
Published on Saturdays by HN nue and corner of Street, Panama, de P. Box 74. Panama One Year Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 30 600 25.
One Dear wish to call you attention to the Like all to ol money by to to day. In The most amusing sort of sept, man whose zeal for execution of their duty. It is common sults and maltreatment? Does a in possession PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 Editorialettes. the effort of a weary brain The Returned Letter of Conwhen the strain of a prolongTHE WORKMAN Rough house Stunts: ed conversation has exhaust Soldiers gratulation.
While any sober mind will ed all sensible ideas. The (By EDUARDO MORALES. admit that there are gentle question doesn even deserve Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters men among the soldiers and discussions the improbab li What Can be done for them Negro Fellow Men and Women: sailors of the United States, have either fears or fancy. It ties are tob great for us to heartily congratulate you for of public interest invited (By WYNTER) the staunch manner in which you All copy for publication must be the happenings in Panama may be true that the wish is have determined to establish our written on one side of paper only, and and Colon of late tend to the father of the thought but in of unrest in this community which may cotting the Pernicious Church There is at present unmistakable signs ractal pride and respect toy boy RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of impression that the number this case the wish is as wild as lead to very serious results unless some Picnics There are many more 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica is very small, as compared a buzzard in a wind storm. thing is done to remove the disquietude such vices to be suppressed, but with the rough necks and West Indians who gave the and unsettled conditions at present we do not undertake to return cut ups who take the cities matter any kind of attention over one thousand British West Indian isting.
rejected correspondence During the past few months we must take one at a time.
To those who have not clearly on their backs when on leave. may feel settled that the ru soldiers luve returned to this Republic, seen with us as yet, wish to Such practices as doing a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS chauffeur out of his hire and mor came from no authentic and a very regrettable circumstance is make a few remarks friends, we the New Negroes running off with his car after it only means a waste of much source and engagement over that these men are unemployed.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 am not one of that class of men who following facts.
punching his top piece, or valuable time.
would consider that having their Labor Day, Or the Holiday of Labor.
starting a battle royal in a grievances against the British govern1. We are against the Church restaurant after getting filled ment, Panams is the right place to give Picnic business, because it is deup or half murdering a Pana Cricket: expression to those grievances.
moralizing to our race. White More than thirty years ago labor pitched into its own manian on the beach may look human agencies of government, the men, Chinese; and Indians would With the coming of better British government has its defects, but never be approached because when the foundations of its now recognised holiday were like fun to a bunch of un cricket ovals one naturally boom am still unconvinced that any other they consider themselves above laid by the Knights of Labor at their general assembly in principled men such degrading who think expects to see great improve government having the responsibilities stooping that their uniforms are enoughments in the game both with races, dealing with communities of mixed the City of New York in 1882 which was followed by a unities of mixed amusements, and being economie rate, is competent to govern negroes, ford to throw away their ked and non frivolous they cannot af great parade by the Central Labor Union in that city on to conceal correct identity, the leather and the wil until the negroes are competent to gov for September 5, of the same year. This significant act was re but if they continue these low. but there is hardly a era themselves. am no doubt more in such unneccesary pleasures They cannot afford to allow their peated the next year on the first Monday in September, and stunts much longer they will cricketer, whether amateur or British than many English den. for wives, mothers, daughters or another year later a resolution proposed by the renowned learn that there are more ways professional, who expects to this reason have me want that is sisters labor leader George Lloyd, himself a distinguished to fix a dog than by hanging see improvement in umpirical wire short and they have noget interests: ness of the degenerates, but Knight of Labor, ushered into history the first Monday of him. The cosmopolitan popu one sidedness (if a harder word who co tablish aber belief that the British rather do their utmost best to ignoring that body of Kiekere September as the grand day for labor parades now known lation of Panama is one that must not be used. The grand government should follow these and bet pall them out of the ditch. If in almost every State in the great North American Union, should make every rough neck old game! Why can a man ter their conditions wherever they may we are desirous of obtaining self respect, In this way Labor Day, by legislation, has become a think twice before starting a appointed to umpire a game loot te reside, have had the companion knowledge of the service doing likewise. We must be less public holiday, and the one day in the year dedicated to rumpus, and it would be to be as honest in the presence of coobring to their Bruun frivolous, and become more seri the sweat of the face. Through the years that have and sailor to remember he is be would be in an office or in and that to prevent the very seriou shops, we ought to be thinking the interest of every soldier three thousand spectators as pr»val of the returned soldiers to Pane thoughts on pienics and rum reprentative bere by uroserved crved disap: ous. Instead of concentrating our elapsed from the inception of the holiday to the present man and time there have been struggles, battles and movements not a licensed a bar room? Why take such consequences which is looming in the out means for the establishing of to run over ugly chances at making a distance between the Panama police a some business concern or steam roller political and economic until to day the United States GovUnited States Army and naval men, other that would put us on a finanthe ernment finds that the American Federation of Labor. and smash up everything in favorite side win when placed something should be done for the movement Panama and Colon.
the off shoot of the old Knights of Labor and other Amalto show fair play in final decicial standard with the other to know, gamated Unions an institution to reckon with.
pranks on the Zone? Is it be to bear nearly everybody or this opportunity of giving them the income. Have you ever noticed, Why dont they try these sions? Doesn it sound rotten they are not aware of the fact, take races of the world let us begin to morrow may never In prestine times labor was enforced and came as the cause they have more respeet both sides of the game declare formation as expressed by the returned that all other races come here result of defeat in battle or domination by rule. Later, labor for the Zone laws than those serious doubts about an un ex soldiers that their side are not ur poor and become rich through was bartered and its sale and transportation from the of Panama?
