday, when way for the establishment of an the hands of Mr. Nash himself, Civil Service of nearly every got drowned, was the very first up to date floating dock in the end that operations will com place in the world. He was aware time he had ever travelled as a eastern portion of Kingston har mence during next month.
The that His Excellency had the in: passenger on board of a flat, it is bour and it is expected that ope patented name of the sauce is terests of the colony at heart and stated, but it is not known whe rations will commence at no very Pickapepper. and by shat that he would do everything bether he was going to Port ofcould to lighter colony Obarrio Building.
distant date. It can now be stat name it will be known in the fothe burden of No. 2, Cilidonia Road ed that it is proposed to erect one ured of Spain in search of a or two huge oil tanks in the vici taxation but was William Watson, marching to bankruptcy and a Clarence cunlite, sailor of the LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR nity of Harbour Head. The idea It cannot now be stated what condition of things thahree weeks Smal toll overboard and reportis Imperial, turned back after that when the Admiralty tank will be the output or the capacity in WATCH REPAIRING ers artive there they will empty of the factory.
ago, when in Trinidad, he cou As previously said, the scheme not help beicg struck with the led the matter to the Harbour which will be so equipped as to is heartily taken up by the leadthe Constabulary sir of prosperity there and the WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. make unloading Froine contentment of the people, and these tanks British ships of ish, and a large number of shares an easy matter, fing men in and around the par he had come to the conclusion Mr Gordon Gordon of Trini from convert sations and from fig.
tidad has made a gift of 15, 000 to with. The move is a ures he had seen tbat condi the Anglican Church in Trinidad very significant one and it shows It is hoped that the venture tion was due to the far more to be invested in Govern O, CAMPBELL that the Home Government con will be a success and will prove equal distribution of wealth in ment bonds and to form a perWATCHMAKER im beneficial not only to the parish, JEWELLER.
template making Jamaica an imTrinidad than prevailed in the pectual trust fund. 1, 000 is to portant naval base once more, but to the island generally.
colony. Hear, hear) There was establish a Home in All Saints Phone 1053.
It is understood that the necesCars Stop at the Door.
Newtown, for a tendency to think that the parish, sary surveys have been made xbe widows with families, and aged prosperity that had been expewith to rienced locally for the last couple and disabled women.
the tanks, and reports have been Union Formed At of years would go on for ever Half the annual income is to be sent to the Inperiai authorities There was a big Sea Defence Bill paid the Rector of All Saints for in London. There is also another a Linstead.
to face a never ending item keeping clean and in good repair proposal to erect a big whart in The sea swallowed up everything, the marble font in memory of the vicinity of Fort Augusta.
it was said, and it was swallow his wife Gertrude Gordon. OneClerks Unite under the Jaing up the coffers of the colony fourth the annual income to be There We published some time ago maica Federation of Labor Was So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and a skeleton Court as paid to support the Meal Society that a movement was on foot semnb ed as far as the elective and the remaining one fourth to the surrounding districts, the to establish a factory in one of on Monday Night.
section was concerned and he be devoted to the Clergy Pension the parishes for the manufae was sure His Excellency would Fund.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY ture of a brand of sauce. It was MR. OGILVIE EFFORTS not press the passing of any item then stated that through the lothat was not absolutely necessary has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West cal enteresance of a private indiGrenada before the Court met in annual session.
Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro was patented Provisional Officars Were and put on the market and that and Arosemena. the quality was of a high stand Elected and Names EnWar Tax Stamp to give any news concerning how It is aru and was equal to, if not betLaundry received up to Thursday ter than the foreign article, that rolled as Members.
the dependents of our fallen sold eat that the Removal Unlikely During Cur jers will be treated: all we know Can be had on Saturday. manufacturer was endeavouring is that revised increased rates of to float a company to carry on forms us that a meeting of some late issue of the Gleaner in rent Years.
allowance are under consideraOffice open every day from 30 a. to p.
