
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE no oil in music cuted on their at 5pm. with Mr.
ohall in wicket and to en them out of Panama Optical Co.
God the manner. of of R, storm, George boxSXOSSO SEX X50 como: Open Forum Contonued frow page Dear Mr. Editor: LA BOCA Please allow me space in your widely eireulated paper especially among the BIRTHS.
Silver Employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad to call the attenBar Me Laurie Pile of tion of such employees just a moment, Lul Brother AND for as St. John the Divine said in the food Lauri one with an book of Revelations that he saw a MighUnum happy ty Angel coming down from Heaven clothed with a cloud and there was wo As he benced by many onlookmighty rumbling and thunders and le heard a voica saying am Alpha and ors, the Bass section of the Silver City Omega the beginning and the ending Band has been very much more proAnd when all these thunders uttered their hat date.
voicee and someone was about to write great voice was heard saying don Born to Mr. and Mrs. Briggs of LA write; Boca son on August 26th Bouquet de Now when we take this from another Golofins was in evidence thronghout the with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
point of view we find that the Angel was our honourable Mr. Severs who came down from Maintenance of Way Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grannum of ployees and Railway Shop Labourers La Bora, a man on August 16, Mother headquarters, clothed with the legal and baby are doing well.
documents to organise the Silver En ployees of the Panama Canal and PanaTho Silver City Band goes to Cristobol ma Railroad and when there was In night to perform at the mighty rumbling and grumbling and he (colored) there, and will return in time was about to write the arganization of the to take up their duties at the Standard abs Xocxoo SOOME SOSOK Silver Employees be heard a mighty Grounds at 9:00 a. m, voice protest saying don write, but he answered saying that am Alpha and Wedding Bells.
Omega the beginning and the ending teautiful performance by the Junior his backers. Credit must be given the through some mistake placed. maladies Let trust they will really the beginning of UNITY, organizing the very pretty wedding took branch, the success of which is large excellent behavior of those who witnesed Soalo who was not successful thus through and return safe to Gatun Silver Employees and the ending of tow place at the Wesleyan Church, ly due to Mrs. Millington their tutor the garne, ale to our esteemed Catech causing the windy City cup holders salaries paid the Employees of the PanLa Boca, Canal Zone on Sunday who is berself a member of the Senior ist Laurie, for keeping the score. to triumph over the lock City boys. Evans Bailey employee of the Munici ama Canal and Panama Railroad.
afternoon August 24th, 1919.
Society After the game Ice Cream Sandwiches, Sussex closing their inning for 13 runs pal Dept. at this town. returned from Oh! My fellow men those of you who Ancon Hospital last week after a painful have not east in your lot with the ce The contracting parties were aerated drinke were served, and several songs by our popular Prima Donna Miss operation on one of h! ears. All his oc of of and R, for any Mr.
Edwin Myers, son of Mr.
GAMBOA Richards, accompanied by Barton Last Saturday night Aug 23rd inst. Workers join in wishing him a speedy te. Cause except financial embarroment al and Mrs. Robert Myers of Vaux Hall, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, and on the Piano were sung, thus a pleasant before a fair crowd of Spectators, covery the sult of the earth who hath lost its Miss Ethel Heath, of Hamp Celebrates Christening of and interes ing evening came to a close Colon Junior Minstrels pulled off Well, Well, let go, no waiting again, savor and therefore good for nothing, ton, St. James, Jamaica.
Young Townsend. with Maycock adorned with the Lack most interesting entertainment at the flag as champion of the Pocket Billiards coloured Clubhouse of this section. we are all one, and when our reporter and if financial embarrsment in your The bride looked charming as Mr and Mrs Townsend entertained of Gatun James Martin, Business Manager says so its only left for those who are cause you had better get busy or wait she walked up the aisle of the a cor any of friends at their residence and interlocutor, opened tha procred slackers to consult with themselves; get will be too late. Do not put off to day for Church, leaning on the arm of Serday the 24th, in honor of the christening at 15 pm by introducing a ready for that big parade which will to morrow, for today is your day of Mr. Gittens, the Groomsman ing of their son Ernest George. The cere.