African slave markets became the most profitable busia state to uoeept placidly and without Negroes patronage?
Why should favorable decision against a protests the inflicting of broken batsman? Who doesn know and arms in the barbarous we allow ourselves to remain the ness in eighteenth century commercialism, These iDanner convenience of other races? What an lb. in these days ex bitherto adopted by the police in the do they give us in return but in human and undignified systems died when the last stroke Be Easy: was given to commercialized labor in the United States, and now Liberty of Labor and Dignity of Labor are expressions ef conditions which have made the twen. came from a source that had greater than his knowledge of the police along with the best een land ing promoted by a peeacher or a church tieth century the brightest, as yet, in the history of the nothing else to offer than the it. Let have sensible um yers of the city are making corakition: Tery warm for the rebumet men Does a girl become more holy races.
adle thought that Great Bri. pires next time.
During the recent visit of the United when she goes into a bachelor Labor has, like all other realities, undergone its pro tain would cede the West InA CORRECTION States Preifie fleet, the Panama police room or the red light districts cess of evolution. From the voiceless pains of subjugation, dian islands to the United proved themselves incompetent to pro begging money for the church and passing through the times of stagnant serfdom to the States in payment for Eng. In our issue of the sth inst. tect peaceful citizens on the streets In than when she begs it for herself?
present era of freedom labor has not been without its throes land war debt to America. Paxe, in article Corsfort y countoro spite of the striet regulations agninst the The sports of Colon and Panama of. men and women have e of suffering and experience of anxiety. In her efforts to be The same gossip went there my people paragraph 3, where is of sailors and sokdiere were drunk and their determination to quit pieexpressed The world has Free labor has caused revolutions and civil wars; and, like a rounds a few months ago in is made giant crocodile bursting forth from a winter hibernation, regard to the renchs posses en nade sale for dernoersey and to the disgust and annoyance of this nicing and stick to their business, comutannity, several lians and and many of those who one negroes have belped hardly bo do militant labor has convulsed governments and changed sions in the West Indies and it should real and negroes have to wed profusely from their faces, in the ous, are to be seen selling these Panamanians were assaulted and blood would have considered more seri the political complexion of several states all oyer the world. both might be regarded as helped largely wo do it.
presence of the Panama Police, vet picnic tickets. was speaking to But the dawn of freedom brought with it a string of nothing was done to prevent the as a picnic ticket vendor on Wedprob lems which statesmen and commercialists have failed labor. as well as the days of specious delineations as to maintiems were con teoretiensibile as the admitted indirectly that the mic The conduct of naval she to solve. One of the earliest of these problems was competi contributive utility and negligible efforts have faded before suides theinselves. Now as have men nic business is rotten tive labor. This shot the employer up in mid air on finan the practical questions of modern industrialism, so that tied before. we have over one thou do not go to the pic nic go to cial stilts and brought to his feet the cheapest labor he in these present days men are appealing to reason and returned soldiers from the buttle see a friend. Now, this is very ttle selfish, what is not good for way in favor of the employees where industry was prolific, autocracy of incorporated institutions.
drunkeness disorderliness have been. you, should not be good it placed labor at the mercy of the capitalist, and in that way instance members of your race In speakproved unsatisfactory. From this stage labor passed into The general demands for better pay and shorter work bas been recorded where they have in ing to another member of the. molested the system of organized effort manifesting its strength in ing hours, among other things needing readjustment, are wütents of this city. Theiten desciplines for Christ Church, he told me strikes, boy cotts and lock outs in order to make capital not expressed by mutterings but by plain decisive and out and morale have been of the highest it is for a good cause decent and cause employers to think more of the earning spoken language, at all times, but more convincingly on that could be anticipated from such it is to lengthen the church.
order to lengthen ability of their servants; and from this significant aspect Labor Day when millions of full ledged Unionists scatter barge number of men who are mostly labor has transited into the more importantant feature in ed all over the world, re aft. rm their determination to unlettered; therefore fail to understand church a Wiggle wagte snaite which concentrated capital meets organized labor in the have what they want when they want it.
en het nie Wahy have commardly and stappente must be established, attack upon West Indians suppose when it system of collective bargaining as obtains at the present One of the richest by products of the war is the Ren have no desire to harass or be hoe ed, another course much more the degrading may be resorted to time.
naissance of Labor. The workingmen who made the foun tile to either the Panacas Police United States Organized labor is of two distinct classes. It is either dries hum and turned the wheels of indespensable On behalf of the West Indiane; in the it, you will never have wat met or military men.
peide; without sober and law abiding or revolutionary and anarchistic. locomotives, and who transformed raw materials into present state of uarest and the wingetted spect.
