
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 FAGE THREE LA MASCOTA Rumour Abroad Jamaica Wants togo Over to THE HOME OF Newspaperman Says He Had Intervlew with Jamaican Official who Gave facts The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes ECONOMIC PRESSURE permit free to day these CRICKET GOODS 80 99 interesting News From. OUTRAGE ON (Continued from Page 2)
THE RAILWAY meeting by the chairman, and carried nem. con.
The Union Formed Attempt made to Wreck Enrollment of members follow Ewarton Train Yesterday ed, and thereafter the newly formed union proceeded to elect Morning near Linstead its provisional officers. Mr.
Ogilvie nominated Mr. IRON ROCK ON RAILS Murray for the position of Presi dent, but this gentleman declin ed the honour, and Mr. Dockeray OBSTRUCTION DISCOVERED IN moved, and it was carried with TIME BY DRIVER TO BLOW acclamation, that Mr. William Tomlinson occupy the presiden DOWN THE TRAIN tial chair Mr. Murray then vacated the Another dastardly attempt to the chair, and amid much enthuwreck the 45 train from Ewarsiasm Mass Willie was duly ton to Kingston was made yes.
installed therein. Mr. Wallace terday morning. For unately as was subsequently appointed vice in the case of the previous at: President, and Mr. Murray sec tempts on the railway in the retary treasurer.
past couple of weeks, it fell Mr Dockeray kindly offered to ance of the engine driver.
through baulked by the vigil act as assistant secretary, and traveller on the train sup his offer was gratefully accepted plied the following particulars committee to draw up by of the trage to a Glaner re laws and rules was then formed and Monday night 11th instant, porter:We were about one icile out fixed for the next meeting lof Linstead station yesterday Rev. WC Bennet would not borning when the brakes were consent to be provided as a meun suddenly applied, and the train ber, but Mr. Duckeray, in a really shortly after came to a stand excellent speech, urged that thistill on investigating the cause.
union ask him to re consider his I found that a large stone har decision. Mr. Bennett, the speak been placed on one of the rails er said, had been for years iden. whilst on the other rail was put titied with every movement for an iron road chair (used for tie good that had been set on foot in ing the rails down to the sleep Linstead. Mr. Bennett had said er. Fortunately the engin.
that he was not a clerk, but he driver saw the obstructions im (the speaker) equally asserted mediately on rounding the curve.
that the reverend gentleman was blew his whistle, put on the for was he not a clerk in Holy brakes, and slowed down the Orders? He had judicial authori train. The result was that the ty for so stating.
engine pushed obstructions of Mr. Ogilvie, supporting Mr.
the rails: had the speed not been certain the Dockeray remarks, said that as reduced it engin duly appointed organizer, under and most likely the cars alsi the authority from the Jamaica most dangerous spot The mali would have been derailed at a Labour Federation, he had made cious act was done in open day it a special duty to invite Mr.
Bennett to be present there to light, and between the time th night, for he knew how glad each trair had gone on to Ewarton and every one would be to see and its return. Can nothing be done? asked him (Mr. Bennett. and how use.
ful would be his help. He thank our informant, to stop thes ed the rev gentleman for coming outrages?
and joined with the last named Further details.
Speaker in asking him to re consider his decision.
From another source the Gleaner secured the following The Pros! dent Mr. Tomlinson details: in a brief speech, emphasized his The train was proceeding at an concurrence with the views ex. ordinary rate of speed between pressed by the other two speak Linstead and Ewarton, driven ers, and the rev gentleman ac by driver Brown and under con ceeded to the unanimous wish of ductor Bryan. On going round the Union and en rolled bis name. a bend just as the district of Thus terminated an interesting driver noticed that there was an Vanity Fair was reached the and successful meeting.
obstacle on both rails about. away from him. Barbados promptly applied his brakes but before the train could brought to a standstill, it had Messrs Stroud and Inetals, witho brushed aside the obstructions without any accident Adams, Barbados scholars of On examination of the spot, 1917 and 1918, respectively, will was viscovered that a large be proceeding to England during stone was placed on one of the the month to continue their rai s, and on the other one studies. Mr. Stroud will take heavy bit of iron. The train con medicine, and Mr. Adams law. sisted of two couches filled with Mr. Lionel Reeves, son of Mr. passengers, drawn by engine Clarence Reves, will also be No.
leaving during the month for The driver, conductor and Edinburgh where he will take a brakesman were on the alert for medical course; and Mr.
Reece, son of the acting Attor any attempt to wreck the loco ney General will enter the Inns fiendish act might have resulted motive; but for this vigilance the of the Court.
in the loss of a number of lives The bill to authorize the Brl especially as a deep gully is on tish Union Oil Co, Ltd. to con the side of the rails where the struct and maintain a Petroleum obstacles were placed.
supply Station in Bridgetown Barbados which was retently passed by the House of Assem Saxon Petroleum Company, Ltd.
bly has been unanimously con to whom similar rights had been firmed by the Legislative Coungranted a few months ago, had oil.
refused to accept the provisions In deference to the wishes of should be on hand a sufficient in the Bill which set out there a pot inconsiderable section of Bowen, Gooding, M Selloul to any ship calling here.
the Barbados public, Messrs, supply of oil for bunkering purposes, and not to refuse to Manning. Pitcher and As their objection could not be Stroud have formed themselves on committee for the purpose the concession Ves entertained they had abandoned of receiving subscriptions to a Colongo and left the the memory of the late Dr. Colin Bowen, Parochial Officer of St, Michael s; who by his general Whilst working in the Harbour kindliness of spirit.
high sense on board a coal steamer on Tuesof duty, and urbanity, bad en day last, James Edghill of Watdeared himself to all classes in enough to have his hat blown king Alley was unfortunate the community.