Sussex Defeated Gatun very short and up to date address, take place rain or shine on Monday Salvation if you cast in your lot, and toThe dress was of Charmeuse, mony was performed at Paraiso on SunC.
after which a lengthly programme Sept. 1st. Gatun three lodges Persermorrow will be your day for Damnativu trimmed with pecure and orange day last by the Rev. Nightengale, but Before one of the largest crowds of consisting of various songs, ays, vance, Eureka, Success which are over if you do not cast in your lot. Don be Comedian acts was enjoyed by eight hundred strong along with thoufound wanting blossom. The train was of satin the celebration was postponed for this in their lamps to meet padded with satin and Georgette Sunday owing to that of Mr. and Spectators and lovers of the old all those attending Messrs Martin, sends at Colon, will show what good were with as the five foolish virgins and Mrs. Cricket. Gatun went domn to crepe, and decorated with pearl Williams daughter which came off last defeat before Sussex. from on Allen Prescot, and others the is doing for the Bride Groom when he comes, for in the pot far distance you will find some beads and orange blossoms; Sun be congratulated and will be the betterment of the Colored population body, somewhere who have been prose: The home was beautifully de on Sunday last.
which was borne by four young cora ed, and the table was well stocked Sussex winning the tose volt rommbered hv Catun Resi in this world. Come and see for yoursel bolso ladies. The viel was caught up with all kinds of eats.
The function Lock Trundlers to bat first on a dam function.
or omiy the sant ves on Monday three bands of way to prosecute the Silver with orange blossoms. The chief started Cohall will be in attendance.
Employers of the Panama Canal and to face the deau toaline bridesmaid was Miss Chenist the chair. Speeches were given by all the of Elcock, and Lynton who played and Panama Railroad by not giving. Lalies Ausiliar will be stay who wore a dress of Charmeuse, men and if good wishe; count for any old havoc with the strong bits 1e. ing a Grand Priok Tea on the whit them a living wage and still trying to a raped with silver lace and thing Ernest Ci sorge can expect a long turning them one after anothers when of the 13th of September 1919. all an ke them out (something trimmings.
has long promised every one) will find life strewa with roses, Special men at the fall of the eighth wicket for the cordially invited: bring th little ones The ceremony was performed tion must be ide of Mrs. Edith Gren home wam they were a balvas. Admiston Adults. etss thetaselves lying dumfounded by the by the Rev. s: Loveridge in the son; bird of Gamboa) for the way sam Bourne having as the discs. Its resenti wayuide crying Lord what will yon we. his usual impressive and solemn in which she rendered her solo. tro run.
lave me to do the same as old Saul of Lod Hall will be the place of raj.
of gentlemen also rendered a fine piece Their inning closed for 39 runs of ment.
Tarsus was in the days of old, for the is riding in After the ceremony the coun the line towns and Panama, wore well which Baker was reponsible for akos 30 runs contributed in tine batting makes Ms. EL Ward, wife of Mr. EL and wonders here will be performpany drove away to the home of represented. Ernest ed whenthe Silver Employees are organithe style and Linton 13 were the only Ward, emplove of the Commissary EYES EXAMINED the bridegroom. at Caledonia, the sixth young Townsend of zed Seventeen Thousand rong, Panama City when the good family Mr. Townsead was so much two men to get into double figures for at this town returned from ancoa GLASSES PRESCRIBED nied the Club Houses to hold meetings My dear fellow men you may be de things generally provided at such pleased in the way things were con. the home team. too much credit can. Hospital op Wodzesday 27th inst. re.
functions were partaken of, and duted that in his reply of thanks to not be given them as they collared ports states that her condit many toasts of congratulations those present said in part. He hoped it the bowling thus separating the two greatly improved after remaining for Perfect fair and near vision in of the W. E, which are peaceful and for a one pair of glasses.
a good cause and good wishes were showered will not be many years before they windy city trundlers who had made a three wees at the above mentioned they are not for would again be called to celebrate the stand After the usual intermission institution on the bappy pair.
of PonspirIf you do not need glasses we ay against the Government to declare Among those pre sent were arrival of the Seventh Townsend. Thus, Sussex went in with all confidence of Mrs Thomas Catlin wife of Tom will tell you so frankly. strikes, ete, but on the contrary you are Mr. Mrs. Linton, Messrs. Bart en led a pleasant evening at pm wiping the score orl with their first Catlin Clerk omployed at the Con. We offer best Optical Service, law abiding citizens and your meetings ley, Barth, Heath. Mrs.
Surat Alex Miller an old timer of txo batsmen, but they too commenced commenced struction of Dams, will be sailing for of letting Democracy Clarke. Mrs. Goodridge. Mrs. Gambon and an ex Contingent Catun ce in their tirst inning; any day, all her friend and acqnaintances Office. 182 Bolivar Street, Silver Employees of the Panama Canal are for the purpose of like rice her Standford, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. man paid a visit to his old friends on spread forth her golden win wings to the Dumay the Messrs. Lawson, Sunday. The boys were all eager to way as the old saying goes never give wish her a safe and pleasant voyage COLON Gallimore, Lynch, Smith, hear of his experience and by them over there, op nntil the last man is down, this Cant past as Sussex lost eight of (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE Walker and many others Quite a large number of our residents living wage and when you meet your He spoke in klowing terms of France their wickets far 30 when are at Ancon and Colon Hospitals, most peacefully discuss Ways and means to the (Jamaica papers please copy. and repeated the words of Marshal Foch Euria Captain of the home team them are under treatment for minor Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. the Club Houses told such meetings desired end, and if you are still denied France knows no Color line.