The socialistic element in organized labor, because of its ir usefut commodities for the fighters on sea, on land and in state of the ex soldico minds who have Help us save our boys and girls.
regular platform, failed to dominate the interests of Fed air, are now, at the close of the war, laying the claims of just returned from the most barbarous erated labor and became a detached segment that devel a peo ple without whom the end of the war would have more time walela base por escolarlos ROYAL PRIMROSE ENoped into the Industrial Workers of the World. The been disastrous to the Allies.
most savage passions and of human nature have been awakened, TERTAINMENT Bolshevistic tendencies of the are now too gen Laber punehed Germs. ny in the face and disfigured in the duty of intelligent mind to erally known for this kind of organization to command her for life, while it kicked Ťurkey and Austria out of na assist these returned heroes to a return The entertainment pulled off any respect from well balanced workingmen, and the tional existence. The successes on the battlefield were to foster in their minds roopoot for the 10106 on Saturday nights 23rd to peaceful and industrious ions by the Royal Primrose Lodge No.
revolutionary features of socialism, as well, do not speak achieved more through the munitions and supplies of war authorities, and to forget their racial insong before the house. was success.
anything in favor of that branch of organized industry. the productions of labor than by any other means, and grievances normal conditions have the starting The policy of terrorizing governments and corporations demobilized labor can vie with demobilized forces in been returned and the period of crowded with plea: never did work well either for the terrorists or (against claiming We won the war.
struction in the British Empire, sure seekers, all bent on having their victims in enlightened countries, and while it forced government, in which have the good time. The chair was taken We on the Isthmus join with our brethren all over the most unlimited confidence, will do justico by Bro. Stephens, the of political Russia into the back ground, it is dying out in world on this grand day when labor pauses so as to im to the Empire the Lodge, who proved himself the great nations as the futile effort of illiterate mal press and instruct capital and politics as to her own true from e contents.
strength and importance. year ago we were on the outIt the returned ing chorus, What kind of Amer: The American Federation of Labor is the one grand or side looking in, but to day we are safe inside looking scorn Panama even although they so request soldiers should have been returned to are you? was exceedingly well rendered by the Primrose ganization to day that explains the loyal mind of the work fully upon those of other races who tried to keep us out, ed. Sir Claude Mallet before he left Choir, and as well received by the ingmen and announces to the world the demands of labor, and pitifully on those of our own race who called us fools this not as they are fancied, but as they exist. All trade unions for becoming Unionists. Weare members of an institu polietis here the center comblo con edition, then the great laughter began this Republic informed the British gov crowd.
that are affiliated with the are as safe as safety tion whose integrity has, up to the present, remained and it isi sherte reticisi o momento esterno ed and continued through every itself, and the colored locals on the Canal Zone, Panama unquestioned, and whose loyalty to the State has more government, who undoubtedly will be piece rendered by them. The than respon ed by the members of the choir, different institution that commenced using its political stick fifteen were busy laying bombs and setting fires of sibilities should anything occur.
years ago when Congress passed a law declaring that the anarchistic design, the American Federation of Labor gave masterly done and were man who is honest with himself nearly all encored, but as the labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of up Labor Day as a sacrificial contribution to the cause of cannot argue that the British government programme was such a lengthy commerce. Then, as now, the grand old man Samuel the country and all members put in the day labor free dis layed very good common sense. They one, only a few encores could be Gompers was president, and to day the ramifications of for Uncle Sam. The platform of our institution and the have demonstrated a parsimonious lack responded to affiliated unions scattered all over the world are still call loyalty of its members should make us all proud of being the soldiers are however, here, and to a close some time after 12 of national honour and colonial interest The proceeding was brought ing this name as that of the father of organized labor. members of the and which is the problems at present for this com o clock by the singing of the NaOn Labor Day industry talks with unmistakable em affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, and on munity and more so, the British Lega tional Anthem. The behaviour phasis and throws down before the lines of entrenched this first Labor Day that finds us lined up with the world tion and the West Indians, are what can was exceptionally good. That capital a challenge that is making the money kings and of sensible workingmen we say, Here one to organized done to return those men to peace boisterous and overdoing Taps ful and industrial life. will in the plause was conspicuous by its abfinanciers sweep out their upper story. The times of meta ed Labor! Here one to better times! Here one to Sam next inue of this paper deal with the sence Well done fellow West physical speculation over productive and non productive Gompers!
labour problem and its solution. Indians!
appear Nest sults stating on the exemplary Not a single (the because Well, it in this of the out.
To reconroom was begun in German domination.
ican are ar were


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