The Barbados House of Assem. mer, he at once lowered himself overboard. Being a good swim bly has voted a sum of 400 to by a rope into the water, went meet the cost of purchasing two after the hat, secured it and began machine guns mounted on side swimming to the ship. He, how ears attached to motor cycles for ever, disappeared suddenly from the use of the Volunteer Force. the water surface and the most anxious search falled to locate his body.
It was concluded that At Tuesday meeting of the he was a victim of sharks, a House of Assembly, a Bill to au couple of which were seen in the thorise the British Union Oil vicinity of the ship, but on Company, Ltd. to construct and Thursday night the body was maintain a petroleum supply Sta found in the Harbour and taken tion at Needham Point was un to the Public Mortuary where an animously passed. In introducing inquest was held yesterday.
the measure, the Acting Attorney verdict of death from drowning General expiained that the Anglo was returned COUNTER DEMAND IS AID PROM HOME GOVERNMENT OR High and Low Cut UNION WITH CANADA late London despatch which in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet appeared in the Jamaica Gleaner of the 12th inst. states that the Pocket of All there is a serious movement afoot in Jamaica for annexation to United States. To cbock the sentiment it is is demanded that Britain rescued the Colony from MULLER industrial stagnation or Canada agree to some form of of political and industrial Sole Agent union which will free enterchange of commerce and guarantee shipping 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA Fruit Company This information was given by an official fepresentatative of the Jamaica Colonial Government, who says hundreds of demobilized soldiers are re.
Dr. CD to Jainaica finding no SURGEON DENTIST out.
Many of men are leaving the islands never to return. The same situaCan be found at 175 Do you know that we keep the tion exists in the Bajam is on a most complete Assortment of Central Avenue smaller scale.
Opposite Station My informant asserts the Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, United Fruit Company, bas during the war, been practically the We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee WILKINSON of Jamaica citrus fruits, vesco distributor every Article we sell.
hard wood CONTRACTOR BUILDER out put. The cost of living on. Here are some of our Stock the Islands has risen enormously one Gran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves First Class Workmanship and is not met by increased rePlans and Specifications Free venue, said the official. Several years ago Joseph Bats Batting Gloves Chamberlain when Secretary 15th Street West House 90 for the Colonies, attempted to Cricket Bales and Score Books.
subsidize competing steamships Box 411, Panama, from Bristol, but the British line was soon smothered by the Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you Uuited Fruit Company compe Lessons Given come and look over our Sporting Department tition and retired froin business, with the result that the banana THE MADURO COMPANY on the Clarinet, the leading planters are getting one half of 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 Band: Instrument. Band or what they once did for their proOrchestra furnished for all labourers more than from 60 to duct and are unable to pay their kinds of engagements.
75 cents a day. Plantations NEILSON leased by the trust are able to Open all Day Saturday, until 30 pay higher wages and are draw.
Clarinetist Republican Band ing labour away Ancon Phone 1053 16 St. West, House 27, Panama Political union with Canada, to informant, is the ALLMAN only alternative to annexation or LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR complete ruin. Jamaica now is giving Britain thirty three land Between 10th and 11th Sts. one third per cent, peference in Bottle Alley. Colon, her market over foreign coun.
Overtures already have been Competitors for the MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER made in Canada for political LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY union Latest English and American Fashions, NOTICE.
Also Cleaning Pressing As there have been many new COMPETITION Your Patronage Solicited changes of secretaries of Friend Prices Moderate ly Societies at the regular hall of 50 (Pesos) Cash Prizes early election, the Friendly MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY. Societis Directory which form erly appeared inthe Workman Are hereby reminded that the timeis held up pending the changes.
limit (Tuesday September 30, WM. LAWRENCE Will the new secretaries there fore be 1919) for turning in Wrappers to Tailor and Outfitter the WORKMAN PRINTERY is Panama Hats Deaier in School Books, drawing near.
and Stationary. CLEANED, and BLOCKED GET BUSY COMPETITORS and TRIMMED to Order No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave. ALSO Collect your Wrappers and be sure they are properly addressed and forwarded to MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Address: THE WORKMAN PRINTERY HOUSE No. 965, La Boca Box 805, Ancon Z, CENTRAL AVENUE STREET No. The Excelsior Box 74, Panama, NEED Furniture Store pendent planters from the inde.
according to chain ATTENTION. Octagon (Soap) Wrappers WATCH THE WOMAN EXCHANGE All kinds of FURNITURE, TOOLS and other ARTICLES, We Always have in Handa Com. bought, sold, and exchanged at plete line at Reliable Low Prices moderate prices.
No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
Give us a call Before Go. ng ElseBe alive to your luterests, where. You are sure to be on Time and deal with the man who if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US protects you. SANGUINETTI BROWN, Remember We Make Wed. Corner 3rd November and 19th ding Rings and Other Streets, Guachapall.
Jewelry to Order Ancon Box 836, FULLER is the MAN You Want to see ADVERTISE IN 122 CENTRAL AVENUE The Workman Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 IT PAYS Mrs. ANN THOMAS, DRESSMAKER Proprietress.


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