Sunday School Teachers it will be all right you will bold their party of young folks from Panama inst the Examination. came here for an outing on Sunday.
just the same sometime and somewhere and the grand old The usual quarterly Sunday School Those of the party were Ladies, Nissco and Teachers Examination Ots; Gentle will go merry warching on with the great warriors as: Carter, Stoute.
with the St. Peter church school was men, Messrs Bowen and Robinson at the Rectory on Tuesday eve. Killingbeck and Dunn and returned on were Innis, Morales and that champion little entertained by Messrs ing the 26th inst. owing to the various the 20 train to the city. Gam.
defender of the cause the WORKMAN unforeseen circumstances the majority and many other too numerous to moution at the head holding the tri fold banof teachers were absent. Among the boa expects to be there in the parade.
You can turn out per from trailing in the dust.
five present were four Junior teachers MOTOR COFFEE My fellow men we want UNITY and and one senior This examination will GRINDING GATUN more work in a however be repeated in the near future a its free the same as Salvation, you are a for the benefit of the absent teachers.
given time or the suppressed employee and are sick with sufferage and supression, the only doctor Ghampion Game of Pocket know can cure this sickness is UNITY, Wedding Bells Billiards took place same in less time for as Samson said there is where the On Sunday evening at 2, 30 and strength lies; but we must confess to o clock 24 inst. La Boca saw a repeti champion game of Pocket Billiards certain extent that your suppression is partly due to yourselves for in the past tion of three weddings similar to that took place at the Colored Clubhouse on you have not been organized 100 of the previous Sunday. Two of these Monday night 25 inst. when under the therefore you could not submit your Auspices of Messers Maycock, Emweddings were performed in the Episao: ployee of the Look Dept. representing claims 100 strong, but that time is pal Chu motor on each thing of the past.
and one in the Wesleyan by the Rev. the Locks challenged Rusty, Employee Loveridge. This latter Les of the Commissary Division. Precisely that of My dear fellowmen it is one more item machine or Ethel Ruben Heath to Edward at 30 pm: Sentey employed as care a of very importance that want to pray PAI taker of the beautiful billiard tables The bride was beautifully takeroth Myers.
that we bury and forget, that is we try group of madressed and carried a lovely bouquet opened the game by pushing sometimes to bring Nationality in our on the table, also her maid, four children and one after which ete. want to remind business afisirs chines chief brides maid.
cock was handed his cue. From the The children bore means you that nigardless if one comes from her sattin train in a very marked and commencement of the game until the the darkest jungles of Africa he is our graceful manner; quite a number of the champion of the locks was leading up to four hundred points power economy, Brother and if he he has not been fortunate beautifully attired guests were presente enough to have the while the at these three weddings.
attendance since power need of spectators ience in life as some of us have let us and rooters rooted for their favourite the teach him for we are our brother keepgame was one of the most interesting er, and if we find one of our rare. Literary Meeting of the and exciting ever seen at this vicinity acting disgraceful to the race call his Maycock played most steady game, except as need attention to the fact that he is wrong La Boca Club.
making the balls whix for ask him to mend his ways and advise The Literary meeting of the La Boca whilst Rusty was at home, going off in him he must respect himself if he desire Club held on Thursday eyening 28th the pockets. The highest individual score others to respect him, then when this is was unusually interesting, the ro was made by Maycock, who scored 29 done UNITY will come to stay gramme contained many ritu idats points at one break. will tell you what know UNITY among which are the very unique parts When the six hundred points were has done in the United States of Ameritaken by the junior branch of the Socie being nared the rooters and spectators Phone 602 Phone 150 ca for our race eight thousand men unitty. very notable address was ren jumped for joy and gladness when they ed each drawing a salary from two to dered by Dr. Anderson Toe Presi saw the champions had three points each two and a half dollar per day purchase dent Mr. Jump asked that the audience to make with the commissary champion a lot and built a building for ane hungive three cheers as a mark of apprecis all in their favor, but Maycock kept SANTA ANA PLAZA BOLIVAR STREET dred thousand dollars and paid for it in tion. This was done in the usual man his nerve and placed the knock out blow Panama.
two years this was in the state of Lousimer. The meeting was brought to a which caused uproars of applause and Colon.
na, and in the state of Georgia know close in a very attractive manner by she was bodily taken on the shoulders of where seventeen thousand men united Continued on page for the purpose as the runs in connection Shield Hay DO IT ELECTRICALLY held with. ELECTRIC MOTORS Was the first ballon two rivals got the education or or experale the large Go not be consumed caroms, ed. Controlled by the pressure of a finger, no skilled attendants ar necessary for the care and operation.
Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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