the concern on a much larger tion SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON.
footing. The proposal was to significance took place at LinAt a recent meeting of the Deerect a factory in the parish for stead recently when the clerks this purpose. This project met together for the parpose of the different stores assembled merara Legislature, the follow. The following statement chal APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES with the approval of the leading forming Union in connection ing question was asked by a fin. Jenges denial. of the 5, 000 OR CALL UP PHONE 781 a local men and plans and arrange with the Jamaica Federation of voted by the Legislative Council ancial representative: to provide for returned soldiers ments were under consideration When does the Government very soon the three last figures will with regard to the matter.
intend to stop the attixing of the remain after the mark plus the The meeting was called to War Tax Stamp for foreign post. lands at Westerhall. Those exor ler a little after p. and age?
soldiers who expected a local Mr. Porey Ogilvie, solicitor (wbo, it may be mentioned, is clothed The official reply was as follows: gratuity should no longer cherish with the proper authority) brief Peace has been signed, though the idea.
ly explained not yet ratified, between the Bri poses of the proposed Onion; tish Empire and Germany; but a We notice in our Trinidad exstate of war still exists between changes that returned soldiers and moved that Mr.
the British Empire, Austria HunHead Office, National City Bank Building, New York there caused some disturbance ray. Manager of Messrs pary, Turkey and Bulgaria. It is some days ago. We deeply regret Mahfood Bros. establishment, the unlikely that any war taxes can to hear of this.
This was unaniIt having been chair, be removed during the year now discovered that certain military mously carried, and at the chaircurrent, as abnormal conditions prisoners of the were man request, Mr. Ogilvie deare likely to continue.
fined the benefits to be obtained Capltal, Surplus, and Jundivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
aboard the Oriana bound for from, and material assistance the military prison in Jamaica, RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
and protection to be afforded by At a meeting of the Demerara trouble started to brew. The such a union Combined Court on the 24th inst, prisoners were landed in Port ofA general discussion followed, His Excellency said that as the Spain, and returned soldiers de Deputy Mayor was present he manded their release, very fool Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama in the course of which the popular and much esteemed Baptist would mention that the slaught ishly took the law in their hands, er of milch cattle in Georgetown clergymen of the town, Rev.
got in conflict with Depository of the Panama Canal Bennett, entered. He was given hearty reception, and not got enough milk in the colony from Dartmouth and even to supply the hospitals and free fight ensued. of the invited to speak by Mr. Ogilvie.
other institutions and it was de sailors had to be taken to the THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION He willing ly consented, and in plorable that mileh cattle should hospital, and casualties were IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF an interesting speech, which be slaughtered at all. He had no sustained otherwise. All is now was listened to with marked atdoubt that the Deputy Mayor reported to be quiet.
The National City Bank of New York ten tion by the gathering, he might look into the matter. Mr.
strongly supported the moreNascimento promised to look into We were reminded on the 19th ment.
the matter, remarking at the AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUinstant that Grenada must go same time that the cattle slaught step by step in the matter of im.
TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES Mr. H. Dockeray, another ered were all old cows.
late comer, in his invincible provements and must not think style, addressed the meeting, of big schemes which will mean OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES and his experience and valuable The Demerara Legislature has extra taxation on the poorer suggestions were of dlstinct passed a vote of 32, 000 for re classes? We hope that the Har.
arming the Police Force of the bour Improvement Scheme is not INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM colony, one of the big schemes to be aban formal resolution, moved by doned in favour of the step by MORRICE, ROBERTSON, the same speaker and duly The Governor of Demerara re step. The first step has been Sub Manager seconded, to the effect that, the Acting Manager. clerks present form themselves cently received a despatch from made to provide a dredge at into union, was put to the the Secretary of State, advising great cost. Another step in ton that the Imperial Government years time might be made to set (Continued on page the demand was so so great the of INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION and nuent to be checked. They had soon started on thave a go. They Some.


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